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Arkansas Pastor Involved in Crash Claiming Lives of 2 Daughters

By Colleen Houde
fryar arkansas
Chad and Rachel Fryar pictured with their three children. (Courtesy image)

Congregants of a church in Arkansas are reeling after their pastor and his children were involved in a fatal collision.

Chad Fryar, the pastor of Crossroads Cowboy Church in El Paso, Arkansas, was driving with his three children Thursday afternoon when they collided with a train.

According to Arkansas State Police, a Union Pacific train crashed into a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado crossing the tracks on Richwoods Road in Clark County at around 2 p.m. Thursday.

The impact killed his two daughters, Maralee Jo and Dana Kate. Chad and his son, Bo Henry, suffered serious injuries. They were taken to hospital in stable condition and have since been discharged. 

“We are devastated by this tragic event and the loss of Marlee Jo and Dana Kate,” stated the church in a social media post.

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The church is now asking for prayer for the family as they move forward following this tragedy.

“Chad and Rachel were an integral part of Crossroads Cowboy Church-El Paso. They have been with us from the beginning, and we consider them family. They have a solid faith and understanding of God, which was evident when they stepped out in faith to launch the Bismark location. We know this solid foundation will help them navigate this difficult time.”  

This article was originally published by CHVN.

Journalist Colleen Houde is a news writer and on-air host at CHVN in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.



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