

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


IHOPKC Founder Mike Bickle Sexually Abused 17 Women, Investigation Finds

By Rebecca Hopkins
mike bickle ihopkc
Mike Bickle preaches at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City in July 2015. (Video Screengrab)

Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer-Kansas City (IHOPKC) groomed and sexually abused 17 women, some of whom were minors, according to an independent investigation released tonight. In some cases, the abuse constituted rape, the investigation found.

“Throughout the investigation, we have identified and interviewed seventeen (17) Survivors who were either sexually abused or experienced sexually abusive misconduct, including sexual abuse, rape, clergy abuse, and spiritual abuse, perpetrated by BICKLE beginning to our knowledge in the mid-1970s,” stated the report by Firefly Independent Sexual Abuse Investigations. “These acts of abuse have had profound and lasting impacts on the lives of the victims, causing significant emotional, psychological, and spiritual harm.”

Bickle and his Executive Leadership Team (ELT) also responded to reports of sexual abuse with “deliberate indifference” and discouraged victims from involving law enforcement, the report added.

“This indifference not only exacerbated the trauma experienced by the victims but also allowed the perpetrators to evade accountability and continue their misconduct,” the report stated.

The Roys Report (TRR) reached out to Bickle for comment, but he did not immediately respond.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you can elect to receive a copy of “Safe Church: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities’ by Dr. Andrew Bauman, click here.

TRR also sought comment from IHOPKC’s press office but received no immediate response.

On October 29, 2023, members of IHOPKC’s Executive Leadership Team — (left to right) Lenny LaGuardia, David Sliker, Stuart Greaves, and Isaac Bennett — addressed allegations against IHOP-KC founder Mike Bickle. (Video screengrab)

The investigation into allegations of sexual abuse at IHOPKC since the 1990s was commissioned and funded by the Messianic Jewish network Tikkun Global. Firefly conducted the investigation, which resulted in a 68-page report.

Since late 2023, multiple women have come forward, accusing Bickle of sexually abusing them, beginning when some were just teenagers. Three women reported their abuse to the press. An  investigator that IHOPKC hired found an additional “Jane Doe.”

However, this is the first investigation to reveal that Bickle had more than a dozen victims.

“Today marks a new season: Accountability,” wrote former IHOPKC staffer Susan Tuma today on X.

Firefly’s report is a full, unedited, unredacted report, as Tikkun previously promised. Firefly conducted more than 220 interviews for their investigation, wrote Ron Cantor, member of the Tikkun Global Investigation Coordination team on X today.  

Bickle also used prophecy with his victims, but then would also isolate, control, and touch their bodies, creating situations in which they would see him “undressed and aroused,” the Firefly report stated. Bickle also used “Matthew 18 Meetings” to “conceal, minimize, and silence victims,” the Firefly report stated.

Amidst allegations, in December 2023, IHOPKC “formally and permanently” separated from Bickle for “inappropriate behavior.”

mike bickle
Mike Bickle (Photo: Facebook)

Alleged victims of other instances of sexual abuse by other IHOPKC staff have also accused IHOPKC of mishandling their reports of abuse. And several alleged victims refused to cooperate with an earlier third-party investigation commissioned by IHOPKC, saying it was not truly independent.

As a result, an Advocate Group of 16 former IHOPKC leaders asked Tikkun to commission an investigation. However, IHOPKC has chosen not to endorse the investigation, according to Tikkun’s statement from last September.

The embattled IHOPKC has shrunk in size and closed its associated Forerunner Church in the past year. But it has continued its 24/7 prayer room that Bickle founded, based on his claim of a prophetic vision.

In anticipation of the report being released, former IHOPKC staffer Susan Tuma reached out to those who still remain at IHOPKC on X today.

“If you’re still at IHOPKC and you see this, take good care of yourself today and tomorrow—and all week, really,” she wrote. “Rest. Eat food that nourishes you. Check in with people who feel safe and supportive and who let you feel what you’re feeling. In moments of heaviness I have often needed someone to tell me that. I know it feels like we are from different worlds, but I hope there’s a bridge that lets a little bit of love cross over from us to you.”

Last month, Tikkun Global was accused of a “massive breach of trust” for removing Ron Cantor, a trusted voice for survivors, from its senior advisory team.

Ron Cantor Tikkun
Ron Cantor (Source: Courtesy photo)

Cantor had publicly stood with survivors and called for accountability for Messianic apologist Michael Brown who has been accused of sexual misconduct. Firefly is separately investigating Brown. Brown’s board with his Line of Fire ministry has commissioned Firefly for a third-party investigation of Brown.

Tikkun apologized and reversed course, reinstating Cantor.

Tikkun Global has gathered an eight-member Pastor Recommendation Team (PRT) to review the report and make recommendations to IHOPKC, according to Tikkun’s Jan. 30 statement. However, Tikkun has no authority at IHOPKC, so it can’t dictate that IHOPKC act on the report, stated Tikkun’s investigation coordination team and advisory team. The recommendations will be made public, Tikkun stated.

“At that point the IHOPKC board, the Advocacy Group—or any other group for that matter—can use the recommendations as they see fit, or post their own commentary, agreement, or differing opinions,” Tikkun Global stated. “We see the PRT’s recommendations as a potentially significant contribution to a dialogue that can help bring a measure of healing to all impacted by this situation.”

The PRT members include psychologists who specialize in sexual trauma and pastors with experiencing in handling misconduct by church leaders. The members are Jerry Dirman, Mark and Nicki Pfeifer, Steve Prokopchak, Rich Nichol, Monica Mouer, Kim Vastine, and Wanda Morgan.

The Roys Report (TRR) will report further on the report’s findings tomorrow.

Click below to watch Mike Bickle’s primary “Jane Doe” speak on a recent podcast:

Mike Bickle

Rebecca Hopkins is a journalist based in Colorado.



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24 Responses

  1. I used to attend IHOP on and off. I knew there was darkness there, but not this. Last time I was there, in 2021, God told me I’d never return. People were so carnal, chasing clout and prominence. Lots of superficiality. Everyone following Zadai and Kat Kerr. It was a circus of flesh. Mixed in were some genuine believers. I can say without doubt I saw God move at IHOP in many wonderful ways, however. Saw people saved there.

    1. It’s interesting that God would tell you something so trivial, that you would “never return” there. Why would God say that?

      But something like that happened to me in 2006 regarding the great scandal of Ted Haggard in Colorado Springs.

      I lived in Denver, and one Sunday morning I woke up with a strong impression to drive to Ted’s church, which had never happened to me.

      I didn’t want to, but the prompting was undeniable. I said to the Lord, “I don’t want to go to that church.” And immediately I heard “That’s not a church,” which I thought was too odd, so I almost missed it. (Perhaps He meant the congregation didn’t have a single God-pleasing leader.)

      I drove the hour to get there, and as I walked into the lobby Ted was talking with a guy about his new diet book. I took a seat in the auditorium; and as I pondered why I was sent to a church that God said wasn’t a church, I suddenly heard Ted laughing behind me. He was in the sound booth with some young men.

      I turned, he froze, and we suddenly locked eyes for several seconds as I became overwhelmed with a feeling that he felt caught, exposed, about something. Then he broke the gaze, glanced at one of the young men and started laughing.

      Days later he was publicly outed as homosexual, and ousted as pastor and as president of the National Association of Evangelicals, which represented tens of thousands of churches.

      1. “Ted Haggard”

        Who before he got caught with a rentboy had been second only to Fred Phelps when it came to homosexuality.

        The emcee for that big Spiritual Warfare Rally in the theater ruins in Ephesus (the “Pagan Temple Screamers” of the New Apostolic Reformation).

        “I lived in Denver, and one Sunday morning I woke up with a strong impression to drive to Ted’s church, which had never happened to me.”

        i.e. You got tapped for a reconnaissance mission.

        “Days later he was publicly outed as homosexual, and ousted as pastor and as president of the National Association of Evangelicals, which represented tens of thousands of churches.”

        And within a few months he had been Led to Plant a New Church of his hardcore worshippers.
        Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

  2. It saddens me beyond belief that men like Bickle can operate for so long, yet be such predators. Even if this only happened to 1 person, he should have been exposed and “defrocked.” Within the modern church there is zero accountability. Even if a person is removed from a particular denomination, they simply go to the next one. It is even worse among the “independent” or non-denomination crowd. We have clearly lost the plot, as it were.

    1. There’s good argument that the ‘plot’ hasn’t been lost to many of these religious entrepreneurs because they never truly knew or had the ‘plot’ in the first place. The worrying thing is that many people who claim to be christian are unable to discern this for themselves.
      And just like dubious unethical bankrupts, the ‘system’ and their shamelessness allows them to retool and reinvent themselves so the show and income can go on. Think critically if you struggle to think spiritually. 🤔

  3. Thank you for your diligence in reporting on this and helping bring clarity. I look forward to the next article that will dive into the report further. Please post sessions from the Restore Conference for those of us who cannot attend. Thanks!

  4. I knew Bickel was a heretical blasphemous false teacher/prophet and the whole thing was based on a false prophecy anyway but I definitely didn’t see this praise Him for calling this out

  5. If this was outside the church Mike Bickle would be in court, sued and going to prison. why does he get different treatment??

    1. I strongly suspect it is because Western Christianity is full of idolatry of men who scratch our itching ears. We prefer this much more than the truth. We are all too content putting up with these molesting our children for that is a small price to pay for them feeding our pride we refuse to repent of. They tell us we are not mundane! We are superheroes! They know how to stroke our egos for the humility of Jesus is something we surely do not want to ever experience for ourselves. Without proud followers these men would have no one to Lord their authority over. The problem is the typical Western “Christian” who avoids carrying their cross at any and all costs.

  6. But I would like to know is he going to be held accountable? Will he be arrested and charged? He deserves to be put behind bars for what he has done to these innocent people! I’m so sick of these rules and sheep’s clothing taking out innocent people and ruining their lives!

    1. Yes exactly he should 100% be in jail ! Your comment is exactly what we are all thinking! Justice for the victims!

  7. Mrs. Roys, I appreciate your dogged commitment to exposing wolves like Bickle. The modern day abuse of “prophecy” is truly sickening. It’s obvious these types are not guided by the Holy Spirit, rather another spirit altogether. May the Lord please protect us all from these types.

    I don’t think I will ever understand the folks who elevate men to levels above any and all reproach or correction. Many abuse their position as leaders and teachers, leaving carnage, heartbreak, and broken faith in their wake, and they MUST be called to account.

    I sometimes see you smeared as some sort of radical for your writings, but I just wanted to say that has never been my impression. I’ve recently started watching/listening to your podcasts and have enjoyed those as well. Keep fighting the good fight!

  8. But woe to you false teachers
    When you lead the sheep astray
    You will stand before our God
    With nothing left to say

  9. Rebecca Hopkins, could you please dig into something “Jane Doe” mentioned in part one of her recent reveal with Julie? TRR Video: “Her Story Took Down Mike Bickle. Now She Reveals Shocking Details”

    At 46:14 Deborah Perkins said: “…that he had, that Mike had said to her that Bob Jones told Mike that he could do anything he wanted with a woman except intercourse and keep his mantle”. WHAT?

    Of course she could not be referring to the founder of Bob Jones University, but rather to the controversial “Kansas City Prophet” Bob Jones. Here is a short video about him:

    If it’s true that KS Prophet Bob Jones gave such devilish advice to Mike Bickle, is it not possible that other charismatic leaders heard from him likewise?

    Thanks for your great work Rebecca!

    1. Yes, Steve, I noted that detail also. The false prophet Bob Jones was behind others who were/are accused of covering up sins similar to Mike Bickle. Todd Bentley. Michael Brown. Rick Joyner.

      It’s time to watch all the leaders and ministries who were influenced by Jones, who accepted personal ‘words’ spoken over them and/or over their ministries. There is an alarming number in that camp, spanning some 40 years. Some even knew about Jones’s loose morality, and they gave him a pass because “his prophecies were supernaturally accurate.”

      (That of course totally denies the existence of prophetic gifts from unclean spirits – a prevailing blind spot in the charismatic movement that I never could understand.)

      I’m not saying that I know these other Bob Jones fans to be guilty of sexual sin, or any other sin. But I’m convinced that they are in spiritual danger until they renounce all their past or present endorsements of Jones. The LORD has begun cleaning His House, and He won’t stop until this demonic influence is totally removed.

      BTW several Messianic ministries are included. Bob Jones – more accurately, his familiar spirit – had a thing for groups that focused on Israel’s restoration.

      1. Bob Jones?

        Who GOP presidential hopefuls used to make pilrgrimage to BJU to get His blessing (and the Christianese vote)?

        Whose three-generation Dynasty has been called “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Grandson”?

        Mentioned in the Steve Taylor song “We Don’t Need No Color Code”?

        1. Different Bob Jones. I don’t think that Bob Jones family would have anything to do with this bunch (though more due to not believing things such as speaking in tongues are for today than anything else).

    2. I would like to up vote Steve here, I felt the SAME when I heard that. Let’s find out more about this good ole boys network and how it operates.

  10. Did IHOPKC ever appoint a Compliance Officer as called for in its Whistleblower Policy?

    And if so, who was it? And did he/she ever file reports with the Board of Elders?

  11. Wow….’Tikkun has no authority at IHOPKC’…..the head of the church is Christ. He is the authority. All these issues exist because people have placed themselves over crowds as God. Not buying into the church leadership anymore. After 25 years….I can see it’s a farce of unscriptural control. Read ‘Reimagining Church’ by Frank Viola. The system of church is wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!!

  12. My wife and I are among the remnant who stayed at IHOPKC. We’ve been here fifteen years, she has been on prayer room staff. All the time we never had a clue that anything like this could happen. We are sad. However, we want everyone to know that the Lord is still at work among us. From the heartbreak and tears has come a sweeter, more precious expression of worship and prayer. Our smaller community is drawing closer than ever. We hope, pray and believe that 24/7 worship and prayer will continue to increase throughout the whole world and that the Lord would be known by the love we have for one another. The truly saddest part of all this, not excusing the abuses, is the division it has cause between brothers and sisters who, at one time, embraced one another. Our hope is that there will be restoration and reconciliation. Thanks to all who have put so much into bringing forward truth.

  13. It is bad enough that a man takes advantage of those under his leadership but to use the name of God to manipulate and spiritualy/sexually abuse (with so called prophetic words from God) is on another level of evil. It is safe to say that Bickle does not have a shred of the Spirit of the Living God in his dead, stinking, shriveled soul.

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