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Brian Houston’s Daughter & Son-in-Law Resign as Hillsong Pastors

By Josh Shepherd
peter laura toganivalu toggs hillsong
On May 7, 2023, Peter and Laura Toganivalu, pastors of Hillsong Young and Free, announce their resignation from Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. (Video screengrab) 

In an ongoing shakeup at embattled Hillsong Church, Peter and Laura Toganivalu, the daughter and son-in-law of Hillsong founders Brian and Bobbie Houston, have announced their resignations.

During services Sunday in Sydney, Australia, Hillsong Global Senior Pastor Phil Dooley welcomed the Toganivalus on stage and announced the couple had resigned as global pastors of Hillsong Young and Free, the church’s youth ministry. Dooley said the couple have been “a blessing over so many years.” 

The Houstons’ daughter, Laura Toganivalu, shared brief remarks. Toganivalu said she and her husband are “moving into a new season that we never imagined.” She added: “All 36 years of my life have been spent in this house . . . The people of our church have inspired me every day of my life.” 

Known popularly as Laura Toggs, she has been a worship leader on multiple Hillsong Young and Free albums. Her Hillsong bio notes that “Laura is a visionary, much like her father Ps. Brian Houston.” She is also described as “fearless, fresh and fabulous.”

During the Sunday announcement, her husband, Peter Toganivalu, noted their shared youth ministry leadership role for the past 14 years and called it a “wild ride.” 

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He also acknowledged his in-laws, who have made global headlines over the past year. “I want to thank Pastors Brian and Bobbie, as well, our founding pastors, who have laid such great foundations for our church to build into the future,” said Toganivalu. 

Dooley also acknowledged the elder Houstons while speaking on-stage to their daughter. “Obviously, your parents, Laura, have just been the reason why so many of us are here,” said Dooley. “We are so grateful for them, and we just want to also honor them in this moment.”

Hillsong co-founders’ alleged offenses left unaddressed 

In February, Dooley and his wife, Lucinda, were named global senior pastors of Hillsong, which draws a reported 150,000 people weekly to services in approximately 100 locations. 

That transition came about a year after Brian Houston resigned, following an internal church investigation that found Houston had acted inappropriately toward two women.

brian bobbie houston
Brian and Bobbie Houston in Sydney, Australia (Photo via Facebook)

Later, it came out that just days earlier, Houston had been arrested in Newport Beach, California, on DUI charges. Weeks ago, on April 11, 2023, Houston pleaded guilty to the charges in a California court. 

In a recent Facebook post, Houston addressed the incident. “At the time it seemed like all hell had broken loose within Hillsong Church and I was under immense pressure and emotional strain,” he said. “Clearly that is not an excuse, and I take full responsibility for my actions.”

Another recent legal matter involving Hillsong Church originated during the Houstons’ leadership tenure. 

In March, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission launched an investigation, after whistleblower documents revealed alleged mass money laundering, tax evasion, and fraud at Hillsong. Houston has claimed those charges are “either out of context, misleading, or false.”

Hillsong leaders did not mention these alleged offenses as the Houstons’ daughter and son-in-law announced their departure. 

Peter Toganivalu, who is also a longtime Hillsong board member, offered a positive outlook.

“Life is lived in seasons – but life is also lived in tension,” he said. “It’s the tension of letting go of so much that you love. But, also, for Laura and I, we’re so full of anticipation and vision for the future . . . (And) I think Hillsong Church will go into the future and will do all she’s graced to do.” 

Freelance journalist Josh Shepherd writes on faith, culture, and public policy for several media outlets. He and his family live in the Washington, D.C. area.



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8 Responses

  1. There is soo much gaslighting in the statements from Hillsong it could torch a forest. It’s as if telling the truth is like catching the plague.

    Secrets, manipulation, gaslighting, betrayal, trauma…these are all the signs of active addiction in a relationship. People are going to Hillsong for the truths of scripture and a stronger relationship with Jesus. The problem is an addict who is currently on one heck of a bender is trying to lead them there.

    Anyone else see an issue here?

    What baffles me is that their current leadership keeps praising the Houston’s for their years of leadership, at the same time it’s being revealed that is was corrupt and filled with scandal.

    But look at Willow, Church of the Highlands, any ARC church….the list goes on and on!

  2. “The Houstons’ daughter, Laura Toganivalu, shared brief remarks. Toganivalu said she and her husband are “moving into a new season that we never imagined.””

    ‘New season’? No doubt true words. But, as a healthy skeptic, I’d say, if you know scripture, you also know how to spin scripture. I can’t wait to see the upcoming FX documentary “The Secrets of Hillsong”. Although, I’m guessing the Toganivalus aren’t so thrilled about the FX publicity. I can’t help but wonder if the release of the documentary partially inspired this ‘new season’.

  3. ** Her Hillsong bio notes that “Laura is a visionary, much like her father Ps. Brian Houston.” She is also described as “fearless, fresh and fabulous.” **

    What kind of person says this about herself or allows someone else to say it in public?

  4. Dooley also acknowledged the elder Houstons while speaking on-stage to their daughter. “Obviously… “We are so grateful for them, and we just want to also honor them in this moment.”

    Hon·or·a·ble- bringing or worthy of honor. Do these people have any concept of what’s truly honorable?

    Revelation 5:13 (ESV): “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”

  5. Pro 27:21

    Fire tests the purity of silver and gold,
    but a person is tested by being praised.[fn]

  6. It’s ironic that whenever there is a scandal or secret thing exposed and someone resigns, it’s always about “a new direction or a new season”. It’s never “we’re escaping a fire” or “running from the deluge of problems”.
    They got extra money in their bank account. They’ll find another place that had a connection to Hillsong somewhere by the end of the year. Hopefully, they will humble themselves before the Lord and get right on serving Him.

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