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Chris Reed Starts New Church and Calls for ‘Revolution’ Weeks After Admitting Sexual Misconduct

By Rebecca Hopkins
reed revolution
Chris Reed has announced that Jesus Revolution Church in York, South Carolina, is set to open in the coming weeks. (TRR graphic)

Chris Reed, former president of MorningStar Ministries, is starting a new church in South Carolina five weeks after resigning from the prophetic ministry and admitting to sexual misconduct with an adult student.

“Coming soon! Very soon. How this came together was/is a miracle,” Reed wrote in a Facebook post, which he’s since deleted. “Do not despise the day of small beginnings . . . (I)t’s been said ‘every move of God starts in a manger and dies in a cathedral.”

Jesus Revolution Church will open in York, South Carolina, on Oct. 13, Reed wrote in a letter to ministry subscribers today.  Reed wrote that Christians need a revolution, so Reed’s church will restore “the Fear of the Lord” and will be a base for people to learn how to heal the sick and cast out demons.

“Some may say, ‘Why the rush? Take your time; this will be the same old story,’” Reed wrote. “But no! Time is running short. We cannot silence true Apostolic and Prophetic voices right now. We need a Jesus REVOLUTION.”

Reed posted a picture of a church building and asked for donations.

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“There’s always a couple haters but so many have been so kind,” Reed wrote. “Your contributions are much appreciated.”

chris reed revolution
Chris Reed announces Jesus Revolution Church in a social media post since deleted. (Screengrab)

Reed’s website is filled with prophecies. In early August, he prophesied that “we are on the verge of World War III.”

Three weeks later, Reed said he was “surprised” and  “shocked” when The Roys Report (TRR) reported an allegation that Reed used prophecy to pursue a sexual relationship with a former MorningStar adult student in 2021.

At that time, Reed was in line to be MorningStar’s CEO, but he resigned as CEO in late August. Reed said he didn’t want to stay on to defend the ministry against a recent lawsuit filed by a child sexual abuse victim.

Reed’s church is taking donations through Chris Reed Ministries.

The IRS revoked the tax-exempt status for Chris Reed Ministries in May due to the ministry not filing 990 returns or notice for three years. However, the IRS restored the ministry’s status Sept. 5.

Rick Joyner, MorningStar’s founder and current president, told TRR that he’s seen no repentance in Reed and doesn’t believe Reed is ready for leadership. But Joyner said he believes Reed could be restored to leadership with time and help.

rick joyner
Rick Joyner (Courtesy image)

“I believe his gift is real, but he’s got some serious issues and definitely should not be in leadership,” Joyner said. “I hope he gets the help and can get into a place where he can be the leader he’s called to be.”

Joyner has become a controversial voice for MorningStar for his belief that pastors and spiritual leaders who’ve engaged in clergy sexual abuse can be restored to positions of spiritual authority. Joyner previously told TRR he knew of Reed’s sexual texts and kissing in early 2022 but didn’t publicize this when Joyner turned over the CEO position to Reed a few months later.

Also, in the last two months, MorningStar has been sued by three different John Does who claim MorningStar mishandled their reports that former youth leader Erickson Lee sexually abused them. Lee, also a former cop, is now serving nine years in prison.

Joyner has called the lawsuits’ accusations against the ministry “outrageous.”

Joyner also recently told the congregation that he’s “good with” anyone who leaves due to the recent scandals because “we need their seats” and he expects “major growth” and expansion.

Former MorningStar student launches petition

At the same time Reed is planting a church, former MorningStar student, Emily Elston, has launched a petition condemning MorningStar for its alleged lack of accountability and poor treatment of victims. The petition also calls for the resignation of Rick Joyner and for an independent investigation into how the ministry handles abuse.

“We strongly condemn the MorningStar Board, its leader Rick Joyner, and other executive church leaders for their inadequate response to grave allegations,” the petition states. “Their attempts to ignore, downplay, and discredit victims and the severity of their claims are not only morally reprehensible but also betray the trust placed in them.”

It adds, “We believe it is this corrupt and toxic leadership culture that enabled various forms of abuse to take place, including a child predator being able to abuse children for years.”

Elston told TRR that the petition is a grassroots effort whose signers include ministry associates from every year since its 1993 founding. It includes former Morningstar conference speakers, interns, church volunteers, members, worship leaders, and staff, including a former communications director. Also, former students, teachers, and a coach from Morningstar’s Comenius School for Creative Leadership (CSCL) signed the letter.

MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina. (Photo via social media)

Joyner told TRR the petition signers are “disgruntled.”

He also said in a statement posted Tuesday on YouTube that MorningStar’s critics are “wolves in sheep’s clothing.”

“We also are being attacked in every way you could think of,” Joyner said. “It’s an onslaught. . . . We’re having wolves like you wouldn’t believe rise up among us.”

Joyner told TRR he wants to hire a third party to investigate MorningStar’s ministry for how it protects children, but the hurricane has delayed progress. He said he doesn’t believe the investigation should include Reed’s actions, since Reed is no longer with MorningStar.

Concerns Reed will misuse prophecy

For decades leaders at MorningStar, including Reed, operated without accountability and used their claims of special prophetic gifting to abuse people, Elston said. She said she’s concerned Reed will continue that pattern at his new church.

“Based on everything Chris Reed has said and not said, it stands to reason that he will bring to whatever new church he starts this same kind of culture/system in which has free reign to use his ‘prophetic’ insight however he wishes,” Elston said.

Reed did not immediately return TRR’s call to ask for the accountability structure for his new church.

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Chris Reed preaches at Morningstar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina. (Video screengrab)

Elston added that she’s also concerned Reed will use the money he raises to continue issuing “apocalyptic” prophecies that create fear.

“He can do these prophecies and self-proclaim to hold an office of the prophet, and no one is checking him,” Elston said. “If you still want to peddle your prophetic warnings, be my guest, but do it for free.”

Rebecca Hopkins is a journalist based in Colorado.



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20 Responses

  1. Both Joyner and Reed are unfit for ministry. What is more alarming is how some in the body of Christ still support these hirelings. They are not ministers they are hirelings, the money. What an abomination to our Father God. These men do not fear God and lack humility, a spirit of arrogance and pride. Shameful and sad.

    1. How very true. They are both snakes condemned by Jesus when he spoke of the religious hypocrites. Woe to such as these! How will they avoid hell? What they have done to the least of those under their authority they have done to Jesus Himself. But so few Christians have any sense of right and wrong any more. They follow narcissists. They vote for narcissists. They love narcissists much more than Christ.

  2. The real wolves are exposed – and off the run – just start a new church, e.g. Driscoll, etc. ad nauseum…

    But we have seen it all before a thousand times – they cry the victim all the while being the abuser….

  3. The only word that comes to mind about this whole Joyner/ Reed prophetic business is “tawdry”. I mean don’t people have better things to do with this short and precious life we have than to waste their time, money and energy on all this drama? How can any serious minded person not look at this mess and just walk out?

  4. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit confess their sins and obey the law. Sexual misconduct, assault, and abuse are crimes punishable by law, so a true believer will confess his crime and serve his time to show his victim (victims) he truly cares about the damage and destruction he caused in their lives. Go to jail, Reed, it’s the right thing to do. It won’t salvage the discredited name of Jesus in your life, but it will bring some healing to your victims.

  5. It’s clowns like these guys who are proponents of the 7 Mountains Mandate who seek to gain authority over every sphere of influence in the culture. Can you imagine?

  6. Wow, just shocking ! He did not waste any time…instead of getting a job too fed his kids he decides to pastor???

    He preyed on a student and cheated on his wife not so long ago ! This man does not seem fit as a Christian pastor/leader….

    I wish he would just go get a job and take care of his family and live a quiet life.

  7. This sort of thing has become so common it’s not shocking anymore. The most charitable thing I could call it is entrepreneurial on his part. But really, he is just continuing his grift in a new local.

  8. We’re only in the beginning stages of exposure of these phonies. Everyone needs to be bracing for the fallout from the P Diddy story. Sounds like literally dozens of hi-profile pastors attended his “freak offs” where unspeakable horrors happened to children (& adults).

    If we soon start seeing a number of megachurch pastors suddenly resigning their posts, we’ll know why.

  9. I weary of self-important preachers (Much like Jimmy Swaggart of years ago) who believe that the success of God’s work on this earth depends on them and without them His work is lost.

    Such is the case with this guy.

  10. Reed is the one who “prophetically” revealed that the Apostle John is still alive in a cave in Turkey and will come out to explain the Revelation at the right time.

    NO ONE should listen to him.

  11. In this day and age of internet news there is no reason why anyone should be attracted to a guy like this or not know his history. If they still decide to follow him I would call it willful ignorance.

    1. Bill,
      Every Christian should read at least one book on the psychology of persuasion. I think in particular of Robert Cialdini’s comments on “commitment and consistency.” People continue to support the preacher of their choice rather than admitting they’d been misled.

  12. That any “minister” would even suggest that someone who has commited sexual sin while in a church leadership role could then be restored to leadership is simply outrageous! Restored to fellowship if there is repentance, yes. Leadership, never.

  13. In my 37 years in “the work” and graduation from Bible College and Seminary in my 40s, I am convinced that maybe 90% of those with vocations In the Church are in it because it’s a good gig, an opportunity for exploitation or a way to ply their egos on an all too gullible, seeking group of believers.
    There are the rare ones who really do get it.
    So much so that I’m out…have been for years. And never have I been as happy. So many wolves, So many sheep. So much abuse.

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