Many Christian artists make their home in Nashville, Tennessee, and the news of children and adults dying after a shooter entered a school has many responding with prayers.
“Today’s shooting is truly heartbreaking for our Nashville community and all of those impacted,” says Lauren Daigle on Instagram. “I’m going to postpone my performance tonight, and in its place, host a community-wide Prayer Vigil.”
Daigle encourages all the fans who were already going to come to her concert to continue coming to pray, mourn, and connect with other believers after this tragic event.
Early on Monday morning, a shooter entered a Christian elementary school in Nashville called The Covenant School. The ongoing investigation has police sharing the identity of the shooter, a 28-year-old who previously attended the school, Audrey Hale. Once MNPD identified the shooter, they engaged in fire and killed Hale on sight.
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As of 5:00 p.m. on Monday, authorities have confirmed that three students and three adults were shot and killed during the incident.
Christian singer Danny Gokey is holding an online prayer vigil with his wife in response.
“Tonight we will gather to pray, intercede, worship & speak hope over our cities and nation.”
Tobymac understands what it’s like to lose a child as his eldest son died four years ago after an accidental overdose.
“This is horrific. Our children? My heart is broken. There is nothing…..nothing worse than taking those innocent precious lives. The pain of waking up in the same house is unimaginable. How does life go on? I pray for the families with all my heart. I pray this valley doesn’t destroy them. I pray they will somehow feel loved in this nightmare by a God who is present even in the deepest of valleys.”
Darren Mulligan, the front man of We Are Messengers, put up a Facebook video Monday afternoon letting people know that his family was safe, and how he felt. The band is currently on tour with Casting Crowns playing a show tonight in Texas.
“We are all just really heartbroken,” says Mulligan. “We all have friends that have kids in that school or close to that school. It brings it all too close to home, about what sin does to people. Today is not a day to go on a rant but rather just to say that we are really, really sorry.”
“My family and I live a few miles from the school where today’s tragic shooting occurred,” says Matthew West on Facebook. “My heart aches for the parents who lost a child, family members who lost a loved one, and the children who had to witness something so traumatic.”
West ended his post off with a prayer for all those involved, asking God to be near the brokenhearted.
“This hits all too close to home, literally,” says Joel Smallbone of For King & Country on Facebook. “Covenant School used to open their gym to Luke’s basketball team for practices and games, and it’s located less than 15 miles from where Moriah and I live.”
The Smallbone family encourage people to come together in their mourning and grief.
“I cry writing this, and diverge into feeling helpless…but for HOPE. For HOPE that the human heart can change… for HOPE that there is life on the other side of this. And that the six who lost their lives are more free and alive now than they were when they woke up this morning… For HOPE that there is a brighter future of peace and for the hope of God’s great redemption.”
This hits particularly close to home for one of the band members in We the Kingdom.
“Franni attended Covenant when she was a little kid for art classes,” says the band on Instagram of their lead singer Franni Rae Cash. “Our hearts break for our city. Jesus, please come. Please comfort. Be an ever-present help in trouble.”
Unspoken’s lead singer Chad Mattson has a close friend whose children attend the school. While the kids were home sick, the family is devastated.
This article was originally published at CHVN Radio.
Sylvia St. Cyr is an on-air radio host at CHVN, a Christian outlet in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
2 Responses
My view, prayer vigils are not enough. They always come AFTER the incidents.
The American Church needs to fast and pray. She needs to be committed to do this and wait on God for answers. She needs to repent for her laziness but intercede for America and pray it changes course. If not, she will need to brace for His judgment.
I wonder how many people look to the entertainment industry, even the Christian entertainment industry, as a source of moral guidance.