Controversial pastor Mark Driscoll is citing First Amendment rights in his fight against the city of Scottsdale, Arizona, to display a sign to vote for Jesus in property adjacent to his church.
The sign reading, “Jesus Christ ’24,” is posted on the right of way property bordering the street in front of Driscoll’s church, Trinity Church in Scottsdale.
In his sermon last Sunday, Driscoll read an email from a Scottsdale city official, stating that his sign, which does not appear to be a political sign for a current candidate, does not meet city requirements and should be removed.
Driscoll took the unnamed Scottsdale city official to task reminding the official of the First Amendment and stating the person should “figure out how to close the border and take care of people before signs.”
“The government asked us to take down our Jesus ’24 sign. My response? We will not comply, but we will multiply.”
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A message left for Kelly Corsette, Communications and Public Affairs Director by The Roys Report (TRR) was not immediately returned.
Driscoll, who is promoting his latest book, Vote Like Jesus, appears to be capitalizing on the controversy.
Driscoll pushed the book during his sermon Sunday and also informed the congregation that everyone would receive a free sign.
Merchandise with the slogan “Jesus Christ, ‘24” and the yard sign are listed for sale on the church’s website. The listing for the sign says, “Annoy evil pagans AND your HOA (but I repeat myself) with the official Vote Like Jesus yard sign, ONLY available at!”
“Vote Like Jesus” is also the name of Driscoll’s current sermon series.
On the church website, it states: “. . . (W)e as Christians, should be political because the fight we face is not about right versus left, but about good versus evil. In order to be biblical, we must be involved in politics because our God is. We also must remember that we are citizens of His kingdom first, and residents of our nation second and that God reigns over all.”
Driscoll previously pastored the now-defunct Mars Hill Church in Seattle. But he resigned abruptly after church elders presented him with a restoration plan, following an investigation that found Driscoll guilty of “arrogance,” “a quick temper,” and leading “in a domineering manner.” Driscoll then planted Trinity Church in Scottsdale.

In May 2021, former Trinity Church members and staff came forward to The Roys Report with allegations Driscoll was running his church like a cult, including surveilling former members 24/7 and mandating loyalty tests for his staff.
In July 2021, former elders at Mars Hill Church stated publicly that Driscoll was “unfit” for ministry and should step down from the pastorate. Driscoll did not respond to the elders’ statement.
In-laws of Driscoll have also came forward, saying Driscoll has alienated their son from them because they dared to associate with someone who left Driscoll’s church. Similarly, another set of Driscoll’s in-laws told TRR that Driscoll has alienated their daughter from them because they refused Driscoll’s demand for loyalty.
Despite this, Driscoll’s church seems to be thriving and now has five weekend services. Driscoll also has more than 455K followers on X and 750K followers on Instagram.
Sheila Stogsdill is a freelance print journalist and digital reporter, primarily covering crime issues for KSN/KODE.
39 Responses
I’m so thankful that Driscoll is no longer in Seattle, but the sooty residue of the harm he did still has impact here. My church bought one of his church’s buildings in the aftermath, and it’s taken us literal years to start to win back the trust of the neighborhood.
I am sad that he’s still about all of his nonsense. Where is ANY fruit of the spirit in this man? What do you want to bet that the persecution he’s claiming from the city of Scottsdale is that he didn’t get a permit for a sign that size or some other ordinance he’s flaunting, and no one is actually impinging on his 1st amendment rights.
Isaiah said that Jesus would not strive in the streets (not public ally protest the wrongs of the political authorities), nor would he bend a reed (not do damage while fulfilling his mission). Our calling is not to change the world through conflict or protests or public confrontations. Our mission and mandate from Jesus is simple–preach the Gospel (not social issues), lead people to the Lord through salvation (make disciples), and that is all. Paul adds that until Christ comes we should live peacefully and work quietly at our jobs. He also says that we should respect and obey the authorities that are over us as God himself set them there for His reasons. So let’s all obey the scripture rather than men, especially men seeking attention and glory for themselves. If we must strive, let’s strive to be like Christ instead.
You know what? I’m on his side on this one. I’ve heard Scottsdale is especially vigorous in enforcing all those city ordinances so it doesn’t surprise me they did this. But, a “Jesus 24” sign that close to the church, it’s basically right out in front of it? I mean come on, why hassle over that? And when it comes down to it, it’s making a political message, it’s protected political speech.
Of course, they could just move it in a couple feet so it’s out of the public right of way. That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if Scottsdale didn’t just find a different regulation about signs in your “front yard” at that point.
there are boundaries on how political messaging can be displayed. you know, so your neighbor has limits on the political signage they can post. it’s not persecution. it’s keeping things fair for all candidates.
I’m no fan of Driscoll’s, but the message is not political. You must be seeing something I’m not seeing, because no political candidates are given, anywhere. Nice try though.
It’s directly connected to his media blitz for his new book, available at the URL on the sign, which 100% tells you how to vote and makes it clear that voting the “wrong” way is immoral and disqualifying.
He made it in the style of a campaign sign. he’s promoting a book about how people should see politics. but the real kicker is that he put it on the right of way, instead of his own church property. there are laws about that last one at least.
and it’s AZ- there’s probably some arcane laws about the rest of it too.
People may agree that the sign ordinances are too vigorous as you say, but that doesn’t mean one can choose to not follow them. After all we are to obey the laws of the land… We don’t really have the option of just disregarding laws we don’t like.
Romans 13:1-7 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
Ro 13 is only quoted, and followed, when it supports a pastor/churches/christians agendas.
In other words, you cannot criticize me for closing the church, my behavior, my words, or my authority over you, because Ro 13. Nobody, who was against Trump, were living this verse when Trump was President, but will use this verse for the politician(s) they agree with, when they are criticized. It’s a hypocrisy shell game.
No doubt about defining it as a hypocritical shell game.
People who don’t love Jesus seem more adept to seeing this inconsistency (my opinion), and those who are part of the American church seem highly programmed not to see, and thus have gone along with, even supported, the ruling class until too late.
Folks may not agree with this author’s conclusion about Rom 13, but the wanted poster is good food for thought.
Thank you for the link.
“People who don’t love Jesus seem more adept to seeing this inconsistency (my opinion), and those who are part of the American church seem highly programmed not to see, and thus have gone along with, even supported, the ruling class until too late. ”
That’s because they do not live in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance (besides reading the Bible, reread 1984/Animal Farm). What is really disturbing about the whole situation is the outright objection to the thought we have any personnel accountability under God’s commandments, and Jesus’ teachings, or the need to repent and ask God for forgiveness.
I my experience, if you bring a concern to church leaders (or the congregation) using the words of Jesus, you are immediately shouted down because,”Paul has the final word on how we conduct ourselves, and Jesus’ ministry was only to die for our sins, now we are under a new covenant given to us by Paul, of grace and our sin based actions/thoughts are already forgiven under this new covenant.” Is that really what Paul taught?
When I point out we are instructed to follow God’s standards, not man’s, then the gaslighting starts up, my faith/intelligence are questioned, but they do not rely on scripture to challenge my beliefs, nor are they willing to have a civil discussion about the situation, because Ro 13.
I live in Scottsdale and MD set out to antagonize and was verbally hostile to the city before he opened the door. He has violated parking and noise ordinances that every other church in Scottsdale has adhered to just fine. Churches twice as big as his thrive but he destroys. It is who he is.
‘24 is so temporal, he should change it to 24/7.
Or get the apostrophe round the right way.
Oh my goodness, thank you for that! 😂
What’s offensive to me as a former typesetter is the apostrophe is backwards. Shame!
The New Testament says to live at peace with all men ( and women) if possible, just move the sign onto your property. I believe in the First Amendment for sure but this seems to be going out of the way to antagonize city officials.
I totally agree with you Chuck, but I suspect that would not get Mark the publicity that he is seeking. After all there are book sales to think about
I agree. Deliberately antagonizing, Just like one of those kids on the playground that keeps poking you daring you to do something. Those character traits that he displays now and in his past are far from christ-like.
City right of way is the city’s lawn. If he wants to plant it somewhere it should be on his own lawn.
But telling people to disobey their city and HOAs goes directly against Romans 13.
One wonders if Driscoll has ever read it.
Those clobber verses have most likely gotten more people killed than any other ever since they magically appeared in the Bible. How many of the quarter of a billion innocent folks (university of Hawaii study) that died in the 20th century from the hands of their own government were saved? Prob very few. What a shame more people didn’t see the warning signs.
If your desire is that all men repent and believe in Christ’s gospel, then I would suggest common sense and reason (which are gifts of God) both argue loudly that people ought to defiantly disobey any ruling class that is taking part, directly or indirectly (by not warning), in an genocidal/democidal agenda (“legal” immigration, health care, food manufacturing/distribution, technology etc. can easily be/are being weaponized), or else people who need to hear will eventually not be alive.
Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. Or something like that…
Going from illegal sign to genocide is hyperbole that does not help the cause of Christ. History shows this as well.
Jesus does not need Driscoll’s illegal sign. He needs his heart.
Thanks for sharing. I’m not a fan of Mark, though relatively close friends of mine in the past have been.
Left the organized church over two decades ago that I was part of oiling it’s machinery for several decades prior to leaving, and, since seeing how many churches clobbered people over the head with Rom 13 with the covid plandemic, I no longer identify myself as Christian. Still love Jesus though, and find myself more at home with the conspiracy realist outcasts, most of which believe in God, but don’t necessarily love Jesus.
If you’d like more specifics on how those topics I listed have been weaponized, please ask away.
Would like to mention that an astute subscriber to Peggy Hall’s substack mentioned recently renting the film Top Gun on Netflix and noticed a deep blue sky scene in the original dvd was edited to the chemtrail ladened milky white sky we so frequently see today. Please don’t fall into their trap and get distracted with politics, when they are openly terraforming our planet above us. I didn’t knowingly and willingly consent to any of this, and neither did my garden.
“ When plunder becomes a way of life, men create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”Frederick Bastiat
It’s not about right or wrong Driscoll as a bulling and manipulating narcissist is just getting attention again for another of his books it’s his MO when his books come out
Interesting how this article leaves out a good point that the city is not administering the law equally. Across the street there are a dozen candidate signs in the same corner position with similar colors. Furthermore, the city (and HOAs) knows this is temporary so they should loosen up a little. For those that think setting such a sign up is a violation of law – not when that local law violates the supreme law of the land. If you support protests that didn’t get a permit then you have to support this.
Lately, not a fan of Mark either and I suspect this is all for his book promotion.
His sign, unlike the ones around his, apparently does not meet the safety code. The codes are there to protect drivers and pedestrians from oncoming traffic. The codes insure that the signs are not impeding the vision of the drivers or walkers. Paul says to obey the authorities that be even if we don’t agree with them. Even Jesus says to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. Well, the right of way belongs to the city, not the landowner, and they have the right to enforce codes that protect people and drivers from signs that impede safe driving or walking. Be godly in this matter, not arrogant. Pride comes before the fall, and “it is a frightening thing to be in the hands of an angry God” (Johnathon Edwards as interpreted from Hebrews 10:31).
A little over a month ago, Jake Meador at Mere Orthodoxy wrote a great piece “The Importance of Not Caring About Mark Driscoll”.
It’s behind the paywall now but was well worth reading at the time.
All that matters is that Marky mark feels he is being picked on. Poor Marky.
Mark the huckster demonstrates painful ignorance – but as others have noted, he has a book to sell and knows how to gin demand from the sheep…
Sheila I challenge you to write defaming articles about Pride flags that push agendas of liberal companies during the month of June. Pastor Mark has done a great job making God’s Truth known and teaching the Bible…the rest of you all just hate God’s word and need to rethink your eternal destiny. Freedom of speech is not Free anymore.
Spoken like one Mark’s Kool-Aid drinkers. Or one of his paid minions/social media influencers/employees/etc/. I guess the concept of a right of way not being private property eludes you. Tell your fauxhawk boss to put his sign on his property, not the Right of Way.
Is this sarcastic? I honestly can’t tell.
There is the gospel of Jesus Christ from Jesus Christ through His apostles presented to us by the Word of God. Then there is the gospel of Jesus Christ from men , through men presented by Men.
Please pray for Driscoll and many others who profess the faith but have been deceived and are deceiving others. May The Lord Jesus Christ turn all our heart back to the Word of life.
May the Lord Jesus christ help us, deliver& protect us from all deceit and falsehood.
Is it amazingly coincidental that MD becomes embroiled in controversy just when new books have been released, or could it be that his actions have been engineered to create a reaction AND attract free publicity for his books? Hmm…
Personally, I think the media should starve the narcissists.
This is just another cry for attention from a weak snowflake.
Julie Roys and the editing staff isn’t doing readers any favors. This story lacks ANY reporting about what ordinance, specifically, the City of Scottsdale is citing or seeking to enforce. I really don’t want to click through and have to watch the insufferable Mark Driscoll’s sermon to hear him read the letter. Ms. Stogsdill, an experienced reporter, would do everyone a favor by calling the City of Scottsdale and reporting on exactly which of their very robust signage ordinances Driscoll is scoffing about. I’ll bet dimes to dollars the ordinance is more about placement and permanence than it is about the content. TRR can do better.
Around the 47 min time frame in the vid he shows part of the email from the county and explains people are complaining to the county about the content not being political. He shows pictures of political signs across the street on the opposite corner ROW (that would block visuals of drivers if that’s problematic, but doesn’t appear to be the issue).
He is definitely is full of himself…difficult listen for me. Unbelievable that people still patronize him.
Dear Mr. Thompson,
Thank you for your email. You bring up excellent points. In fact, most of your concerns were in my notes I planned to address with Scottsdale city officials.
As you are aware by reading the story, I reached out to city officials even leaving a message on the public information officer’s cell phone, but no one returned the call.
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me and inquire about the story and thank you for reading The Roys Report.
Driscoll cares more about his bottom line than he does for his flock, for Jesus, or for the Gospel.