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Dallas-Area Megachurch Pastor Calls Neighbors ‘EVIL’ and Demonic in Clash Over Building Project

By Ann Marie Shambaugh
Landon heather schott
Pastors Landon and Heather Schott of Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (TRR Graphic)

The historic Oakhurst neighborhood north of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, looks like a typical urban community, with modest homes surrounding a pocket park where neighbors frequently gather. It’s also the only community to win Fort Worth’s Neighborhood of the Year award three times, most recently in 2022.

But according to Landon Schott, lead pastor of the adjacent Mercy Culture megachurch, Oakhurst is inhabited by people he believes to be “witches” and “warlocks” who are putting up “insane demonic resistance” to the work of God.

Specifically, the Oakhurst Neighborhood Association opposed Mercy Culture’s proposed location to build a three-story, 100-bed facility for survivors of human trafficking. After a two-year battle that culminated in a contentious, hours-long meeting Dec. 10, 2024, the Fort Worth City Council narrowly approved the church’s plan.

The church still needs additional city approvals as the project moves forward, and it’s not clear when construction could begin. But the tensions between the church and many of its neighbors remain.

The association claims it opposed the project location because of safety and traffic concerns. Plus, the association alleged that Mercy Culture was not following best practices for a facility of this type.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you can elect to receive a copy of “Safe Church: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities’ by Dr. Andrew Bauman, click here.

But according to Schott, the opposition was far more insidious than that.

“If anyone resist (sic) helping the most abused victims in our community its only because they’re EVIL!” Schott posted on Instagram.

schott mercy culture
(Screengrab of Instagram post, April 2, 2022)

And in a Jan. 1 episode of “Holy Disruption,” a Mercy Culture podcast, Schott labeled the clash with the neighborhood “spiritual warfare.”

“We are in a battle. It’s not against flesh and blood, which means it’s spiritual,” Schott said on the podcast. “So, if we have a group of people that are trying to actively resist us around every corner for two years from helping survivors of human trafficking, this is spiritual.”

Schott’s wife and Mercy Culture Lead Pastor Heather Schott added that the opposition had become personal, and multiple people had tried “to kidnap our children from church.” She said the church even received a $1 million ransom request for the threatened kidnapping of her husband.

The Roys Report (TRR) tried to confirm these allegations with Forth Worth police. A public relations officer was unable to find any reports related to the alleged incidents at Mercy Culture.

TRR also reached out to Mercy Culture for evidence and clarification but did not receive a response.

However, TRR was able to speak with residents of Oakhurst, who said they’re appalled by Mercy Culture’s and the Schotts’ allegations and attempts to vilify them.

“In the congregation, they teach them that we’re terrible people, that we’re non-human, that we’re possessed by the devil because we don’t go to that church,” said Kathryn Omarkhail, a lifelong Christian who’s lived in Oakhurst for 20 years. “It’s disheartening.”

mercy culture schott
In Jan. 2024, Landon and Heather Schott preach at Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Video screengrab)

Omarkhail, who serves as vice president of the Oakhurst Neighborhood Association, describes her neighborhood as a “melting pot” where everyone knows their neighbors. But living there has been marred by the “sinking feeling” she gets every time she drives past Mercy Culture. She said the Schotts’ rhetoric about their neighborhood is dehumanizing and wrong.

Similarly, Natalie Lopez, who grew up in the neighborhood and moved back six years ago, said she is “very offended” by the pastors’ treatment of Oakhurst residents.

“It is not the language, attitude or character that I would typically equate with a pastor or anyone that claims to be a devout Christian,” said Lopez, who was raised Catholic. “Everything that they do and stand for is the antithesis of what Christianity is supposed to be.”

Church relationship with neighbors turns contentious

Before it became Mercy Culture, the building at the bottom of the hill from the Oakhurst neighborhood was occupied by Calvary Cathedral International. For years, the church had a positive relationship with its neighbors, offering use of meeting space and equipment for free and serving as a partner in community events, Omarkhail and others said.

That ended once Mercy Culture moved into the building five years ago, according to several Oakhurst residents.

“It was an immediate change. You could just feel it,” Omarkhail said. “It became an abrasive conversation, versus ‘How can we help you?’”

Mercy Culture’s beginning dates back to 2017, when Landon Schott walked the streets of downtown Fort Worth asking God to make him a “spiritual father” of the city, according to a 2021 article in The Washington Post. It states that Landon Schott said God told him he needed “spiritual authority,” which he received through the blessing of Robert Morris, founder and then-pastor of nearby megachurch Gateway Church.

Morris resigned from Gateway in June 2024, after allegations surfaced that he had sexually assaulted a woman from 1982-1986, when she was 12 to 16 years old. 

landon heather schott
In Feb. 2021, Landon and Heather Schott preach at Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Video screengrab)

Mercy Culture began holding services in its current building in 2020. It initially filed a request with the City of Fort Worth to be permitted to build the Justice Residences in 2022. Two weeks before the city’s zoning commission was set to review the request, the church hosted a meeting to present project details to Oakhurst residents and answer questions. 

The week before the meeting, Heather Schott, who is also founder of Justice Reform, a nonprofit that aims to end human trafficking, posted on Instagram that neighbors opposing the Justice Residences were motivated by “pure selfishness” and “evil.”

“I share this today not because I feel threatened, not because I’m intimidated, but because I won’t give these people an inch. NOT 1 INCH!!!,” she stated. “I won’t let bullies think for a moment that their opinion matters. God’s opinions, ways + truth matters to us. PERIOD.”

Chanin Scanlon, then-ONA president who recently moved to San Antonio, went to the community meeting and said Landon Schott told attendees they could not record it. She said many of the neighbors’ questions, which were written down and turned in, were not answered and still have not been answered.

She said one of her ignored questions centered around what would happen to the building if the plan to house trafficking survivors fails or the program ends. Mercy Culture leaders contended on the Holy Disruption podcast that they answered every legitimate question.

Both sides agree the meeting became contentious. On the Holy Disruption episode, Heather Schott described the neighbors as turning into a “a mob” at the end of the meeting, with the situation becoming so unsafe she was escorted out by security.

Scanlon said some neighbors became frustrated and raised their voices but denied anyone was unsafe or that security escorted Heather Schott away. A Fort Worth Star-Telegram story covering the meeting does not include any indication the attendees became unruly or violent, or that security intervened on anyone’s behalf.

mercy culture church
Oakhurst neighborhood in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Courtesy image)

The Oakhurst neighbors also refute other claims made by Heather Schott on the Holy Disruption podcast. In it, she said news coverage of the church’s battle with the neighbors led to “massive personal attacks.” These included the kidnapping allegations and the alleged slashing of Heather Schott’s tires.

The Schotts did not present any evidence of the allegations on the podcast, and Omarkhail, Lopez and Scanlon said they had not heard of them previously and did not believe them to be true.

Mercy Culture withdrew its 2022 request to build the Justice Residences days before the zoning commission was set to review it, according to KERA News. The media outlet states that city staff had recommended denial of the project because the site was not suitable for the requested use or consistent with the area’s comprehensive plan.

When Mercy Culture leaders submitted plans to the city for the Justice Residences in 2024, they described it as a discipleship center, which they said is a permitted use on the property per zoning code. Zoning for the site allows “church-related activities” but does not clearly define what they are.

The week before the council vote, attorneys representing Mercy Culture sent a letter to Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker and members of the city council, threatening legal action if the project was not approved.

According to KERA News, Parker said she voted in favor of Mercy Culture’s proposal to avoid a legal battle, which she said “the city would most likely lose.”

mercy culture
Rendering of Mercy Culture Church’s residences project. (Video screengrab)

Pastor calls neighbors evil, demonic

As pushback from the Oakhurst neighborhood continued to grow, Landon Schott publicly decried their opposition from the pulpit and on social media.

Two days after the meeting with Oakhurst neighbors, Landon Schott posted on Instagram a screenshot of a news report about the meeting.

“Another front page story… If anyone resist (sic) helping the most abused victims in our community its only because they’re EVIL!” he stated.

During a May 2023 sermon, he claimed a witch conducted a seance, leaving behind blood and feces, on the front porch of an Oakhurst resident who attends Mercy Culture. The pastor said the church member sent a photo as evidence, but he did not show the image or present any other proof that a seance had occurred.

landon schott democrats mercy culture
Pastor Landon Schott preaches at Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Photo: Facebook)

TRR requested to see the photo but did not receive a response. However, Landon Schott concluded that “witches and warlocks” live in the neighborhood.

He used the incident to justify previous comments about Oakhurst residents and their intentions.

“You thought I wasn’t being nice when I was caught talking to demons, and people forget about the Jesus that flipped over tables. They forget about the Jesus that said, ‘Get behind me, Satan’ to Peter,” Schott said during the sermon.

“I’m not talking to people. I’m talking to devils. Some of you are trying to counsel out devils. Well, can’t we just make peace with demons? Go for it. Let me know how it works for you. So, the challenge is, that in spiritual warfare, we’re dealing with spirits while we have to engage with people.”

Omarkhail said she had seen a photo of the alleged seance evidence. She said the photo showed what appeared to be remnants of dropped food, such as a burrito.

Omarkhail and Scanlon said the Oakhurst neighborhood hosts a Witches Stroll every year in the fall, a light-hearted event where residents dress up and pass out candy to children. But they said they are not aware of any actual witches or warlocks in the neighborhood.

Landon Schott clarified his comments about witches and warlocks during the Jan. 1 Holy Disruption podcast. He said he was not calling every resident of the neighborhood a witch, warlock, or demonic and apologized to residents who were offended.

But he backed up his previous comments by saying that—in addition to the alleged seance—an Oakhurst resident claiming to be a witch attempted to intimidate a board member. He also said that another resident who sells rocks as part of her business is participating in witchcraft.

He added that the morning after the neighborhood’s annual Witches Stroll, curses were taped on every door of the church. The Holy Disruption episode included a blurry photo that shows what appears to be references to the book of Exodus.

mercy culture church

Landon Schott, who does not have any seminary experience listed on his Mercy Culture biography, used Matthew 16 to justify his behavior in which Jesus said “Get behind me, Satan” when addressing Peter, his disciple.

“Jesus wasn’t mean,” Schott said. “So, this is for mature Christians that are real disciples of Jesus. (Jesus) turns to Peter and says, ‘You’re acting like Satan. Your behavior is demonic, and you have to get that spirit of offense behind me.’”

Omarkhail, who said she moved to Fort Worth to attend seminary, said she feels Landon Schott often misuses Scripture to mischaracterize those who disagree with him.

“He knows how to pull out whatever verses he wants and goes from there,” she said.

Pastor ties political signs to building project opposition

In addition to calling some Oakhurst residents demonic from the pulpit, Landon Schott used his Instagram account, which has more than 42,000 followers, to share other opinions about the community.

In October 2024, Schott posted a video while in the Oakhurst neighborhood, pointing out yard signs supporting then-candidates Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for vice president, as well as a Palestinian flag.

In August 2024, the pastor posted online that anyone who votes for a Democrat can’t be a Christian. He then implied that the community’s opposition to Mercy Culture’s proposed Justice Residences stemmed from its liberal political leanings.  

“You have a group of people that love Harris/Walz signs, Palestinian signs, I’ve seen some Ukrainian signs—not  many American flags—but all sorts of different flags up here,” he said. “This group of people have no say in what we build in our property, in our church, that the United States constitution, the Texas constitution and even the city ordinances of Fort Worth give us permission to do. It’s one thing to not be for something. It’s another thing to actively resist it.”

In a Dec. 5, 2024, letter to city officials, the Oakhurst association stated it is against the location of the Justice Residences, not the church’s desire to help victims of human trafficking.

“In fact, many of Oakhurst’s neighbors dedicate their own professional careers and personal time to serving and assisting those in need,” the letter states. “Oakhurst neighbors are doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, prosecutors, peace officers, social workers, civil servants, victim advocates, and regularly volunteer with churches and local non-profits to help the same or similar populations that applicant also seeks to assist.”

Scanlon said she supports human trafficking survivors getting the help they need. She said she is an atheist who will fight for freedom of religion for anybody, as long as they’re not using their beliefs to bully or force their views on others. But that’s exactly what Mercy Culture is doing, she said, which is why she’s continuing to speak up for Oakhurst even after moving hundreds of miles away.

“Therein lies the crux, and that’s what makes this matter tenfold worse. It’s actually stunning to me that a pastor can behave the way (Schott) does,” Scanlon said. “What’s even more stunning is that people follow him, that people think that’s not hate, that it’s actually love. He will say, ‘We’re all about love’ as he’s bashing the LGBTQ (community) and the neighborhood and convincing his congregation that people who oppose them are demons.”

Future remains uncertain

While the city council’s support of the site plan amendment to allow the Justice Residences is a major hurdle cleared, the building will need other city approvals as the development process continues.

In a statement posted to its Facebook page the morning after the council vote, Oakhurst Neighborhood Association board members and officers stated that they are “exploring all available options up to and including legal action.”

The association provided a statement to TRR regarding the status of the Justice Residences project and future of the neighborhood.

“Although the Oakhurst Neighborhood Association has not received communication from Mercy Culture Church or the Justice Reform since the December 10, 2024 Fort Worth City Council meeting wherein Council approved the proposed site plan amendment that would allow for the construction of the Justice Residences, ONA stands ready to communicate and collaborate with both these entities, as well as the City of Fort Worth, as this process moves forward,” the statement reads. “In the meantime, Oakhurst will continue to be the loving and welcoming neighborhood it has been for over 100 years.”

Omarkhail said Mercy Culture has had a “very negative impact” on the neighborhood and that some residents regret moving there. 

“It’s brought so much animosity, being treated like an enemy in our own neighborhood,” she said. “A church is supposed to be a part of a community, not take over the community.”


*Update: After we published this article, Landon Schott published a video, accusing TRR of not listening to the Mercy Culture podcast on the building controversy and asking why TRR didn’t call him. TRR called Mercy Culture for comment prior to publishing this piece and was told all media requests must be submitted by email. So, we emailed the church three times, but it did not respond. Ann Marie also viewed Mercy Culture’s podcast on the controversy twice, transcribed it, and included quotes from the podcast in this article, so Schott’s allegation is false. 

Email Thread between TRR and Mercy Culture:

Mercy Culture Requests for Interview_Redacted

Ann Marie Shambaugh has reported as a print journalist in multiple states, including currently in Carmel, Indiana. 



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50 Responses

  1. Just going to leave this right here

    Matthew 22:36-40 New American Standard Bible – NASB 1995 (NASB1995)
    “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

    and these aren’t even abstract neighbors- they’re LITERAL neighbors. Do better, Mercy Culture- you’ve lost the plot.

  2. I am a retired professional with 47 years and 9 months experience working in the fields of child protective services and juvenile justice. I have also lived in Oakhurst since 3/30/1995. My chief concerns about Mercy Culture’s proposed Justice Residences Project include the massive amount of public attention they have brought to the residence location, the lack of effort that has been made to partner and/or coordinate their proposed services with established and successful agencies already serving this population, and their physical location’s proximity to major highways. These are critical but not the only key factors that MUST be well thought out before attempting to establish this type of service. These victims have been traumatized in the most savage of ways and don’t need to be unintentionally re-traumatized in what should be a resource for safety, intervention, treatment and healing. There is plenty of work to be done and additional healthy and well planned services are needed to serve sex trafficked victims. It is my hope that leadership at Mercy Culture will reach out to professionals at the Women’s Center of Tarrant County or Safe Haven for example, to determine how best to share their passion and calling to serve these fragile and very needy victims.

  3. The idea of building a shelter for victims of human trafficking is a good one! However, it is a terrible idea to publicize the location of the shelter for obvious reasons- the people living there escaped from literal slavery, and there are probably people looking for them who want to get them back. Publicizing the location of the shelter puts a huge target on the backs of those living there, and everyone who is in the general vicinity.

    “We are worried that this is not a good place for the shelter because it is too close to the general public and the location is not defensible” is not a “demonic” reaction. I am also somewhat concerned that the church involved here isn’t necessarily the right group to be working with extremely vulnerable people based on the pastor’s statements about different groups he doesn’t like. Would he be able to properly work with a trafficking survivor who was gay? Or a different religion?

  4. Wow, this article just exposed the fact that Julie Roys really only presents one side of an argument. I have friends that go to Mercy Culture, and I recently attended one of their conferences where I felt the move of God so powerfully.

    I have worked as a missionary in Thailand and done evangelism in the streets. Mercy Culture is a unique American church that is actually doing things for the Kingdom rather than simply talking about it. I wonder whether so many of the speculators here making derisive comments are actually doing anything for Jesus?

    I was also in attendance on a very Sunday where they presented their side of this contentious situation. I see you have several quotes from random people in the community, but not from the church itself? Is that really the kind of unbiased journalism you claim to espouse?

    You point out the faults of so many members of the Body of Christ, and to what end? Are you really doing the Lord’s work in this, or merely sowing division? You have cast this church in a wholly negative light without any apparent attempt to look at the good fruit they are producing. I am frankly appalled at this, and now see no further reason to trust in your prejudicial “journalism” moving forward.

    It cannot go well for you by assailing a Kingdom-oriented church that is reaching the lost in DFW. I know firsthand from working in ministry that this is an exceedingly rare quality that is lacking wholesale in modern churchianity, and you are working to tear this down by sensationalizing a story and providing only one point of view.

    1. Noel,

      Perhaps you missed it, but Ann Marie stated in the article that she reached out to Mercy Culture for comment, but the church didn’t respond. I also see that Landon Schott has released a video, claiming that TRR didn’t view the podcast the church released on the issue and asking why we didn’t call Landon about the issue. Both these statements are very deceptive.

      Ann Marie called the church and was told that all media requests must be submitted by email. So, she emailed the church–3 times! But the church never replied. Here is a link to a PDF of the email thread with Mercy Culture:

      Also, Ann Marie watched the Mercy Culture podcast on the issue twice, transcribed it, and included quotes from the podcast in her article. So clearly, Landon knew his allegation was false but published it anyway. This is concerning, to say the least.

      1. In a day where anything a pastor or church leader says to defend themselves or their position gets labeled as (DARVO) and called victim shamers on reddit or online platforms, no wonder Julie Roys gets few comments from Christians faithful to God but fearful of retribution from the woke cancel agenda.

  5. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1John1:8 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John1:9 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us. 1John1:10 John8:7 ” He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”

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