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Denzel Washington Baptized and Receives Minister’s License: ‘It Took A While, But I’m Here’

By Liz Lykins
denzel washington
On Dec. 21, 2024, Bishop James Pullings Jr. (left) presents Denzel Washington with a ministerial license certificate at a service of Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ in New York, New York. (Video screengrab)

Movie star Denzel Washington has taken on a new role — last week he received his minister’s license at a church service in New York City. The actor, most recently known for his part in “Gladiator II,” was also baptized, according to a livestream video of the event.

“If [God] can do this for me, there’s nothing He can’t do for you,” Washington said. “The sky literally is the limit.”

The two-time Academy Award winner is famous for his roles in movies, such as “The Equalizer” franchise, “Training Day,” “The Book of Eli,” and “Malcom X.”

Washington, 69, celebrated the milestone in his faith at Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ located in the Harlem neighborhood. The church is affiliated with the Pentecostal Church of God in Christ denomination.

The event occurred on December 21, one week prior to Washington’s 70th birthday on December 28.

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kelly temple
Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ in New York, New York. (Photo via social media)

“In one week, I turn 70,” he said. “It took a while, but I’m here.”

Washington was baptized first during the service, while donning a white robe. He was presented with a certificate of baptism.

Then, while casually dressed in a gray T-shirt and black sweatpants, the actor was given a minister’s license by church leadership. The license enables him to officiate at minor religious services, such as weddings, and will allow him to be ordained in the future. 

Washington shared that this moment has been nearly 50 years in the making. When he was 20, he remembers sitting in his mom’s beauty parlor when he encountered a woman named Ruth Green.

“She said, ‘Boy, you are going to travel the world and preach to millions of people,’” he recalled. “She wouldn’t even spell the word prophecy. My mother wrote the word prophecy. . .50 years later, look at God.”

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Denzel Washington (Photo via Facebook)

Washington also expressed his gratitude for his “loving, faithful wife,” Pauletta Washington, who was there supporting him from the front row. 

Pauletta tearfully talked about her husband’s spiritual journey during the service. She shared how proud she was to witness him taking these next steps of faith. 

“Forty-six years later, here I’m still standing next to him as only God will have it,” she said. “So, I’m very proud of you. You are the head of our house, and you have set a great example for our children.”

Denzel Washington concluded the service by sharing his praise for God.

“To God be the glory. Hallelujah!” Washington said. “Anything I can do, I will do for this church, the Almighty. I just want to be in that number when the saints go marching in.”

The wife of the church’s bishop, Esther Renee Burns Pullings shared photos of the momentous event on Facebook.

“A beautiful service we had today at The Historic Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ,” she captioned her post. “We witnessed our Bishop James Pullings Jr. baptizing now Minister Denzel Washington today To God Be The Glory!”

Washington opens up about his faith

Last month, Washington opened up about his faith in an essay for Esquire.

“It’s my job to lift God up,” the actor said. “To give Him praise, to make sure that anyone and everyone I speak to the rest of my life understands that He is responsible for me.”

He said he grew up going to church. He witnessed altar calls and “people being saved,” but he “didn’t really know” what was happening because he was young. 

The “biggest moment” of his life happened when he was “filled with the Holy Spirit” at West Angeles Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles in the early 1980s.

“It felt like I was getting lifted up. It felt like my back was arched, and I had my eyes closed,” he said. “Not that I was going up in the air, but—I can’t exactly describe it. And I was blabbering, and kept blabbering, because I was filled with the Holy Spirit.”

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On Dec. 21, 2024, Bishop James Pullings Jr. (left) baptizes Denzel Washington at a service of Kelly Temple Church of God in Christ in New York, New York. (Photo: Facebook)

Later in the piece, Washington noted that he was “unafraid” of the public’s reaction to his faith. He continued, “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

However, he said that faith is not something you can’t talk about in “this town,” while referring to Hollywood.

“You can’t talk like that and win Oscars. You can’t talk like that and party. You can’t say that in this town,” he said. “It’s not fashionable. It’s not sexy. But that doesn’t mean people in Hollywood don’t believe.”

He noted that he is unsure of how many other actors believe in God.

“It’s not like we all meet somewhere and discuss what we believe,” he said. “So, I don’t know how many other actors have faith. I didn’t do no poll. How would I find that out? I mean, there’s no Church Actor Meetings I’ve been to.”

Despite this, Washington feels “free now” and said God has always been a part of each step of his life.

“Always. I’ve always been led by God, and most of my performances are faith filled,” he recalled. “Even in the darkest stories, I’m looking for the light.”

Liz Lykins is a correspondent covering religion news for The Roys Report, WORLD Magazine, and other publications.



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8 Responses

  1. Why is he getting baptized and a ministers certificate the same day?! That doesn’t seem to align with 1 Timothy 3:6.

    1. The power of celebrity can counteract any biblical mandate for most churches these days. Why was anyone listening to those Duck Dynasty folks.

  2. Where is the gospel here? He probably doesn’t even know what being born again means. His fruit is rotten if he claims a supernatural experience in the 1980s and just did a homosexual movie scene. By their fruit ye shall know them.

  3. My great hope for Denzel, who seems like a pretty decent guy – and a very good actor – is that he not get lost in the religious hoopla and disorientation that is so deeply infected into much of the American evangelical community –

    1. @ Greg Logan. That is a good hope and I desire and pray the same – specifically that God reveals Himself to Denzel beyond an esoteric encounter where he found himself “blabbering and blabbering”! I have had my own experience with the COGIC, and in my opinion, it is an organization that is “deeply infected” with “religious hoopla and disorientation”….

  4. I wait to see the fruit and try not to succumb to the “halo effect” that if someone is good at one thing it means they are good at another.

  5. To God Be The Glory!!! Congratulations, Mr. Washington! This just reminds us that as long as breath is in our bodies and we are in our right minds, it’s never to late to do anything.

  6. I read the essay in Esquire, and wow. What an amazing testimony and powerful next chapter in Denzel’s life.
    I know there will be naysayers, but the hand of the God we serve is never too short, and it’s never too late!

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