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Reporting the Truth.
Restoring the Church.

Director of John MacArthur’s Broadcast Ministry Doxes Julie Roys & Defends It

By Julie Roys
Phil Johnson
Phil Johnson, executive director of John MacArthur's broadcast ministry, Grace to You. (Source: Facebook)

Phil Johnson, the director of John MacArthur’s broadcast ministry, Grace to You, doxed me yesterday in a document he posted online. When confronted, Johnson defended what he did.

To dox someone is to publish private or identifying information about that person, especially as a form of punishment or revenge. Doxing is  illegal in California and punishable up to one year in jail or a fine of $1,000.

In my case, Johnson published my home address. This was in response to an article I posted this week about the salaries, secrecy, and lifestyle of Johnson’s boss, John MacArthur. My article also noted that Grace to You (GTY) paid Johnson a $230K+ salary and a sizeable loan, which was fully forgiven. 

Johnson included my address in a letter he posted online and then linked to in a tweet. After I confronted Johnson publicly for what he had done, he blurred the address in the online letter, which still includes my city and zip code. Johnson did not comment about what he had done, but instead defended publishing my address in a tweet.

The tweet below shows both the original letter Johnson posted, which has been modified to obscure my address, beside the letter with the blurred address:

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In Johnson’s initial tweet with a link to the letter (3 of 5 tweets Johnson posted Friday), Johnson complained that I had cherrypicked quotes in my story and “didn’t link to full versions” of certain documents. 

Yet Johnson later admitted in a tweet that he had never mailed the letter with my address that he posted online. He sent me an email instead. Plus, while the online letter is dated “23 March 2020,” the document’s embedded metadata shows the letter was created on February 3, 2021, at 5:14 p.m. CT (3:14 p.m. PST). That’s the same day I published my article on MacArthur. 

Dox Metadata

When asked on twitter about the creation of the letter, Johnson claimed that he had created a hardcopy of the letter in March “for his files.” He says he then scanned the letter to a pdf more recently.

However, the original PDF of the letter, which is no longer available online but I have in my possession, is editable and the font appears to be real and not a picture. Also, a link to the GTY website at the bottom of the letter is active, which would not be the case in a scanned document. (This link was also active in the revised letter with my address blurred at the time of publishing.)

Additionally, in the letter posted online, the name of GTY CFO David Fisk is removed and appears as “D_____ F_____.”

Yet, there would have been no reason to redact the name in a letter sent to me in March. The email Johnson sent me in March included Fisk’s name. 

Other than Fisk’s name and the letterhead and signature, the only difference between the email and the letter Johnson posted is the addition of my address.

I tweeted to Johnson about the issues with his story about the letter’s creation, but he did not respond.

There are similar issues with the second document Johnson posted, which was also linked in Johnson’s tweet about the letter. In his tweet, Johnson suggests that the document was available to me before I published. However, like the letter Johnson posted, the metadata for the second document shows it was created on February 3, 2021, as well—at 7:02 p.m.

Statement metadata

I reached out to Johnson on twitter to explain the discrepancy in dates concerning the second document, but as of time of publishing, he did not respond.

Content of Documents

The original email Johnson sent me on March 23, 2020, was a response to my request for information about MacArthur’s salary, the GTY board, and GTY contracts with MacArthur family members.

Johnson’s email was sent to me soon after I had reported that a person who had attended the 2020 Shepherds’ Conference at Grace Community Church had contracted COVID-19 and died.

In the email, Johnson accuses me of “making false accusations” and “scandalmongering”; likens my website to “the nests of busybodies”; and says I am “bent on destroying another’s reputation.”

Johnson closes by saying he will never correspond with me again, nor will anyone from GTY. (I included this information in my recent financial article about MacArthur.)

The second document Johnson posted appears to be an expanded version of the statement Johnson posted to the Sharper Iron website in 2014. (I linked to the statement at Sharper Iron in my recent article on MacArthur, as well.)

The expanded version Johnson posted today includes a paragraph defending GTY’s multi-million-dollar contracts with John MacArthur’s son-in-law, Kory Welch.

Johnson says GTY chose to use Welch because “his company’s work is excellent,” “his bid was competitive,” and “he has easier access to record John than any other videographers would.”

Johnson’s expanded version of his statement also calls critics of MacArthur “busybodies guilty of sinful scandal-mongering.”

Tweets Fail to Answer Questions

Johnson’s series of five tweets he posted Friday are the only responses from GTY, Grace Community Church (GCC), or The Master’s University and Seminary to the serious governance and financial issues I raised in my article on MacArthur.

The tweets fail to answer why MacArthur appears to make three full-time salaries from his ministries when he seemingly works part-time for at least two of them. They also give no explanation for MacArthur’s expensive lifestyle, which includes three luxury homes. Nor do the tweets address why MacArthur’s sons and Johnson, a key employee, served on the GTY board for decades.

However, in two tweets Johnson offered an explanation for why Grace Community Church (GCC) withdrew from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) on April 2. This was less than two weeks after ECFA contacted GCC, urging the church to release their financial statements to me in compliance with ECFA standards.

In one tweet, Johnson said Grace Church dropped its membership “since the church doesn’t solicit donations from the general public.”

In a tweet to someone else, Johnson stated that GCC left ECFA because of “a disagreement over how much information needs to be made public, even for non-church members and non-donors.

Johnson GCC ECFA

Other tweets of Johnson’s were mainly ad hominem arguments, calling my work “scandalmongering twaddle” and “shoddy,” and alleging I’m not a “legitimate journalist” and likening me to “relentless busybodies and gossipmongers.”

Below is Johnson’s initial thread of five tweets:

I am not posting the original PDF of Johnson’s letter including my address because I do not wish to dox myself. However, the tweet below gives more detailed metadata information on the original PDF Johnson posted of my letter.




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100 Responses

  1. This is exactly the kind of “ journalism” that has made me decide to eliminate the Roys Report from my bookmarked list It’s been getting worse lately and I can’t help but wonder why?

    1. Mark,

      You were never a fan of Julie’s to begin with and most likely you are a sock puppet of JMA’s lapdog himself (Phil Johnson). We are not all as gullible as JMA’s zombies are.

  2. Well this is not an elder above reproach but you can guarantee GCC will not hold him to the biblical standard. NEVER. He is a bully. He is mean and he is not becoming of the gospel. So how long can an elder exhibit lack of self-control before he himself is called to repentance. I guess if your spiritual gift is being a bully, Johnson is doubly blessed. So sad a man can stay this close to MacArthur and get away with it. He’s just trying to silence the narrative that has exposed him.

  3. Mr. Johnson, you have been utterly and convincingly exposed as a bully and a liar. You stand condemned. I rebuke you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Repent, apologize to Ms. Roys, and resign from Christian ministry effective immediately.

  4. Keep fighting the good fight of FAITH Julie! It is a thankless and conspicuous job you are called to perform, but so many of us are thankful and cheering you on! Strap on the HOLY Armor and keep fighting with your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus!

    1. So sorry for you and your family. Consider the source, of course. You got too close to the fire( truth!)….keep it up. Praying for your protection.

      1. Julie–I truly believe this is one of those times when drinking “deadly poison” and “handling snakes” will prove harmless to you. Praying God’s army be encamped around you and yours…

  5. Wow. Just wow.
    For any person holding such high place of authority in ministry – in this case broadcast ministry – to commit an act of doxxing….what in the world?! Then he blurs it but leaves the city, state, and zip….wow. Sounds like he knew what he doing.

    If this is the behavior one exhibits to defend another, it’s a disservice that ends up just making everyone look worse and more suspicious. This is some trash behavior that makes Christ looks bad. One doesn’t have to resort to trash tactics to mount a defense. He needs to correct himself and apologize – yesterday.

  6. Hard to understand how these guys who delight in throwing other so-called prosperity preachers under the bus are so touchy when their own “log-in-the-eye” gets exposed. Keep up the excellent work Julie.

  7. Phil JOHNSON please read Proverbs 11:2–When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.” Phil you could have responded humbly and with grace, but no. You are the embodiment of Proverbs 11:2 unfortunately.

  8. Hey Pastor Phil- Why not instead simply respond patiently with documented facts to the specific questions raised by Julie Roys, rather than personally attack her with pointless name calling as if she were an unloved enemy? (Matthew 5:44 does not apply to GTY, only to the rest of us?). Attack the messenger, attack personally the person who has the audacity to question your non-profit, publish her home address knowing she will face harassment, then of course fabricate the motives of your fellow believer. Which one of these responses is an example of the Fruit of the Spirit?

    1. I suspected that Mr. Johnson was JMac’s hatchetman. When he gets a cool 1/4 mil in compensation and he and his boss who gets a lot more get exposed, you just stepped on his idols. When people are under heat, their immediate response shows who they really serve. Keep up the good work Julie. We will keep praying for you protection.

  9. Phil Johnson here is another Proverb that would be becoming of a biblically qualified elder…unfortunately you are not biblically qualified by you exhibition of anger and self control.
    “Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.” Proverbs 16:32

  10. Julie, one thing the report does not include is rather or not you plan to follow up with the state of CA by filing a complaint against this Johnson for committing a crime? It seams to me that these guys have gone full-on with breaking reasonable laws and do need to be held accountable for that. Let me implore you to follow this up. I would think the state would look very negatively at anyone doxing a journalist just because they are running bad press on them. Letting this slide creates a very bad precedent. And do be careful for sure. The other J Mac did look for a hitman at least twice. This guy is from the same caliber of evil. I would not take anything for granted at this point. The only God’s they serve are Ego and Mammon.

  11. I’m going to ask why is any of this crap necessary to begin with. Because as a ‘journalist’ you seem to be doing nothing more than mud slinging (or gossiping) and using your corner of the web to keep something stirred up. Maybe, you should go try reading the Bible once. Intentionally focusing on someone and discussing their financial business, living arrangement and dragging family members into a argument they have nothing to do with is spiteful and hate filled. If you’re calling yourself a ‘Christian’ anything and then going out of your way to attack a person, Jesus might surprise you when you meat him.
    Just because it’s legal for a person to request certain types of information, doesn’t mean it’s morally sound to ddo so.

    1. Sarah, did you even READ the article? Do you even understand what the issues are? Does it not disturb you that a so-called “man of God” would act the way that he did, engage in deception and then, when called out on it, say nothing and double down? Are you telling me that this doesn’t bother you in the least?

      With all that said, the best you can do is accuse Julie of mudslinging, gossiping and “being hate filled”. Talk about missing the point!

      So, in answer to the question that you posed, this”crap”, as you call it, is necessary because it serves to protect people by exposing the true intentions and character of men who piously “proclaim the gospel” while their hearts are rotten to the core.

      Great work, Julie! Keep pressing on.

  12. Keep doing what you are doing Julie the Body of Christ need people of integrity like you both MacArthur and Johnson are now being seen for what they unfortunately are MacArthur for some of his false teachings and deplorable behaviour during covid crisis and Johnson for idolatry to his master MacArthur for covering for him I truly pray they repent

  13. PJ lost credibility years ago when he and another ‘Christian’ man stood in front of an audience and made fun of discerning women calling them ‘discernment divas’. He will be held accountable to the Lord one day.

  14. The reason Julie gets the kind of heat she does is because she sticks her finger in the festering open wound of individuals who think they have no accountability to anybody, not even the Lord. Julie and people of like mind and profession are sorely needed in evangelical circles today to raise a red flag because of the truckloads of garbage that men like James McDonald and John MacArthur pile on the body of Christ. I don’t care how good of a preacher they are or what works they have written. Because of their arrogance, greed, pride, narcissism, you name it, MacDonald and MacArthur and those like them do not, do not, do not belong in the pulpit or the ministry of the Lord’s church anymore than a pack of baboons. Preaching and teaching and ministry work has nothing to do with it. Julie, you have a lot of guts, more than any woman I’ve ever known of. Do not be afraid of any of them. May the Lord keep you and bless you.

  15. darn Julie, i missed the first dox….and I was gonna pull your address and hand delivery a fruit basket…being only 30 minutes from the Chicago metro area….oh well, finding fresh fruit this time of year is a challenge….so maybe I will just tab your support button instead

  16. Julie,

    I assume that you have competent legal help. You need to file charges–AND a lawsuit. (Not that you don’t already know this.)

    Normally I would endlessly rail against CA’s fanatical leftism, but in this case, it might actually result in some justice. I can’t imagine the state is all that fond of the MacArthur crime family right now–and California is one of those few states that actually prosecutes legally iffy online speech with the ferocity of a tiger (at least when it’s the “right” doing it).

    Go get ’em/

    1. Agreed. I posted the relevant CA law in another article and I think Julie should file a criminal complaint against Phil Johnson. Oh and don’t to forget to mention the relationship between Phil and GCC. I am sure the LEOs and DAs will really love that.

  17. Julie;

    Phil’s response is predictable. The leadership around MacArthur possess a fortress mentality. Phil’s ad hominem response serves to underscore that. It is the reason I couched my comments the way I did in my original remarks to your original story in this regard: I.e.”if Phil Johnson would have said…” It is obvious Phil cannot respond in a way that would have cleared his bosses’ name, so predictably his response is not based in facts but in attacking the messenger.

    Keep up your courage; I know these guys and they are bullies.

  18. Reminds me of the “toadie” for Scut Farkas in the “Christmas Story” movie. Bullies always surround themselves with protectors.

    Wondering how GCC will respond to the US Supreme Court decision to allow California churches to have 25% capacity with no singing?

  19. I am not at all surprised by this. I have always considered JMac a false prophet, but the words “by their fruits you will know them” is the operative term. If you wait long enough, the bad fruit always shows. The proof positive for me was the time when Phil Johnson and and J Mac mocked Beth Moore in public by verbally assaulting her in a word association game, which led to J Mac saying “Go home.” I am actually not a huge Beth Moore fan, but the fact that J Mac and his enablers would mock anyone in public shows they are likely unregenerate. Tell J Mac to read Psalm 1 in his innerant “J Mac Study Bible.”

    But, the innerant Scripture also say, “God will not be mocked, one reaps what one sows.” There is a disturbing trend, so well documented by Ms Roys, that celebrity pastors sin, cover up, lie, bully those who try to expose them, etc. But, the house of cards always crashes. Those who dig a pit for others will always fall into it themselves.

    Julie, please report this crime of doxing to California authorities. And please be wise as a serpent. I have spent my life doing revitalization in corrupt churches. Those who have dug pits for me always fall into them eventually, but it,s pretty painful until they do.

    “To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

  20. I have always considered JM a great bible teacher but his denouncing of the nonviolent intervention of those who interposed themselves at abortion clinics; his council to the assistant police chief in LA (which resulted in horrible abuse and torture of Christians); and his response to AHA Christians calling for repentance of believer’s callousness toward the victims of this present holocaust I do not trust his heart. He is able to preach a good “Prolife” sermon but he seems incapable of identifying with the victim of our present holocaust. The Priest & the Levite in Luke 10 probably had what they considered a “Biblical world view” and affirmed that the beaten & dying man was made in God’s image but they did not identify with him & showed him no compassion. I am not surprised about JM’s expenditures. Most Pastors who are doing very well financially are unwilling to include the preborn among those who we are called to love as ourselves because it is just to costly.

    1. “I have always considered JM a great bible teacher …”

      Maybe all along it was *the Bible* (and its Author) that was great, not John MacArthur.

  21. Wowsa. That’s what I say. I don’t want division but I don’t want people like the J M infrastructure to treat others as they are. It’s as though it is not a Christian ministry but a secular business.

  22. Julie, Please report this to authorities.

    People act recklessly , immature and just plain weird when they’re being exposed. PJ’s odd behavior is speaking volumes .

  23. Phil Johnson, Your letter is a clear case of PRIDE and MALICE. The Bible has some things to say about that and the way you weaponized and misapplied Scripture. I didn’t think much of the report of how wealthy John MacArthur or his ministry is. He criticized others for being in ministry for the money. Just because he has money doesn’t mean he’s in the ministry for it. But why is it wrong to be questioned about it? Your response tells me Julie is on the right trail and there is a good reason for her to be following it. On top of your misuse of God’s Word you do the things you accuse her of, make false accusations about the quality of her work and say she’s not even a real journalist? How vicious. You sound desperate to sink to that level. I would comment on your tweet but I deleted Twitter.

  24. Johnson, like his boss, is an unrepentant, chronic liar and abusive bully. For as much as MacArthur is paying Johnson to do his dirty work, you’d think he could find someone with more intelligence and at least a veneer of something good. The foul spirit and source of their entrenched sin is clear, the father of lies himself (Jn 8:44).

    For example, they have both conspired for a long time to spread layer upon layer of abusive deception about MacArthur’s self-aggrandizing lie regarding who he was with and what he did when MLK was killed, illustrating once again sometimes truth is stranger than fiction:

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