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Canadian Broadcaster Pulls Program from Daystar Due to ‘Ethical Deficits’

Por Julie Roys
Laura-Lynn Thompson
In a live broadcast Nov. 26, 2024, Canadian broadcaster Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson announces that she's pulling her TV program from Daystar's network due to "ethical deficits." (Source: Video Screenshot)

Canadian broadcaster Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson announced in a live broadcast yesterday that she is pulling her daily TV program, Laura-Lynn Live at the Eagle’s Nest, from Daystar TV due to “ethical deficits” in the network.

“It is with great sadness and personal angst that we are going to give notice to Daystar Canada that we will be removing our show from their network . . . due to what we perceive to be numerous ethical deficits,” Thompson said.

She added that the most important deficit was the “failure of senior executives, and in this case, parents to properly align with their son and daughter in law, who had sincere, rational, and earnest concerns that their child had been molested by a family member.”

Thompson’s show aired on Daystar Canada’s dedicated cable channel, reaching 17 million people nationwide, according to Daystar’s website. Worldwide, Daystar’s network includes more than 100 stations and is reportedly worth $1 billion.

Según lo informado por El Informe Roys (TRR), former Daystar Vice President Jonathan Lamb and his wife, Suzy, claim that Jonathan’s mother, Daystar President Joni Lamb, covered up the abuse of their daughter by a family member.

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Daystar denies the allegation, adding that an “internal investigation . . . concluded with no wrongdoing found nor evidence provided that corroborated the allegation.”

Throughout the 44-minute broadcast, Thompson cited TRR’s articles on the scandal, as well as audio we’ve published and statements by Jonathan and Suzy and Daystar.

“We have watched all the videos, read, every statement and every article written. I have personally consulted with my board and those whose discernment I deeply trust,” Thompson said. “We are in unanimous agreement that there is a deep crack in the foundation of Daystar, and we are unable to build on it.”

She added, “Joani and Marcus covered up a deep, profound concern and what we further believe to be shocking evidence that their . . .  grandchild may have been harmed by a family member.”

Thompson noted that the first she learned of the “recent trouble” was through a video Jonathan and Suzy released a week ago, stating that they were in hiding and “had been followed, threatened, and intimidated.”

Suzy and Jonathan Lamb share details of their story via Instagram.

“These particular startling revelations have not been addressed by Daystar, and remain a very disturbing aspect of this story,” Thompson said. “Why would they feel that they were literally in danger?”

Thompson then mentioned TRR’s “three disturbing reports on the situation, which have grown more complex and revealing with every article.”

Thompson noted that in our first article, we reported that “Pete,” a pseudonym for a Lamb family member, was caught in a bedroom with Jonathan and Suzy’s naked daughter.

“After this was released, our first question was: why is a grown male family member at a (beach) retreat, who is not the father, in a bedroom with a naked child?” Thompson said. “Period. End of story. And absolutely unacceptable under any circumstances. Answers to this question have not been adequate and remain completely in supportable to any rational adult.”

Thompson also noted our report that Lamb’s daughter had told her mother about her abuse prior to the incident at the beach, showing with her hands how she had been touched. But instead of reporting both of these incidents to police, Daystar, by its own admission, conducted an “internal investigation,” which it claims cleared Pete of wrongdoing.

Later, Denise Boggs, who reportedly coordinated that “investigation,” told Jonathan and Suzy that the inquiry did not clear Pete.

“Why was there not an immediate investigation with sober integrity to get to the truth?” Thompson asks. “Most importantly, where was the loyalty to stand with Jonathan and Suzy in this horrendous reality they were now coping with? The best opportunity for any such allegations to be found completely false would be immediate and necessary, professional examination of all facts by independent experts and police. All of this would have showed transparency, integrity and most of all, a deep love and commitment to their son, daughter in law and precious grandchild.”

Thompson also explained another source of contention between Jonathan and Suzy and Joni we reported—Joni’s marriage to Doug Weiss, which the couple believed was not biblical. Because of this conviction, the couple refused to read a listener comment, praising Joni and Doug’s marriage, which prompted Joni to accuse them of rebellion.

“I think even at this point, there could have been just an understanding that (Jonathan and Suzy) would not be doing things that support a relationship that they feel has been entered into in error,” Thompson says. “And that was just not possible. And I’m not certain why there would have to be this kind of control and difficulty.”

In response to the allegations, Joni released a statement accusing Jonathan of “fabricating a smear campaign” because he had not been named Daystar president after the untimely death of his father, Daystar Co-Founder Marcus Lamb.

“The sadness begins to get extremely intense, I think, for all of us watching, because this is not just a boss and an employee, this is a mother and her son,” Thompson says.

“. . . No boss, let alone your own mom, should be asking you to do that. . . . All of this put together begins to lead to a place where it’s hard to understand the disloyalty, the lack of empathy, the hardness of heart, the lack of discernment, and the inability for Joni Lamb to see what is happening.”

Thompson ends by calling for “repentance on the part of the Daystar leadership.” She also calls for Jonathan to “one day have the firstborn right to operate and walk with integrity leading Daystar.”

She ends with a prayer for “the situation to one day be resolved . . . and I pray a blessing on it with all truth and with all integrity that God will heal this family.”


Julie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.



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43 Respuestas

  1. I am so thankful to hear this news. This issue needs resolved, and acting like the abuse on many levels didn’t happen is turning a blind eye to sin. Other ministries need to take a stand on where they are at with this BUSINESS. (Let’s get something clear…it isn’t a ministry. It’s a business.)

    1. I agree Julie Creek. I am praying other folks take this route too. Thank you Laura Lynn for taking a stand against evil! Praying for Jonathan and Suzy and their sweet child that our Lord and Savior heals her and Suzy.

    2. I’m pleased with this move also. I’m concerned about how Joni and Jimmy continually spoke over Jonathan and Suzy. When they did get a chance to speak, they were interrupted and controlled. These reports are necessary for the body of Christ and DayStar supporters. Thank you for your diligence.

    3. Anyone here who has a recurring donation set up for Daystar, needs to know how to shut it OFF. And if Daystar refuses to stop processing your donations, notify your financial institution to no longer process requests for withdrawals.

      1. This is so concerning. Isn’t God the God of daystar? I am also left wondering if their promise that 100% of what you give goes toward whatever project you chose is just a lie covering a scam. This all seems like just the tip of the iceberg, and honestly I feel physically sick. Who is left to trust at all in this world. Maybe that is the lesson in all of this.

  2. If you are a pastor or church with a show on Daystar consider moving that show to another network. Cable subscribers, drop the channel. Partners, stop giving the money.

    1. Usually, cable or streaming service subscribers can’t pick and choose which channels they want on their subscription. However, if enough people contact the service provider, asking a channel to be removed (and their reason why it should be), then they might listen. Also, if no one watches it, the companies will get the ratings and decide to stop carrying it.

      1. In Canada we must request and pay extra for Daystar. I was paying $2/month. Not a huge cost but I cannot support the network after what I’ve read and heard.

    2. I fully agree. These ministries have become nothing more than big business instead of going about Our Father’s Business. Shameful to see these purported ministries getting super rich . The money that folks send into these ministries should pay the bills to preach the gospel not so these preachers can live a luxurious lifestyle.

  3. Way back, when it came out that Marcus was having an affair and he and Joni tried to cover it up, my husband and I called the customer service line and cancelled our support. There have been shenanigans going on at Daystar for years apparently.

  4. Thank you Laura-Lynn, I’ve never even heard of you before, but you did an excellent job with your video, and you surely made the right decision to pull your programming from Daystar. I don’t know how any ministry with any conscience could do anything other than pull their program off Daystar immediately. To stay on and stay silent makes them a participant in this horrific abuse. May the fear of the Lord fill every minister who currently airs on Daystar. Could they really stand in from of Jonathan’s little girl and try to justify their support of her abusers? Woa to those who value being on air more than standing up for the sake of a precious little girl who was molested.

  5. I applaud this ministry’s action of removing thier program from Daystar. In my opinion Daystar is nothing more than a huge corporation under the guise of a church or ministry. It is obvious that they are puffed up with pride and seemingly trying to control the narrative by threatening legal actions against YouTube channels and my understanding Julie Roys as well.
    So grateful that we still have the first ammendment.
    I hope with the departure of Jonathan and Suzy from this organization that their eyes will be further opened to truth and delivered from all deception and delusion that they have been immersed in for so long.
    Most importantly I pray for the complete healing of their daughter.
    Any programs that remain on this network will be judged.

  6. I listened to the full recording and was shocked at the obvious ‘brow beating’ of Jonathan and Suzy to violate their convictions. Romans 14 deals with convictions – and whatever does not originate or proceed from faith is sin.

    This scripture came to mind as I listened to the ‘deification of man’ over God regarding submission. Romans 14:23 “But the man who has doubts (misgivings, an uneasy conscience) about eating, and then eats (perhaps because of you), stands condemned (before God), because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith. For WHATEVER does not originate and proceed from faith is sin (WHATEVER is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful). Amplified Classic.

    In this case the “WHATEVER” is the sincere conviction that their daughter was indeed molested – and the desire to bring everything into the light; the earnest confrontation with JONI to listen to her friend’s letter about Doug – and the ‘viewer comment’ that was a firm NO from both Suzy and Jonathan to praise the ‘marriage’ on air.

    Many comments have used the term spiritual witchcraft. Let’s just call it witchcraft – and the definition of witchcraft is the DOMINANCE / MANIPULATION AND CONTROL OF THE FREE WILL. This is clearly operating.

    Remember Luther said that to go against conscience was neither wise or safe. He was right. Your conscience is like a black box recorder that will either accuse you or exonerate you at the end of days.

    As a fellow Canadian – I say a heartfelt thank you to Laura Lynn for taking a stand for righteousness and to say a firm no thank – you to the current Daystar platform.

    1. I agree. I remember a really good John Paul Jackson program – on Joni table talk- he said the Right hand of God was character – the left hand of God was gifts. The Matt. 7 group clearly put the left hand of God in an exalted place above character.

  7. I listened to the recording of the meeting with Jimmy Evans and Joni and I applaud Jonathan and Suzy for keeping their cool in the midst of accusations of witchcraft, rebellion, and all manner of disobedience. Evans did not help at all, but at times escalated the situation which made me wonder what his true motives were? I canceled my subscription to his ministry today. Joni broughtup snippets of conversations with people she claimed agreed with her stance, but wouldn’t reveal who these people were. If Evans was a true counselor he would know that is unfair fighting as he has taught about that very thing. To hear joni tell Jonathan to”handle” Suzy was disgusting. Jimmy Evans, Joni, and others at Daystarneed to repent.

  8. THIS is how you send a message to organizations like Daystar: hit them in the pocketbook!

    Yes, her ministry may have to pay a contractual penalty for leaving before their contract ended, but a one-time payment is a small price to pay to keep from searing your conscience with a hot iron, plus it deprives them of a future revenue stream.

  9. I praise God for your insight and discernment in this situation. In the midst of all this disturbing information I believe that God has revealed to you the truth and the way forward. I truly hope that all involved will listen to this and their eyes will be opened to see the way forward. As bad as this looks, God is in charge and He will get glory out of this. I join with you and with the thousands of people I believe are praying for this family, Daystar, and all involved. The truth will set them all free. Thank you for sharing.

  10. I’m glad to see that someone is not looking at how much money they may lose. Joni had a real gem in Suzi. I’ve recorded the Joni show for several years to hear the guests, not the women at the table. I was surprised at Suzi’s love and desire for God as most of the other women don’t really show that. But Joni’s got to have her man. I was a bit surprised to hear how many times she used cuss words aimed at her son to shame and manipulate him, in another video. How many times in the end did she say that Jonathan had hell to pay (maybe 10), for not kissing her ring), altho I think he basically did for a while. The more I see of her, it seems the bigger her demon gets. She is working hard to keep her kingdom intact no matter what it takes, even threatening to sue Utuber’s who won’t take down videos of what’s going on. I have no pity on her because I have no doubt God dealt with her and she was having none of it. It took a brave daughter in law to make a stand. God’s prophet have been saying that religious kingdoms would be judged.

  11. Listening to the full audio, I came away with the word ‘submission’ PREACHED in a very ‘man centric’ fashion. The Bible refers to submission as first and foremost to GOD.

    Ex. – “submit to God and the devil will flee – James ; Saul/Samuel encounter is rebellion because the sin of witchcraft is before GOD. The church is to submit to Christ – Eph. 5 – otherwise the spirit of harlotry is present because of no submission to God – Hos. 4:12b….”For the spirit of harlotry has led them astray and they have played the harlot – withdrawing themselves from subjection to their God.”

    This scriptural foundation is important because the cross has TWO boards. One vertical and one horizontal. Submission is vertical FIRST and horizontal SECOND – and only as much as possible can we live in peace because of the soul issues in men. To hear the Joni/ Jimmy filibuster – submission has been hijacked for a horizontal man centric purpose – PROTECT Daystar!

    As a fellow Canadian – kudos to Laura for doing right and withdrawing from this ‘deification of man centric org.’ Jonathan/ Suzy need much prayer in the face of these cold harsh North winds. S.S. 4:16

  12. Somehow I have been expecting Johnathan & Susie to cause trouble and over reach his position as a son after his father’s death. I remember Markus asking Joni to assume the president’s position in Daystar. He is trying to usurp his position in the chain of command in the organization. The position of president will come to him upon his Mother’s death or other conditions.

    The situation with the relative seen with the child is something totally different and should not have been included in the problem of leadership of the organization. I could detect bitterness in Johnathan before the marriage with Doug occurred.
    Trust the devil to try and block the “Word” encompassing the whole world – I see far beyond what is happening and the intent of the”enemy”. God is still in control – let Him work everything out in His own way and time. Love you.

    1. @ Dori, do you have first hand knowledge of the alleged things going on behind the scenes at Darkstar? Why would you make comment that you knew they J&S would cause trouble? First they are standing for their daughter that was allegedly abused by a family member, and they didn’t feel comfortable reading a comment about a man they don’t really know. They have every right to have reservations, as do we all. Jonathan appears to have a gentle and godly spirit and Didn’t deserve the abuse and bullying behavior directed at them by Joni, and Jimmy Evans. Also the world will be just fine without Darkstar!

  13. Of all the things Jonathan and Suzi know about Joni – years of ministry and numerous intimate conversations – Joni expects us to believe they lied about covering up the sexual abuse of their daughter!? If Jonathan was bitter about Joni holding the presidency (he refused to sign an NDA and go along with her crap so he didn’t get the job), there are SO MANY other ways he could have exposed her. Seriously. Why would they lie about something like that? Also, I listened to the recording and was shocked. Jimmy Evans. Joni Lamb. Just wow…

  14. I would like to say thank you to Julie and the Roys Report team for bringing the truth to light! Having experience in research and ghostwriting, I know it takes a lot of time and effort to do what you do. We really appreciate you and your team for your dedication and hard work! 🙂 I don’t have much but I’m donating and encourage everyone reading to do the same. If we all pitch in they can keep up the good work!

  15. I have been with Jesus for Four hours. I am grossed out by the abuse of power to Johnathon and Suzy. First of all did Eli tell Samuel l am the voice of the Lord to you? No, Eli came to him and instructed him to seek the Lord. Jonathon is a grown adult and his values should be respected. If they don’t want to read Doug’s comments, that should be respected. Daystar is Gods ministry it’s not something Joni built. God built it and he can remove it. The only expensive lifestyles is like the Rich and famous. l was saddened by the balls comment from Joni but if anyone has Jonathon by the balls it’s Joni …the disrespect to Suzy, you wouldn’t be known to the world if it wasn’t for us .. hmmm
    I think if she’s known of the Lord it’s enough ..this isn’t about Fame but the Lord’s service’s very sad ..…great manipulation ..Joni amd Marcus were entrusted with something ..but it’s not yours !!!!

  16. Joni has a Jezebel Spirit she is very controlling in her video with her daughter-in-law She told Suzy to submit to serve her Suzy said I will only Serve God and Joni asked her to quit basically get Fired

    Wow what a woman of God

    Joni is a part of the antichrist

    Suzy did the right thing. She is going to serve God

  17. Daystar has a board as a non profit. This is not an inheritance situation. We are not in the dark ages–I have no doubts that Marcus would want someone capable like Joni to continue the work and I am not surprised the board agreed. The board may have never made the son the leader- not inherited—again, not inherited. Folks are getting confused. Personally I’d rather kids of these TV teachers work for a different organization and not on boards or in leadership roles with their parents. I love Joyce Meyer but feel the same way on hers. Giant salaries and nepotism does not mix well with sacrificial work for Jesus. I also find the timing of the child abuse and responses very suspect. The timing lends itself to look like using their own child in a smear campaign.
    These are humans, all of them. There is some disrespect, fault and poor examples. In the general populations not liking your mom remarrying is SO commonplace. One child thinking they are to be the lead is SO commonplace. Unbeleievers would love nothing better than to find fault when a group has done so much to bring peace in Christ to so many.
    Caution on jumping on wagons when we are not there. I believe the Canadian group thinking this is an inherited position has drank the koolaid on a human but an unspiritual idea.

        1. I wouldn’t expect any less from a bunch of her closest girlfriends.
          It’s really sad how she is throwing her own son and daughter-in-law under the bus. (For example her description of Jonathan being a total failure as a business leader)

    1. “Giant salaries and nepotism does not mix well with sacrificial work for Jesus”

      “Giant salaries do not mix well with sacrificial work for Jesus”

      Fixed it.
      I do get your point about nepotism in these “ministries” and I agree.
      I also believe that anyone who is becoming wealthy through a ministry that exists on donations is a sham on Christianity.

      Take the money out of it and see if any Christian celebrity is left. Would they do what they do if they had to live a modest lifestyle? Are there any Christian celebrities that live a modest lifestyle? I don’t think so. The whole lot is rotten

    2. I agree 100% with the reply of Susan Rivers Williams! Obviously, Daystar was doing good or satan would not be determined to destroy our only 24/7 Christian worldwide gospel outreach!

      1. I’m curious, how do you decide when someone is accused of wrongdoing if they are actually doing God’s work and under the attack of Satan or if the accusations need to be taken seriously and investigated?
        Look at what is being revealed — an unwillingness to properly investigate a child’s alleged sexual abuse
        –The firing of the accuser from a family ministry
        –lavish lifestyle and building of wealth using donations to the ministry by people who often are in need themselves.
        And more

        Should those just be ignored or is the witness of the Gospel at stake?

  18. Thank you so much for helping people understand and not sweep under the rug!!…btw, I’ve tried to like doug, and I’ve asked the holy spirit’s guidance to not be judgemental…, but the distrust is always there. I’m 78 fyi

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