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Charismatic Prophets Say 2020 Prophecies About Trump Victory ‘Were Actually for 2024’

Por Julia Duin
trump prophets prophecies
On Oct. 23, 2024, Pastor Che Ahn (center) prays for former President Trump at a Turning Point Action Rally in Duluth, Georgia. (Photo: Facebook)

Smelling victory, some of the charismatic Christian prophets backing presidential nominee Donald Trump are already rejoicing on social media.

“I stand by every word that God gave me, see you on the other side of victory! Numbers 12:6,” wrote “Prophet” Charlie Shamp, president of Destiny Encounters International in Moravian Falls, North Carolina, on X Monday night.

Shamp was one of several dozen charismatic/Pentecostal leaders who said in the fall of 2020 that God had mandated a second term for Trump in 2021. Now, he and other “prophets” are amending their earlier prophecies, saying the prophecies were right, but the dates were wrong.

Shamp’s followers agree.

“I believe that a lot of prophetic words given in 2020 were misapplied and were actually for 2024. (Almost like a time shift),” wrote one.

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“Amen Brother Shamp!” said another poster. “He’s been telling many of us! God awoke me early this morning to say: ‘Worry not. I have this!’ ”

Predictions began streaming in late last month, including an “apostolic decree” by  Che Ahn, founder of Harvest International Ministry and Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena, California. Ahn said at a Million Women March rally on the National Mall that Trump would win.

He prefaced his prediction by saying that “Trump was a type of Jehu and Kamala Harris is a type of Jezebel,” Jehu being an 8el century BC Israelite king and prophet who led a revolt to overthrow a dynasty ruling northern Israel. The most infamous leader of that dynasty was the evil queen Jezebel.

“I decree in Jesus’ mighty name – and I decree it by faith –  that Trump will win on Nov. 5; he will be our 47el president, and Kamala Harris will be cast out as she will lose in Jesus’ mighty name. Now give [God] a shout offering of faith,” he exhorted the cheering crowd.

On Instagram, an account representing the late California prophet Kim Clement, repeats a 2007 prophecy by Clement about a future occupant of the White House with “hot blood” that many saw as referring to Trump.

“God says, ‘I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts,’ ” it says in part.

Clement’s Camarillo, California, ministry is now being run by his children. For the past month, they have been posting en Twitter this and other prophecies from their father that seem to point to a second Trump victory.

Ranging from Trump’s personal chaplain Paula White-Cain to Pentecostal pastor Johnny Enlow, many prophets’ insistence that God had chosen Trump to remain in office provided a theological framework for the storming of the US Capitol on Jan. 6. The fallout caused many to apologize to their followers for getting it wrong; others doubled down, insisting the election was stolen and that Trump would be restored to office within the year.

trump white NFAB
On Oct. 28, 2024, Paula White-Cain (center) hosted former President Donald Trump for a “Faith Summit with the National Faith Advisory Board. (Photo: NFAB/social media)

Enlow was the most dramatic of the holdouts. In April 2021, he posted on Facebook his vision of Trump seated on a heavenly throne wearing a golden crown and holding a golden scepter.

Most of the latter group have yet to apologize, even after YouTube removed the largest of the prophetic channels—the Oregon-based Elijah Streams. A spokeswoman for Google (owner of YouTube) said Elijah Streams was shut down for “repeated violations” of YouTube’s election integrity policy over the channel’s content about fraud and the 2020 presidential election.

Meanwhile, new prophetic players have been emerging, such as Julie Green, a frequent guest on the ReAwaken America Tour and Eric Trump sidekick. But her record’s been tarnished by oopsies such as her claim that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would die before the 2022 midterms and Prince Charles would have Queen Elizabeth murdered.

Major figures in the charismatic movement have begged her (and spiritual entrepreneur Kat Kerr and Alabama pastor Robin Bullock) to repent for off-the-wall prophecies, saying they were giving Trump a bad name.

kate kerr trump
Kat Kerr poses with a picture of Donald Trump in 2019 (Photo: Facebook)

Kerr, who is known for her flaming pink hair, said on Elijah Streams that Trump had won in a “landslide” and would serve for eight years as president. Bullock had said that newly inaugurated President Joe Biden would be out by the “ides of March” 2021.

“I believe that Trump’s reelection will be impacted by false prophets making us all look crazy,” said California evangelist Mario Murillo in a podcast in June 2023 with Steven Strang, founder of Charisma Media, the voice of the Pentecostal/charismatic establishment. “Places like Right Wing Watch especially and others are using (wrong prophecies) as ammunition against Trump right now.”    

Apparently, they are not sticking. Michael Brown, founder of the Harrisburg, N.C. ministry “The Line of Fire” and an international leader in prophetic circles, recently taped a video cautioning Christians about the so-called “Trump prophets.”

“Everyone hearing them understood that he was going to be re-elected as president; not sit out for four years, not come back,” he said of Trump. “When people prophesied that he’d be reelected, they didn’t mean four years later.”

Julia DuinJulia Duin is a Seattle-based journalist who has worked as a full-time reporter or editor for Newsweek, the Houston Chronicle, the Washington Times and other publications.



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34 Respuestas

    1. Well – at least we won’t hear anyone praying about angels coming from Africa to “strike and strike and strike!” That’s a relief, isn’t it? No one laughing, “Well, ha, ha, ha; ha, ha, ha, ha; HA, HA, HA, HA!” – you get the idea. Remember that four years ago?

      So, what do you think? Some of the televisions at 24 Hour Fitness were saying that Harris was going to win. Is it just possible that the vast majority of celebrity talking heads/opinion spouters on TV are pretty different from most of the rest of us, thus giving a false impression of how many of the rest of us there are, and therefore what we are likely to do?

      Will this be a “come to Jesus” moment for Rachel Maddow?

      Well – ha, ha, ha – and I didn’t vote for either Trump or Harris.

      1. LOL at the “strike and strike and strike” (and the memes and music videos that came from that; provided a much-needed laugh).

        I thought back in 2016 we learned about not trusting polls (and TBH, I don’t know if that’s about the polling methods or the honesty of those being polled: in this highly polarized environment, I completely understand saying you’ll vote one way publicly but privately voting another).
        And I NEVER understood trusting ANY talking head on any network – right OR left leaning – as relatable. The same ones calling celebrities “elitist” and “out of touch” are themselves network celebrities who collect 8 figure paychecks and commute to/from multi-million dollar homes via helicopter (see Rachel Maddow, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham as examples).

    1. It reminds me of the Jehovah’s Witnesses who for many years made numerous predictions about the second coming of Jesus that never came to pass.

      Finally after many failed attempts they asserted that Jesus did come back but was ‘spiritual’.

  1. I am so tired of these so-called “prophets”. You cannot reframe the meaning of what you clearly said – that in 2020 Trump would win the election – and now claim it was meant for 2024. That is NOT how this works.

    The true prophets of God deal with the House of God, not the politics of the world. It isn’t that they will not ever get a word about the world and its politics, it is that if such a word were to come about, it would be more related to how the world politic will begin persecuting the church in the days ahead.

    For dark days are truly ahead for this world. We know this not from the mouth of these “prophets”, but from the word of God itself.

    1. And many of these so-called “Christians” who believed the 2020 “prophecies” bought into the election fraud conspiracies and were OK with what happened Jan 6th. At least Harris supporters won’t be trying a Jan 6th, claiming fraud.

  2. Deuteronomy 18:20-22, God’s own test to see if someone is prophesying in His name, or is being presumptuous. This pastor said 2020, and said it was from the Lord, but the prophesy fell through and Trump did not win because the prophecy was not from God. Now that Trump looks like a shoe-in, this pastor is going to try to save his haughty, presumptuous face by saying that God really meant 2024, that the pastor had just misunderstood God the first time. Never has this happened to a real prophet since the creation of the earth. Their prophecies came true (are still coming true) in exact detail as prophecied, and in the time prophesied. Hebrews 10:31: “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the Living God”. I think this pastor needs to repent for his haughtiness and seek God’s mercy, or he will face God’s wrath.

  3. They were wrong, but their ego’s will not allow them to be humble and ask for forgiveness. What will they claim if Trump is Article 14’d, and not certified on Jan 6th?

    2 Peter 2

    1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

    2 Y muchos seguirán sus caminos perniciosos; por causa de los cuales se blasfemará el camino de la verdad.

    3 Y por avaricia harán mercadería de vosotros con palabras fingidas: cuyo juicio ya de largo tiempo no se demora, y su condenación no se duerme.

  4. These self-styled prophets are symptomatic of bigger problems in the church. They groom their sheeples to believe their lies and speculations couched in biblical language while guilting the sheeples into “tithing” to support the false prophets’ lavish lifestyles.

  5. Dear Lord, from the overwhelming majority of the people of the US and the world…

    Thank you, for the election of your servant, Donald J. Trump as our president and moral leader.
    Thank you for saving his life in July…and thank you for giving us another chance within our sinful society.

    Please touch the hearts of our opponents with actions they’ve seen from President Trump in the past and those they will soon see daily as of January and for four years. Help them to see the alignment of Your Word with those actions.

    This we pray, Dear Lord, in humble thanksgiving.

    1. While Donald Trump is our elected POTUS, he is NOT our moral leader. (And I thought that was one reason conservatives gave for voting for him amidst his checkered past and spotty character – that you’re not electing a moral leader).

      The chance for saving our sinful society is not in any political leader or party. It always starts and ends with Jesus Christ.

      Those who vote differently from you are not your “opponents”. They are fellow Americans – and many are fellow believers – who hold a different viewpoint.

      And while I know God is not surprised by the outcome of this election – and that His ultimate plan for His children will always prevail – I don’t see alignment of God’s word with Trump’s lying, cursing, bullying, or bragging about grabbing women by their private parts. Maybe someone can point me to the scriptures about that?

      1. During the 2016 election there were many GOP candidates who sat more comfortably within the Evangelical world than Trump. Not to mention many Evangelicals were initially skeptical of him and then soon afterwards came to embrace him.

      2. “I don’t see alignment of God’s word with Trump’s lying, cursing, bullying, or bragging about grabbing women by their private parts. Maybe someone can point me to the scriptures about that?”

        Now Jesus is our moral center? That is not what was being preached during the lock down, or the past 4 years, any criticism of the administration was met with paul’s:

        Romans 13

        1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

        2 Por tanto, quien se rebela contra la autoridad, se rebela contra lo que Dios ha instituido, y los que así lo hagan, serán juzgados.

        3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.

        4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

        5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.

      3. you are right about trumps behavior..I for not convinced..he is saved..but he will be more the church..and less harmful than harris..also he will be better for the economy..and military..but there is only one true king who is. and who will be our king..and that is Jesus

    2. Greg: is this parody? If not, shame on you for your incredible lack of discernment and for using the Lord’s name in vain with your lie-filled, sin-approving, abuse-enabling prayer.

    3. “Please touch the hearts of our opponents with actions they’ve seen from President Trump in the past…”

      Awesome! Now I can treat women like crap and have God’s approval.

    4. Your moral leader never condemned the J6 mob for building a gallows and calling for conservative Christian evangelical VP Mike Pence to be hanged. Neither did any of you Trumpists. You should not speak of Jesus, I don’t believe you know Who are you are talking about.

  6. The “prophets” are a bore. The Bible has given all the prophecy there was to be had and all have been fulfilled, save the one of Christ’s return. All these “prophets” do now is spout their own feelings and desires, not God’s.

  7. “Predictions began streaming in late last month, including an “apostolic decree” by Che Ahn.”

    Apostolic decrees are bad doctrine. We were asked to pray, not decree.

    Predicting who will be president is basically useless. We were asked to pray for our leaders.

  8. We are not to despise prophecies, but test them, and see if the prophecy comes to pass. The late Kim Clement prophesied long ago in 2007 that twice trump shall sound the trumpet! This is ALL about the Children and Yasharal, the Children of YHWH. YHWH’s purpose in creating human beings, Adam and Chawah and all who followed them for the past 6000 years? To have a People for Himself: Yahshua and His Bride: FOREVER – This is happening, as the Two Sticks of Judah and Joseph: The Two Houses: The Two Witnesses, are coming together in the Mighty Hand of YHWH: Ezekiel 37:16. The Good Samaritan account of Yahshua exemplifies this coming together: Ephraim (Samaria) helping the wounded man from Judah. HalleluYAHSHUA – He knows what Yasharal must do, as did the sons of Issachar.

    1. Kim Clement also said Trump wouldn’t be impeached and he wouldn’t be a praying man when entering office but would be when he left. Unlike the two impeachments which are obvious, I can’t verify his prayer life. However, based on Luke 6:43-45 and Trump’s own language and behavior, I do have serious doubts.

      When Kim Clement is quoted, both of these statements are typically overlooked or explained away. Per my count, Clement made 4 distinct prophecies about Trump but only 2 came to pass.

  9. I am a conservative pentecostal..and I know the truth from falsehood..soothsaying and predicting,,the not prophecy.. todays to admonish..or to expose sin in the church..and for god to guide,,in reguards ,, to us and our church . what his will is not predicting the outcome of elections..or most of is revalations..that add to the bible. a true penticostal.. will live not go , beyond what is written

  10. and by the way as an after thought..if Peters or Macaurthur..or any one else..think they have the erase 1 : corinthians chapter 14 , verse 5.from the bible,, its new testament..and it was not put in the bible..just to turn around and take it out after the bible was written..some people out there better be careful about calling good evil.that is a serious sin..and may not be some thing you want to face on your day of judgement

  11. Anyone recall “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Happen in 1988” by Ed Whisenant? The book sold millions of copies, with 3 revisions each time the Rapture didn’t happen. He finally gave up after 9/30/89 passed quietly. “The last days” began with Christ’s first time here 2,000 years ago, and will continue till His second coming. That’s all we need to know. Maranatha!

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