Chris Reed, who recently resigned as CEO of Morningstar Ministries, is attributing his recently revealed sexual misconduct in 2021 to being “under attack.”
“When I came to MorningStar in the summer of 2021, I really believe I got under an attack that I was not alerted to and that I hadn’t experienced, and I succumbed to temptation, and I made very bad choices,” Reed said in a video posted on YouTube, with his wife, Missy, at his side. “I am deeply, deeply sorry for those bad choices.”
Reed’s statement comes after El Informe Roys (TRR) reported allegations Thursday that Reed engaged in sexual misconduct in 2021 with Kathryn, a former student at Morningstar.
Kathryn told TRR that Reed used prophecy to draw her into the relationship. She said he then met alone with her in his van numerous times, where he kissed her and on one occasion, touched her genitals. Reed also sent her sexually explicit texts, Kathryn said.
Reed, who’s married and has six children, initially told TRR that his relationship with Kathryn involved only texts that “went the wrong way” and that he eventually stopped texting her. But when confronted with the allegations, he admitted the sexual nature of the texts, said he kissed Kathryn, but denied the sexual touching.
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In his statement Thursday, Reed apologized to his wife, the body of Christ, and his friends, and said he had “no excuses” for what he did. He also apologized that people found out.
“I take full responsibility about this, and I’m deeply sorry that you found out about this,” he said.
Reed also apologized in his statement for being “stupid” for meeting alone with a woman not his wife.
“It was so stupid to have ever thought that we could meet someplace and talk about difficulties, and it not become sympathetic and empathetic,” he said. “It was playing with fire and it was stupid. It was stupid and I’m sorry.”
When Reed engaged in the sexual misconduct, he was preparing to become MorningStar’s CEO, which he said was delayed until March 2023 due to what happened with Kathryn.
In his statement Thursday, Reed claimed that when he and Kathryn told their stories of what happened to MorningStar’s senior leaders in 2021, their stories “matched.”
Kathryn previously told TRR that she disclosed only the kissing and Reed’s sexually explicit texts to Morningstar’s leadership but not the sexual touching.
Morningstar Founder Rick Joyner, who is taking over as CEO at the ministry, told TRR Friday that since Reed’s and Kathryn’s stories now don’t align, one of them is lying, and he trusts Reed more.
“If there’s a conflict now between what Chris said, which he’s adamantly maintaining, and what is being said now about that whole situation, my tendency would be to trust Chris,” Joyner said. “Somebody’s lying, there’s no doubt about that.”
Joyner added he’s considering asking both Reed and Kathryn to undergo polygraph tests.
“Sometimes knowing you’re going to have to face a polygraph makes . . . the candidness goes up,” Joyner said. “I’m going to ask Chris. I’m going to ask this girl, even though she’s moved away and not here. She may not want to do it. But we’ve got a conflict of testimonies it seems. I think that may be an answer. A lot of times you can tell a lot about someone who is willing to take one.”
Morningstar’s 2022 handling of Reed’s misconduct
Currently MorningStar seems to be reckoning with how they handled the matter in 2022 and struggling with what to do next. Joyner said that in 2022, when Kathryn and Reed came forward, Morningstar didn’t use a third-party to investigate.
“I don’t know what the use of a third party would’ve been in that situation,” Joyner said. “We just did it the way we knew.”
Joyner noted that he, like Reed, believed Reed’s and Kathryn’s stories aligned, saying this played into the reason not to investigate further two years ago. Joyner told TRR yesterday that both Kathryn and Reed told him that “nothing physical happened” except one kiss on the cheek.
“Both of them at that time totally agreed and were adamant that nothing physical happened except for one kiss,” Joyner said. “That was a peck on the cheek, according to both of them. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.”
But this contradicts what both Reed and Kathryn said they told MorningStar leaders at the time.
Reed told TRR yesterday that in early 2022, he told the board “everything” that had happened with Kathryn. When TRR asked if that included telling them that they kissed on the lips, he said, “I’m answering you. I did tell the board.”
Kathryn and her mom, Karen, who attended meetings in 2022 with Morningstar leaders, previously told TRR that Kathryn told Morningstar leaders about the kissing on the lips.
Kathryn told TRR she was too embarrassed at the time to tell the male leaders about the sexual touching.
Karen noted the power differential in the room, which she said kept Kathryn from divulging every detail.
According to Joyner, MorningStar leaders brought Reed’s misconduct directly to the board in 2022. The board interviewed Reed and his wife but not Kathryn, Joyner told TRR. He said the thinking at the time was that Reed was the one being considered for the role of president, not Kathryn, so interviewing her wasn’t necessary.
Joyner added that some of the board members saw the sexually explicit texts.
“They took what I thought was a good amount of time,” Joyner said. “They asked every right question. Then the recommendation was: it was a failure of basic good judgment and if he’s going to take over the ministry, he really needed to go through a restoration process.”
In 2022, Joyner said he and the board came up with a “restoration” plan for Reed to fulfill before he became president. Joyner said that Tom Hardiman, a board member and director of Morningstar’s Fellowship of Ministries, met with Reed weekly for Reed’s restoration process.
Hardiman hasn’t responded to TRR request for comment on the specifics.
Joyner told TRR that “every restoration process is different,” but generally, Morningstar tries to help by producing biblical studies on the issue someone is dealing with and counseling.
During Reed’s restoration period, Joyner said Reed was still pastoring and Joyner was still training Reed to be CEO.
Missy Reed, who called TRR yesterday in response to TRR’s call to her husband, told TRR that the “whole board” approved Reed’s presidency at the time.
“It was confessed to who it needed to be confessed to,” Missy said. “Nobody involved believed it needed to be shared with the entire world. . . . It is nobody’s business.”
Any further public questioning about the allegations, “feels like the devil’s work,” she told TRR.
Joyner, however, expressed some regret to TRR yesterday about how Morningstar handled Reed’s fall.
“I wish we knew how to do it better,” he said.
Cuándo TRR asked if Morningstar would hire a third-party to investigate, Joyner said MorningStar works with investigators to do background checks but is considering using polygraphs in this case.
Joyner added that he got the idea of conducting polygraphs after discussing the news about Reed Thursday night with Doug Weiss, husband of Joni Lamb from DayStar TV. Weiss, who’s a professional counselor, does polygraphs, which gave Joyner the idea to hire someone to do a polygraph.
Joyner said he will continue to dig for the truth and report it to the public.
“I’m going to continue this until I’m satisfied, we’ve got real clarity and got the facts on it,” he said. “We’ve got others who are doing the same. Then we’re going to put out a comprehensive statement.”
MorningStar doesn’t list its board members on its website, but Joyner shared a partial list with TRR and promised to send a list of the others through email soon.
The board members Joyner mentioned are: Hardiman, former U.S. Undersecretary of Defense General Jerry Boykin, Marc Nuttle, who worked in the Reagan administration; singer Ricky Skaggs; Wellington Boone, a pastor and board member for embattled International House of Prayer-Kansas City; and Lance Wallnau, a self-proclaimed prophet who’s popularized the so-called Seven Mountain Mandate.
TRR reached out to all the named board members yesterday but didn’t hear back from any of them.
Reed told TRR yesterday that there’s “no need” for a third-party investigation now and that he’s going to consult a lawyer about TRR’s reporting.
“What would an investigation accomplish?” he said. “There’s no need for a third-party investigation. But I am talking to my lawyer myself about what rights you have, what you can print, how much you can interrogate me.”
Rebecca Hopkins es una periodista radicada en Colorado.
42 Respuestas
Uh – Stay away from Mr. Weiss, Rick – he belongs to another woman with whom he made his first “WOW” (Vow) to and his 4 Children!
I am a prophet send me your greatest ‘love gift’ (or you will block God’s blessings in your life). I just had a revelation! If you look at my texts and internet history then it’s an ‘attack’ on my anointing. You’d better watch yourself 😈
Well said. Keeping to the lighter side, and riffing off a popular joke…
An outgoing minister who was mentoring his replacement, told him about three numbered envelopes in his desk. “When you face your first scandal, open the first one and do as the note says”, he said. “Repeat the process with the second and third envelopes”.
When the successor faced his first scandal, the note read, “Deal with it in private with a group of handpicked people”. The second time, the note read, “Blame the devil and his cohorts”. The third note read, “Make three envelopes”.
I had to laugh when Reed said he was “under attack”. Roughly translated it means; “it’s not my fault, the devil made me do it!” Very typical of narcissistic church leaders to subtly shift the attention off their peccadilloes and onto something everyone can hate. There are so many red flags about this whole thing, but Rick Joyner’s statement about him wanting to subject a victim to a polygraph test really does tell you a lot about where his priorities lie.
Right on, Theron. Damage control spinning is now on full throttle. Create a false narrative and blame the seduced student! Daystar was clumsy about this when their founder died of Covid complications that they first admitted to and then said he died of a cardiac event. Well, covid did cause cardiac infections and death in some people.
I mean really folks, Reed recently revealed that the apostle John was still alive in a cave in Turkey and would soon emerge to explain the book of Revelation authoritatively! Who do you believe, Chris Reed of the young student?
There are so many wise and appropriate comments here. I am saddned by the fall of so many previously annointed ministries. I heard Rick Joyner speak many years ago in Edmonton, Canads along with John Wimber of Vineyard Ministries. A great blessing to many. I still remember what a previous leader said during the same era concerning ministry; “WHATCH OUT for the GOLD, the GLORY, and the GIRLS!!” Sadly and tragically, it appears these are the areas that leaders are stumbling over. But the result is also the collateral damage to the victims and the church. Yes, the evil one seeks who he can devour but excuses and blame shifting…..inexcusable.
This was the best response.
Reed: “…I’m deeply sorry that you found out about this”
Finally, he says something truthful.
This is insane:
‘… and if he’s going to take over the ministry, he really needed to go through a restoration process.’
So basically, you’re saying he’s getting the job no matter what, no matter if there’s sin he’s committed, no matter if there is failure in character and life etc – he’s getting the job and so ‘we better do a restoration process’!!! This is disgusting! Absolutely appalled at that kind of attitude – where is accountability and dealing with sin and holiness amongst the churches leaders etc?!?!
My thoughts exactly, Tom. I was thinking, “was there no one else in the world they could consider for this position? Normally, in an organization this size, five more guys would be in line ready for the one ahead of them to show a little chink in his armor. Chris must really be Mr. GQ who could bring in the $$$.
Joyner does not care about righteousness, just His own glory in the spotlight. Like many he is talented in certain areas. But the spotlight with way too much fame has ruined him. Jesus does not need CEO’s, according to His own words He demands servants. There is so much wrong here, but Jesus gets locked outside the doors of “ministries” that are based in business models of the world. Much of his board has issues up and down galore. Its a who’s who of celebrities, and not a single servant in the bunch. This just makes me wonder what else will come out shortly that was swept under the carpet.
Thank you Rebecca!!! Keep it up!!! Keep interrogating them😂
“I’m going to ask this girl” tells us everything we need to know.
She is a woman.
Her name is Kathryn.
Yep. I noticed that, too.
Isn’t his language revealing?
Why do women do this? Why do they participate in their own trauma by joining these predators on their humiliating apology tours? If the roles were reversed, would they stand meekly by you while you spiritualize away your lust and sexual predation? They went behind your backs, spent money meant for your family on their illicit affairs, lied, cheated, used the Lord’s name in vain, distorted the scriptures to entrap the vulnerable, and ruined innocent young women. You might argue that “two become one” in marriage. True enough, but two do not become one in transgression. He will stand before the Lord and answer for his OWN sins. Women of God, stop enabling these men. Let them stand on their own two feet. The same feet that they used sneak around and destroy their covenant vows to you.
Great point. If I cheated on my wife, she would not be by my side because I would be dead and buried some place undetermined.
Really good response, thank you.
It’s the Christian culture, women have been conditioned to be door mats for their husbands. I know women who have husbands that don’t work, these women work hard and support their families and husbands because they feel it’s their responsibility to respect their husbands no matter what they do. It’s a sick culture and a sad one. Support your man, submit no matter what, it’s in the Bible. Uh wrong!
Well, it’s not so easy to take six children and leave. She might very well have no place to go. Most likely his career and church involvement has completely overshadowed any social or financial connections she has independently of him. Also, you can see from Joyner’s comments that the men in this culture don’t believe women, so she is probably asking herself who would believe her or help her. I will eat my hat if this is the first time this has happened in his marriage. The way he looked at Misty and forced her to publicly agree that it had never happened before – huge red flag!
The same van they bought to raise their six children – that she was at home taking care of. And he is using it to fool around with a student under his care and protection.
And the world laughed at Mike Pence for refusing to meet with a woman without his wife being present. Kudos to Mike Pence, but isn’t this an indictment that a political leader is a better example of godliness in this area, than many nationally and internationally renowned “christian” leaders.
That said, I am witness to how these CSA eruptions have been opportunities to have substantive conversations about how to live godly. this is happening within church small groups and between spouses. So, maybe something good will come out of this.
David Jay, Not everyone is laughing at Mike Pence for the reasons you gave. Things are not always what they seem to be. Does anyone remember how the former evangelical political darling and Pastor Ted Haggard got exposed? Both Ted H. and Mike P. shared the same reputation for coming down hard on people who identify as LGBTQ+. And did anyone take notice when in his speech at the Ravi Zacharias Memorial – Mike Pence claimed to have been a close friend of Ravi? Julie Roys & Rebecca Hopkins are not the only truth tellers shining light into the darkness of corrupt religious leaders:
This whole matter from the get go has inconsistencies, that being stated. Lives have beed devastated by sin. Let’s keep two things in mind:
None of us know the entire story, only God does.
Keep the body of Christ in pray, more is yet to come.
The house is being shaken by Holy Spirit.
Let’s make sure we all walk curcumspectly!
“But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Matthew 5:28. No lie detector test needed.
Exactly what I was thinking Jodi Kaye! No doubt the NT Kingdom standards regarding adultery were violated here.
Way to make it someone else’s fault. sheesh.
Reed and Joyner come across like what they are…predators, forgive me but they LOOK like predators. Something dirty reeks from their bodily appearance. When I first became a Christian I asked our Father to give me discernment and He has not failed me. This man has no shame, incredible, “he was under attack”, he’s sorry we found out about this, haha, that’s a great line. How many others are there Mr. Reed? Just go away and don’t bother us anymore, you are NO PROPHET! It’s about the $$, tell the truth, you may not be able to fleece the flock after this fiasco.
“I’m deeply sorry I got caught using my celebrity status to play out my kinky sexual fantasies with the naive & vulnerable. For that reason I’m gonna leave Morningstar which can no longer run cover for me. But don’t worry, Mike Bickle & I are just waiting for this to blow over, and once it does we’ll start another church based on the fairy-tale prophetic narrative were busily concocting right now.”
At some point don’t we just have to admit that Freemasons have taken over much of the church? 😡
Polygraph?? Funny how these men in leadership claim powers of discernment and wisdom when it comes to issues of control and politics …. But then want to run to a polygraph to discern the truth on these types of matters.
So modern isn’t it? The technology will save us all! Great point.
BOOM! you got it – well said perfectly
Symptoms of self-betrayal include making excuses and blame shifting. “Blame is the lie by which we convince ourselves that we are victims.” C. Terry Warner
“….it was a failure of basic good judgment and if he’s going to take over the ministry, he really needed to go through a restoration process.”
What would we say if this was the headline: “Teacher who kissed (molested, abused) their students reinstated after a restoration period.”
People in authority as Doctors, Licensed Psychologists, Police, Teachers & CEOs would never be eligible to be rehired, lose their license and/or jail time in their respective positions after having an affair, sexually abusing underage children or verbally abusing those under them in authority. But some in the Church thinks it’s ok because the person has gone through a “restoration” process? Only professional clergy get this pass back to ministry. They should all go away. No other profession would allow this.
Well said. The world seems to have better standards for conduct than the church.
Restoration means helping one to return to godly christian conduct, not return to ministry.
As someone said, these folk need to “get a lunch pail, sit in traffic, work and provide for their families”.
If Rick Joyner wants to convince the good folks at Morningstar that he is serious about getting the truth out to the flock , then let the police take over the investigation. Joyner and the board have a huge conflict of interest. If it walks, talks, sounds like a phony scam then it is not a pastor or CEO. Pastor and CEO are titles/ positions never meant to be assigned to the same person.
Why is anyone surprised? Rick Joyner is a false prophet and he is all about defending other false prophets. That’s the way the charismatic circus works. Rick Joyner was one of the original false prophets of the Kansas City Prophets movement and he defended Mike Bickle when Bickle took the fall for his bad behavior earlier in the year. Defending people who are victimizing their own flock is much more important than doing the right thing and holding people accountable for their sin.
Morningstar’s Board needs to hire an independent investigator. This agency should interrogate Reed, Joyner, and other leaders, looking for other instances of improper actions, whether sexual, financial, dishonest statements, or other ethical breaches. This sexual abuse of Kathryn is unlikely to be the only instance.
The notion that Joyner considers to use a polygraph to find out if a „high profile leader“ in his ministry is telling the truth or not is probably as absurd and unbiblical as it can get. I would recommend a study in the Pastoral Letters much rather.
So Joyner is caught in a lie saying he was only told they sexted but both parties said they told him they made out.
But he wants THEM to take a polygraph?
Yes, Chris Reed has been not telling the whole truth (lying) but Joyner misled the public implying Reed resigned over this transgression when Joyner already “restored” him snd unto being CEO!
But Reed was just trying to jump ship before the real stuff hits the fan regarding the lawsuit by the parents of boys molested by MSM youth minister.
Joyner is employing classic deception tactics: distraction, bait and switch and scapegoating. This is so much deeper than he said/she said.
“Morningstar Founder Rick Joyner, who is taking over as CEO at the ministry, told TRR Friday that since Reed’s and Kathryn’s stories now don’t align, one of them is lying, and he trusts Reed more.”
Joyner is a fool. He needs to resign.
I was never able to listen to Chris Reed and was always wondering why high-up prophet/apostles had him on their shows. Then two people I trust highly and do not know each other told me stories about Rick Joyner, Morningstar & Chris Reed – both stories from them were exactly the same – about sexual encounters, drinking etc. What happened to the gift of discernment and why is no one teaching about it? Let us all pray for more saints to have the gift of discernment and that it is taught in our churches and schools of ministry. Morningstar not only defended Chris R and Mike Bickle but also Todd Bentley. The roots go deep from Jim Bakker in the beginning and that evil root has never been pulled out, repented of and the land cleansed. This needs to be done. God always gives ministers grace and time but speaks to them when there is horrible sin like this – He did send ppl even before Chris R was put into position and sent ppl afterwards but no one listened, so God makes it public in an effort to get them to repent. Therefore it IS public business when the Lord makes it so. If these ppl do not repent now, it even gets worse.