TV host, religious broadcaster, university founder, humanitarian, and one-time presidential candidate, Pat Robertson died this morning at the age of 93.
Robertson, who is well known for offering prayer and political commentary at the helm of The 700 Club and founding the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960, died at his home in Virginia Beach early this morning.
His legacy will carry on as he influenced intersecting interests and industries that have broken barriers for countless Christian leaders.
He founded Regent University, an evangelical Christian educational institution, in Virginia Beach, Va., and the American Center for Law and Justice, a public-interest legal firm that seeks to defend the rights of religious groups.
The humanitarian group he founded, Operation Blessing, also continues to this day. In 1982, Food for the Hungry named Robertson Humanitarian of the Year.
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In Lexington, Virginia on March 22, 1930, Marion “Pat” Gordon Robertson was born. The nickname was given to him by his older brother, and would forever stick with him.
Robertson accomplished many feats in his life: graduated from Yale, created the first Christian broadcasting network, hosted a TV show, ran for U.S. President in 1988, and impacted the lives of thousands of people in over 150 countries and in more than 100 different languages.
A longtime friend of Robertson, James Dobson, Ph.D., recalled him as “a giant among Christian leaders (who) contributed enormously to the cause of Christ . . . He pioneered Christian radio and television, paving the way for many of us who came behind.”
Dobson also noted the recent deaths of Charles Stanley y Jack Hayford, saying of them and Robertson: “All of these men were dear friends and had a profound spiritual impact on our nation.”
Similar, Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, stated: “At the end of the day, Pat was primarily an evangelist. His desire and commitment to sharing the gospel of Jesus with everyone without exception make Pat Robertson a Christian leader who, without one iota of doubt, changed the world.”
And evangelist and author Greg Laurie said, “Pat applied his faith to the Great Commission to ‘go into all the world and preach the Gospel’ literally. The result was millions of people came to a life-changing relationship with Christ through his television ministry.”
Just over a year ago, Pat’s wife of nearly 70 years, Dede Robertson passed away at 94.
In October 2021, Robertson Anunciado that he would be stepping away from the spotlight as a daily host for el club 700, but he still made frequent appearances on the show.
Despite his declining health and losing the love of his life in April 2022, Robertson remained a man of faith and prayer.
A version of this article was originally published by CHVN.
Vanessa Friesen is a news writer at CHVN in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
4 Respuestas
De mortuis, nil nisi bonum..
It was highly unfortunate that this man had a public profile as a Christian leader. He was very unwise in his pronouncements and could have done a much better job in communicating the truths of God’s word to an unbelieving world.
He did a great amount of good for the cause of Christ. He received a great amount of criticism (some of it justified). How many of us would have done as much as he did, were we in his place?
He created this horrible politicised version of evangelicalism that is so obsessed with money, political power, and hating people who are not like themselves. I do believe the world would be a better place if he had stopped dishonest preaching forty years ago.. He was straight up evil and you praise him. That is what too much of christianity has become in America. You refuse to honestly critique even pure evil as long as the pure evil talks about Jesus and uses god to justify his greed and his lust for power. This kind of christianity is why the religion is bleeding membership and losing the youth. They see through you. They hate the greed, the lies, and the ugly politics being preached in political clubs that used to be churches. Christ left these political evangelical churches and group ma long time ago.