De Muth


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Pastor de Florida que llamó a la pandemia una 'mentira' es hospitalizado con COVID-19

Por Sarah Einselen
Fred Lowry COVID Florida
Pastor Fred Lowry, who is also a representative on the County Council for Volusia County in east-central Florida, has been hospitalized with COVID-19. (Photo: Volusia County / Facebook)

Un pastor y funcionario electo de Florida que calificó de mentira la pandemia de COVID-19 está en el hospital “luchando con COVID-19”, dijo esta semana un compañero concejal del condado.

El presidente del consejo del condado de Volusia, Jeff Brower, anunció la hospitalización del concejal Fred Lowry en una reunión del consejo el martes. Otro miembro del consejo, Billie Wheeler, le dijo al Diario de noticias de Daytona Beach que Lowry “ha estado enfermo durante unas dos semanas” y fue tratado con anticuerpos monoclonales el viernes pasado antes de dirigirse a la sala de emergencias el lunes por la noche.

Los anticuerpos monoclonales se fabrican en un laboratorio para imitar la capacidad del sistema inmunitario humano para combatir los patógenos, según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades. La Administración de Drogas y Alimentos ha emitido un autorización de uso de emergencia para administrar anticuerpos monoclonales por vía intravenosa a pacientes con COVID-19 que corren el riesgo de progresar a una forma grave de la enfermedad.

Brower le dijo al News-Journal que Lowry tenía doble neumonía, lo que le preocupaba porque Lowry había luchado contra la neumonía en el pasado. Sin embargo, dijo que los médicos estaban optimistas de que Lowry podría irse a casa en algún momento de esta semana.

Lowry, de 67 años, es uno de los pastores de Iglesia de paso cruzado en Deltona, que se formó el mes pasado cuando la iglesia donde él era pastor principal, Iglesia Bautista de Deltona Lakes, fusionada con otra iglesia de la zona.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you can elect to receive a copy of “Safe Church: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities’ by Dr. Andrew Bauman, haga clic aquí.

Predicó el 29 de agosto durante el servicio de dedicación de la congregación fusionada. Un anuncio unos días antes de eso, indicó que la iglesia había rechazado los planes de servir café y donas antes del servicio “debido al aumento de los números de Covid”.

El Informe Roys dejó un mensaje de correo de voz en la iglesia, pero no fue devuelto de inmediato.

algunos críticos pidió la renuncia de Lowry durante el verano después de que predicó un sermón en Deltona Lakes Baptist en el que promovió teorías de conspiración asociadas con QAnon y las elecciones de 2020. Según los informes, también dijo “no tuvimos una pandemia, amigos”.

El video del sermón del 30 de mayo se publicó previamente en la página de Facebook de Deltona Lakes Baptist, informó el News-Journal, pero ya no está disponible.

Un poco más de 552.000 personas viven en el condado de Volusia, donde se encuentra Daytona Beach, al norte de Orlando. Se informaron más de 2,000 nuevos casos de COVID-19 en el condado durante la semana que finalizó el 2 de septiembre, según el informe más reciente. actualización semanal publicado por el departamento de salud del estado de Florida. Aproximadamente 63% de la población del condado de 12 años en adelante ha sido vacunada contra COVID-19, según muestra la actualización.

Sarah Einselen es una escritora y editora premiada que vive en Texas, EEUU.



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17 Respuestas

  1. But about vaccines and a very real pandemic, things have been totally crazy around me for weeks now. Someone who was a frequent commenter here started going nuts sending me and who knows how many others a bunch of COVID videos and articles from people who have been called quacks by the overall science community. They were focused on somethings that may or may not be true. But when they made the statement that the vaccines help no one now or ever in the future, I called them on it. And that just set them off and they lost it and would not stop sending me more and more cherry picked stuff. I asked them to respect my own opinion and stop trying to bully people or at least me. Nope. Completely off of their rocker and refused to respect my simple no. I had to move their name to my spam folder three times now for additional email addresses because that is what they had become. They did not care if they drove people away, they just had go on and on and on. Absolute obsession on their part.

    Tan pronto como terminó, escribí algo muy básico sobre el hecho de que lo único que es absolutamente sólido como una roca y se puede ver en todo el mundo con millones ahora vacunados es que marcan una diferencia real. Este no es un estudio pequeño sino de hospitales en países con altas tasas de vacunación. La prueba está ahí, la mayoría de los que están en las camas no están vacunados. Muy pocos lo han sido o al menos se suponía que lo eran. ¡Un tamaño de muestra de cientos de millones de personas! ¿Y dónde están todos los desagradables efectos secundarios que se supone que le suceden a millones? Inexistente.

    Then that set off events where I was suddenly thrown out of a group I have been meeting with for four years. Crazy stuff. Leaders I had good relationships with acting totally nuts. I have never seen the enemy, the Devil, put this many resources into anything. They want Christians to not get vaccinated because they want many of us to die or at least have unnecessary hospital stays. It is just that simple. About two months ago or three a friend of mine told me the same thing. He had seen something that claimed to be scientific that claimed they are useless. The same exact lie. Then late in July he brought COVID home from work. By the end of the month, his wife was sick and severe too. He was too sick himself to drive her to the hospital, so called an ambulance. Soon she was in ICU and is still there now. The weeks past and alone and unable to eat or drink or take his meds he just kept getting sicker. Soon he drove himself down to the hospital with pains in places he had never felt before. He waited 9 hours to go in, then waited more hours before a doctor came in. Told him his internal organs were starting to fail, so they gave him 1 IV and some pills he could not keep down and sent him home. A couple of days later his mind was filled with thoughts of suicide as the pain was even worse. Called a suicide hotline and they came and got him and found out his organs were down farther now to 70%. They made sure he got a room and got enough treatment to get him back from that, then checked him into a psyche ward for a week. Finally he started to get better until he was released to go back to work where this all started before. His wife is in the ICU and the last I heard was taking a turn for the worse.

    Then the CDC came out with a study from CA showing that those who were vaccinated were 5 X less likely to feel symptoms, and 29 times less likely to end up in the hospital. And across the study all of the vaccinated reported less severe symptoms, almost to 100%. The short of this is very likely all of that could have been prevented but he got caught in a lie being told by many Christian Celebrities. The CDC also just reported that 99% of both hospitalizations and deaths have been in the unvaccinated.

    1. How was the person able to contact you directly from here? I believe you, based on the behavior I’ve seen from some commenters here, but I thought our contact info was private here.

        1. julio,

          One of your commenting rules here is that commenters must have their real name. I have a feeling that someone googled Ralph Jesperson, tracked him down and then began to harass him by email.

          1. “Jesperson” IS an unusual family name. I’ve never been able to shake the feeling that I’ve heard it before in a fictional context, and my attempts at a simple search on “jesperson” first brings up a serial killer with that name.

            And when you have an unusual name and know how to work the Internet, finding someone with an unusual name for doxxing purposes can’t be all that hard. That’s one of the reasons I normally use a handle (the other being I have a name that’s so common there’s usually more than one “Ken” on a well-commented blog). Julie’s requirement for real names comes with that risk.

    2. Ralph Jesperson

      1) You are consumed by fear. Where is your trust in Jesus?

      2) My friend, his brother-in-law, his sister and his mother all had Covid. They all recovered and none of them had the vaccine. My friend was at deaths door but Jesus Christ pulled him through.

      3) Boost your God given immune system using natural elements which God in his wisdom has made available.

      4) When pedophile associates of Jeffrey Epstein (who was a known pedophile since the 1990s), like Bill Gates and corrupt organizations like the CDC and WHO offer you a poisoned apple (i.e. the kill shot), you reject it.

      5) Your account does not change that fact that natural immunity is better than kill shot immunity.

      Study: Natural immunity ‘stronger, longer’ than vaccine immunity

    3. I’m so glad you posted this information. I’ve been wanting to get vaccinated but my spouse doesn’t want me to. It’s a real heart break. I am holding on a little longer. I don’t want to lie to my spouse but I am getting the vaccine whether he likes it or not.

  2. One thing that disappoints me regarding the covid, vaccine and mask discussions, regardless of one’s views towards these things, is how divisive this matter can be among some within the body of Christ. In the best of cases, there might be disagreements without breaking fellowship, which is fine. No issue with that. But in the worse of cases, there might be very outspoken dissensions spoken by certain church leadership to the point where it can become a distraction from leading others to Jesus as their Lord and Savior and a distraction from discipling people within the body of Christ. When that happens, it can lead to disunity among believers (or even disunity among churches), and it isn’t productive.

  3. Things sure have gone bat crazy!

    Abusing others is not part of the behaviour the Apostles (I mean the real Apostles, not the modern pretenders) have called us to in the Spirit.

    So, here are a few tips:

    1. ‘pandemic’ is a technical term. It means an illness prevalent over a whole country or multiple countries. So we have a SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, objectively.

    2. the vaccines are mostly novel mRNA treatments. Higher rate of adverse reactions, so you should make your decision on the balance of risk between contracting CV-19 and reacting adversely to a vaccine. I am in a higher risk group, so I’ve been vaccinated, but I have no opinion on anyone else’s private decision, nor should you, dear reader.

    3. the authorities have seemingly played fast and loose with the facts, and their response strategies. After the initial wave, they should have adopted the Swedish approach, and supported those in vulnerable groups to protect themselves. Many jurisdictions have gone ‘bat crazy’ over restrictions that would make sense if this was anthrax or Ebola virus, but it ain’t.

    4. but, we are where we are.

    1. I have joked with my wife that the government is acting like it is the Ebola virus we are fighting. God forbid that that ever happens. You would never find toilet paper again! New Zealand, I believe, had a lockdown with police making sure no one left their houses at night. One person died of complications. 1 ??? Pesky Wuhan flu, prowling around at night. People forget that we had a truly nasty strain of flue a few years back.

      Preachers have to watch what they say. If they are over 60 with either diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, poor diet, which compromises your immune system etc… they need to take precautions.

      There is a shot that is like the regular flu shot, but it has not been approved yet. People do not realize that the shots available are still “experimental” and some of the side affects have been severe. I take a flu shot every year so will be happy when Novavax comes along.

      I also did not know that some of the vaccines use technology derived from stem cells taken from aborted babies. I might be misinformed about where the stem cells came from, but would not mind someone in the know explaining this. If I am misinformed I apologize beforehand as I received this information via my church.

      1. vance,

        I included this link in another article, but later in the comment timing. The cell line testing done on the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is an industry standard done on virtually all common medicines, including most over the counter medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofin, Tums, ect.

        Also, Delta is very different from last years virus. My wife’s hospital has 3 people in their 30’s on life-support who aren’t expected to make it.

        Lastly, if you aren’t already aware, the J&J vaccine doesn’t use mRna technology if that’s the concern.

        1. VS and LM,

          Plus they are in foods as “flavor” enhancers

          Re-posting from another thread:

          Células fetales abortadas utilizadas como potenciadores del sabor de los alimentos RSS
          Lista completa de empresas que utilizan este potenciador del sabor

          ¿Necesita pruebas del uso de Senomyx de líneas de células fetales abortadas?

          El siguiente es el enlace al artículo en línea de su patente sobre receptores dulces (presentaron varias patentes separadas para cada uno de los diferentes receptores del gusto):

          Como es extenso y técnico, le recomendamos que simplemente haga una búsqueda en el documento para HEK-293.

          HEK CELL (Células de riñón embrionario humano 293), también conocidas como células HEK 293, 293, o menos precisamente, ya que las células HEK son una línea celular específica derivada originalmente de células de riñón embrionario humano cultivadas en cultivo de tejidos. Las células HEK 293 son muy fáciles de cultivar y transfectar muy fácilmente y se han utilizado ampliamente en la investigación de biología celular durante muchos años. También son utilizados por la industria biotecnológica para producir proteínas y virus terapéuticos para la terapia génica.
          A continuación se muestra una lista de productos que contienen células HEK.

          Productos de células HEK;

          Bebidas de Pepsi en la lista de boicot:

          • Todos los refrescos Pepsi
          • Refrescos Sierra Mist
          • Refrescos Mountain Dew
          • Jarra de cerveza de raíz y otros refrescos
          • Bebidas sin miedo
          • Bebidas Ocean Spray
          • El mejor café de Seattle
          • Bebidas Tazo
          • Bebidas energéticas AMP
          • Agua Aquafina
          • Bebidas con sabor Aquafina
          • Bebidas energéticas DoubleShot
          • Bebidas frappuccino
          • Té Lipton y otras bebidas
          • Bebidas propulsoras
          • Bebidas SoBe
          • Bebidas Gatorade
          • Bebidas Fiesta Miranda
          • Jugos y bebidas Tropicana

          Productos de Nestlé:

          • Todas las cremas para café
          • Sopas instantáneas Maggi Brand, cubitos de caldo, ketchup, salsas, condimentos, fideos instantáneos.

          Productos Kraft – Cadbury Adams LLC:

          • Goma de mascar Black Jack
          • Chicle Bubbaloo
          • Chicle burbujeante
          • chicles
          • Clorets
          • Dentina
          • Chicle refrescante
          • Chicle de cereza agria (limitado)
          • Chicle de manzana agria (limitado)
          • Zancada
          • Tridente

          Caramelos Cadbury Adams LLC
          • Explosiones de cereza agria
          • Fruta Manía
          • Bassett’s Liquorice – All sorts
          • Chicle de vino Maynards
          • Pescado sueco
          • Bayas suecas
          • Chorros jugosos
          • Gomitas originales
          • Melocotón difuso
          • Enfriadores ácidos
          • Agrias niños de parches
          • Mini Chicles de Frutas

          Otros productos de Cadbury Adams LLC
          • Certificados de mentas para el aliento
          • Pastillas para la tos Halls

          No es parte de Senomyx – Productos Neocutis

          Esta empresa produce cremas antiarrugas que contienen células de un bebé varón abortado de 14 semanas de gestación. A continuación se muestra la lista de las cremas, pero recomendamos un boicot completo de todos los productos Neocutis.

          Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee
          Bio-Serum Lumiere
          Crema Bio-Reconstituyente para la Piel

          Vacunas que contienen células HEK y los fabricantes:
          MMR II (Merck)
          ProQuad (MMR + Varicela – Merck)
          Varivax (varicela – Merck)
          Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB – Sanofi Pasteur)
          Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck)
          Havrix (Hepatitis-A – Glaxo SmithKline)
          Twinrix (combo de hepatitis A y B – Glaxo)
          Zostavax (culebrilla – Merck)
          Imovax (Rabia – Sanofi Pasteur)

          Otros medicamentos:
          Pulmozyme (Fibrosis Quística – Genetech)
          Enbrel (artritis reumatoide – Amgen)

          Nota: existen opciones morales para la rabia, la poliomielitis,
          Artritis Reumatoide. Opciones morales separadas
          actualmente no está disponible para sarampión y paperas.

          fuente; http://birthofanewearth.blogspot.comvia

          Empresa de biotecnología que utiliza líneas celulares de bebés abortados en pruebas de mejora de alimentos…

          Orígenes de las células HEK 293

          “HEK 293 cells were generated in the early 70s by transformation of cultures of normal human embryonic kidney cells with sheared adenovirus 5 DNA in Alex Van der Eb’s laboratory in Leiden, The Netherlands.”

          “The human embryonic kidney cells were obtained from an aborted fetus and originally cultured by Van der Eb himself; the transformation by adenovirus was performed by Frank Graham who published his findings in the late 1970s after he left Leiden for McMaster University in Canada.”

          “They are called HEK for human embryonic kidney, while the number 293 comes from Graham’s habit of numbering his experiments; the original HEK 293 cell clone was simply the product of his 293rd experiment.”

          Otras referencias:
          HEK 293 Datos de transfección y selección @ Base de datos de cultivo celular
          Base de datos HEK 293
          293 Celdas (CRL-1573) en la base de datos ATCC
          Transcript of FDA meeting, in which, starting page 77, Dr. Alex Van… .pdf

          Publicado originalmente por Krishna Kalki el 8 de junio de 2017 a las 3:41 a. m. en Alimentos, salud y nutrición

  4. Since March 2020 there has been a first wave, a second wave a third wave a “fourth wave?” A delta variant, a Brazil variant a South African variant of the virus and so on. Around 500 days and counting with this current pandemic.

    Now I am still waiting to catch the first variant which seems to have surpassed me , perhaps because I actually believe Psalm 91 , unlike others who may as well tear it out their bibles, but this is not my point.

    In June 2021 and Aug 2021 I took without fuss my first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

    Am I still a Christian? Please tell. All answers to be sole scriptura and not links to science, media and pseudo science. Thanks anyway.

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