Following allegations of sexual misconduct, Messianic Jewish scholar Michael Brown is taking time off from his public ministry, according to Brown’s ministry, The Line of Fire.
“We have strongly encouraged Mike that he does no public ministry,” said Scott Volk, board member for The Line of Fire in a statement to El Informe Roys (TRR). “He’s cancelled speaking engagements for the months of November and December. And from my understanding, he normally writes numerous articles a week. He’s not doing that.”
Brown’s board said it did not know if Brown would also take a break from his radio and podcast ministry.
TRR reported Monday that a woman, using the pseudonym “Erin,” said in 2002, when she was 21 and Brown was in his 40s, Brown crossed several physical boundaries with her.
On multiple occasions, Brown held her hand, smacked her bottom with his hand, and kissed her on the lips, she said. The woman was working as a secretary at the time, and Brown was leading and building FIRE School of Ministry, a ministry birthed from the Brownsville revival of the 1990s.
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In a previous statement to TRR, Brown said he used a “lack of judgment” in his relationship with Erin but did nothing sexual.
Last month, The Line of Fire’s board hired attorneys Mitchell, Stein, Carey, and Chapman (MSCC) to conduct a third-party investigation.
But according to its website, MSCC has worked as defense attorneys for Fortune 500 companies y for college students accused of sexual misconduct. Advocates raised concerns en línea about MSCC’s ability to investigate allegations of abuse. And Erin told TRR she would not participate.
In response, the board is considering hiring a different entity because it wants an impartial investigator with whom Erin will engage, said Jonathan Bernis, spokesperson for The Line of Fire board.
“Our desire from the beginning was to find the truth, and the hiring of the law firm was not in any way to vindicate Michael Brown,” said Bernis.
At the suggestion of Ron Cantor, president of Shelanu TV, The Line of Fire board considered hiring Firefly, but the organization isn’t available until February, Bernis said. Firefly is the third-party that is investigating alleged sexual misconduct by Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer-Kansas City (IHOPKC).
“We want to do something as quick as we can and not wait until February,” Bernis said.
Cantor also released a declaración pública today critical of Brown and in support for Erin. In his statement, Cantor said he reached out to Brown about the allegations six weeks ago.
At the end of a “multi-day conversation, which included many pages of emails, I found (Brown’s) answers lacking and inconsistent with the idea of an innocent father/daughter relationship,” Cantor wrote. “I was also troubled by the lack of candor regarding the second incident with a married mother.”
Cantor said he also spoke with Erin and “found her narrative disturbing and heartbreaking.”
Cantor wrote that he urged Brown to step back from ministry weeks ago, but Brown never got back to him after saying he’d pray about it. So Cantor contacted Brown’s board, who said they’d initiate a third-party investigation.
Despite these actions by The Line of Fire board, a leaked internal email from its sister organization, FIRE International, blamed TRR for spreading “division, anger, and hurt and ruined reputations.”
“Their desire is not healing nor reconciliation nor restoration but to destroy and humiliate,” the FIRE International internal email stated. “They are in agreement with the Accuser of the brethren.”
Similar, FIRE Church, another sister organization, sent out un correo electrónico yesterday that was similarly worded, accusing TRR of spreading division, and urging people not to gossip.
“Let me encourage you not to engage in premature judgments, gossip of any kind, or join in vain conversations,” wrote FIRE Church Pastor Chris Williams. “And ask Jesus how you should respond to anything on social media or even if you should respond at all.”
‘We stand with Dr. Brown’
The FIRE International email, which included three attachments, was sent to FIRE International missionaries and was signed by FIRE International President Josh Peters, Josh’s wife Tobi Peters, FIRE International Chief Operating Officer Dion Light, and Andy and Karyn Pricer, deputy directors of FIRE International’s field operations.
“We stand with Dr. Brown and his statement,” the FIRE International leaders wrote.
Peters also urged FIRE International’s missionaries not to quickly judge Brown or other FIRE International leaders’ handling of the allegations.
“Please don’t jump to conclusions that are based on opinion,” Peters wrote in an email. “Please know that we were not hiding anything from you.”
The joint letter stated several reasons why FIRE International did not share details of the allegations concerning Brown with its missionaries earlier. For one, they said that the matter was “dealt with” 23 years ago.
However, Erin told TRR that no FIRE School of Ministry staff or leaders invited her to any meetings about the allegations in the early 2000s. They also did not ask her to be interviewed for any official investigations at that time into Brown’s alleged misconduct towards her, Erin said.
TRR reached out to Peters, requesting documentation of FIRE’s handling of the allegations 23 years ago. We also asked what disciplinary or restoration process Brown underwent, but Peters did not reply.
In the letter, the FIRE International leaders also claimed that TRR asked Peters only about Ryan Bruss, not Michael Brown. (Bruss is Brown’s son-in-law whom The Line of Fire hired after Bruss was fired for sexual misconduct.) The letter added, “. . . and (Peters’) response, like all the other responses, are slanted to make Brown appear guilty.”
What the FIRE International letter omitted, however, is that Peters was the one who reached out para TRR, stating that Brown had asked him to speak to TRR about Bruss. TRR reached out to Peters yesterday asking how he believes TRR “slanted” his response, but Peters did not immediately respond.
In one of the attachments to the letter to FIRE International missionaries, Peters likened Brown’s sin to sin of biblical figures like David, Paul, Sampson, and Gideon that God still used.
“He forgave all of them and used them for HIS glory,” Peters wrote. “He who is without sin cast the first stone.”
The leaders also wrote that while they are sorry that Erin has been in pain about this for years, they believe her healing can come only through forgiveness.
“We pray for her healing,” they wrote. “However, healing must be found through forgiveness and emotional healing that only comes from the Lord.”
Erin told TRR she came forward only after other members of the FIRE community had asked her to speak.
“I would like it to be known I did not seek anyone about the situation,” she said. “I was sought out.”
Former FIRE School of Ministry staffer* Amber Rhodes told TRR she invited Erin to share her story because Rhodes wanted Erin to have a chance to tell what happened in her own words.
“I encouraged her to share her story herself, so it wasn’t from someone else’s limited perspective,” Rhodes said.
Erin said, “Forgiveness has come from speaking the truth.”
Also this week, Brown sent out a donor appeal letter for his The Line of Fire ministry saying his ministry was under unspecified “demonic attacks.”
“(W)e’ve faced the fiercest, most intense, demonic attacks in our ministry’s history (and perhaps in the half-century that Nancy and I have been together),” Brown wrote in his letter. “It has been insidious and ugly, an effort of Satan designed to weaken us, deplete our energy, drain our funds, and stop the work.”
In Cantor’s statement today, he wrote that the Line of Fire board told him they plan “to apologize for the fundraising email that went out the day after The Roys Report article dropped.”
Board Spokesperson Jonathan Bernis told TRR that Brown’s letter was not intentionally a response to our report Monday. Brown wrote and scheduled the sending of the letter weeks ago.
“(Brown) was also very disappointed it went out,” Bernis said.
Brown also spoke on Heather Schott’s Mercy Culture’s podcast on the topic of women in ministry leadership, which Schott released Wednesday.
Bernis said he was unaware of the podcast.
TRR also reached out to Brown for comment. He responded that The Line of Fire board had asked him to decline comment until their investigation is finished.
*This copy has been changed to show Amber Rhodes was a staffer at FIRE School of Ministry, not a student.
Rebecca Hopkins es una periodista radicada en Colorado.
57 Respuestas
“Erin said, ‘Forgiveness has come from speaking the truth.'”
Only the Truth Yahshua haMashiach sets us free. May Rest be found only in Him this day as He restores each one of us back to His Father’s House where there are many places for us. Ezekiel 43:12: “This is the Law of the House: Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be most Q’Dosh. Behold, this is the Law of the House.”
Bickle, Reed, Joyner, Morris, Evans, Lamb, Brown… it’s only the beginning of what God’s going to expose in the church.
Notice all the high-profile pastors who have remained silent throughout all these scandals, refusing to speak on behalf of the victims? Likely because they’re guilty of similar abuse. They won’t be able to hide it much longer.
Exactly! They all seem to follow the same Game Plan Deny the allegations and act all insulted and shift the blame to the poor victims so they get victimized all over again! Absolutely despicable!
Text book narcissist….. I should know, I lived with one for 26 years….. Denial and projecting blame on their victims is a way of life and daily function for them. It’s who they are and the world they live in. We have to be discerning and watch as God tells us everything done in the dark will be brought to the light.
Ravi, Hybels, MacDonald, Driscoll, MacArthur …
Satan is a FALSE accuser. He’s the “father of lies” (John 8:44).
It’s so wrong of them to suggest that it’s Satanic to bring Truth to light when Jesus is “the Truth” (John 14:6) and the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of Truth” (John 14:17 & 16:13).
Even when someone feels guilty about a WRONG they did, that is the Spirit of Truth convicting them and most definitely NOT Satan “accusing” them!
As for this PUBLIC reporting being “gossip”, that is nonsense too because the word gossip in Greek (eg. in Romans 1:29) means destructive, secretive WHISPERING behind people’s backs.
It was not “whispering in the dark” when the Apostle Paul wrote PUBLICLY about the harm Demas (2 Timothy 4:10) or Alexander the Coppersmith did (2 Timothy 4:14-15) or when John PUBLICLY called out Diotrephes (3rd John 9:11).
They were obeying what’s commanded in Ephesians 5:11 & 1 Corinthians 5:12-13.
What is going on here, in my opinion, is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit by Brown and his brood of vipers. Attributing the work that the Holy Spirit is actually doing to the Devil is the definition of the only unforgivable sin. While these folks would admit that calling a real healing by The Spirit a work of the Devil would be blasphemy, that is not the only work The Spirit does. The primary work of The Spirit is to convict of sin. When The Spirit is bringing heat because of real sin, to call that an attack of Satan is just as much a blasphemous thing to say. What I see going on here is identical in every way to every other scandal. Blasphemy followed by accusing the Holy Spirt of being Satan! This is how the people Jesus Christ called a Brood of Vipers work. They admit no wrong. They do not repent. They attack those The Spirit is using to call to account. They want to kill Nathan the Prophet for bringing the truth. That is not what King David did. They have no right to compare themselves with David. They are neo-Pharisees, the very kind who killed Jesus Christ out of jealousy.
Precisely @Ralph Jesperson.
Amén, hermano.
Your words have given me pause to think and what you pointed out is something I never considered concerning the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. This is terrifying…
20+ years ago I spoke truth to power; the mega church crumbled and so did I. Although, (thankfully) not yet in the age of social media, I did not have the luxury of being a Jane Doe. I learned quickly Christians, protecting their territory and beloved leaders, are far more venomous than those of the world. They are the epitome of wolves in sheep’s clothing and broods of vipers. Even all these years later, and forgiving them time and again, walking with Christians is almost an impossibility. My love and dependence on HaShem/Torah has deepened significantly since that time but I keep my distance from The Body. Your message, Ralph, is deeply healing. Thank you.
I make a fundamental distinction between Christians and Evangelicals… esp. white American evangelicals. Actual Christians do not so behave – but walk in complete humility and submission…and NEVER support corruption, hate, deceit and slander…despite the other orange idolators using the name of Jesus to fulfill their lust for secular political power and oppression of the American people.
I’ve viewed Michael Brown as an intellectual lightweight for several years. He had done some back and forth videos on the Jews for Judaism YouTube channel, and was routinely owned by their Rabbis. Of course Jews for Judaism would post what is favorable, but there were a lot of postings. Hindsight is 20/20, but I put Brown in the same category as Ravi Zacharias, another apologist who had weak intellectual arguments. Interesting that it is coming to light that both were perverted, manipulative, rules-for-thee-but-not-for-me grifters.
Its no question thatMichael Brown crossed this woman’s personal boundaries many years ago and demonstrated a lack of good judgement. But a slap on the butt or an inappropriate kiss is not even close to a major offense as lets say rape is.
What occurred here is one brother used his power over a sister in the Lord, who was his subordinate and offended her. The Bible makes it clear to resolve the offense, she should to her offender and confront him with the offence. If the perpetrator sincerely appolgizes, then its on the victim to forgive him.
Exposing the perpetrator without a goal of reconciliation I think is not wise. It leads to a mass condemnation, and has not given him a chance to make it right. Out Lord forgives and restores. Would it not be better to wait on the exposure, allow the two parties to at least attempt to reconcile , then write the article?
Michael, “a lack good judgement”? Any form of unwanted sexual contact has no place anywhere in society; and as such should be not simply be relegated to “offending her”. A “slap on the butt” or “inappropriate kiss” from anyone in the work place is serious, and points to much more going on with the the person who abused his power as a leader. It points to a harmful view of all women, and to the misogyny that still exsits within some parts of the church; a misogny that is sadly swept under the carpet and covered in phrases that we had read ad nauseum this year; phrases such as, “oh, it was years ago and a different time”, “why did she wait so long”, “it was just a kiss”, and “look at all the good he has done though.
@Michael Guidera “Erin” was right to make it public because there could be others who were treated in a similar way or worse.
Victims are often beset by feelings of shame and embarrassment (wrongly of course: it’s the perpetrator who ought to be ashamed) and don’t confront the perpetrators or bring the what happened to light.
His behavior wasn’t a “slip up”.
It is not the behavior of a regenerate Christian (the only kind: John 1:12-13, Romans 8:9) so she’s actually doing him a favor if he isn’t born again.
He still has time on his side to humble himself and truly repent in a Godly fashion (2nd Corinthians 7).
I have never agreed with important aspects of his theology but I used to sometimes read the articles he wrote for the Christian Post website and I don’t remember even ONE which didn’t mention and publicize his book(s).
I found that extremely carnal/worldly and troubling.
We are to be holy i.e different, separate from the world.
I shouldn’t need to quote the numerous New Testament Scripture passages on this.
You really think this is all there is to the Michael Brown allegations? I think you’re being naive. This is just the first few drops before the flood. Once one victim has the courage to come forward it empowers many others to do likewise. And the only accountability these abusers have is websites like this. Without them the abuse would stay hidden, and continue in perpetuity. Abusers set up Boards & staffs comprised of yes-men to ensure no one ever questions them.
This is a very astute opinion. i think this is the tip of an iceberg of inappropriate behavior by Michael Brown.
And you’re right. Ministries that are in error don’t like blogs like TRR precisely because they are held accountable.
God forgives all. But restoration of trust is like trying to put Humpty-Dumpty together again. “Restoration” to positions of spiritual stewardship is a concept that is alien to scripture, in spite of superficial comparisons to king David, ect. Were my pastor to give my wife or daughter an unwanted kiss or slap on the butt, he would forever cease to be my pastor, even if we were to forgive him. 1 Cor.4 :2- Stewards must, must, must be found trustworthy. I’m not sure how that could be put any clearer.
Michael Guidera: “What occurred here is one brother used his power over a sister in the Lord, who was his subordinate and offended her. The Bible makes it clear to resolve the offense, she should to her offender and confront him with the offence. If the perpetrator sincerely appolgizes (sic), then its on the victim to forgive him.”
You contradict yourself by saying they are equals (brother vs. sister) and then acknowledging that she’s actually his subordinate. So, if she had confronted him back at the time it occurred, don’t you think she would have lost her job long before any apology arrived? And if she had confronted him at any time years later, don’t you think he would deny it? Oh, wait….
When a man molests a woman he should do jail time. When the man is twice the woman’s age and is her spiritual/job superior he should do twice the time. If the young woman wants to forgive the molester that’s between her and God. Never, ever should it be suggested or expected that she be in the same space as the perpetrator unless possibly in a court room. It’s horrible that some Christians still see sexual abuse as something to be swept under the carpet for the sake of the “Church”.
Amen. I agree. I am sincerely bothered that it seems we as the Church are swinging the pendulum quickly and violently in the other direction. We MUST balance the whole of Scripture and the BIBLE must be followed, no matter what pop psychology tells us and what seems “wise in our own eyes”!
According to Mt. 18, when Erin was pressed to come forward and tell her story, she should have gone with her husband (women would never have been expected in OT times to go alone to confront a man) and confronted Brown once again, then escalated if need be. Years and perspective DO help us see things in a different light, and at this point, she should have gone back again and followed the biblical process. God is gracious to BOTH victim and perpetrator, but Brown wasn’t given a chance to do the right thing at this point and now it’s all over the internet.
Praying for ALL involved!
I disagree. He did this with at least two women while purporting to be a spiritual leader. This is disqualifying sin. He teaches in public; he needs to be exposed in public.
If you click on Ron Cantor’s statement, he wrote that he had been urging Michael Brown to “do the right thing” with… something related to this story… for SIX WEEKS before the TRR article was released. The reason “it’s all over the internet” is the usual one — no serious effort is made to set things right until those things get dragged out into the daylight and donations are at risk.
Cantor also implied that there is more to Erin’s experience which is not public. AND that others have come forward, or need to come forward.
We need to watch and pray that the Truth will win out.
Brown had years and years and years to do the right thing.
He is not even doing “the right thing” now that his wrongdoing has been exposed.
I’m not sure Matthew 18 as a protocol applies to men who molest young women in their employ- or anyone who is abused. It is a protocol largely for peers who have conflict (because people who are subordinate are not in a position to challenge their authorities). Expecting people who have been abused to confront their abusers and allow them a chance to make it right? and walk away reconciled? the only think that can make it right is justice, and the abuser cannot enact justice on themselves- that happens in the judicial system.
And if we’re going to judge people for not abiding by biblical mandates, Brown never ran to her to make it right before offering his sacrifice (or taking communion as I’ve heard that passage applied to today)
I think you are right on with the Matt 18 not always being the way to handle these allegations. I too see it as a way of dealing with personal matters.
1Ti 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear
I am Catholic so i speak from experience. I assure you it will be found to go deeper. 20 years ago we had no idea. Now we know.
When I was a college chemistry professor, I had many male laboratory teaching assistants. If I had ever slapped one of them on his backside, I guarantee I would’ve been fired. Period.
Please do not soft-pedal this specific incident or the overall situation. It’s outrageous and shameful.
And oh by the way, the claim by Brown that this was a father/daughter relationship falls flat. My dad never playfully swatted me on the backside.
I think it’s very strange Erin continued to communicate with Dr Brown & his wife, Nancy for years after she moved away. Why didn’t she end the friendship?
It doesn’t add up. Why now? Many Christians jump on the bandwagon and believe anything the woman says. It’s getting out of control. I say making a mountain out of a molehill. A man better not shake a woman’s hand nowadays because he can be accused of sexual misconduct or maybe rape. Any woman can say anything against another man and it’s the gospel truth There is two sides to the story. What is the motivation? A man is presumed innocent till proven guilty. Right?
I do believe it is a satanic attack against Michael Brown. I believe him.
He is a man of integrity. Anything to destroy his ministry in the Body of Christ. Call me naive but we are talking people’s reputation being destroyed by exaggerations and misinformation being spread. He admitted to what he did wrong but it was not sexual. 20 some yrs ago. Call off the attack dogs. 🥲🥲🥲.
@elaine adams, So you believe it is a “satanic attack”- would you pass off a slap or an unwanted kiss as “satanic”? Would you tell a sister, or friend to glibbly dismiss actions like that as “satanic”, or would you call for action against the man who slapped and kissed?
First of all, you clearly didn’t read her comment, otherwise you wouldn’t have set up a strawman to dismantle. What are the three things the devil only comes to do? Steal, kill, and destroy. He’s trying to destroy Dr. Brown’s ministry with 20+ year old sins. The same man who reaches MILLIONS with the Gospel. You foolishly believe the testimony of some woman whose story doesn’t add up instead of waiting for facts to back it up. The Bible talks about waiting to hear FULLY on a matter before speaking on it. You’re taking her word as gospel for what reason? Because you believe the cultural lie to “believe all women?” I don’t mean this to sound harsh, but the Lord has a real problem with people when they bring up people’s old sins that He Himself has forgotten.
So well said. I agree with this.
What we are seeing is so far from a biblical approach & its grevious
You are quite correct.
Our intention should be to clear the air.
Chances must be given first to both to clear their positions before any public media revelations
Michael, you wrote “Its no question thatMichael Brown crossed this woman’s personal boundaries” but these were not “personal” boundaries- these actions were inappropriate professionally, societally, morally and in any sense one could think of outside of a romantic relationship, and with consent. It’s additionally inappropriate in a familial relationship, as they both talked about how they saw their relationship as father/daughter even though they weren’t related. Crossing sexual boundaries should not be minimized by referring to them as “personal boundaries”
He’s like Sampson and Gideon? Really? Yeah I guess so. Sampson had to be removed as Israel’s judge and enslaved because of his rebellion against the very law he was supposed to judge Israel by. Gideon is the only judge who explicitly caused Israel to turn away and worship false gods and even though the Bible says he did some good, it also says country was worse than before because of him. Not anyone to model our lives after .
He’s like David and Paul? No david a Paul allowed the full story of their sin and repentance to be recorded in the official (and ultimately eternal) record books so everyone would know what they did.
Def not like Brown.
The seriousness of the inappropriate sexual behavior isn’t the point, the point is leaders being honest about what they did & why they thought it was something they could get away with…
sure, we now have a lens of abuses of power & clergy sex abuse that we did not have back in 2001, but the vague limited -> lack of response of MB to Ron Cantor is a red flag for discernment!
Little did compromised leaders know that God would be shouting these abusive behaviors that have been hidden (some for decades), from the rooftops via the internet! He gave them time to repent & many refused. God is refining the gold, consuming the dross… a painful but profound prayer!
I seem to recall Dr Michael Brown being very quick to defend Mike Bickle as the IHOP scandal emerged and then seemingly becoming ever more silent as the truth unfolded.
Now allegations from the past are surfacing against the undiscerning defender of Mike Bickle, the man himself Dr Michael Brown. Let the light shine where it must.
I feel led to say this… if you read the testimony of some of Bill Cosby accusers, the young ones especially, he would ask about their relationship with their Father. If they had a bad one he would insist that he could be a father figure to them and ask them to call him Dad. He knew he could take advantage of this wound to draw them in. Was Dr Browns intentions pure? Only God knows but I truly hope He reveals all including the intents of the heart.
Brown should be in jail—period. Police shoul walk up to where he lives announce their presence and make him go to trial. Quit writing in veiled spiritual language. And now you’ve got pastors standing with him. What’s the matter with you clowns? Fire him. Cut off his source of money. This guy is a sexual predator. If he goes to another church he’ll do the same.
I’m glad you don’t make the laws, because police would throw people in jail when the accuser doesn’t even press charges! Lord help us… I pray that the Lord wakes you up to the immense amount of pride you have and that sins that you committed in your lifetime aren’t just aired out for all to see.
The kisses and rear-slaps were not “rape” but they were certainly leading to it. And are still absolutely disqualifying. Men in power cross boundaries to see what they can get away with and continue to cross further and further. The fact that there was already evidence of at least one “affair” means that this was also headed toward a sexual relationship.
Also, any man who continues to cross a boundary after he has been made to know it’s inappropriate is dangerous, and has no business in leadership.
“We pray for her healing,” they wrote. “However, healing must be found through forgiveness and emotional healing that only comes from the Lord.”
Well, this is an interesting theory, devoid of proof and argument.
Is there no healing from justice?
Some of these pastoral figures defending Brown should also think about stepping down. What is the value of a “pastor” who has lost his ability to empathize with the sheep who are damaged or hurting?
We’re now at multiple spiritual leaders who have been in ministry for many years who are not satisfied with Brown’s candour. This is not just about harmed sheep complaining. Brown evidently is now doing damage control and is more interested in image than repentance.
There are often calls for more pastors to speak out when one leader is exposed. I think this is expecting too much. First, I don’t know that it’s biblical, and second, why should the pastors put their legitimate ministries at risk?
Historically God used prophets to expose sin, not pastors. Problem today is we have lots of pastors, not so many prophets. I can’t even think of any prophets, frankly. If we can’t get any major prophets like Jeremiah, a minor prophet would be helpful. Until then the Roys Report is the best alternative.
That initial response of his and FIRE for sure irks me.
There is no such thing for those in Christ as bad criticism.
Either the criticism is true and is a chance for us to address sin or (non-sin) offense that hinders the gospel or its the untrue kind of thing that Jesus explicitly told us to rejoice about.
It’s most likely not Satan it’s either corrective mercy or refining trial and neither of those require a negative but a positive one that engages with the gift from God that it is.
Satan is much more likely to get at you through flattery and—many will have been taught wrong— doesn’t condemn but the Bible does say the human heart condemns (accusation is different than condemnation) people (flesh) condemn and we shouldn’t war against it.
Respond with gentleness and truth. Nuff said.
“Either the criticism is true and is a chance for us to address sin or (non-sin) offense that hinders the gospel or its the untrue kind of thing that Jesus explicitly told us to rejoice about.”
That’s a very helpful reminder, James Klein.
Something I just thought of with these allegations involving Michael Brown is that since this was early 2000s, this would have been not long after Brown was fired his job as president of the School of Ministry at Brownsville.
With what’s surfacing now, maybe something was going on back then that led to Brownsville cutting ties with him.
It is no wonder why we see so much of this, here is a Board that recommends, hires an attorney and does not know what their principal is going to do. Exactly what good is such a Board. It is no wonder we see this over and over. I was on the Elder Board in a church with similar problems and we took action not recommended.
“Following Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Michael Brown to Take Time Off From Public Ministry”
To lay low until the heat blows over, then return to a Standing Ovation and cries of “Praise God!”
Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
Well said. The addiction to the redemption story is always fascinating to watch. And it is an addiction.
Elijah, what if your pastor started holding your hand, kissing you on the lips, and smacking you on the rear? Would you think that’s inappropriate? What about if your boss were to start doing it?
I’m confused as to why you think these behaviors are no big deal, are you just not recognizing the power dynamics at play?
Elijah, your use of “greeting one another with a holy kiss” is theologically flawed, offensive to any women who has suffered from unwanted physical attention, and enables men like Dr Brown to dismiss what they have done. Once again, someone uses the “it should have been dealt with at the time”, without any understanding of the longlasting impact of actions like this on young women.
Laughable. Yes, it’s 2024. Please throw the Torah aside. Roys Report does good work. Also, how many people greet you with a kiss and how many do you greet with a kiss? This is not a religious or biblical concept, at all.
Elijah, you are most certainly not. You are King Ahab. You sound like an abuser to me. Could you be someone who has been exposed here? Just wondering…
I feel the pain of all of these ministers. The very sad part of all that’s happening is that most are friends of the gospel. They are our brothers in Christ. Most have preached the gospel for years and borne fruit. Truth has been preached, it is not all bad. What we have is the nature of sinful man popping up and defiling the truth. It’s the work of the antichrist. We must keep pure hearts before God. For fear of the Lord, I would not want to be one of the finger pointers. But be sure your sin will find you.
Ella, do you feel the pain of any of the sisters that these men have manipulated and abused? Perhaps give some thought to the weight of shame and condemnation that they bore while these men went on to expand, write books, launch talk shows, plant churches, and build their ministries. Let’s be clear about this “pointing the finger” argument-and I say this as someone who once listened to Michael Brown. By this logic, Nathan the Prophet should have kept silent. Congregations have been groomed not to “point the finger” so that these predatory behaviors continue to hide in plain sight. It is the reason people could see a grown man kiss and hold hands with a twenty year old woman and gaslight themselves into thinking it’s father-daughter relationship. It IS time to point the finger. It is time to say, “Thou are the man!” It is high time to rebuke sinning elders openly that all may fear. Let us return holy fear to the people of God.
First of all, you’re lumping Dr. Brown in with other fallen ministers before any facts actually come to light. Isn’t it supposed to be innocent until proven guilty and yet, you’re on here comparing Dr. Brown’s supposed groping to David getting another man’s wife pregnant and then having that innocent man murdered??? The comparison cannot be anymore ridiculous. We are instructed in Proverbs not to speak on things before we hear the whole matter. Unfortunately, we are influenced by this cancel culture instead of following the Word of God. I hope no one brings up your 20+ year old sins that you’ve already repented for and received counseling for, because this response reveals a sheer lack of humility and the grace that my Lord and Savior has given us.
Mmmm so she wanted to make an accusation, but not participate in the investigation? Sounds kind of fishy to me.
I am no follower or fan of Doc Ob but he is still a human being susceptible to the flaws that inhabit all of us. Those flaws, faults and sins are what Jesus died for.