The former president of suburban Chicago Northern Seminary, who resigned last year en medio de allegations he bullied women, has been hired as a sabbatical pastor at an Illinois church.
Former Northern President William Shiell will preach on Sundays at First Baptist Church in Oak Park, Illinois, while the church’s pastor, David John Hailey, goes on a two-month-long sabbatical, Hailey told El Informe Roys (TRR). Sheill will also cover funerals as needed, Hailey said.
“I’ve known Bill for many years,” Hailey told TRR. “He’s a very gifted preacher. He’s going to be filling the pulpit, and I know he’ll do a good job doing that.”
But an advocate group of Northern students emitió una declaración, expressing disapproval of the decision to hire Shiell for a pastoral position.
“The harm which Bill caused to the Northern community, in particular to those on staff who were victims of his bullying and harassment, was considerable; and the ramifications of his destructive leadership continue to reverberate to this day,” wrote Sarah Bucy Klingler, Justin Charles, and Karen Fletcher Smith in a joint statement. “(W)e do not support Bill being entrusted with a position of spiritual leadership, and we are concerned for those he is supposed to be shepherding.”
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TRR reached out to Shiell to ask if he’s gone through counseling or apologized to his alleged bullying victims, but Shiell said he had no comment.
Shiell was previously accused of bullying and retaliation against multiple women in key leadership roles at the seminary located in Lisle, Ill. The allegations rocked the seminary known for its “tov” culture of goodness with far-reaching ramifications.
The seminary board fired a key whistleblower. Almost one-third of the seminary’s student population sent a letter to the board calling for them to apologize or resign. And several board members renunciar.
In his 2023 carta de renuncia to the seminary’s board, Shiell offered no apologies but rather defended his treatment of others. And he stated that “publicity” surrounding the seminary’s attempts at reconciliation made it impossible for him to lead.
Upon Shiell’s resignation, Northern’s board praised Shiell’s “dedicated service” and “deep commitment to women in leadership and racial injustice.”
The student advocates said those statements, which haven’t been revoked “present a false narrative.”
“Bill has never issued a formal statement of apology to the Northern community and, to our knowledge, has not made restitution to the victim-survivors who were directly impacted,” they wrote.
Hailey said he has not specifically informed or led a discussion about the allegations of bullying against Shiell with his congregation. Hailey said Shiell has previously preached at First Baptist Church and the congregation likes him.
“The congregation has always enjoyed when Bill has come to preach,” Hailey said.
Hailey said Shiell will be at the church on Sundays, while the church’s Associate Pastor Mithun Roy will handle the day-to-day operations of the church. Pastor Tim Bees will also help with pastoral duties temporarily, Hailey said.
TRRreached out to Northern Seminary to see if Shiell had completed any counseling for the bullying before he resigned. Northern responded, “Since his departure from Northern Seminary in the Spring of 2023, Northern has not had any formal contact with the former President.”
After Shiell’s resignation, the seminary hired as president Karen Walker Freeburg, who promised change and not “damage control.”
The student advocates said a restoration process should not necessarily mean a return to a position of spiritual authority.
“Even IF he had gone through a process to right all wrongs and to deal with his cruelty, that does not qualify him for this type of ministry,” Klingler, Charles, and Smith wrote. “Restoration in these types of situations means being restored back to the Body of Christ, NOT to a position of spiritual authority.”
Update 9/20/24: This story has been updated to include a statement by Northern Seminary.
Rebecca Hopkins es una periodista radicada en Colorado.
2 Respuestas
I looked up David John Hailey expecting to see another old guy who has been a long-time friend of Shiell, that would explain the good ol’ boy action here. But whoa, Hailey is a young guy in his 30s. So tone deaf! I guess I was wrong that those who think bullying behavior is no big deal is mainly the old guard. I wish I could privately ask Hailey’s wife what she thinks of this situation.
Lydia, that is such an incredible thought…”ask his wife what she thinks of the situation.”
I know when I was a pastor in full-time vocational ministry, if you were to ask my wife her thoughts…they would have been very much different than mine at times.”
You are placed on a crazy high platform that leaves no room for “human life” you’re only see as “the man of God”. Such a horribly self-gratifying position to be in. If you’re really good at it you can isolate yourself and have no checks or balances in your leadership.
It seems like guys like this are pro’s and float around in the Evangelical world doing whatever they want, with minimal to no consequences.