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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Casa de James MacDonald listada por $1.9 millones; Posiblemente mudarse a la costa oeste

Por Julie Roys
James MacDonald's million-dollar house in Elgin, IL.
La finca de James MacDonald en Elgin, IL.
La lujosa casa del deshonrado ex pastor de Capilla de la Biblia de la cosecha, james macdonald, acaba de ser privado listado para $1.9 millones, según documentos obtenidos recientemente (enumerados a continuación).

Además, un comentario de Instagram de una persona que parece ser la esposa de una figura cristiana muy conocida afirma que MacDonald se dirige a la costa oeste. 

En un video publicado el 14 de febrero, MacDonald Anunciado que en 40 días tendría su primera “oportunidad pública de predicar”, pero no dio más detalles.

Sin embargo, durante el fin de semana, alguien con la cuenta de Instagram chelseacameron8 comentó en una publicación de MacDonald que estaba orando por la "mudanza" de MacDonald y su esposa. Ella agregó: “Bienvenidos a la costa oeste. No puedo esperar a verte y estar al frente y en el centro para recibir el regalo de tu enseñanza”.

Chelseacameron8 es una cuenta privada, pero parece ser propiedad de Chelsea Noble, la esposa del popular actor cristiano y presentador de televisión, kirk cameron.

Me comuniqué con Kirk Cameron a través de varias vías para confirmar el relato de su esposa, pero no respondió. Sin embargo, se sabe que los Cameron son amigos de los MacDonald y aparecieron en una foto que Kathy MacDonald publicó en Instagram en agosto del año pasado.

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Hurt and Healed by the Church” by Ryan George. To donate, haga clic aquí.

Además, un comentario de Instagram de "ahnacameron", que parece ser una hija de Kirk Cameron y Chelsea Noble, dice: "los amo, mamá y papá" y etiqueta la cuenta oficial de Instagram de Kirk Cameron y @Chelseacameron8.

La casa que MacDonald acaba de enumerar es la misma que afirmó en una entrevista para mi 2018 exponer on Harvest era más pequeña que su casa anterior de 6,700 pies cuadrados en Inverness, Illinois. Esto fue importante porque en 2014, los ancianos de Harvest Anunciado que MacDonald había hecho "varios ajustes de estilo de vida personal", incluida la "reducción" de su casa en Inverness (que se vendió por $1.8 millones en 2014) a "una casa más pequeña en Elgin".

Además, durante la entrevista de 2018, MacDonald refutó las afirmaciones de que "solo fingió reducir su estilo de vida" en 2014, calificando tales afirmaciones de "falsas".

La lista actual no proporciona los pies cuadrados de la casa. Sin embargo, una tasación que un abogado de MacDonald presentó a la oficina del tasador de impuestos establece que la casa tiene 6891 pies cuadrados de superficie habitable bruta, más un garaje de 2600 pies cuadrados y un sótano terminado de más de 2000 pies cuadrados.

La lista también señala que la casa tiene "acabados extraordinarios en todas partes", "gabinetes hechos a la medida” y una “cocina gourmet con despensa y electrodomésticos de primera línea”. Agrega que el "retiro principal en el nivel principal cuenta con una sala de estar, vestidor, baño y sala de ejercicios".

El listado dice que el segundo piso tiene un altillo, biblioteca, tres dormitorios y dos baños. La casa también tiene un sótano terminado "perfecto para el entretenimiento" y una piscina enterrada al aire libre.

Según la lista, la casa también se encuentra en 10 acres. Presumiblemente, MacDonald compró una parcela adyacente de cinco acres, que estaba desocupada.

El agente que lista la casa de MacDonald es Wincy Mathew, una agente de bienes raíces local cuyo esposo, Felipe mateo, se desempeña como director de tecnología de la información en Harvest Bible Chapel.

ACTUALIZACIÓN: la lista de casas de MacDonald ahora es pública y se puede visto aquí. He quitado las fotos de la casa de MacDonald por solicitud de una empresa de bienes raíces. Sin embargo, puedes ver todas las fotos en la lista pública. 


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131 Respuestas

  1. It is what you call two face. MacDonald had one personality that interacted with the congregation. Spewing biblical passages and all. Fervently in prayer. He showed his colors self to the staff & elders – where he was abusive and domineering, It was all a con to manipulate people – to enrich himself and family.

  2. Doctrinal soundness seems missing today. Paul warned over and over about doctrine as the way to stand firm during the apostasy, which we most certainly are in. People seem bored with doctrine. What is popular is experience and emotion. James had weak doctrine but he sure gave an experience and emotion. His ungodly character is a symptom of the greater issue. The Elgin house seems almost like a public indictment against the entire system. Seems this is happening on a larger scale with Christian leaders. Judgment begins with the house of God.

    The world needs the good news more than ever. The organized church seems otherwise engaged.

    We are one generation away from losing the faith that once was given to the saints. Brethren, we need to repent of all the teachers who go beyond scripture; psychological preaching; humanist christianity, the new age mystical Christianity and all of the false christs being promoted. We must learn to rightly divide scripture, to preach the only Gospel that can save And to make DISCIPLES not activists.

    The body of Christ needs to go back to the foundations of the faith and stop trying to organize churches under the pattern of the world system. Let us repent of these man made systems, rituals and organizations and submit under the authority of Jesus the Word of God and meekly receive His implanted Word. I speak to my own heart first. I am guilty also.

    The reality is that James MacDonald didn’t have any apparent gift of spiritual truth or command of scripture He was an actor who could deliver his lines. He had was the gift of gab and entertainment value and was able to market scripture in a way that made people feel good and want more. His friends in the business…Mark Driscoll?! Steven Furtick?! I am mortified I ever remained seated For a one second to give ear to either one of those profane ungodly men. The entire building should have emptied! God forgive us.

    Someone recently recommended the late Dave Hunt’s book “the seduction of Christianity”. It is from years back but as relevant today as it was when he wrote it. It really helped shed light on what is happening today.

    Andy Woods of Sugarland Bible church and Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum of Ariel Ministries are two of the most solid Bible teachers out there today, who rightly handle the Word of Truth and who teach God centered, not man centered theology. The late Dr J Vernon Mcgee helped steer us out of the doctrinal error we were learning and blessed us so greatly.

    Charles Ryrie is also very solid and has many commentaries and writings that will help see the Truth.

    Awake! Awake O’ Sleeper. Rise from the dead and Christ will shine upon thee.

  3. Carla

    You might realize it…
    But you seem to be doing…
    The very things you accuse others of doing…

    You seem to be trying to correct the commenters here.
    Trying to get them to stop commenting…
    About something they feel…
    Strongly about.

    Usted escribe…
    “If you believe his word
    then you should rest in that and let him handle it.”

    “Don’t you think God is on the case?”

    “Our arms aren’t as long as God’s and the battle isn’t ours. It’s Gods.”

    “The current and former members
    fighting it out on this blog are disobeying God.”

    “The comment section is lending itself to division
    and a poor public testimony which is a shame.”

    If you, Carla, believe his word?
    If you believe the battle is God’s?
    And God is on the case?

    Why did you get involved? With this blog?
    Trying to correct the commenters here?
    Telling them they are “guilty” of…
    Disobeying God?

    How do you know they are Disobeying God?

    Could you be Disobeying God?
    By giving your own opinion?
    Trying to correct others?

    Why NOT let God handle it?

  4. Carla

    You might realize it…
    But you seem to be doing…
    The very things you accuse others of doing…

    You seem to be trying to correct the commenters here.
    Trying to get them to stop commenting.
    And let God handle it.

    Usted escribe…
    “If you believe his word
    then you should rest in that and let him handle it.”

    “Don’t you think God is on the case?”

    “Our arms aren’t as long as God’s and the battle isn’t ours. It’s Gods.”

    “The current and former members
    fighting it out on this blog are disobeying God.”

    “The comment section is lending itself to division
    and a poor public testimony which is a shame.”

    If you, Carla, believe his word?
    If you believe the battle is God’s?
    And God is on the case?

    Why did you get involved? With this blog?
    Trying to correct the commenters here?
    Telling them they are “guilty” of…
    Disobeying God?

    How do you know they are Disobeying God?

    Could you be Disobeying God?
    By giving your own opinion?
    Trying to correct others?

    Why NOT let God handle it?

  5. Miguel,

    Detached from reality much?

    I knew this guy was a legalistic, control freak hypocrite years ago. It only took part of one video to see that.

    Put down the illegal drugs and apologize to Julie Roys for your asinine accusation. You need a reality check, let this be the start of it.


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Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of “Hurt and Healed by the Church” by Ryan George.