De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

James MacDonald tomó millones de Harvest y ahora exige Broadcast Ministry

Por Julie Roys

Capilla de la Biblia de la cosecha El fundador, James MacDonald, les dijo a tres ancianos en 2013 que “perdería 1000 ovejas” antes de revelar su salario. Eso es según los ex élderes—Scott Phelps, Barry Slabaugh y Dan Marquardt—quienes renunciaron poco después de escuchar ese comentario y meses después, fueron públicamente excomulgado. (Desde entonces, la iglesia se ha disculpado por su disciplina "dura" de los hombres).

Sin embargo, ahora que Harvest ha despidió a macdonald, este secreto guardado durante mucho tiempo está siendo revelado. Y dada la cantidad del salario de MacDonald, es comprensible por qué MacDonald querría mantenerlo oculto.

En 2018, según se informa, Harvest pagó a MacDonald $80 000 por mes ($50 000/mes en salario regular y $30 000/mes en compensación diferida) por un total de $960 000 por año. (Este número no incluye el dinero adicional que MacDonald pudo haber recibido de su ministerio de transmisión, Caminar en la Palabra, la red de plantación de iglesias de Harvest, Iglesia vertical, su ministerio de composición y adoración, Adoración Verticaly libros).

Eso es según Emmanuel “Manny” Bucur, diácono y ex guardaespaldas voluntario de MacDonald's, y Mark Banaszak, miembro de Harvest y capitán del equipo de seguridad del sábado por la noche de la iglesia. Ambos hombres dijeron que recibieron la información durante una conversación reciente con dos altos líderes de Harvest. (Bucur y Banaszak me dijeron las identidades de los líderes de Harvest, pero me pidieron que no los denunciara. Desde entonces, confirmé la información que me dijeron directamente con un líder principal de la iglesia. También envié un correo electrónico a Harvest's Equipo de Liderazgo Central para comentarios oficiales, pero nadie respondió.)

[pullquote]”In 2018, Harvest reportedly paid MacDonald $80,000 per month ($50,000/month in regular salary and $30,000/month in deferred compensation) for a total of $960,000 per year.”[/pullquote]Bucur and Banaszak said one of the leaders told them that MacDonald’s deferred compensation plan totals $2.6 million and was initially set up in 2010. They added that this leader said that the deferred compensation plan has no provisions enabling the church to “claw back” the money. However, given that the church is nearly $40 million in debt, its creditors likely would not release the money until the debt is paid back—or when one of several “trigger events” occur, like death, disability, or reaching a certain age.

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Bucur y Banaszak dijeron que su fuente también les dijo que, además de la compensación, Harvest le dio a MacDonald entre $800,000 - $1.2 millones anuales en fondos discrecionales. Según los informes, la mitad de ese dinero provino de un fondo discrecional de pastor principal, y una cantidad similar provino de un fondo discrecional en Walk in the Word.

El líder de la iglesia con quien consulté confirmó que estos fondos discrecionales eran parte del “presupuesto negro” oculto que informé en mi informe de diciembre. Revista MUNDO artículo sobre la cosecha. Según los informes, este presupuesto comprendía aproximadamente el 20 por ciento del presupuesto total de Harvest y se mantuvo en secreto para todos, excepto para el personal superior de la iglesia y el antiguo comité ejecutivo de ancianos. El comité ejecutivo era un grupo de cuatro o cinco ancianos principales que tenían la responsabilidad exclusiva de aprobar el presupuesto anual y los salarios de los ejecutivos de Harvest.

Bucur y Banaszak dijeron que uno de los líderes de Harvest les dijo que se suponía que MacDonald anotaría cualquier gasto de sus fondos discrecionales que fueran personales y luego reembolsaría a la iglesia por esos gastos. Sin embargo, Bucur y Banaszak dijeron que su fuente les dijo que MacDonald contaba como un gasto del ministerio tener un oso disecado y enviado desde Alaska.

Los hombres dijeron que su fuente también confirmó que MacDonald había usado fondos de la iglesia para dar de seis a ocho motocicletas Harley Davidson a personas dentro y fuera de la iglesia. La semana pasada yo reportado que tanto el pastor del campus de Niles, Mo Zachariah, como el ex pastor asistente principal Rick Donald recibieron motocicletas de la iglesia. (Zachariah dice que desde entonces ha reembolsado a la iglesia por el suyo).

Bucur y Banaszak dijeron que los líderes de Harvest dijeron que la iglesia está examinando todos los gastos de los fondos discrecionales de MacDonald y tiene la intención de buscar el reembolso de MacDonald, o darle un formulario de impuestos W-2, por cualquier gasto que la iglesia determine que fue personal.

Ancianos ejecutivos ofrecen Caminar en la Palabra a MacDonald

Aunque Harvest busca recuperar algo de dinero de MacDonald, Bucur y Banaszak dijeron que uno de los líderes les dijo que los ancianos le hicieron una oferta inicial a MacDonald el fin de semana pasado, dándole todos los derechos para los sermones de Caminar en la Palabra, así como el donante del ministerio. lista, y $100,000. Banaszak agregó que un anciano le había dicho lo mismo de forma independiente.

Desde entonces, La deuda del elefante y otros en las redes sociales informaron que los ancianos aumentaron su oferta a $500,000, pero no he podido confirmar esos informes. Sin embargo, descubrí una posible razón por la cual los líderes de Harvest están ofreciendo MacDonald Walk in the Word, un ministerio multimillonario que solía transmitirse en 2,000 estaciones de radio y televisión.

Según las actas de una reunión de la junta de ancianos del 9 de enero de 2008, los ancianos acordaron "por unanimidad" darle a MacDonald la propiedad exclusiva de sus sermones "tanto en notas, audio, video y cualquier otra forma". Sin embargo, Dave Corning, quien era presidente de la junta en ese momento, dijo que no recuerda haber discutido, votado o firmado ningún acuerdo de este tipo. Dijo que la junta no aprobó las actas en ese entonces y cuestiona la precisión de las actas. Me acerqué a MacDonald para hacer comentarios, pero no respondió.

MacDonald el mes pasado en Naples, Florida.

Sin embargo, según los antiguos ancianos dan jorge y mike dunwoody, el comité ejecutivo de Harvest firmó un acuerdo con MacDonald en 2015, otorgando a MacDonald no solo los derechos de los sermones Caminar en la Palabra, sino también todos los activos multimillonarios del ministerio. George y Dunwoody dijeron que el comité en ese momento estaba formado por Jeff Smith, randy williams, steve hustony Robert Jones. Smith permanece en la junta de ancianos de Harvest, pero desde entonces los demás han renunciado o se han retirado de la junta.

George y Dunwoody dijeron que escucharon por primera vez sobre el acuerdo Caminar en la Palabra en una reunión de ancianos la semana antes de que MacDonald fuera despedido. Dijeron que Steve Stewart, director financiero de Walk in the Word desde hace mucho tiempo, leyó el documento y dijo que MacDonald lo había estado contactando regularmente, recordándole a Stewart sus supuestos derechos sobre los activos del ministerio.

George y Dunwoody dijeron que el documento establecía que el acuerdo estaba sujeto a la aprobación de la junta de ancianos. Pero ambos estaban en la junta en 2015 y dijeron que nunca habían visto el documento, y mucho menos votado sobre él. Sin embargo, George dijo que cuando argumentó que el acuerdo no era válido porque nunca había sido aprobado por la junta, Houston argumentó que era válido porque Harvest's estatutos otorgar al comité ejecutivo la facultad de aprobar los contratos.

Me acerqué a Houston para hacer comentarios, pero no respondió.

George y Dunwoody dijeron que el problema no se resolvió durante la reunión. Un par de semanas más tarde, Dunwoody fue eliminado del consejo de ancianos cuando reducido de más de 30 miembros a nueve. George se quedó un par de semanas más y dijo que durante ese tiempo pidió una copia del acuerdo de 2015 repetidamente, pero no se la dieron.

George dijo que finalmente el director financiero de Harvest Jeff Sharda le permitió leer todo el acuerdo de su computadora portátil, pero eso fue todo. George dijo que esta renuencia a permitirle acceder a este importante documento fue una de las razones por las que decidió Renunciar de la junta el mes pasado, quejándose de que los ancianos continuaban con la cultura "secreta" y "controladora".

Harvest donó millones a MacDonald's Broadcast Ministry

A lo largo de los años, Harvest Bible Chapel ha donado millones de dólares al ministerio de transmisión de MacDonald, Walk in the Word.

De 2014 a 2018, Harvest le dio a Walk in the Word más de $6 millones de tiempo de transmisión de televisión gratis según Harvest's Estados Financieros 2016, Harvest vendió su propiedad en Aurora, Illinois, a TBN por $15,600,000 en 2014. Pero TBN pagó solo $4 millones de esa cantidad en efectivo. El resto se entregó a la iglesia en tiempo de transmisión gratuito, que luego se le otorgó a Walk in the Word para que lo usara durante ocho años.

Debido a que Walk in the Word salió del aire en enero, no pudo usar los 3.5 años restantes de tiempo de transmisión. Así que Harvest vendió recientemente el tiempo aire no utilizado a TBN por $4.1 millones. Sin embargo, curiosamente, el ex productor ejecutivo de Walk in the Word, Trey Morris, dijo que la venta a TBN casi no se llevó a cabo porque MacDonald estaba bloqueando la venta debido a la negativa de Harvest de darle a MacDonald $1 millones.

Según Morris, MacDonald había estado actuando como intermediario entre Harvest y TBN y exigía una parte de la venta. Pero Morris dijo que puso en contacto a Harvest con los ejecutivos de TBN para que las dos partes pudieran cerrar el trato sin la intervención de MacDonald.

[pullquote]”(F)ormer Walk in the Word Executive Producer Trey Morris said the sale to TBN almost didn’t go through because MacDonald was blocking the sale due to Harvest’s refusal to give MacDonald $1 million.”[/pullquote]Walk in the Word also received a portion of Harvest Bible Chapel’s annual revenues. The amount of the annual donation is not noted in the church’s financial statements. However, both Trey Morris and a senior church leader told me that Harvest gave five-percent of its revenues each year—$1.2 – $1.65 million—to Walk in the Word.

La iglesia también dirigió una parte de los fondos de su antigua red de plantación de iglesias, Harvest Bible Fellowship (HBF), para Caminar en la Palabra. Eso es según Bob Langdon, ex director financiero de HBF, quien dijo que HBF regularmente "diezmaba" el 10 por ciento de sus ingresos a Walk in the Word.

Estos "diezmos" se anotan en un documento de resumen que se utilizó en una revisión financiera de HBF de 2017. Aunque el documento dice que las donaciones fueron a HBC, Langdon dijo que el dinero en realidad fue a Walk in the Word, un subministerio de HBC.

De 2012 a 2014, HBF dio $137,000 al año a HBC, es decir, Caminar en la Palabra, por un total de $411,000. En 2015, la contribución de HBF saltó a $310,000. Y en 2016, la contribución se triplicó con creces a más de $1 millones.

David Wisen, un pastor de una antigua iglesia de HBF que participó en una revisión financiera de HBF, me dijo que cree que parte de la contribución de HBF ese año provino de los fondos de 40 Mighty Men. Este fondo fue el resultado de donantes adinerados que dieron al menos $100,000 por año a Harvest para "esfuerzos de aceleración de plantación de iglesias". Según un informe de 40 Mighty Men de 2017, Harvest asignó un "diezmo 10%" de todos los fondos de 40 Mighty Men de 2015-2017 para Caminar en la Palabra, por un total de $452,477.

Entonces, de 2012 a 2017, HBC y sus subministerios dieron más de $20 millones en efectivo y tiempo de transmisión a Walk in the Word. Durante ese mismo tiempo, Harvest tenía una deuda de $40 millones a $59 millones.

ECFA no pudo controlar la cosecha

Estas revelaciones recientes plantean preocupaciones adicionales sobre el Consejo Evangélico para la Responsabilidad Financiera (ECFA), que hasta el mes pasado, cosecha acreditada. En noviembre, contacté a la ECFA, preguntando específicamente sobre el salario de MacDonald y el “presupuesto negro” de la iglesia. ECFA respondió que Harvest era "un miembro de ECFA con buena reputación", pero dijo que la organización pronto realizaría una revisión in situ de Harvest.

El ECFA llevó a cabo esa revisión en diciembre. Después de la revisión, ECFA publicó un declaración diciendo que había examinado específicamente el cumplimiento de Harvest con Estándar 6 de ECFA en la fijación de compensaciones y transacciones con partes relacionadas. Este estándar establece: “Cada organización deberá establecer la compensación de su líder principal y abordar las transacciones con partes relacionadas de una manera que demuestre integridad y corrección de conformidad con la Política de Excelencia en el establecimiento de compensaciones y transacciones con partes relacionadas de ECFA”.

Aparentemente, el paquete de compensación de MacDonald por un valor de casi $1 millones, y sus $800,000 – $1.2 millones en fondos discrecionales, cumplieron con el requisito de ECFA porque ECFA declaró después de la revisión: “Harvest Bible Chapel cumple totalmente con cada uno de los Siete Estándares de ECFA de Administración Responsable y sigue siendo un miembro acreditado de ECFA”.

Como lo he hecho durante los últimos meses, me comuniqué con el presidente de ECFA, Dan Busby, y solicité una entrevista, pero no obtuve respuesta. También envié preguntas a Busby, preguntando cuál es el rango de salario aceptable para pastores de iglesias con más de 10,000 asistentes. De nuevo, Busby no respondió.

ACTUALIZACIÓN: El ECFA terminado La membresía de Harvest el 17 de abril debido a “violaciones significativas” de cuatro de siete de los Siete Estándares de Administración Responsable de ECFA. ECFA dijo que Harvest no compartió "información crucial" con la organización durante su visita in situ en diciembre. Si Harvest lo hubiera hecho, la ECFA dijo que no habría informado que Harvest era un miembro "en regla". La ECFA dijo que obtuvo nueva información el 15 de abril que "validó violaciones significativas de los Estándares 2, 3, 4 y 6". La ECFA agregó que "la restauración a la membresía plena no era una opción viable dadas las circunstancias".

Aunque me alegro de que ECFA finalmente haya despojado a Harvest de su membresía, su excusa para no encontrar violaciones en diciembre es extremadamente débil. Le dije a ECFA en un correo electrónico de noviembre sobre el "presupuesto negro", pero parece que el grupo investigó muy poco para llegar a la verdad. Esto es lo que escribí: “Dos ex miembros del personal me dijeron que Harvest tiene un 'presupuesto negro': alrededor de 20% del presupuesto que solo ven personas muy selectas dentro de la organización. Por ejemplo, la persona que solía hacer la nómina de la iglesia dijo que pagó a 380 de los 400 empleados de la iglesia, pero Fred Adams pagó a los 20 ejecutivos principales, presumiblemente bajo la autoridad del comité ejecutivo, pero no estaba seguro. De igual forma, el excontralor dijo que se le mantuvo en secreto el 20% del presupuesto. Esto incluía dinero para los salarios de los altos ejecutivos y otros proyectos no especificados”. 

ECFA ni siquiera me pidió los nombres de los dos ex miembros del personal para poder realizar su investigación independiente. Parece que el grupo simplemente entró, revisó algunos documentos que Harvest le dio y una vez más le dio a la iglesia su sello de aprobación.



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166 Respuestas

  1. Does anyone remember when jim- ac told the story from the pulpit on how the benefactor of the land for the harvest camp was insisting that the land and the house on the land, all be titled in jim-ac & k-ac’s name or he would not make the donation? jim-ac & k-ac said NO we cant’t do that.

    The benefactor then said ‘well I’ll make the donation of the land only if U and k take title to the house that’s on the land personally for yourselves.’

    jim-ac & k-ac didn’t like that but said ‘OK! we’ll take the house personally to get the land.’

    even then (before knowing they were thieves) it didn’t pass the smell test.

    they then proceeded to remodel the house with church funds ‘so it would be just the best house for them to lend it to missionaries for sabbaticals.’

    We need to know all the dirty financial details of this house that he and k stole!

    If you are wondering what house I’m talking about it’s the one where mac’s used church money to
    populate the grounds with prize deer and fencing so that one can hunt for 10’s of 1000’s of dollars.

    Oh these people have been cunning for a very long time!

  2. Wow. Keep going Julie.
    I honestly can’t believe the elders would give Walk In the Word assets to James after millions of HBC tithe money paid for those assets. Unbelievable. It is theft and the elders should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. While I do not condone the excessive pay one has to remember that even if JM lobbied for the salary it was the Elders who approved it via their touted “compensation committee”. We can also remember the church publishing the paid “review” by CapnCrouse that allegedly agreed that their payment process was acceptable and in line. My thoughts back then were always “in line with what?” definitely not a church (not that pastors have to work at poverty level) but his pay is more like a CEO of a $25MM business so once again we see the secular side of HBC and treating the church like an enterprise. Those on the inside know most if not all the ministries had to run their events at a profit. That is what was expected. So, any conference, outing or event had to be self sufficient. The church can easily clear up the taxable income issue by being transparent about their W-2 and 1099 filings. if they indeed did include the gifts as income to the recipients they would have to have filed the appropriate tax forms. S0, a simple statement from the current CFO would be simple. Its either “Yes we did file the tax forms as appropriate” or “No, we did not file the tax forms”. The transparency would be that simple and easy to do. how many of you think even a simple statement like that will be made? Trust me, I believe the lawyers are the ones preventing any transparency right now because of the fear of litigation and accountability and that is why you hear crickets whenever news gets released. Let JM have his worthless messages they do not benefit HBC and only taint the church by trying to maintain them.

    1. My suspicion is that his firing was just PR for all the fires he caused. He still has ownership and rights to many things. As we know everything is a game to him and his goal is to win. Those elders who still remain are his buddies, let’s not forget that. They are there because I am sure they are benefitting from staying. He is not an ordinary ex employee, he just quit his day job and people keep the cash still coming in. Who really has control over all that money? He is carefully playing his hand until this implodes. So sad to realize after all these years he is really a false preacher. His god is money. Too bad he abused the gifts God gave him for evil. May God bless and protect all who seek the truth!

      1. Hi Lostsheep , me again, what happens when you and I and others wake up and realize for a truth that it actually was not God the Father that gave those particular “gifts” to jimmy canuck. What fellowship does light have with darkness? None. There is testimony here in these blogs that show that jimmy was an ass_ _ _ _ all the way back to his youth (perhaps further) and has never come out of it if you follow the trail unto even today. Would you even dream of doing things to me that jimmy has done?
        So I will strongly suggest that the enemy of our souls saw this little piece of unrepentant, arrogant, proud, nasty, angry,deceitful thief of a human a long time ago and said “Hey I can really use this”
        In fact turning jimmy into a preacher of righteousness in order to deceive and defile and hurt multitudes.
        Even Judas knew he did wrong and threw the money back……… and then he knew he was screwed and killed himself. Not jimmy. HE DOES NOT KNOW THE SAME HEAVENLY FATHER YOU AND I DO. Remember it is not just jimmy but many many others in harvest and around the world , ALL THE HIRELINGS EVERYWHERE yes EVERYWHERE, because if you truly knew HIM you would not be doing most ALL of the things that are going on in the “church world” of today.

  4. Additionally, I am surprised by the deferred compensation in that it was not in the notes to the audit that has been prepared every year by CapnCrouse. Executive compensation plans should be noted in them as they are an integral part of the financial framework. Once again, we see the secular process. how many churches do you know of that have a senior pastor deferred compensation plan? I would like to know who lese participated in that option. I would bet Rick Donald has a similar arrangement for deferred compensation but again, until the lawyers allow the truth to be told or the auditors do their job in terms of the financial statement notes the congregation will never know.

    1. There is no mention of a deferred comp plan in the HBC 2010 audit notes. If the plan was established in 2010, then they either didn’t tell Capin Crouse, or perhaps it’s included in salaries.

      2015 is the first time a Rabbi Trust is mentioned. That could be the deferred comp plan (i.e., the RT is the “coat” around the deferred comp plan). In 2017, Capin Crouse used the word “revocable” to characterize the Rabbit Trust.

      HBC Congregants deserve a clear, unambiguous explanation of James MacDonald’s compensation, including any deferred comp plan and/or Rabbi Trust. That explanation needs to align with the CC EOY statements. If it doesn’t, either HBC and/or CC need to say why.

  5. Yes, keep uncovering the corruption of James and Kathy, but let’s start looking at Rick and his wife. You know that similar if on a smaller scale has been going on, let’s not let this crook slip by either.

  6. And while I don’t want to accuse, maybe Naperville,”Highpoint” should take a hard look at Ron Z. He exhibits many of James qualities, you dont want to find out years from now, and be in this place.

  7. James, more and more, looks like a wolf in sheeps clothing. This grieves my heart. When the Roman emperor Theodosis committed unspeakable crimes John Chrysostom would not let him in the church until he repented. When will the modern church have the gumption and faithfulness to stand up to the wolves that are decimating and destroying the body of Christ. These men are worse than the persecutors of the church. Shame on the elders who allowed this to happen.

  8. In other news, Julie Roys uses World Magazine, whose CEO is connected to a $200 million fraud and who (same guy) has listed himself as ‘interim treasurer for many years, to criticize Harvest.

    1. P.S. Doug, reportedly HBC Chicago has said that they put $350,000 of Closer Campaign money into HBC Naples. Not sure how much of that was improvements to your building & grounds, but even $100,000 is pretty nice for you, no? I’m not saying there was anything illegal or unethical about that on your end, but I think readers should take that into consideration when reading your comments on Julie’s blog.

      It’s fair to say that deal didn’t work out quite as planned, with John Secrest’s rebellion & firing, etc. (and Julie Roys’ coverage of that). Not sure if James MacDonald or other recently-departed HBC1 Leaders are coming to or will be involved with HBC Naples, but it’s reasonable to wonder if that’s in the cards. Your responses on this blog certainly lend credence to that theory.

      1. Dougy Dougy Dougy it is astounding how you just can not contain yourself and seem to just squirt out here and there every once in a while, can not someone of your wealth and stature see how terribly insecure and emotionally immature you and jimmy canuck are looking , it is so sad that at this stage in life you have not made it further. Repentance can not be found, It actually is too late……..
        Heb 6:4-6 and Heb 10: 26- 31 tells us all clearly about sinning willfully and putting the Son of God to an open shame over and over again……. there remains NO MORE sacrifice for sins.
        But hey, was not that the plan from the beginning……… to defy and defile everything God the Father said TO DO and NOT TO DO. Yes it was and you do the deeds of your father ( small f )
        Till next time, bye for now

      2. Well… sounds like Doug Bartholomew may touched on a sensitive subject? I appreciate being informed. Transparency applies to all and no need for sharp responses. It’s time to move on. None of us are perfect. Our Lord will judge all humans and we all need his forgiveness. Likewise, JM haters need to forgive and move on. There must be more meaningful things to forcus on. The man and his family were destroyed. What else do you want? Anything more is not coming from a good place. Glad to hear there was an investment in Harvest Naples and hope that it expands our Lord’s kingdom.


          “Likewise,JM haters need to forgive and move on.There must be more meaningful things to
          forcus on ”

          Mat 16:23 Angela get thee behind me satan , thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not
          the things that be of God, but those that be of men.

          “The man and his family were destroyed. What else do you want?”

          Mat 16:23 Angela get thee behind me satan , thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not
          the things that be of God, but those that be of men

          “hope that it expands our Lord’s kingdom.”

          Our Lord? Which Lord and which kingdom would that exactly be? You seem to be in a worldly delusion and not coming from a good place and of course you are glad there was an investment
          made, so that more of the same wickedness can carry on and your father can laugh some more at all the fools that do not the truth and know not the truth that they MIGHT have a chance.

        2. Angela, you have an extremely immature and unwise view of what James has or has not done. You should take some time to read through the crimes that have occurred and are STILL occurring as I write this.

          James has been disqualified by the WORD OF GOD. Not because people here are being too hard on him or because “everyone sins” or anything else. He has been disqualified and he is no longer able to be an elder. 1Tim 5 tells us that “just moving on” isn’t an option. Here is what GOD’s WORD says:

          “Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.”

          ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

          It’s not my opinion or your opinion that matters. It’s God’s Word that matters and it says he MUST be rebuked before all. James persists in his sin as I write this. He hasn’t been charged by two or three witnesses but rather by HUNDREDS of them—if not thousands of them.

          You have bought into Harvest’s faulty ant unbiblical stance on how James should be handled. I prefer to stick with the Bible.

          Harvest says: “we are all sinners and James is one too. His enemies are trying to destroy him”.

          The Bible says: “Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:19-20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

          Again, these are not my words but God’s.

          We all need to stand in fear with what James has done. Not step in with false (unbiblical) mercy and forgiveness for a man who is highjacking the church (as we speak) of $500k MORE than the millions upon millions he’s already taken…and the rights to Walk in the Word—which will allow him to continue as an elder in God’s Church—but God says “no” to this. An elder MUST MUST MUST meet the qualifications outlined in 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1 (among other places) and James persists in ignoring Scriptures warnings about all of this.

          He must be stopped. It must be public and yes, it is biblical to protect the flock of God from more wolves—which is what James MacDonald is and what many of the Harvest Elders are, and many of the leaders who recently resigned are. Wolves. Their lives were ruined by Julie or Elepuants Debt or social media. Their lives were RUINED by their continual pattern of disobedience against God and against His people.

          They ruined themselves in their greed and their acceptance of the fall their pastor into pride, greed, anger, bullying, destroying others (the list is long here) and on and on.

          Jeff Donaldson knew. Rick Donald knew. Luke and Landon knew. All of them, extensively. Steve Huston and Jeff Smith and and and and and ALL OF THEM KNEW the pastor of Harvest had become a narcissist and a wrecking ball.

          And he still is. You should do your homework on what your leaders allowed to happen. Thousands and thousands left. Because James is a disqualified elder who must be resisted. Not because of Julie, Jessica, Ryan Mahoney, Scott Bryant, Twitter or anything else.

          They ALL fell in their sin! And still have not humbled themselves and repented—with the first step in that process being to step down from ministry—for an indefinite period of time (but probably forever). Instead they keep inciting their followers to come attack the folks who are pointing to the great danger that is still very much a threat. To you and to all who think he should just be left alone. No. He needs to resign and get down on his knees and spend the next several months and years TRULY repenting before his victims and showing a truly broken heart. Not one that demands someone meets with him in 20 minutes and if they don’t he tells the congregation he has repeatedly tried to meet with them…

          I could go on and on but I won’t. Stop protecting the unrepentant liar and the arrogant pride of your former leader….Join the church in stopping him from shooing away thousands more and require him to step down.

          1. Hi John ,Thanks for your insightful post , just would like to add that there is not only humbling , asking forgiveness and repentance but also RESTITUTION (paying back even up to 4 or 5 times) Now even if it were possible for these reprobate delinquents to do even ONE of these things , they without a doubt absolutely could not do all that is required…….. never mind the fact that God’s Word is even higher than any action and says clearly in Heb 6:4-6 and Heb 10: 26- 31 about sinning willfully and putting the Son of God to an open shame over and over again……. there remains NO MORE SACRIFICE for sins.
            Which means that repentance cannot be found. Period.These individuals were not “saved” and now they are lost forever.Period
            Now do you understand Angela? Because if you don’t understand, I’m going to be very afraid for you.

      1. Ann – we shipped back the most expensive equipment and I don’t know the numbers, but agree 100% Harvest Naples benefitted at the expense of Harvest Chicago. Just think its funny to read this when Julie Roys / John Secrest narrative is Harvest Chicago exploited Naples and elsewhere I am called James MacDonald’s Sugar Daddy when actually I never gave him a dime. Proof that neither logic nor reason matter at julieroys.com, any accusation will do!

        1. Dougy,Dougy,Dougy of course you did not give jimmy canuck a dime , he has his own (our) money and that would be a foolish thing to do now wouldn’t it?
          And we all know that you are no fool right Dougy? I’m quite thankful that you are feeling justified in this matter and have no problem sleeping at night. Thanks for the update!

        2. How do you not know the numbers? It’s your building/investment. Not saying you need to disclose the figures publicly, but I can’t imagine that you don’t keep tabs on that.

          Logic and reason do matter. James MacDonald devised a plan and exploited you, your elders, and John Secrest, no question. His plans were foiled, at least to some extent. I can understand why that is difficult to admit.

          In other news, I’m hearing that Jeff Donaldson is interviewing for the Lead Pastor position at HBC Naples. Can you confirm that, Doug?

        3. Doug,

          Is it true that Jeff Donaldson is interviewing to become the pastor of Naples?

          Please don’t let that happen.

          He allowed James MacDonald to become what he became…he needs a long period of reflection and he needs to take a step down…not up.

          Hip has not replaced holy in the House of God. Jokes and smart quips have not replaced true and full repentance and I’m afraid that Jeff Donaldson is still in “quips and jokes mode”. He was the one who called the excommunication of three elders “the al Queda video”….well, at the time he was saying that, no public apology had been made…

          AND that video, if you’ve ever seen it, is/was the most spiritually abusive and sick—i mean really really sick—act I’ve ever witnessed in a “church”.

          The al Queda video that Jeff laughed away? It had James MacDonald starting it by saying that anytime he and the elders agreed on anything, it is the same as coming “from God”. I’m not kidding—you can’t put lipstick on what comments. Smacks of Popery…

          Then you have Steve Huston telling thousands of congregants that the three men were satanic, should be shunned etc. Watch the video…find it.

          Jeff Donaldson…Rick Donald, James MacDonald, Steve Huston…didn’t apologize for a year. But good old Jeff was joking about it well before an actual apology occurred for the three men who had their reputations destroyed by Harvest for what? For asking James and the Exec Comm for information about the black budget….

          And if there is one thing that may send James, Rick, Steve and others to jail for tax evasion? It’s that black budget…

          It should not have been joked about. Jokes can’t lighten something so serious…and although all sin that has been repented of is always forgiven, it doesn’t mean that ANY of them should EVER be allowed to be elders in the church. They have been disqualified. Read 1Tim3. Hundreds, if not Thousands of Christians say these men are disqualified. Not 1. Not 6. Hundreds. Dozens of former
          Elders…dozens of godly Christians.


          They cannot be allowed to call this most recent set of disasters anything other than a reproach upon God’s church.

          Don’t let Jeff interview there. And if he has, he should be lovingly and wisely instructed to step down from ministry until such time as true, loving, wise and mature Christians—who don’t have a dog in the hunt—say, “yes, he’s done everything he can to repent—publicly, with godly sorrow, with humility…specifically.

    2. Dougie why are you cryin? Out of $1million spent from the Closer Campaign your church in Naples that you own got $352K for free improvements to your church. Not bad at all!! Still JimmyMac’s sugar daddy???

      1. Davy – wait I both take money from Harvest and am a Sugar Daddy. Do you even realize those are opposite concepts ? Maybe Freddie can give you a field sobriety test.

    3. Doug, Julie does not “use” World Magazine for ongoing purposes. She wrote one article last fall and was paid… a lot less than you received from HBC Chicago for your Naples building upgrade. Note: her article didn’t criticize Harvest. It truthfully exposed verifiable wrong doing. Big difference.

      1. Thanks for the info John – she uses her World affiliation when convenient and runs when not. She has your back, biased moderator as expected from her one-sided journalism

        1. But I thought it was you that is affiliated with the world. Baaaaaah , I’m confused , looks like the world, smells like the world, sounds like the world HEY EVERYBODY IT’S THE WORLD!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

    4. I get it, Doug, you’re listening to James. But can you make any defense of James AT ALL? All you do is attack Julie Roys. Do you know that it just makes James Mac look more and more guilty with every post you make? Are you clever enough to realize this? Is James? No, probably not. So thanks for confirming that you have no defense for James at all. All you can do is keep taking shots at World Magazine, for which JULIE IS NOT ON STAFF, and all you do is keep making a bigger fool of yourself and James with every post. Thanks, Doug, for confirming all our suspicions. And frankly, as a lawyer who gives seminars to tax practitioners, I’d say don’t get too cozy to James, you may not want to get caught up in what may be coming from the IRS or the justice dept. Just saying, Doug. Fair warning.

      1. Tax Guy – I was #1 on Ohio CPA exam when I took it and one of the top scores in the country. I left accounting because it is not a field where smart people get ahead. But you’re the smart guy because you give seminars to clerks and paper pushers. Got it.

        1. OH OH, are not you to be of no reputation? OH OH IT’s the WORLD AGAIN EVERYBODY!!! RUN FOR YOUR ETERNAL LIVES !!! before you get some on you , you know like a SPOT

          1. But Dougy you are the only one in Florida so yes it is a good idea especially for you and jimmy canuck , I’m pretty sure a few people here can figure out how to do it.
            Gracias por la gran idea! Parece que todavía no puedes contenerte.

            “To Baker Act someone means that you initiate the process for an involuntary and emergency psychiatric examination of a person with a mental illness at a Florida hospital or crisis unit. This refers to a specific Florida law and it only applies to proceedings within the state of Florida.”

  9. to further identify the trail of the compensation if you go to the Financial Integrity portion of the HBC website they have posted the letter from 2017 audit by CapnCrouse affirming their process and the usage of the Mega Church compensation survey from Church Compensation Services, LLC as the basis for their level setting of remuneration.

    1. I understand they used some sort of pay scale. It’s still completely and sinfully wrong. Wasn’t it an American billionaire who was asked, “When will you have enough money?” And his response was, “There’s never enough.” I can’t believe JM’s stones to come to HBC to demand more. Mind. Blown.

  10. Oh hello, Doug. You’re back. How’s HBC Naples? Glad to see that John Secrest was able to start another church. Thank the Lord!

    Julie has written 2 articles on HBC via WORLD Mag. (BTW, you subscribe to WORLD, yes? You did anyway…because only subscribers can comment on their articles, which you did a couple months ago. Hope you canceled if you’re concerned about fraud.)

    Most of Julie’s work on HBC is via her own blog. Maybe when she’s done exposing these wolves, she can look into the issue you’re talking about. Or maybe you can generously fund another independent investigative journalist to look into that? Goodness knows we need more hard-hitting investigations in the Evangelical world. Lots of corruption and Julie can’t bear the burden of look into all of it.

  11. Thievery was not and is not limited to MacDonald and his family only. What is a guy like Jeff “double books” Smith or Mohan “I didn’t know” Zachariah still doing there? This den of thieves needs to be persecuted by state attorney, FBI and IRS and I pray they are already in their sights. I know they have been reported.

    1. Charles, He should change his name to “Mac’son Zachariah”,”Moron Zachariah” or “Moremoola Zachariah”. The Closer Campaign should also be change to The Close Campaign. Pull the plug on this worldly church that is an embarrassment to the cause of Christ and His Kingdom. HBC is a laughing stock within the evangelical circle and is doing more harm when it tries to continue while spinning the truth and gospel.

  12. I wonder how much money was wasted on the “Gavin Stone” movie? Might be time to make a new movie, name it “The Fleecing”.

  13. I used to attend Harvest, but have not for several years now due to moving. I have a question that I think Harvest should consider:

    What are you doing to protect the church from JM taking more of the money that should go to the survival of the church and it’s ministries and how can you recoup some of the money he has already taken from you?

    Based on my calculations using the $’s Julie provided in the blog, approximately 24% of donations/ tithes to the church were either being paid directly to JM or being used at his discretion (I backed into conservative $24m in revenue based on Julie saying that $1.2-$1.6M was 5% of revenue). The black budget would have been around $4.8M plus James’ compensation of $1M for a total of $5.8M being controlled by James (either directly or indirectly). That means that 24 cents of every dollar you donated was controlled by James, and I’m sure much of the money that wasn’t going directly to his pocket was still helping support his extravagant lifestyle.

    Side Note: I currently work for a non-religious not for profit organization, and the rule of thumb that we follow is that no more than 17% of donations should go toward the indirect expenses or non-operational staff (like accounting, marketing and the exec team). Compare that with Harvest that had 24% being controlled by 1 individual.

    If I were you, I would consider the following:
    1. Hiring very good lawyers with whatever money you do still have to block JM from trying to get his hands on more of your hard earned donations
    2. Individual members or class action to sue JM for fraud. I understand that as Christians this might be hard to stomach, but I’m sure most of you would not have donated to the church if JM and his minions had not be hiding financial information from you. This could be an excellent way to recoup some of the money he has defrauded you of and give it back to the ministries that need it and that you intended it to go to.

    I am praying for you and so, so sorry that James was successful in deceiving so many for so long.

  14. I was a listener of Walk in the Word and benefited from some of his sermons. I do not belong to this church or live in Chicago. I am in shock of what’s going on and cannot understand how a pastor can minister people through his preaching and yet at the same time be so wicked. He doesn’t care about the flock or God. But what concerns me more is that after all this information coming out to the public knowledge, there are members of that church being deceived or still assisting to HBC. I do feel for all of them!

    1. Dearest Romelia,
      I will now attempt to bring some understanding……………. IT IS ALL THERE IN THE WORD OF GOD , YOU WILL FIND IT MOSTLY IN THE RED LETTERS THAT JESUS HIMSELF SPOKE also why would you not of benefited from the WORD OF GOD ALWAYS instead of and I quote some of his sermons. I ALSO DO NOT WANT YOU TO AND I QUOTE FEEL FOR ME.
      2 THES 2:7-12 , I will touch the high points : Receive NOT the love of the truth , God SENDS them strong delusion , that they all might be damned. That is a really big ouch of LOVING TRUTH.
      Remaining in something that is not suppose to exist is disobedience therefore sin , we ALL need to repent and RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN FAR FAR AWAY for the sake of YOUR ETERNITY.

      1. David, the reason why I benefited from “some of his sermons” only and not all, is because I did not listen to Walk in the Word every day. Duh!!!!
        You seemed angry!

    1. I doubt anything they did was technically illegal or even fraudulent. It was mostly about keeping the congregation in the dark about where the money was going and why.

      At best, congregants could sue (and I believe there is a website where you can sign up to a lawsuit) to recoup their donates if they believe they deliberately misled, but that’s about it.

      The ECFA has been exposed as a toothless organization, and their seal of approval completely worthless. That’s what happens when you have voluntary watchdogs without the power of legal enforcement to back them up.

      Transparency doesn’t have to be that difficult. For example, executive compensation is listed on the 990 Form submitted to the IRS, and would have revealed how much MacDonald and the rest of the executive staff was being paid. The ECFA could require their accredited organizations to make their 990 forms public every year, just as thousands of charities and non-profits already do.

      1. Actually a current elder told me about 2 weeks ago that there was fraud and illegal activity that took place and that there is fear of litigation because of what happened.

  15. 40 years ago I graduated from seminary and have been in ministry ever since. What I am seeing today among celebrity preachers is so disheartening. The big mega churches are destroying and causing people to be suspect of the gospel of Christ. Each of these men will have to stand before God and given an account of what they’ve done and are doing. So very very sad.

  16. IStein if anyone should be the laughing stock, it should be the old leadership of HBC (although there is nothing funny about this). I think the church should fight back .There are many innocent, Christ loving Christians in that church that should be allowed to continue meeting as a body if they decide to do so. I don’t think thousands of people should carry the weight of the sins of a few. I do agree that everyone in James’ inner circle should be asked to leave immediately.

  17. This thief MacDonald and his thieving family and his thieving elders and looks like some pastors make me lose my faith in the goodness and justice of God. These crooks were stealing from hard working people for decades and all in the name of God while talking about God… Revolting.

  18. Notice not one peep from Harvest Bible Chapel! Nothing. Nada. Just crickets. They keep expecting the naive sheep to keep coming for slaughter every Sunday and fill the offering plates.

      1. Rick Korte said that the congregation would be inundated with so many church updates. That the church would be super transparent. Guess that Vision 2020 promise went by the wayside.

  19. The house that Jimmy built.

    I think that in his hubris he is comfortable taking down the Corporation that he built for everything that he can take it for. As some wonder what his kids were pulling in, I have been wondering if there are offshore accounts which are nothing but money laundering schemes.

    I have read that it is estimated Harvest Inc. pulled in over $600,000,000. over the years, while the corporation has over $40,000,000 in debt. Where’s all of that money? Forget his egregious salary and other peripheral monies awarded to him by his sycophants. Where is OVER half a BILLION Dollars?

    Not in a couple of Harley’s or Rolex watches. Not in the castle that he built with a 10 car garage.

    What about ‘The Rabbi’s (for want of a better term) Trust? How much is in that? I guess Jimmy will fleece the flock and take all of that too.

    1/2 BILLION, where’s that? As an aside, Where was the ECFA for ALL of these years? Wide awake long after the crimes have been committed. Better yet, “Where’s Jimmy.”

    “There’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” George Carlin

  20. Can anyone tell me was JMac always this much of a jerk, was he always this deceptive back when he started the church? Or did he start off okay but the money, power & paranoia get the best of him? In my opinion i don’t think he is truly saved. I don’t see how he could be

    1. No one is truly saved on this earth because in Mat 24:13 Jesus Himself says quite clearly : But he that shall endure unto the end, the same SHALL BE SAVED. Anything else that has been taught by the church HIRELINGS is DECEPTION. You are truly saved when you make it out of this world and past the lake of fire.
      As far as jimmy canuck goes Heb 6:4-6 and Heb 10: 26- 31 tells us all clearly about sinning willfully and putting the Son of God to an open shame over and over again……. there remains NO MORE sacrifice for sins. Fearful judgement, fiery indignation and a devouring awaits and it is IMPOSSIBLE to renew them again unto repentance.
      Just because someone might look good or sound good at the beginning means absolutely nothing it is actually all just part of the DECEPTION going on everywhere in this world called church.
      In the beginning all the believers met HOUSE TO HOUSE that is where you will find the TRUE BELIEVERS again this day. These are the ones that have OBEYED and have COME OUT of the world system (mammon) and SEPARATED themselves unto HIM who will be a Father to them and His true children are now able to hear correctly the TRUE SHEPHERDS voice leading them, ALL the other voices they WILL NOT HEAR. You know ALL ALL ALL the other HIRELINGs voices in churches, TV, radio, conferences , concerts, seminars , cruises, cemeteries, bible schools, bible colleges do not they ALL cost money ………. FLEECED AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN not even knowing it, that is called DECEPTION IN THE HIGHEST and the enemy of our souls has been laughing for a very long time.

      1. “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
        ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:38-39‬ ‭ESV‬‬

        “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”
        ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:9-10‬ ‭ESV‬‬

        I am truly saved and all that believe in the promises of Gods word are as well.
        Praise Jesus He is Risen!

        1. Good luck with that! He that endures to the end shall be saved , the same as your quote ” you WILL BE SAVED” so no you are BEING SAVED. And by the way your bible version has been subtly changed for the reason of deceiving you and thousands of others especially the ” and is saved” part
          But hey don’t study, don’t live an obedient life so that the Holy Spirit of God even the Spirit of Truth can move on ones behalf to rightly divide the Word of Truth and one can end up with the lukewarm deception of harvest inc that is the broad way to destruction and MANY there be that find it, but NARROW is the way that leads to eternal life and FEW there be that find it.

    2. Somewhere in blog history (Julie, ED, Mancow -not sure where) I read a fascinating post from someone who knew JMac as a youngster. Post stated he was a BIG bully. Did not like when he didn’t get his way. Not a nice person. Those who knew him thought he would grow up to be a used cars salesman or a pastor (too bad for us he picked the wrong one).

    3. He sure talks as though he’s not. Check out the “hot mic” recording. That’s talk I would expect of unregenerates, not a so-called “pastor”.

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