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Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


Jesse Duplantis, Lance Wallnau, Jack Graham & Kunnemans Leave Daystar TV in Wake of Scandal

Por Julie Roys
Several Christian ministries are no longer airing their programs on Daystar TV, including (left to right) culture commentator Lance Wallnau, SBC pastor Jack Graham, televangelist Jesse Duplantis, and Hank and Brenda Kunneman. (TRR graphic)

More programmers have confirmed they’ve left Daystar TV network, following allegations of sex abuse cover-up and financial misconduct, including televangelists Jesse Duplantis, Lance Wallnau, y Hank and Brenda Kunneman.

The program for prominent Southern Baptist Pastor Jack Graham has disappeared from Daystar’s schedule, as well, though Graham has not made a public statement about the change.

Previously, journalist Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson y Baruch Korman of Love Israel pulled their programs from Daystar, bringing the current number of departed Daystar programmers to six.

Tyler Thompson said she left Daystar due to “ethical deficits” at the network.

Korman stated, “For us it was very clear, we cannot be who we are in the Messiah and take the positions we take in morality and in marriage and in stewardship, and continue to be associated with Daystar.”

Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Give a gift of $50 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you can elect to receive a copy of “Safe Church: How to Guard Against Sexism and Abuse in Christian Communities’ by Dr. Andrew Bauman, haga clic aquí.

Doug Weiss Joni Lamb Daystar TV
Daystar TV President Joni Lamb and her husband, Dr. Doug Weiss, pictured at the network’s studios in Bedford, Texas. (Photo: Facebook)

El Informe Roys (TRR) reached out to Daystar TV for comment about the programmers’ departures but did not hear back by the time of publishing.

Como reported first by TRR, former Daystar TV Vice President Jonathan Lamb and his wife, Suzy Lamb, have accused Daystar TV President Joni Lamb of covering up the sexual abuse of their daughter. Joni has denied the allegations.

Jonathan and Suzy have also accused Joni of abuso espiritual, mala conducta financiera, and being in an unbiblical marriage to divorcee Doug Weiss.

In a YouTube video posted Jan. 2, Duplantis stated he’s not leaving “because of what’s going on at Daystar—the scandal, or whatever we want to call it.”

“I like Joni Lamb. I like Doug Weiss. I like Suzy. I like Jonathan,” Duplantis said. “I knew them kids before—I met them when they were little Lambs. I like that granddaughter. I don’t know what’s happening. I’m shocked. And I don’t think you do too. There’s a lot of accusation, innuendo. It’s gonna eventually come out. And I asked the Lord about it. He said, ‘That’s my business, and I’ll take care of it.’”

Instead, Duplantis said he’s leaving because the Lord told him to leave last September. But instead of pulling the program then, he decided to wait until his contract expired in December. The Louisiana-based ministry’s last appearance on Daystar TV was in late December.

Duplantis also discounted any rumors his ministry was experiencing financial problems as a reason for leaving Daystar TV, saying he was “one blessed puppy.”

Lance Wallnau has not stated why he’s leaving Daystar. However, he confirmed on X that he’s left.

At the same time, he attributed the uproar over what’s happening at Daystar to a “spirit of strife.” And chastised people commenting on the situation, saying they likely are just acting out of their own unresolved issues.

“I’ve ministered for 40 years. And a whole lot of people that are, that have issues with the church actually have issues in themselves—like church authorities abusive,” Wallnau said. “Ask them, ‘What was your relationship like with your mom and dad?’

“‘My father! my father!’ Now you find out people tend, if they don’t . . . really do a meticulous job of cleaning out their own closet, they tend to find the other person’s closet a fascination.”

Also gone from Daystar is Hank and Brenda Kunneman’s show, “New Level,” which aired weeknights at 11 p.m. In its place is “Israel Now News.”

TRR reached out to the Kunnemans for comment.

They respondió, “Our program will not be airing on Daystar in 2025,” and provided links where people can still watch their program.

Pastor Jack Graham’s PowerPoint program on Sunday mornings at 7 a.m. has also disappeared from Daystar’s program schedule. In its place, Daystar has placed a re-airing of Joni Lamb’s Table Talk program.


TRR reached out to Graham through his church for comment. But as of the time of publishing, TRR had not heard back from the church or Graham.

Sheila Stogsdill contributed to this report.

Julie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.



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30 Respuestas

  1. Well three of them are either frauds, false teachers, lame apostles or prophets for profit so we should all be rejoicing that less people will hear their nonsense.

    1. Billy,
      Yeah that was absolutely my first thought – “I can’t think of three more scandalous Ministries” ….well, okay, yeah I can I can think of an infinite number of just corrupt type Ministries but these are all big names as a part of that whole corruption huckster use Jesus as a prop scheme.

      I pray God I never make a dime out the name of Jesus of Nazareth – a man – attested to by God!

    2. Yes, I rejoice as well that the widespread nonsense that has been hailed as “Christian” teaching has lost a source of programming. Hope it continues to crumble, Lord willing. Christians need to forsake worldly teachers (whom they are making wealthy) and heed sound doctrine.

      May it please the Lord to bring justice to “Pete” as well. Eagerly awaiting that announcement.

      I don’t know, but perhaps all this exposure might add a bit of stress to Joni and Doug’s blissful union. Not the happy outcome either of them had planned on. God appears to be overturning that table, too.

  2. The outcry over the sexual abuse of a Child is NOT “fascination with another’ closet” …. due to “relationship like with your mother and dad …”
    This is serious.
    Yahshua is cleaning His House for the sake of all Children whom He loves and allows to come to Him and warns of those who would forbid the Children to do so or those who would harm little Children.
    He is returning, soon.
    Prepare to meet the BrideGroom!

    1. Amen! Amen! And …. Amen!
      I’m outraged at their passive responses or lack of response to the outrageous behavior or the board toward Jonathan lamb & his family. And the the outrageous behavior of Dr Doug Weiss who I was once counseled by to forgive my ex husband of 12 affairs. He is a wolf in sheep clothing. Joni lamb is out of control.

  3. Thank you, Julie, and Laura Lynn, and Young Man of Promise Keepers, and i believe the Pastor called Pastor Ray… I’ve been heart broken and praying for a long while. As I used to be a DayStar supporter.
    At age 67, and as a Jesus follower since 14. Have seen the good/bad/ugly show up through different ones in the body of Jesus Christ/Believers. My first thought way back, and i reached out to DayStar when it was evident, Jonathan & Suzy & their 2 sweet children suddenly were off the show. I wrote several times to DayStar, and said ” This is a lie. Your son, Daughter in law and grand children have been scrubbed from your archives, as a Mom and Grandmother, and having strong discernment in Jesus, Why don’t you Joni, become transparent? And we your viewers will pray… Then video of Joni making her arrogant, slanderous statements to say Jonathan was destroying her and BLAH BLAH …
    I sent another email. My words “Joni! you are walking in hate, not love! Even IF any thing you said was true, NO Christian Mom would ever treat her son that way! And i pray you repent quickly for it IS and was evident, your son and his family are the HONEST God followers. Sadly, i believe DayStar will be brought to destruction, and God will vindicate Jonathan, his wife Suzy, Ariel an Israel. And no doubt God will bring down the sexual predator, along with you, and Lisa’s former husband, and ALL at DayStar that gave their heart to chasing money and power, I wept for all of your family.
    Sadly & Sincerely,
    Sandy Doyle

    1. Well said, Sandra! It is heartbreaking indeed that organized Christianity has descended to where it is today. But amidst the chaos, I hold out hope. Hope, that God is cleaning house. And that a few years from now, a new and cleaner leadership will arise. But for the Body of Christ to recover and resist corruption may require the dismantling of currently existing structures, institutions and pathways in which money flows.

      There will always be people who will use Jesus and the Bible to their less-than-noble ends. My prayer is that God protects the sincere believers from getting taken by such people.

    2. Agree. Sooner or later God’s justice ALWAYS prevails! So sad that, as Jon and Suzy said, the deceiver worked his way in to Joni’s life…

    3. I hope they charge the person soon who molested baby lamb, because this is making a bad name for Christian,s,
      Get to the bottom of this & move forward,
      Why is not the children,s aid looking into all of this,?
      Joni & Rachael seem to be covering up for this,
      This is a little girl that was molested,for heaven sake do something about it,
      You don’t want another child hurt.
      Shame on them for covering this up.
      This is a child 😢
      Stand up for her & all the children are getting molested

    1. I wonder if the decisions by the Kunnemans, Wallnau and Duplantis (who buy into the “prosperity gospel”) are more business-related than on principle. I wonder if the backlash to the DS saga is affecting the charitable giving that goes to their ministries as a result of their respective broadcasts. Time will tell.

  4. I tried to warn Joni. And many others did too, on the Daystar fb page. But our comments were almost immediately deleted. I persisted, only to be blocked by Daystar. Jonathan confirmed this in one of his recordings with his mother. He said they censure their page and only keep comments that are in agreement with Joni and Daystar. I also tried numerous times to leave comments with their phone people but they refused to hear me out. I got hung up on.

    1. @Marley, Every so-called “Christian” YouTube channel (and Fb page where blocking someone is even easier) censors comments and even shadow bans people. Both are insidious practices, the latter especially so.
      It means a false picture of adoration is put across where every comment is gushing and obsequious or at the very least alligns with what the “god-like” YouTuber has uttered.
      If you see over 90% positive comments on any YouTube video, be aware that themselves or their admin are actively deleting comments.

      It’s embarrassing because even most secular channels only delete comments if they’re vulgar or abusive. Some never delete any comments.

      If EVER I had a Christian YouTube channel, since I have nothing to hide or to fear, I would INVITE questions, challenges and push backs. Iron sharpens iron. How else are we supposed to grow? How are others meant to grow??

  5. It looks like this situation has gotten so much bad press that even the grifters teaching false theologies for Mammon feel the need to distance themselves from it, lest it cost them more than staying on would gain. May the day come where at least a chosen few recognize that celebrities do not get to know Jesus by trying so hard to climb over each other to the top of the fame pile. Jesus is the God of the poor and the humble, not of kings and lords. Common folk know far more about the real Jesus then all of these celebrities added together.

  6. My word, Duplantis is hard to listen to!
    And notice that he allows himself an uninterrupted monologue but he cuts off his wife (who eventually speaks) after (literally) a few seconds! Smh.

    “Jesus never had a financial deficit”, he also says. Whaaat??? Who talks like that? Who THINKS like that??
    I guess, only someone wishing to justify their “financial blessings” [a phrase common in American “Christianity” but nowhere in the New Testament where instead it says something about being content with food and clothing (implication: because that’s all you need)].

    God gave us a mind and thinking in itself is not carnal so when Duplantis says to his audience:
    “I know what you’re thinking. DON’T THINK!”, I wonder if he’s actually pleading with them not to use discernment and to let HIM do their thinking for them…

  7. You know what they say about rats and sinking ships…

    But I suspect they, being rats, will climb back on board after a sufficient period of “restoration” and retooling (and maybe renaming) over at Daystar. Sweet new contracts will surely be offered that will prove irresistible.

  8. Pastor Lance W. Had my support until I read this tone deaf response to the situation. A spirit of strife? How about a spirit of abuse and the covering up of her own granddaughter & daughter in law. No mention of that? What a meak dismissive response. He focused on those who are giving their opinions or speaking out in support of this network finally being held accountable? As the one he speaks too. I wouldn’t trust my family with that horrid response from lance W. . Out of the

    This is 100% the problem in the church in general. Be a man and speak up for the victims of abuse.
    How incredibly wrong. I hope he searches his own heart to understand why he didn’t take an opportunity to speak out as to why he was actually leaving but blamed those voicing their opinions. So sad I’ll never listen to him again.

  9. The sad thing is they are so blind they are going to convince themselves that this is only spiritual warfare against them because of the call of God on their lives.

  10. The sooner that network of false teaching is shuttered the better for the Church. All of those listed in this article have used Jesus as a means to exploit thousands, and it’s long past time they were silenced.

  11. I think an interesting irony is that Jessee Duplantis used the same “God told me to leave Daystar” tactic as Joni tried to pull by saying “God told me Pete was innocent” – both lies trying to take the easy escape route.

  12. Frankly I’m surprised they’re leaving… I mean they have scandal and grift and yuck hanging off em already and they have no issue with serving and shilling for even more corrupt political leaders, movements and platforms – why would they leave this particular one? I’m sure they’ve got enough reach in other platforms/spaces and their bases covered in order to keep the greed flowing in… No way these guys are leaving for purely ethical good reasons…?

  13. I believe most “ministries” would have integrity to leave except for one problem. Daystar or someone else is aware of their secret sins and would expose their ministry for similar issues. Sadly the ‘American church ” has allowed itself to become such an abomination. Even in small churches. Why is the Pastors salary kept secret to the congregation? I understand why the “church” building is swiftly decreasing in attendance. Wisdom would say; those God is using to expose evil, need always check motivation for what is being said. Not allowing to become a vengeful journey but an avenue for Gods truth to be revealed.
    Bless you and those standing for truth.

  14. I find it quite odd that Jessee Duplantis left “because the Lord told him to leave last September. But instead of pulling the program then, he decided to wait until his contract expired in December.” ?

    In other words, Duplantis admittedly left at a time of his own personal choosing, rather than leaving three months earlier when the Lord told him to do so. (Not that I believe Duplantis in the first place.)

  15. When this matter first came out, after receiving (yet another) letter from PowerPoint asking for $ (full disclosure: I donate to them regularly through Prestonwood where I am a member), I urged them to terminate their contract with Daystar for the reasons TRR mentioned.

    A few days later I received an email from them, where they told me they would not be airing after their contract ended on 12/22/2024.

    You may not get a formal response from them. But, in the end, it has the same effect: a major ministry (and one that isn’t charismatic) deciding to leave to avoid blowback from listeners/donors, thus reducing their income.

  16. Where was all this OUTRAGE when the same happened at TBN? Literally the exact same thing happened. not to mention that Paul Crouch Jr was pushed out of his leadership position.

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