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Jimmy Evans Announces He’s Leaving XO Marriage, Following Daystar Backlash

Por Julie Roys
jimmy evans prophecy XO marriage
Jimmy Evans has announced he’s leaving XO Marriage, a ministry he founded in 1993, to focus on an EndTimes prophecyministry. (Video screengrab)

Jimmy Evans has announced he’s leaving XO Marriage to focus on, following backlash for claiming Daystar TV President Joni Lamb is the “voice of God” and supporting her marriage to Doug Weiss.

Evans announced the change two weeks ago in a video to subscribers of, a biblical prophecy ministry Evans launched four years ago.

“In early 2025, I’m transitioning out of XO to do full time,” Evans said stated in the video. “And I’m very excited about that . . . because I’ve had so many things on my plate for so long. And now,, Tipping Point Ministries, is going to be the focus of my ministry going forward. I pray for the rest of my life.”

Evans founded XO Marriage in 1993 and served as CEO until at least 2019, when the ministry re-classified as a church with the IRS and stopped filing 990 tax forms. Evans’ son, Brent Evans, is now listed as CEO of XO Marriage and Jimmy Evans is listed as president.

In 2019—the last time XO Marriage filed a 990—Jimmy Evans received $228,996 in compensation as CEO, and Brent Evans received $180,000 as president.

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jimmy evans
Karen and Jimmy Evans speak together on the program ‘Marriage Today’. (Video screengrab)

El Informe Roys (TRR) reached out to XO Marriage, asking what Jimmy Evans’ departure means for the future of the ministry but did not receive a reply.

Prior to Evans’ announcement, El Informe Roys (TRR) publicado a grabación in which Evans claimed that Joni Lamb is the “voice of God at Daystar” and urged Joni’s son and daughter-in-law, Jonathan and Suzy Lamb, to obey her.

evans lamb
Pastor Jimmy Evans (right) poses with Daystar TV President Joni Lamb and Rachel Lamb Brown. (Photo: Facebook)

Evans also rebuked Jonathan and Suzy for not supporting Joni’s marriage to Doug Weiss, despite the couple’s contention that Weiss lacked biblical grounds to divorce his previous wife.

The recording, which went viral on YouTube last month, is of a meeting between Evans, Joni, Jonathan, and Suzy from July 2023. The recording has more than 23,000 comments, nearly all of which are critical of Evans and Joni Lamb.

Evans also has publicly supported Joni’s marriage to Weiss.

In March 2023, Evans appeared on Joni’s “Table Talk” program, announcing Joni’s engagement to Weiss. Evans implied Weiss had been abandoned and abused by his previous wife, and therefore had biblical grounds to divorce her.

“In the conversation I had with (Weiss), I was very quickly convinced that this was a very painful, devastating, damaging relationship that he was in, and that he had a biblical reason for leaving,” Evans stated. “When they choose to abandon you and abuse you and they will not stop, then there comes a period of time when God gives us grace to leave, so we can have a future.”

lamb weiss
Joni Lamb and her husband, Dr. Doug Weiss, pictured in April 2024. (Photo: Facebook)

Daystar has since removed video of that “Table Talk” episode from its YouTube channel and app, but it is still available at an internal Daystar link dado a TRR.

The 2023 description of his former wife that Weiss reportedly told Evans is vastly different than the description Weiss stated publicly on Daystar in 2019.

When describing his wife to Joni and her late husband Marcus Lamb, Weiss said his wife had “the purest heart I’ve ever met. . . . She loves and serves with excellence.”

Video of that program had been posted on Christian journalist Jene Nelson’s YouTube channel. But Nelson told TRR that Daystar filed three separate copyright strikes against her channel, so she had to remove it.

Sin embargo, TRR has obtained the clip, which is posted below.

Daystar cancels prophecy program as Evans launches his

El Informe Roys (TRR) has also learned that Daystar abruptly canceled a long-running prophecy program on its network in July 2022. Days after the cancelation, Evans ran five, on-demand specials on Daystar titled almost identically to the canceled ministry.  

En un recording of a May 2023 meeting between Evans, Joni, Doug, Jonathan, and Suzy, Joni states that she began talking to Evans about her relationship with Doug Weiss when these scheduling changes were taking place—July 2022.

The ministry whose show Daystar canceled was called Endtime Ministries, and the ministry website is Endtime Ministries was founded in 1986 by Irvin Baxter and had run a program on Daystar since 2009, called “End of the Age.”

The specials Evans ran on Daystar’s app and YouTube channel were entitled “End Times” and the website for Evans’ new prophecy ministry is

jimmy evans end times

Endtime Ministries CEO Vince Stegall told TRR that the abrupt cancelation of his show and launching of Evans’ show was deeply disappointing and puzzling to his ministry. He said it also was confusing to viewers.

“We were getting calls, shortly after we were off, from the television audience,” Stegall said. “And they wanted to know what happened to our host and why there’s this new guy named Jimmy on there . . .

“We still get emails and calls trying to figure out why our website is so different. It’s pretty confusing when you just add an ‘s.’”

According to Endtime CEO Vince Stegall, Daystar claimed it cancelled “End of the Age” because of a drop in viewership, following the death of founder Irvin Baxter. But Stegall said his buyer, who negotiated Endtime’s contract with Daystar, said that wasn’t true.

vince stegall
Vince Stegall (Photo: Facebook)

“Our buyer has access to the software for TV ratings and he provided a lengthy explanation including (r)ating showing End of the Age is in the top 15 shows on Daystar every week,” Stegall wrote in a 2022 newsletter to supporters. “(A)nd our DVR numbers are generally 20-23% whereas the average for the rest of Daystar is 10%.

“In short, our buyer said, ‘This is clearly not a viewership issue and I can provide anything you need to make that argument.’ So there is obviously more to this than they are sharing.”

Jonathan Lamb told TRR that Daystar canceling a show mid-year is “unheard of,” unless there’s a scandal or the ministry can’t pay the network fees.

However, Stegall said Endtime Ministries had no scandal and was current on its payments.

TRR reached out to Daystar with several questions about its July 2022 schedule changes, including the network’s reason for canceling “End of the Age.”

Daystar answered some of our questions, but did not provide a reason for canceling the program. However, the network volunteered that it replaced “End of the Age” in 2022 with “Prophecy Watchers.”

Prophecy Watchers COO Bob Ulrich talks about the “Daystar miracle” his ministry experienced. (Video screengrab)

Curiously, Prophecy Watchers stated on a video entitled, “Laying Out a Fleece and a Daystar Miracle!” that it had canceled its previous contract with Daystar due to lack of finances sometime before July 25, 2022. But shortly after doing that, Daystar called Prophecy Watchers and offered it a better time slot than it had previously at a reduced rate, said Prophecy Watchers COO Bob Ulrich.

TRR reached out to Daystar and asked why the network would cancel a full-paying customer, like Endtime Ministries, and replace it with Prophecy Watchers at a reduced rate. Daystar did not respond to our question.

One other Daystar programming change in July 2022 was the addition of Doug Weiss’ “Healing Time” program to the network.

Jonathan Lamb told TRR that it’s very odd to add a program to the network mid-year, as well. Though Prophecy Watchers took the time slot “End of the Age” had occupied, it’s possible Daystar moved another show to Prophecy Watchers’ old slot, creating room for “Healing Time,” Jonathan said.

TRR was not able to find archived versions of Daystar’s schedule before and after July 2022 to compare.

Evans prophecy ministry grows

In the past few years, Evans’ End Times ministry—also known by the name of the show it produces, Tipping Point—has grown to 389,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Just last year, the ministry received its nonprofit status from the IRS. And it is supported financially by people who pay $7/month or $77/annually to subscribe to the ministry’s videos, interviews, and articles. The ministry also receives donations.

In his recent video, Evans said End Times has been sharing employees with XO Marriage and has only two employees dedicated to End Times. Evans urged people to give generously so the ministry can hire more staff and expand.

“If you would pray—maybe the Lord’s blessed you, you know, and this ministry has touched you,” Evans said. “Nothing is too small. Nothing is too large. So, anything you give is going to be a huge blessing.”

Julie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.



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54 Respuestas

  1. Considering his lack of knowledge and discernment concerning the Daystar mess, I sure won’t be watching him for end times information!

    1. I totally agree agree with you Marcia. Joni and Jimmy Evans have lost all credibility with me. Their character was really a revelation to the world. It’s about power, control and money. That’s definitely not a fruit of the spirit and that is what they are known for right now. If I saw a genuine repentance in them and their fruits started lining up with what scripture tells us how we shall know them. Until I see genuine repentance their credibility is gone in my opinion. I want to follow and be led by God’s genuine leaders.

      1. Exactly! I use to watch Daystar and Jimmy Evans! I think it is time for all of them to step down, they have lost all their credibility! It is all about the money!

      2. This change has been in a making for years. The Daystar scandal only accelerated that. Leaving gateway church back in 2021 he was already more involved in the end time ministry. Nor to be bad mouth but one of the reasons for the move is the marriage ministry industry has dramatically changed, became more fragmented. He can’t reach new “clients” such as minorities. Many pastors are also in the marriage speaking business such as the Travis etc …also as a population White evangelical audiences is declining. With the end time ministry it’s easier to reach an interdenominational audience.

      3. I believe the Lord is “shaking and sifting”. Showing the truth of His Word. There’s still time for them to return to God. I’ll not rejoice for their troubles, but, pray for the Lord’s Will to be done.

    2. You will be missing a solid program. I’ve never seen him discuss Daystar or seen his marriage program, but I have seen his end times program and people would be wise to actually watch it before glibly discounting it.

      1. 2 Tim. 4:3, “For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires.” Just because you like hearing it, that does not, in itself, make it good, for you are not God.

        1. I have never seen anything in the Evans prophecy tapes that I have watched that was in any way inconsistent with the Bible.

          1. did any of them come true? “Tapes” indicates he was probably missing the mark more than once over the past several years….

    3. Ditto. Bully Jimmy Evams showed us all his TRUE character as we heard per a private audio meeting with Joni Lamb and her son. He is part if the Daystar Phony prosperity click as there are alot of them. Good riddance to all if them. It is Long overdue amd necessary to clean house in this dark and sinful culture of power and greed at Daystar t.v.

    4. How could anyone who gets fooled by Joni Lamb, Robert Morris and Donald Trump be a reliable source for prophecy or claim to speak for God?

      Shaking my head!

      1. Amen! our LORD tells us through Holy Scripture: “Little Children . . . , ye have an unction from the Holy One . . . ” 1 John 2:18-29. GOD BLESS!

  2. “If you would pray—maybe the Lord’s blessed you, you know, and this ministry has touched you,” Evans said. “Nothing is too small. Nothing is too large. So, anything you give is going to be a huge blessing.”

    THE WORLD IS ENDING!!!!! Give me money.

    1. End-times ministry grifting is a long-time staple of hedonistic charismatics. The Lord is returning soon and every event has spiritual meaning. The equally popular charismatic grifting is revival. Double up with a prophecy on revival, and roll in the cash.

      Rick Joyner grifting in the 80s was the value pack of prophecy, event interpretation, and revival using newsletters. Others have exploited end-times speculation on TV for decades. And now Evans online.

      Hal Lindsey just died. Jimmy E. can be the important replacement. A little side hustle and he can work that salary back up to $228,996 in no time at all. Surf your reputation. Keep the gravy train moving. Maintain the lifestyle.

      1. “Hal Lindsey just died.”

        Having been in error regarding his predictions. It seems as if that should be an object lesson.

    2. Nobody knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return other than God the Father. It would be foolish not to give some consideration to possible ministry needs should the Lord tarry.

      1. If a person finds Mr. Evans’s opinions regarding prophecy and end times to be persuasive, what would the person do differently in his daily life, compared to a person who reads the Gospels and is persuaded by the words of Jesus?

        1. I have found the Evans prophecy tapes that I have heard to be biblical. People who listen to them, are living Christian lives and ministering to the lost as all Christians should, but people familiar with biblical prophecy are more aware of the significance of world events as history unfolds.

          1. I’m still struggling to understand why we need to be obsessed with end times stuff. If I’m more “aware of the significance of world events…” how does that change my walk with the Lord or what I do day to day? Any of us could die tomorrow and face the Lord. And, even if I am “aware”, I can’t change anything. Per the scriptures, what must a Christian do other than be confident in our salvation and be witnessing to others? All of the “end time” ministries I’ve seen seem to be focused on whipping up fear and generating donations.

          2. you mean things like Jesus said like “this generation will not pass away before these things happen?” – 2000 years ago….. hmm

            It’s just word games to keep grifting people
            And even if not – what GOOD does being aware of the significance of world events matter? If it’s been prophesied that things like an Antichrist and a mark and all that jazz will happen – what can you do to stop it? Such lunacy

        2. Great point, Cynthia! Let’s keep our focus on Jesus. Holy Spirit will take care of us, and the end times will take care of themselves (1 John 2:27).

          1. It’s just not at all clear to me what Mr. Evans or another end-times prophecy teacher is accomplishing in the lives of Christian believers. Is there something that needs to be said in addition to what Scripture says?

  3. The End of the Age program with Irvin Baxter was post trib. Prophecy Watchers is pretrib as well as Jimmy Evans. Joni is pretrib. I’ve recorded a couple of Evans talks on Joni Table Talk and when it comes to prophecy, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I could easily disprove several things he says. He doesn’t have any revelation, just repeats what people like Tim LaHaye said and he didn’t know what he was talking about. Not sure he was even saved. He tried to debate Ervin Baxter on TBN and looked and acted like the enemy. Pretib rapture is meant by the enemy to cause people to be unprepared for what’s coming. He and others steal scriptures about the 2nd coming and use them for the rapture. You can’t find a “rapture” in Matt 24. The tribulation is not the wrath of God. That comes after the tribulation which can be proven by comparing Matt 24:29 to the 6th seal in The Revelation. The 144,000 “Jews” can’t be Jews because the other 10 tribes weren’t Jews. It represents something. I don’t know what, but not that. So many stupid things taught and they write books and make money off of lies. Jesus said concerning this subject, “Take heed that NO MAN deceive you”. Who better to deceive a Christian than another Christian. Jesus warned to be prepared and not end up like the 5 foolish virgins. So, Jimmy is focusing on another money maker and deception.

    1. A really good book explaining a post-tribulation view — and giving exegetical support for it — that I read last year is “The Church and the Tribulation” by Robert Gundry.

    2. All these Zionist pretribulation (depensationalists) on Daystar and other evangelical t.v. outlets are totally incorrect as there is NO church rapture or a 7 year tribulation. To hear the CORRECT interpretation of the book of Revelation pls. go to Dr. Chuck Baldwin live and click on sermons as.each prophecy sermon that.he teaches will prove why and teach the Truth! His next prophecy sermon will be on Sunday Jan. 19th as he is. winding down his teaching on the book of Revelation. He used to be a pretrib rapture teacher for over 40 years since it was all he knew as a stsndard teaching that he learned in bible college. God revealed to him just a few years ago the correct.teaching of bible prophecy and he has spent hundreds of hours of studies relearning the Correct prophecy that was divinely inspired to Apostle John on the Isle of Patmis(where he was imprisoned when he wrote the book of Revelation. Dr. Baldwin said he can’t believe he never questioned the evangelical dispensationalist viewpoint that he learned and has been Incorrectly taught in bible colleges across the U.S. for many years. To find the sermons go or

    3. Are you aware the 144,000 does not consist of the original twelve tribes of Israel? Ephraim and Dan are not listed in Rev. 7:4-8. Also, a way to disprove any so-called pre-tribulation rapture is the fifth seal in The Revelation. Rev. 6:9-11 proves Christ’s followers are on the earth to at least the fifth seal, involving mass martyrdom, and that occurs before the 144,000 are mentioned.

    4. Questioning people’s salvation is a big no-no, especially when it comes to differences in eschatology.

      1. You have to have a removal of the Church before the Tribulation or you have to believe that anyone in the Church when the Tribulation begins is divinely protected from harm. God says we are not appointed to suffer His wrath once we are saved so thinking believers have to go through some kind of testing through the Tribulation is anti-biblical. God already knows who believes in Him or not so no testing is necessary.

      2. No Rapture/No Tribulation teaching stems from the heretical concept of Replacement Theology where the Church replaces Israel. The Church does not replace Israel. Paul makes that extremely clear.

      3. In Matthew 24, Jesus is speaking to His disciples. The Church is an unknown concept at this point and a mystery that is not made completely clear until Paul becomes an Apostle. Jesus is speaking about what Israel will experience, not the Church.

      4. The Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl judgments are the Tribulation. And everything after the 6th seal is directly the wrath of God.

      5. I don’t know where you get the “other 10 tribes aren’t Jews” tripe from but it is completely bogus.

  4. It was a blessing that Daystar took Irvin Baxter’s End Time program off of Daystar. Baxter and his wife come from a holiness background. Now End Time does not have to respond to viewers contacting them and asking them to comment on the scandal at Daystar or asking them to take the program off the network. God was looking out for them ahead of time.

  5. Praying for him, sincerely. It’s very sad to me that he has changed his tune/belief, concerning the marriage message. He spoke years ago, of how thankful he was to his wife for standing for the restoration of their marriage, as it is a covenant in God’s eyes. (As The Word says, only death breaks a covenant.)
    Praying that Jimmy Evans confesses and repents of leading many many astray.
    Luke 16.18, 1Corinthians 7.39 and many more. KJV👍

    1. There is no place anywhere in scriptures that we are encouraged to pray that others repent. Of course that is up to them, we cannot force it and God does not either. We can pray that God will discipline His children. But looking through the scriptures this works very, very rarely and usually only after people die and very severe consequences take place. So do not get your hopes up. These people typically die without repentance. Just the nature of human pride.

      1. Honest question here: Wouldn’t “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” imply that you’d be praying for those enemies to soften their hearts and repent?

        1. It does not say what to pray regarding them. Nowhere is white-witchcraft encouraged where we pray that God forces people to do this or that thing. It is one thing to pray that God have mercy on our enemies, within the limits that the scriptures lay out. But in my opinion we are to pray for them as that helps prevent us from becoming imbittered and fantasizing about taking revenge. But God does not force anyone to repent. I have been praying now for over 40 years and it took me some time to figure [this] out.

      2. Proverbs 21.1
        God is Able, Amen. We are to pray, standing in the gap for lost/disobedient souls, in all sincerity.🙏🙏🙏

      3. Ralph, Jesus taught us to pray that “God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven”
        What is his will?
        2 Peter 3:9
        “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance”

        And then consider the instruction to intercede for others:
        1 Timothy 2:1-2 “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”
        —–I don’t believe we are to be praying just for their health and wealth…

        James 5:16 – “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed…”
        —–Healing is tied into confessing sins which would come along with repentance)

        Ephesians 6:18 – Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,
        —– supplication for what? We are to pray for everything else except for repentance?

  6. Never ever would I listen to Jimmy Evans on anything given the character of the man that has been revealed. He is also not above stretching Bible passages so he can’t be trusted.

    It appears we can add shady business dealings to the list of issues with DayStar.

  7. The Lord himself said in his word said that in the last days he would separate the wheat from the tares. I have lived to age 88 and Iam seeing so many of his predictions come true. HOw Christians are so easily distracted and deceived! . When he says in his word work out you own salvation with fear and trembling i t makes one realize how Holy and just God is , and we should ask for his guidance , to be filled with his Holy Spirit and HE will guide us into all truths! Dear Lord God Almighty, I pray that you will help us all to seek you with all our hearts, soul, and mind.

  8. And all of the grifters grift. They tell you want you want to hear for a monthly Mammon fee! What a deal! You get the lies you really wanted from these celebrities, and I know of none any more with any true integrity, and they take you to the cleaners! You learn nothing for none of these “Christian” influencers have a spare minute of their time in a day to actually pray to and hear from the real Jesus Christ. If you do this: take time to pray and listen to the Holy Spirit, then you are already a million times more connected with God than they are. It is all a show they put on as fake as any Hollywood production you have ever seen. Not really Christians they are. Influenced by other spirits they are too. These celebrities are poor quality stage actors. They will not know the Real Jesus Christ when He falls on them and crushes them for humble, they are not. Jesus does fall on all the proud eventually and they are no more. They have no voice any longer in the grave. Be a disciple and realize that you do not need the fake celebrities any longer.

  9. I cannot condone any of what’s described above, actions by Daystar, Weiss, Lamb, Evans et al as it’s clearly not scriptural. After carefully listening to Johnny Enlow’s talk on Elijah Streams yesterday “My People Are Dabbling In Necromancy” (if I recall the title ) wherein he shares how the LORD showed him how it’s being done. I would add this endtimes of Evans in my view is included in what Johnny described

  10. Jimmy Evans knows very little about the end times. What he does say is his opinion AND that’s not worth 2 cents. It’s the Word of the Lord that counts. He is a pre-tribber and Father told me, “if they can’t get that right, what makes you think they get the rest right.?” He has blew it and needs to find another category 🙄 to get into. Ministry is not his calling. He will never make it. He has a ton of crap on his plate & he had better brace himself for the judgment from Father due to his lying and misrepresentation of Father God.

  11. End times prophecy? Sounds like a perfect fit for someone who claims special knowledge of Scripture while displaying a lack of basic understanding about it.

  12. Jimmy: Marriage is a life-long Covenant “til death do us part.” This clearly (like Hosea with Gomer) expresses Yahshua’s Covenant with His Bride: He constantly woos us back to Him Self, even when we, like sheep, go astray and turn to our own ways. He never once gives up on us – until the time of death, and then the Judgment. To mock this Covenant by encouraging someone to divorce his spouse and marry another WHILE THE OTHER YET LIVES is a complete, blasphemous distortion of Covenant. YHWH is not mocked.

    1. True true true that!! It’s amazing how they think they can find a loophole for remarrying after a divorce, while there is a living/breathing spouse. Just ain’t gonna happen!!

    2. Absolutely correct Mr. and Mrs. Long. Thank you for speaking the truth. Jimmy Evans is wrong and the bible does not support his false rhetoric and beliefs.

  13. So Jimmy is only focused on the End Times now? Well he still preaches the Rapture is Imminent, and it ABSOLUTELY is not! Its not this Generation, The Lord has Spoken Clearly thru the prophetic, and we Pray He sees it, and well, alot of things! and I look at my Own Stinky Gar-baaage, :) we only See, cause God shows us – No Judging! Come on Jimmy, be the Humble Warrior! i truely Love you!

    pick up our Rapture rug, and Put our Crown on! – Kat Kerr

  14. Jimmy Evans recently announced that he’s ‘leaving XO,’ yet the website now lists him as President, a role he’s transitioning to from CEO, with a salary adjustment from $220k to $180k. This doesn’t seem like leaving at all. It raises questions about integrity and transparency.

  15. I could never stomach watching DayStar for even 5 minutes before I’d change the channel to something else. Even in the late 90’s, it was obvious Joni and Marcus were not serious believers in the Lord and were all about themselves. I did watch Jimmy Evans a few times years ago. He talked about his anger early in his marriage and how God changed him. I thought his wife, sitting next to him, seemed sweet and credible. I didn’t follow him long, however. In recent years, Jimmy would pop up on my feed and he always seemed angry. I was not shocked by his treatment of Suzy and Jonathan in the recording. However, I am sad and perplexed when I see the YouTube comments on Tipping Point, believing Evans’ teaching to be credible. How can people not look at that sad, angry face and hear his words and not discern that Jimmy Evans is a mean, spiteful fake? Especially after following the recent stories and convicting evidence? Father God, please gift this generation with discernment.

  16. It is not difficult to figure out why Evans did this. If Evans wants something on Daystar, it can’t be conflicting with the grifter Doug Weiss’s bread and butter, which is marriage counseling. XO was marriage counseling.

  17. I wanted to respond to some comments but could not because there was no Reply button, so I would simply say that, while there have been end-times preachers in history who predicted things that didn’t come true, that is by no means true of all prophecy teachers. The ones that I watch repeatedly say that only God knows the day and the hour of Christ’s return. I have never heard Evans do that. He does sometimes make some general comments, but he is careful to say that is just his opinion and not prophecy. And not all end-times preachers are money grabbing. I have found the ones that I have listened to do less fundraising than most ministries. Nor do they try to encourage fear. Quite the contrary. They give one a sense that, despite the craziness of the world in which we live, God is ultimately in control. I have found and well worth checking out.

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