De Muth


Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


Joyce Meyer y Ben Carson cancelan su discurso en la iglesia Gateway en medio de acusaciones de Robert Morris

By Angela Peacock
meyer carson
Joyce Meyer and Dr. Ben Carson had been scheduled to speak at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, but have cancelled. (Photos: social media/ screengrab)

Two speakers have pulled out of preaching at Gateway Church’s summer series following child sex abuse allegations against church founder Robert Morris. 

Joyce Meyer and Dr. Ben Carson were both scheduled to speak at the Dallas-area megachurch as part of a series titled “Let’s Dive In,” but have since cancelled. A source close to Meyer cited solidarity with abuse victims, and Carson said it was to allow for the church’s “healing process to take place.”

Morris resigned from the church’s top position on June 18, following Cindy Clemishire’s bombshell allegations she was sexually abused by Morris in 1982 when she was 12 years old. 

For multiple years, Meyer has been a regular speaker at Gateway Church, with the most recent message in May. A person close to Joyce Meyer Ministries shared anonymously late Monday night that Meyer has decided to stop teaching at Gateway Church in light of recent allegations against Morris.

“I can confirm that Joyce Meyer has decided to withdraw from teaching at Gateway Church. The ministry has not made any public statements about this matter. But there are many examples readily available of Joyce Meyer strongly condemning all types of abuse and her compassion for survivors,” the spokesperson dicho El mensaje cristiano.

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gateway church southlake
Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas. (Photo: social media)

Meyer has been very public about the childhood sexual abuse that came at the hands of her father and has said that he must have raped her over 200 times before she turned 18.

Renowned neurosurgeon and former Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson was slated to preach on July 6 and 7. 

A spokesperson for Carson told El mensaje cristiano, “Given the circumstances, the church asked us to cancel our earlier commitment in order to allow for the healing process to take place. We are praying for their community during this difficult time.”

robert morris
Pastor Robert Morris preaches at Gateway (Photo: Facebook)

Gateway Church has retained the law firm Haynes and Boone to investigate the allegations against Morris.

Earlier this month, four Gateway Church elders, including Robert Morris’s son, James Morris, temporarily Bajó from their positions at the megachurch. Their actions stem from the law firm’s recommendation that any elder with a potential conflict of interest voluntarily step down.

Morris founded Gateway Church in 2000. At last count, more than 100,000 people attended each weekend at its nine sites and online.

Josh Shepherd contributed to this article, a version of which originally appeared at CHV Radio

Journalist Angela Peacock is a news writer and on-air host at CHVN in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.



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42 Respuestas

    1. I hope you have enough guts to admit the cruelty of your statement. Granted, her theology may need some fine-tuning. However, did you not notice that her father may have sexually abused her over 200 times? The lady has been through hell and back from the sexual abuse that she has endured, and yet you choose to make comments about her teaching.

      1. It is horrible for anyone to go through such a thing. But with all respect we must follow the truth of God’s Word no one founded the Church But Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Jesus said upon this Rock I Build My Church, SO Jesus is the only Founder of The Church, this is why so many are falling, their claiming something no one can claim! If we follow God’s Word and not ourselves the Church People wouldn’t be in such a Mess! The Bible states no Woman Preachers no where in the Bible! Lets GET Back To The Living Word Of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! And if the Church isn’t Praying and Seeking Jesus truth how will one know truth, Jesus is real, He isn’t fiction! He is a rewarder to those who seek Him, He is a revealer to those who seek Him. The Pastor’s Must Get Back into Prayer Seeking the Will of God, there’s no other way but hearing from Jesus Himself.

        1. The Bible also says not to eat shellfish, wear mixed fabric clothing and that women must leave the home while during their bleed. Do you follow those laws places before you by Pharisees, or do you only want to follow the ones convenient for you? Yeshua fulfilled the law; we are beholden to Him, not Pharisees.

          1. Evidently you haven’t read the whole Bible… especially the new testament.I suggest you do that.

        1. No it is not terrifying. Trump has nothing to do with it. It is a project of the Heritage Foundation. It advocates for conservative policies. Many on the left have made numerous outrageous false statements about it.

          1. It’s called a presidential transisition project. Not specifically about Trump but it’s clear it’s for a GOP strongman.

            And – have you read it? I’m thinking you haven’t, otherwise you’d know this:

            “Project 2025 is the effort of a massive coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful Administration begins in January 2025. With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government. Project 2025 is being organized by The Heritage Foundation.”

            “properly vetted and trained personnel” —- that is not how liberal democracy works. We don’t have loyalty tests for a particular point of view to work for the government.


          2. Additionally,

            It would do away with the Department of Education which would remove federal protection and education requirements for children with special needs which would be devestating. Schools would not be required to provide equal access and accomodations to children with all variety of special mental and physical needs. Is that something you approve of?


            Doing away with PBS because they don’t like the reporting and content:

            Consolidation of power under the Executive Branch and removing policy making oversight from federal agencies (ie: the experts, unless of course you are an “approved” expert, see my previous post re: loyalty tests)


            A propaganda department:

            movement toward removing the Federal Reserve:

            This is not outrageous lies from the left – this is all their words.
            About the only thing not here is a plan to set fire to the Reichstag.


        2. Nathan and Tricia, glad you each brought up project 2025 and, Nathan, that you provided the links that you did. I can’t seem to comment on that multi-linked post of yours so I am commenting here. While the entirety of project 2025 is also full of an incredible amount of propaganda, and it is propaganda with which some here may agree (and with which I heartily disagree because it is designed to divide our nation and because it is full of false flags and fear mongering about things that don’t exist like the deep state or the administrative state, or demonizing folks who support liberal or race-thoughtful policies—while it openly wants to abolish the mere use of the words race or gender, convenient for white men, but what about the rest of us? Do folks’ experiences not matter if they say they have anything to do with race or gender? Shall we shame folks who might have something to teach us along those lines?)

          Leaving that clearly intentional propaganda aside, I also find the Project 2025 policies themselves terrifying. I hope that as many folks as possible can READ THEM and see that to be true so that they don’t unwittingly join what looks very much like an emerging fascist movement and that is trying to appeal to patriotism and Christianity. When it upholds the true tenants of neither.

          A Jesus who cared for his flock would never employ such policies, IMO.

      2. Amen sister, Tricia, on the Project 2025 Draconium platform. Christian women and non- Christian alike should be howling in protest. And what would Jesus do, do not get entangled in worldly politics on issues such as abortion and let His father render the final judgment on people who may or not sin depending on their circumstances. Jesus and His father had room for forgiveness for Mary Magdalene. sO we should get out of God’s province of Supreme sovereignty and let him do His job. He doesn’t need our judgmental opinions today, just as He did not seek people’s opinions when he acted at Sodom and Gommorah. Who are we as sinners, legislators, or governmental leaders to tell women or their families what decisions to make about their bodies. Ipersonally do not condone abortions but far be it that I stand against a woman and/or her family on making critical medical decisions. These sinners, zealots and hypocrites need to move over and get out of God’s way. He does not need our adulterated help! We need to get the mentally ill and much more vulnerable people off the streets and into medical facilities to rehabilitate our citizens and our communities and tighten restrictions on our borders to the benefit of both levels of oue socio-economic society.

        1. Patrick,
          During the early church, unwanted babies were thrown in dumps. Christians would rescue them and bring them up in the Lord. In OT times, people would sacrifice children to Baal and the Prophets pronounced judgement against these evil doers. We are called to shed light and care for the needy, oppressed, and those who cannot protect themselves. Abortion is modern man’s version of Baal sacrifice. There are exceptions and these can be debated. We are Christ’s Body, His hand and feet. We are made in God’s Image and so I hope you reconsider your stance on these issues. There is a reason why we are placed in this time and season. We made strong advances on the “political” reversal of Roe v Wade. It took 30 years of resistance to see this victory. Many innocent lives will be saved because the Supreme Court did the right thing.

        2. Patrick, what would the Lord Jesus do? What would the Apostle Paul or Peter do? Wouldn’t they disregard the worldliness of the political spectrum and do and say and vote what is right? From the lyrics of Phil Keaggy’s song: 🎵 (“Who will speak-up for the little ones), helpless and half-abandoned. They’ve got a right to choose life they don’t want to loose. I’ve got to speak-up, won’t you?” Thank you. God bless you.

      1. Doreen Shaver

        Ben Carson is a highly respected neurosurgeon
        who performed the first successful separation of conjoined twins who were attached at the back of the head (occipital craniopagus twins). The operation, which took place in 1987, lasted some 22 hours and involved a 70-member surgical team. Carson also refined a technique known as hemispherectomy, in which one-half of the brain is removed to prevent seizures in persons with severe epilepsy.

        Carson became director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins.

        He was one of the youngest doctors in the United States to earn such a title.

        He later also held professorships in plastic surgery, oncology, and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins. (Encyclopedia Brittanica)

        Because SDA worship on a different day of the week you appear to write him off quickly & easily.

        Can’t you do a bit better at respecting a highly regarded neurosurgeon and fellow Believer?

        1. Dawn,

          While we can all appreciate the efforts of Ben Carson at an earlier point – and I acknowledge that the matter of the Sabbath is really a non-issue (frankly I take a day off on Saturday myself as I find it health), I wonder if there are other very significant issues with Ben Carson in terms of where is at this time…

          These are the matters that need to be focused on.

          Does this make sense?


          1. thanx Greg one person making a comment, ranted on about how Ben Carson saving lives .is a legitimate reason to accept his docturnal error..some people seem to forget.that a persons works no matter how good they are will not save them..and I would admonish any one who is following false docturne that they are in great danger, maybe to the point that they are following a different Jesus

      2. Actually, granted SDA has some questionable doctrines like most other denominational sects of Christianity, I have found them to be heck of a lot more biblical adherents than most evangelical, charismatic counterparts.

        I have friends who are SDA. I have attended their meetings. So, I do not speak without knowledge and experience.

        And, No. I am not an SDA member or of the sort. ‘Nuff said.

    2. Ben Carson has physically saved more lives and helped more people than anyone reading any of these articles. He doesn’t believe the dogma you do, so he’s a write off? Christians will do anything to hate anybody that doesn’t bend the knee to their interpretation of the undefinable.

      1. Sarah…your last sentence is tremendous. Sometimes I think, and believe, the Christians (and I am a believer in God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit) are the ones who are missing the overall point. What’s the overall point? To love God and your neighbor. That’s it. Hard to believe. But it is quite simple. Makes one wonder: Have Christians drawn more people to God, or driven more people away from God?? I look in the mirror as I ask this question. Lord forgive me, a sinner…

        1. I am also a Christian because I follow Christ. From what I’ve witnessed in my life, the church has turned away or literally destroyed many more people than they have helped. Because the current church preaches attaining perfection, which is impossible, so the ideology tries to force everyone to be perfect and when they miss the mark, which is the meaning of the word “sin,” they are ridiculed, belittled, abused, demonized and sometimes excommunicated. I wonder why people don’t want to stay in that kind of abusive environment?

      2. Sarah I appreciate your comment that Christians tend to defend their interpretation with great confidence and pride the truth that is not able to be Completely seen or Understood by any one person or group. I believe so we will learn humility, patience, kindness, and choose to love others in their differences. Like Jesus, we are not here to condemned others.

      3. Or non Christians trying anything to take down the church. I hope this is flushed out to it’s fullest and then the victim and church itself can begin to heal. Truth and Love must always prevail.

    3. While I don’t agree with Joyce or Ben on everything (I have yet to come across any person I 100% agree with on all matters), I haven’t heard anything that goes against the CORE tenets of the Christian faith (authority of the Word, deity of the Trinity, sinfulness of humanity and our need for a Savior, Jesus Christ as THE Lord and Savior, etc.) come out of their mouths. Therefore, I acknowledge them as fellow believers.

      To belittle, question, judge, or refuse to acknowledge a fellow believer over debatable or disputable matters (including politics!) is dangerous territory.

    4. It’s astounding to me that Morris abused a 12 year old for 4 years, but you’re concerned about Joyce Meyer’s theology, like THAT’S the problem with this church.


      1. Jen I’m with you!! Yes church let’s use our time to defend Joyce Meyer and take stances on whether someone is for or against trump. This is the church in action.literally this is how I picture conversations with a lot of leadership :

        Victim:” I’ve been raped by a pastor who has continued to harras me 30 years later”
        Church:” look Squirrel! “

    5. You’re 100% right Tim. Joyce Meyer is a heretic. Her foul heresies have been well documented. She needs to repent of her sins, keep her mouth shut, and read some solid theology books.

      1. sure sure. but none of her “heresies” caused her to sexually abuse a 12 year old for 4 years.

        and Robert Morris’ “sound doctrine” didn’t keep him from sexually abusing a 12 year old for 4 years, so I think you may be focused on the wrong problem.

  1. I find it so sad that far to often in “faith” circles the bickering deflects from the main issue. This is why the church h goes in circles . Let’s not just rallly behind a child abiuse & rape victim . Yes this is the answer , let’s all distract ourselves by insulting or favoring more celebrity pastors and bring in politicians. Meanwhile what about Cindy?

  2. Yes how about prayers for the victims 🙏
    Not focusing on the problem, which is those who are hurting
    because of evil people who come in the Name of Jesus.

  3. I can’t imagine a more appropriate minister to bring a word to the leaderless Gateway congregation in this moment than Joyce Meyer. I mean, what did the Gateway congregation do to offend anyone? Isn’t that church body worthy of Christ’s love demonstrated by prayer, Bible teaching, and a word from the Lord?

    For just one weekend, Joyce Meyer could have spoken about the unspeakable as she has done publicly in her own ministry time and time again.

    For just one weekend, Joyce Meyer could have helped the Gateway congregation to come to terms with the real damage their (ex) pastor caused his victim.

    For just one weekend, Joyce Meyer could have provided the stunned Gateway congregation with hope and comfort for their future, spoken on how to deal with their own grief and betrayal, and encouraged them in the way Jesus taught his disciples to “love My sheep.”

    So, why did Joyce Meyer back out?

    What is more important to Joyce Meyer that she would turn away from a prime pastoral ministry opportunity that is arising from the very types of trauma that are at the center of her personal testimony?

  4. Brent Thompson:

    “I can’t imagine a more appropriate minister to bring a word to the leaderless Gateway congregation in this moment than Joyce Meyer.”

    Gee, I sure can. Just about any biblical, faithful preacher of the Gospel would qualify, instead of the false teacher Joyce Meyer.

    Meyer preaches a different Jesus, a different gospel. She preaches that Jesus was a sinner, that He had been born again, that He stopped being the Son of God, that He paid for our sins in hell and was tormented there. All false teachings. Heresy.

    No. Meyer is not a minister of the gospel. She preaches and teaches a different Jesus.

    1. Again, Jim- I get that you don’t like Joyce Meyer- BUT- whatever her “heresies” are, the actual fruit of her ministry isn’t leaving several people who were sexually abused as minors as collateral of their “ministry work” like Gateway is. If we’re comparing ministries, we should also look at those results, or fruit, if you will. Joyce Meyer is not the worst character in this story, or even in the top 5, and focusing on her deflects from the real and actual harm done and continuing from the leadership at Gateway.

  5. We can be horrified at the abuse that is being exposed by so-called church leaders and cry out for justice for the victims and for reforms within the church, and at the same time we can comment on other public figures and false teachers who have been given platforms to satisfy the itching ears within the church.
    I don’t see any evidence that the people who have voiced concerned about Joyce Meyer and Ben Carson in this thread discount the evil that has been festering in this church

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