De Muth


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Reportando la Verdad.
Restauración de la Iglesia.

Oregon City Will Pay $400,000 To Church After Lawsuit Over Feeding Ministry

By ENS Staff
lindsey ENS feeding food
The Rev. Bernie Lindley sorts bread for the food ministry at St. Timothy’s, Brookings, Oregon. (Courtesy Photo / ENS)

Un Episcopal church in Oregon that successfully fought a city ordinance limiting its homeless feeding ministry has won a $400,000 settlement in its lawsuit against the city of Brookings.

The city agreed to pay $375,000 to cover St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church’s legal fees in the 2022 lawsuit and an additional $43,000 to the Oregon Justice Resource Center, according to Radiodifusión pública de Oregón.  The settlement comes after a federal judge ruled in favor of St. Timothy’s and the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon.

Brookings is located about 10 miles north of the California border along the Pacific coast. At the time of the March 27 judgement, St. Timothy’s was serving an average of 73 free meals a day, four days a week, in defiance of the city’s ordinance that had attempted to restrict the meals to two days a week.

The congregation and diocese had argued in their lawsuit that the ordinance violated the church’s rights under the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000. The judge agreed.

In addition to addressing inseguridad alimentaria, St. Timothy’s provides a variety of resources to people who are often unhoused and have a history of being abused. Church leaders argued that these ministries were critical in a city that offered few other services for those people.

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st timothy's food ministry feeding
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Brookings, Oregon. (Photo: Google Maps)

Through the church’s Brookings CORE Response team, St. Timothy’s also provides showers, a clothing closet, a community garden, a variety of vaccinations and tests including for COVID-19, a place where about 100 people get their mail, and space where people can just get a cup of coffee and talk to others.

“We’re really glad that the whole thing’s over with and we can get back to… getting to the needs of the marginalized in our community without the distraction of this lawsuit,” the Rev. Bernie Lindley, vicar at St. Timothy’s, told Oregon Public Broadcasting.

Este artículo apareció originalmente en Servicio de noticias episcopal



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3 Respuestas

      1. Usually that type of identification is clear, it’s just that there is an Oregon City, OR, which is more or less a suburb of Portland and so is the first thing that comes to mind (especially when both words are capitalized as they are in a headline.)

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