A Georgia pastor, who strung along two girlfriends for a decade and murdered one of them on his wedding day, will spend the rest of his life in prison, the Georgia Supreme Court ruled last week.
William Pounds, the former pastor at King’s Chapel Memorial Church, in Perry, Georgia, was convicted in 2015 of killing Kendra Jackson, a 46-year-old, divorced mother of three. The Supreme Court of Georgia reviewed the case and ruled last week that the “evidence presented at trial was sufficient to support the conviction for malice murder.”
According to the trial testimony, Jackson and Pounds met in early 2000 and were in a long-term relationship. But in 2005, Pounds met and became romantically involved with another woman, Vicinda Crawford.
“Pounds was repeatedly able to convince each woman that he had left the other and wanted to be with her,” the ruling stated. For the next decade, Pounds became engaged to each woman, sometimes to both at once, court documents show.
For the next 10 years, Pounds juggled his relationships with both women until May 31, 2015, the ruling states.
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That’s when Pounds’s church was hosting “Pastor Appreciation Day,” and the cheating pastor brought Jackson with him to church. But Crawford came separately to church to surprise him and discovered Pounds’ ongoing relationship with Jackson, the ruling states.
On June 12, 2015, Pounds was set to marry Crawford. But on that day, his other girlfriend, Jackson, was found dead of a gunshot wound.
Pounds told investigators that an upset Jackson had grabbed Pounds’ .40-caliber Springfield Armory pistol from his bedroom dresser and fatally shot herself in the head, after learning he was marrying Crawford, according to The Macon Telegraph.
But evidence at trial showed another version.
Crime-scene reconstruction and blood-pattern analysis agents testified there was “no evidence that Jackson had the gun in her hand” and “fired the fatal gunshot.”
There was also testimony that Pounds had hit Jackson and given her a black eye. Plus, there were discrepancies in Pounds’ statements on how Jackson was shot.
In an earlier version, Pounds claimed Jackson shot herself, while the two wrestled over the gun. Later, Pounds said he was trying to take the gun away from Jackson when she was shot.
At trial, the prosecution called into question Pounds’ use of a Bible during the trial.
“Perhaps he should have spent more time reading his Bible instead of juggling two fiancées,” said prosecutor Jason Martin, The Macon Telegraph reported.
During his sentencing, Judge Howard Z. Simms said, “Mr. Pounds — and I’m not gonna dignify you by calling you Rev. Pounds, you didn’t earn that — you are a liar. You are a manipulator. And frankly, you are an outright charlatan . . . (and) I don’t believe that the truth is in you,” the Macon Telegraph reported.
Sheila Stogsdill is a freelance print journalist and digital reporter, primarily covering crime issues for KSN/KODE.
10 Respuestas
Finally a pastor who commited a crime has been held accountable and will pay for his crime. It’s time for all pastor’s committing all crimes to turn themselves in and confess. Then they can begin their repentence behind bars as is right and fair to the ones whose lives, trust, and self esteem they have murdered. Whether it be murder, stealing God’s money for a lavish lifestyle, or sexual assaults on children and women in the church, these pastors must confess and pay now, or they will certainly pay eternally.
Being a Hypocrite dosent take much.No one is above the law. I’m glad to see it’s being recognized.
The pastor may be guilty of the crime, but he should be restored after a period of repentance. After all, King David killed Bathsheba’s husband, and he was restored.
(Note that this is sarcasm)
David was not a preacher of righteousness. He was a king. You cannot compare a king with a preacher of righteousness.
People who claim to be above the law for whatever reason including asking for God’s forgiveness are guilty just the same and should be punished like any other citizen
He was a god in his own eyes.
No one has the right to take life from anyone. God give life and God take life and no one has that right so everyone knows the consequences when you doing wrong. And he shouldn’t have been with 2 ladies anyway, that was wrong so yes he should be punish for killing one of the ladies. And yes No matter what we do And when you confess your sins God will forgive, but there is still consequences when you doing wrong.
What really needs to be done is the fear of God needs to be brought back , all this you wil be forgiven no matter what has gone to the heads of people and unleashed monsters!
Our chidren these days have never EVEN heard of God! I cannot imagine what they will turn out to be, if they make it threw this generation of killer parents ! Poor innocent babies , they dont stand a chance! We need you Jesus! AMEN!
Jesus died for our sins so that we shall have everlasting life Not for us to be monsters and think its ok ! This is Satan work!
God’s ministers are selected, Anointed, and unique. Satan ministers are pretenders, just as Satan can appear as an angel 😇 of light, his preachers as ministers of righteousness, deceiving the people, not all preachers are sent by God!!!