De Muth


Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


Daystar Board Meeting Nov. 16, 2023, Pt. 1

The Roys Report
El Informe Roys
Daystar Board Meeting Nov. 16, 2023, Pt. 1

Why was Jonathan Lamb fired from Daystar? According to Daystar, it was due to performance issues and refusing to participate in third-party mediation to resolve grievances in a biblical manner. But according to Jonathan, it’s because he refused to sign an NDA.

Ahora, El Informe Roys is releasing full audio of a Daystar Board meeting on November 16, 2023, so you can judge for yourselves. 

For those who have followed the ongoing scandal at Daystar TV Network, first reported by TRR, you know two very different narratives are being forwarded about the events.

Jonathan and Suzy Lamb allege that Jonathan’s mother, Daystar President Joni Lamb, and her late husband, Marcus Lamb, covered up the sexual abuse of Jonathan and Suzy’s daughter by a family member.

Jonathan and Suzy also say Joni retaliated against them for refusing to read a viewer comment praising Joni’s remarriage to Doug Weiss. And then, when Jonathan refused to sign an NDA, the ministry stripped him of his executive status and eventually fired him.

However, Daystar claims the whole controversy is a “smear campaign,” launched by Jonathan because he was upset his mother was named president of Daystar, instead of him.

In the interest of transparency, we’re releasing audio of the complete Daystar Board meeting on November 16, 2023, so you can get this eye-opening behind-the-scenes view into the situation.

We’re releasing the audio in two parts. And in part one, you’ll hear the contentious back-and-forth between Jonathan, Board Member Tom Calender, and Joni—not just about Daystar’s NDA but about a tracker Daystar secretly put in Jonathan’s car.

The audio has been only lightly edited, to remove the name of a person who has been accused of child sex abuse but not formally charged with any crime.

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43 Respuestas

  1. It seems very common now for churches to stand onstage, hold the Bible and tell the congregation that scripture is “inspired by God, inerrant, and infalliable.”.

    Then the same church will continually refuse to preach on or encourage its members to live out certain Biblical passages that may run afoul of current culture (particularly passages about marriage and family), lest those passages offend the tithe payers. Or in Daystars case, the “donation” or “support” payors.

    If the scripture is truly believed to be inspired, inerrant and infallible, then that belief must hold true for all of it. Not just for verses on grace and tithing 😎.

    Deconstruction from the modern day all grace/no scriptural obedience church may well be a good thing. Deconstruction from our Holy Bible will never be a good thing.

    1. “If the scripture is truly believed to be inspired, inerrant and infallible, then that belief must hold true for all of it. ”

      Since moving to Texas year ago, one of the biblical disconnects I have with living near Daystar’s HQ and so many “thriving” churches and ministries is the quantity of strip clubs nearby. I have never, never heard a word preached in any of the churches that surround these establishments one word about them and their vile purpose.

      But, one only need consider the downfall of Josh Duggar, the eldest son of “19 Kids and Counting” to know these businesses are influencing Daystar and everybody else here more than the other way around.

      Marcus and Joni must have known and Joni has to know how failing to tear down these local pagan “high altars” could have changed ‘Pete.’

  2. I could only handle listening for a few minutes. I felt physically ill listening to that. Very telling at the beginning when they wanted to make sure the meeting wasn’t being secretly recorded.

  3. It’s so disturbing on so many levels I feel like I need a shower to get the stench off. It’s like one of those Hollywood movies that makes fun of Christians, portraying them as the evil villains and in this case it’s true. But the truth will prevail and Daystar has proven that it’s worth nothing of eternal value.

  4. Listening to the Roys report of the Daystar ministry . It breaks my heart, the discord , the manipulation of Gods word . The lack of respect , kindness and grace is unbelievable. In my opinion . I didn’t hear the ministry belongs to Jesus , He alone is the answer . We don’t get to choose the Bible verses we obey . Lord help Jonathan in his desire to do the right thing . Stand for the Bible &; continue to stand strong .My prayer is for humble hearts . Pride goes before the fall :::they are not immune to it . Protection for Johnathan & his family . How sad to have his car tracked & calls heard by an organization claiming to honor God :: Again this is my opinion . Yikes . What a sad story , . The verse be sure your sin will find you out . We all must remember, we serve a Holy God .

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