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Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


Mike Bickle’s Abuse Victim: ‘We All Went to War’

The Roys Report
El Informe Roys
Mike Bickle’s Abuse Victim: ‘We All Went to War’

When a victim of clergy sexual abuse comes forward with her story, there are two things she needs. One, to be believed. And two, for those around her to display courage and to hold the perpetrator accountable.

Fortunately, Deborah Perkins—the first victim of Mike Bickle’s to go public—received both those things from some amazing advocates. In this edition of El Informe Roys, she shares how her brothers and sisters in Christ banded together to support her and confront evil.

Deborah calls these men and women who stood alongside her an “army” who took a “stand for righteousness,” being willing to risk their reputations or positions. They met with her, cried with her, apologized for their part, and then “went to war”—fighting to expose Bickle and battling against forces of evil.

As Deborah explains, many sought to minimize and silence her, including leaders at the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC)—people Deborah thought were friends. These leaders stonewalled and protected Mike, she says, and tragically, so did some of her own family.

In situations where a powerful, trusted Christian leader is exposed, the losses pile up. For Deborah, these losses have been devastating. She grieves losing a beloved community, long-trusted friends, and rapport with some members of her family—all to take a stand for truth.

But she also celebrates those who stood with her, and the victory they won, exposing Bickle to the world.

This is a powerful conclusion to Deborah’s eye-opening, heartrending story, with so many lessons for how to be Christ to sisters and brothers who have been abused and marginalized.

Deborah is so vulnerable in this conversation, which follows parte uno of my interview with her. Part two begins with her description of what it was like to tell her husband for the first time about the abuse. And it includes her powerful explanation of how she, her husband, and advocates, with God’s help, prevailed against those who tried to suppress the truth.


Deborah Perkins

Deborah Perkins and her husband are the Founders and Visionary Directors of a missions sending organization that exists to advance worship and prayer. Deborah is a dynamic preacher, teacher, and intercessor whose heart burns for Jesus to be seen and loved. She was part of the leadership team that started the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.

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2 Respuestas

  1. The irony about using the accuser passages is that from what we see in Zechariah the accusations are true. God is merciful and forgives, but they are clearly true accusations. If they are going to appeal to that verse than they are all but confessing their guilt.

  2. What really amazes me about this story is that Bill Cosby was handled totally different.

    I live in Turlock, California. And Bill Cosby was doing a show at Turlock High School as some of his victims were in the news.

    That night I pondered outside the building, near where I live, thinking, “Of all the places on earth, Bill Cosby is right here inside that building doing a show as his life may change forever.” And not too long after he went to jail.

    It’s hard to imagine why Murray had a conversation with Mike Bickle in 2023. The man needs to be arrested and charged. God will handle whether he repents.

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