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What the Bible Really Says About Leadership & Submission

The Roys Report
El Informe Roys
What the Bible Really Says About Leadership & Submission

What does godly leadership look like? And when should we submit to our spiritual leaders—and when should we oppose them?

In the midst of the current Daystar TV scandal, the heretical submission beliefs of Daystar President Joni Lamb and her close ally, Pastor Jimmy Evans, have been exposed.

Now, a veteran church planter and author, Lance Ford, explains what godly authority and leadership should look like.

Two weeks ago, Lance and host Julie Roys discussed these issues in an episode de El Informe Roys that received more than 150,000 views. It included audio clips from a meeting where Joni Lamb and Evans pummeled Jonathan and Suzy Lamb with admonitions to submit more than 100 times.

Many listeners recognized that rhetoric as abusive and several reached out to say they were profoundly harmed by the submission teaching they had received in churches.

At the same time, some listeners expressed confusion. They know the model of leadership they were taught was wrong. But what model of leadership is right?

Today, in a teaching prepared for this podcast, Lance Ford shares more principles of biblical leadership. He explains that the kingdom of God is contrary to the kingdom of this world. And often, what’s advocated as spiritual leadership today is the antithesis of godliness; instead, it’s something Jesus labeled demonic.

At a time when many sense something is wrong with how leadership is exercised in the church, we nonetheless see few biblical teachers honestly grappling with the abuses and shining light on a path forward.

But the current crisis in the evangelical church provides a teachable moment for all of us. It’s a time to return to the Scripture and see what Jesus really taught.

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Lance Ford

lanza ford

Lance Ford is an author, church planter, coach, and consultant who has designed unique training systems currently being used by networks, seminaries, and leaders throughout the world. He has written several books including The Atlas Factor, UnLeader, The Missional Quest, and The Starfish and the Spirit. Lance holds a master’s degree in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary. Learn more at

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4 Respuestas

  1. The history of the shepherding movement is in plain sight for all to examine. It baffles me these things continue. This love of money, power and lording it over people is the narrative of a world that fifty years ago was made up of a bunch of starry eyed “Jesus Freaks.” The day of reckoning for all this is here. We are warned that the end times church will be full of snakes. To watch it happen is sobering. For the most part, none of these people started out this way. Make sure you don’t turn out like this.

    1. Rob, I think you are misinformed. The Jesus Freaks are synonymous with Calvary Chapel, and Calvary is not associated with the Shepherding Movement (SM). The SM was founded by 5 men in Florida who were much older and all seasoned ministers, Charles Simpson, Bob Mumford, Derek Prince, Don Basham and Erin Baxter. They started it in sincerity of heart, but as it grew, power and corruption took over, and the scriptures were interpreted by the leaders to dominate and control their “flocks.” It got to the point that no one was able to make a move without permission from their “shepherd” first, which included what to buy and even whom to marry, and making covenants that bound people physically and emotionally to the group. If they left the group, they were told God would judge them for breaking covenant. They also held covenant meetings where they brought people before the entire congregation to chastise them openly for any sins they committed for group shaming and sometimes ostracization. I believe all of the 5 founders repented and denounced SM decades later, but it was too late, and there are still some in operation today. Many people are attracted to these groups because they are looking for family, which it promises to provide. The Word of Faith doctrine that Daystar and the Lambs are associated with are not part of that group, but they do hold true to authoritarianism for those who desire to be in their circle or core group and promote in ministry with them, and of course, this also requires large donations of money and time.

  2. This is an outstanding talk. I’ve listened to it three times now. It’s not just about how “leaders” in church organizations should act, but also about how all Christians should act in their business lives and other organizations.

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