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Relatives of Bonhoeffer ‘Examining’ Legal Action Against Eric Metaxas for ‘Lies’ About Them

By Liz Lykins
Eric Metaxas discusses Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his relatives with Glenn Beck on a recent podcast episode. (Video screen grab)

Relatives of the late German pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer are considering taking legal action against Eric Metaxas, author of a biography on the famed theologian, according to correos electrónicos obtenido por El Informe Roys (TRR).

The relatives are “examining whether it makes sense to take legal action against Eric Metaxas’ outrageous lies,” Bonhoeffer’s great-nephews, Tobias Korenke and Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser, wrote in emails to blogger Warren Throckmorton. Throckmorton then shared these emails with TRR.

The relatives are insulted by remarks from Metaxas in a podcast episodio last week with Glenn Beck. Metaxas called the relatives “guaranteed pro-Hamas lunatics . . . Jew-hating lunatics.”

protest columbia metaxas feucht israel march
Worship leader Sean Feucht (left) and author Eric Metaxas – holding a poster-size image of Dietrich Bonhoeffer – lead a rally with pro-Israel protestors outside Columbia University in New York. (Video screengrab)

Korenke and Schleicher-Tappeser said that Metaxas is spreading lies and slandering the relatives of Bonhoeffer.

“No one from the Bonhoeffer family has ever spoken out pro-Hamas or anti-Jewish,” they wrote. “On the contrary: we fight terror and anti-Semitism wherever we can.”

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They added, “That someone like Metaxas thinks he can presume to speak and act in the spirit of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a disgrace.”

Metaxas also claimed the family members were merely “distant relatives.”

Though Bonhoeffer had no children, he had seven siblings.

Korenke explained in the emails, “I myself am a grandchild of Ursula, Dietrich’s eldest sister, and her husband Rüdiger Schleicher. He was also a resistance fighter and was murdered by the Nazis. Another of Dietrich’s brothers, Klaus, was also executed as a resistance fighter, as was another of his brothers-in-law, Hans von Dohnanyi.”

Korenke continued, “How dare (Metaxas) insult us as woke left-wing Jew-haters when our parents or grandparents sacrificed their lives in the fight against the persecution of the Jews and for the rule of law and freedom?

He concluded, “The notorious lies and manipulations of Metaxas are unbearable for all of us!”

Metaxas calls relatives ‘unhinged’

On the podcast episode, Beck asked Metaxas about criticism he faced from Bonhoeffer’s family in October.

It was then that Bonhoeffer’s descendants and scholars published a public letter, calling out Metaxas. The letra urged people to stop “misusing” Bonhoeffer to support political violence and Christian nationalism and labeled Metaxas a key figure in this manipulation.

“Since the publication of his Bonhoeffer biography in 2010 until now, Eric Metaxas has manipulated the Bonhoeffer story to support Christian Nationalism,” the letter said. “He has developed and inserted his distorted use of Bonhoeffer into public discourse.”

Eric Metaxas speaks at Judson University on Sept. 26, 2018, in Elgin, Illinois, near Chicago. (Photo courtesy of RNS/Emily McFarlan Miller)

Metaxas laughed in response to Beck’s recent question and responded, “Oh, yeah, distant relatives who are guaranteed pro-Hamas lunatics. So, these are Jew-hating lunatics claiming to speak for the man who died for the Jews of Europe, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.”

He continued, “I mean, let’s be clear: So, relatives of Bonhoeffer wrote that he would never have seen himself anywhere near the rightwing extremist — yeah violent movements — that are trying to appropriate him today.”

Metaxas told Beck that “these people” are “unhinged.”

“They have their view,” he said. “It’s a free country, but they’re crazy.”

In recent years, Metaxas has also compared himself to Bonhoeffer and used him to bolster his political views, TRR informado.

In a September interview on Flashpoint, Metaxas also called the recent election a “Bonhoeffer moment” and urged Christians to rise up and oppose evil.

The October letter asked for Metaxas and others to stop comparing the November election to the rise of the Nazis.

“They misuse Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s resistance against that regime to serve their own political agendas and appeals to violence, but they should not,” the letter said.

Otro letra from 86 of 100 adult relatives of the Bonhoeffer siblings was also made public in October.

“We are horrified to see how the legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is increasingly being distorted and misused by right-wing extremists, xenophobes, and religious agitators,” this letter said. “Never would he have seen himself associated with far-right, violent movements such as Christian nationalists and others who are trying to appropriate him today. On the contrary, he would have strongly and loudly condemned these attitudes.”

Liz Lykins is a correspondent covering religion news for The Roys Report, WORLD Magazine, and other publications.



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31 Respuestas

  1. It again just shows us that we diligently have to do our homework, in order to make a claim on anyone’s life! We should learn from our mistakes and do not assume anything until it has been proven to be truthful.

  2. Simple – Metaxas, like Beck, Limbaugh, Trump, Paula White, Copeland, NAR et al. and all the other demagogues know their audience – and thus know where their $$ come from…. They know the dog-whistles…

    All about the $$….

  3. “It appears Bonhoeffer’s descendants are a part of the debased Lutheran Church that questions the Bible as infallible, that marriage is between a man and woman, that homosexuality is a sin, that Christ rose from the dead, and that Israel has the right to exist.” James Vanslate, 10/25/24

    Can anyone verify the accuracy of this statement? If true, I can understand what Metaxas meant.

    1. Cynthia, it’s impossible that 86 people are all members of the same denomination and have exactly the same views.
      Metaxas’s comments were therefore absurd and seemingly borne out of puerile defensiveness.
      Defensiveness and punching a man as an automatic response are typical of the carnal (unregenerate) nature.
      I pray he spends more time in his Bible (especially chapters like John 3, Romans 8 and Galatians 5 & 6) and less time on politics.

    2. I am a member of the Lutheran CHurch Missouri Synod (LCMS) and I can assure you that his statement is in error for my church. He needs to define precisely which Lutheran denomination he is referring to.

      1. Apparently LCMS churches aren’t unified particularly on the last statement about Israel’s right to exist.

        Stone Choir boys have a podcast (with transcript) about Bonhoeffer in which they discuss his aberrant and deceptive theology in detail.


        QUESTION: In light of all the recent publicity about same-sex marriage, where does The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod stand on the issue?

        ANSWER: God gave marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and His bride the Church (Eph. 5:32). Homosexual behavior is prohibited in the Old and New Testaments (Lev. 18:22, 24, 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:9–20; 1 Tim. 1:10) as contrary to the Creator’s design (Rom. 1:26–27).

        The LCMS affirms that such behavior is “intrinsically sinful” and that, “on the basis of Scripture, marriage [is] the lifelong union of one man and one woman (Gen. 2:2-24; Matt. 19:5-6)” (2004 Res. 3-05A).

        It has also urged its members “to give a public witness from Scripture against the social acceptance and legal recognition of homosexual ‘marriage’ ” (2004 Res. 3-05A).

        There is additional information found in the Frequently Asked Questions on Homosexuality.

        QUESTION: In light of all the recent publicity about same-sex marriage, where does The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod stand on the issue?

        ANSWER: God gave marriage as a picture of the relationship between Christ and His bride the Church (Eph. 5:32). Homosexual behavior is prohibited in the Old and New Testaments (Lev. 18:22, 24, 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:9–20; 1 Tim. 1:10) as contrary to the Creator’s design (Rom. 1:26–27).

        The LCMS affirms that such behavior is “intrinsically sinful” and that, “on the basis of Scripture, marriage [is] the lifelong union of one man and one woman (Gen. 2:2-24; Matt. 19:5-6)” (2004 Res. 3-05A).

        It has also urged its members “to give a public witness from Scripture against the social acceptance and legal recognition of homosexual ‘marriage’ ” (2004 Res. 3-05A).

        1. “ “It appears Bonhoeffer’s descendants are a part of the debased Lutheran Church that **questions** the Bible…”

          Yikes. I missed the word “questions” when I first read that statement. Sorry!

    3. So, one must only be associated with the “right kind” of people who “agree with me and my biblical interpretation” in order to stand up for the reputation and legacy of one’s relative / ancestor?

      Talk about an unhinged position to take.

      1. I don’t think that’s what the family’s objection is? It doesn’t seem to care that Bonhoeffer’s family is upset that Metaxas is an evangelical, but that Metaxas is turning Bonhoeffer into an evanglical, which he specifically wasn’t. Just as I’m guessing Billy Graham’s family would be very upset if someone made a biopic about him and reframed his life as a Catholic, to make his work more appealing to Caltholics.

        Instead of telling the truth about Bonhoeffer in the context he lived in, Metaxas rewrites (or more accurately misunderstands) history to use Bonhoeffer as a token to tell the story he wants to tell.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Eric is more in the mindset of leading a resistance movement not advancing violence against our government. Also some of the name calling (e.g. “xenophobic”) and labeling J6 an “insurrection” and “riot” smarts of leftist talking points. Although Eric wasn’t exactly gracious on the podcast either. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I wonder if there was ever any dialogue between them. Why couldn’t the book and movie been published on better terms?…

      1. If an aggressive ANTIFA “protester” was up in my face yelling eff you with my wife there, that ANTIFA guy is getting knocked out cold. It’s called self defense. Turn the other cheek doesn’t mean let you and your family get harmed, it means don’t react with anger. Defending you and your wife has nothing to do with anger. Jesus told his disciples to buy swords. Snap out of it, pathetic wishy washy lukewarm church.

        1. Watch the video.
          He’s in no danger whatsoever from the protester.
          And read ALL of Luke 22 because that verse is regularly taken out of ots immediate (the rest of the chapter) and larger context.(the New Testament).

          It was to fulfill the prophecy that he (Jesus) would be counted (regarded as) among the transgressors.
          It obviously wasn’t enough to defend him from dozens of Roman soldiers and he makes clear elsewhere that he did not want the disciples to defend him physically (eg the Sermon on the Mount but also Matthew 26:51-53, Mark 14:47, Luke 22:50-51 & John 18:10-11).
          Jesus NEVER contradicted himself!

          1. Moira Heuston,

            Just a reminder: Jesus never NEEDED defending. He was always under God’s care and could have called the angels at any moment. So, when you say that he did not want the disciples to defend him physically, it might be more accurate to say he did not need the disciples to defend him physically.

            I recommend reading Isaiah 37:36. God used just ONE angel to slaughter 185,000 Assyrians. Just one. I’m pretty certain Jesus could handle any potential difficulties from aggressors. Indeed, he often simply disappeared into the crowd when others tried to harm him.

            He chose not to defend himself for us. He took the blame for us. This does not mean that we are to stand by and watch our loved ones get hurt by evil people and do nothing. I believe Elijah Quinn would be the man defending the helpless and those in peril, don’t you?
            And for that, he is to be admired and commended.

        2. From a practical standpoint – I’ve had my share of formal self-defense training from LEOs and don’t recommend defending yourself from a verbal assault with a returned physical assault.

          De-escalating the situation by responding with language that isn’t hostile and irate, and creating significant space between parties is much wiser.

          Following the example of Jesus might very well lead you to compassionately take a sincere interest in wanting to have a civil conversation (wanting to bless and not curse) with the person who verbally assaulted you.

          Just to be clear – I believe that God’s natural law unequivocally states there are very rare occasions for self defense that would qualify for handing out free knuckle sandwiches (or lead projectiles, etc) to protect your wife and/or family…part of a man’s responsibility/capability to protect from danger and provide safety to those he loves.

        3. Elijah,

          The protester wasn’t violent.

          Eric Metaxas WAS violent.

          The passage about turning the other cheek is literally about not defending yourself with violence if someone is violent to you. it literally says that if someone slaps you, you “turn the other cheek” and let them slap you again. I am not sure how you justify Metaxas punching someone with any of scripture, let alone that specific passage.

          You said “Turn the other cheek doesn’t mean let you and your family get harmed” when it literally means that. It means not reacting violently, but putting yourself in the way of the violence of people intending harm- which is exactly what Jesus did on the cross.

          Violence against others is not defensible with scripture. It just isn’t.

          1. jen manlief:

            Your words: “Violence against others is not defensible with scripture. It just isn’t.”

            Please read the following and get back to us:

            2 Kings 19:35
            Isaiah 37:36-38
            2 Chronicles 32:21
            2 Chronicles 20:22
            1 Kings 18:38-40
            John 7:16

            “That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp.”

            “As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.”

            “Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. 39 And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, h“The Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God.” 40 And Elijah said to them, “Seize the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape.” And they seized them. And Elijah brought them down to ithe brook Kishon and slaughtered them there.”

            Jesus said: “My teaching is not mine but his who sent me.” (John 7:16)

            God, His Son, The Holy Spirit – The Holy Trinity, of one mind, one voice, one person, three in one. The same.

            Violence against others is often commanded by God Himself.

      2. Metaxas should have been looking in the mirror when he said “unhinged”. Sad to see how Bonhoeffer has been remade into whatever image partisans choose.

    2. All due respect, I don’t think they are saying Metaxas themselves are a violent rightwing nationalist; but that others who are extremists are using comments Metaxas has made about Bonhoeffer implying Bonheffer would support their causes. They assert these comments are mistaken. The lawsuit itself (if they pursued one) would be about the comments he made about the relatives who wrote the letter, and frankly his making that kind of comment is very much uncalled for.

      (Having not read/listened to anything from Bonhoeffer or Metaxas, I have no comment if their letter has merit, although I doubt they’d get 88 relatives to sign something that was baseless.)

  4. In 2012, Metaxas gave the keynote address at the national prayer breakfast. He was funny, charismatic, and spoke important truths about the unborn before President Obama. But towards the end of his address, he also encouraged people who were pro-life not to villainize people who were on the other side. It’s unfortunate to see how far he has fallen since then.

  5. Yahshua haMashiach is a Jew, from the Tribe of Judah in which hailed both His mother MirYam and His earthly caretaker Joseph (their respectful lineages both are detailed in Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3). We MUST. like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, support His relatives, and the Land in which He was conceived by the Ruach haQ’Dosh, born on Day 1 of Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles), circumcised on the Last Great Day 8, raised to adulthood/ministry, where He died on Passover, arose as First Fruits, and ascended on Day 40 of the counting of the Omer in that acceptable year of YHWH. And now as we await the Time of HIs vengeance for His Land, His People who love Him and His appearing, and His Covenant of His shed blood on Calvary’s Tree for the sins of the world, we dare not compromise with the enemy of our souls, who desires with all of his being to destroy this Land and this People and this Covenant. Praying for all of us on the earth in this hour that has come upon the earth to try the sons of men. Do not let any one take your crown, and be faithful for 10 days, Yahshua warns – no matter who threatens us if we do not bow to the mark, the image, the name and the number of the beast. Esther 3:5 describes Haman, one of the enemies of the tribe of Judah/Benjamin who was enraged when Mordecai refused to bow to him. Nero and a. hitler: even worse in their perverse obscenities and slaughter of the Jews. This Time, Yahshua Himself will arrive to fight because He is for us: Ezekiel 36:9. He is Jealous for Zion, His Place.

  6. Did he ever admit to punching the protester?
    (Julie Roys article from 2020 below).
    Even before that incident, I never saw much that was Christ-like in him
    And he didn’t display the fruit of the Spirit, part of which is self-control: Galatians 5:22-24) in his reaction to the protester.

    His behavior towards the Bonhoeffer family (not “distant relatives”!) is just embarrassing. The language, the apparent slander of 86 people. ..everything.
    I would even be embarrassed if a lost person I knew spoke in such a disrespectful tone.

    When are people going to realize that it’s about being born again/born of the Spirit (which Jesus says “you must be” in John chapter 3) so you can be Christ to the lost world in your behavior? It’s NOT about your politics or how busy you are or how many books you’ve written!

  7. Eric Metaxas is the person who essentially said Rev. Mike Bickle was innocent without evidence, before the investigation, and before Bickle confessed and resigned.

    He said the women were “false accusers” who told “vile lies.” Metaxas then failed to apologize.

    In describing people he disagrees with, he is neither charitable nor reliable. In dealing with them he is neither reasonable nor humble.

  8. As of yesterday, Metaxas kind of apologized to the family. I say “kind of” because the apology was full of excuses and blameshifting (they made him angry, he’s frustrated with the way the film is being promoted, etc). But in an era of doubling down and flipping it to play victim when one is confronted with wrongdoing, Metaxas’s apology is….something.

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