De Muth


Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 1.50.18 PM


14 Respuestas

  1. God is the God of second chances.
    I believe Robert admitted is moral failure
    and took the necessary steps to bring
    restoration. God forgave King David for his
    moral failure in murder and adultery
    When confronted with his sin he admitted
    to it in Psalm 51.If the body of Christ
    does not forgive pastor Morris, then
    they have a religious spirit will not
    experience the Blessings of God.

    1. King David was NOT a pastor.

      Biblically, pastors are held to a higher standard. Period.

      Forgive, yes. Restore, no. Pastoral sins of moral turpitude require and prove that the pastor is no longer fit to lead the flock.

      Also, there is man’s law, which clearly states that this was illegal. His “accountability” should have included a prison sentence.

      1. The Bible says King David was a man after God’s heart. He made. Mistake. GOD forgave him And his son went on to be the best King in history of Israel. But GOD has a forgiving heart. No man is perfect. Neither is this world

    2. It is not about forgiveness, it is about church leadership&church health. We as the congregants need to take accountability. When we disobey the Word of God’s instructions on church leadership this is what we get. The leaders reflect the hearts of the congregants. We are falling for charismatic, successful etc leaders because our hearts are not the Knowledge of God. Man made churches appoint man made leaders based on worldly merits.

  2. And then there was Saul. Killing Christians until Jesus stepped in his way and the tide turned! And God most certainly forgave and saved Paul and then utilized him to grow the church. Satan on the other hand wants to seek and destroy anything and anyone God is using. Why don’t we pray for all involved and leave it in God’s capable hands. Amen!

    1. Luke 17
      Forgive, and restore. I forgave the man who molested me. I could have tried to destroy him, but I chose to forgive him and go on.

  3. Why do pastors who commit massive moral failures & often crimes (in this case multiple felonies that should have landed him in prison for decades & a LIFETIME on the registry of sex offenders) feel they have to return to ministry & why do our churches support this knowing it will cause lots of valid pain & dissension? Get another job, start a new career. Yes, they’re forgiven but they’ve given up their right to be a pastor.

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