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Samaritan’s Purse Deals With Helene Recovery In Its Own Backyard

By Matthew Peterson
On Oct. 1, 2024, volunteers with Samaritan's Purse assist with recovery efforts in Asheville, North Carolina. (Photo: Facebook)

After decades of lifting others out of devastating circumstances, these good Samaritans have found themselves in a crisis of their own.

Monedero del samaritano, a Christian relief organization, is no stranger to reducing tremendous suffering and damage in communities all over the world. After Hurricane Helene tore through much of the South this past weekend — including the group’s headquarters in Boone, North Carolina — Samaritan’s Purse has had to find a way to help others as well as themselves.

In the weeks directly leading up to Helene, staff members had trekked the flooded communities of Vietnam, providing aid to those affected by Typhoon Yagi.

Once Helene robbed millions of Americans of their electricity and running water, the focus had to become more local.

Volunteers from Samaritan’s Purse wasted no time in beginning to eradicate the masses of trees and branches suffocating the houses and roads of North Carolina.

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samaritan's purse backyard helene recovery
Hundreds of volunteers with Samaritan’s Purse assist hurricane disaster relief efforts in western North Carolina. (Photo: Facebook)

One of the most immediate issues after Helene has been roof damage. Given the extent of the damage, it seems all the volunteers can offer are band-aids in the form of tarps. But even these temporary fixes are better than a leaky roof and a flooded home. 

“They’ve been really really blessing me,” said Mariah Mitchell, a retired teacher from Georgia. “The Lord sent them, because I need them. He knew I needed them.”

As of Thursday, more than 190 people have been confirmed dead and hundreds more remain missing as a result of Helene’s rampage. Samaritan’s Purse has sent search-and-rescue teams and, according to their website, “expect an influx of injured people.”

In an effort to support the most vulnerable populations, the organization has found a way to build pop-up tent clinics where patients can receive emergency care, particularly in the form of oxygen generation which is not possible without power.

The organization has also used helicopters to deliver food and water to the communities which have lacked and are still lacking some of these essential needs.

Monedero del samaritano is a nondenominational Christian aid organization which focuses on crisis and natural disaster relief. Its president and CEO is William “Franklin” Graham III, the son of the famous Billy Graham. It’s partnership with churches all around the globe are a huge part of what makes it successful at meeting needs.

In Georgia, the majority of the power grid has been destroyed. Here and in the surrounding states, this means that some individuals could go almost a week without power. Some sources say it may take multiple weeks to fully restore electricity to the Southeast. 

For times such as this, organizations like Samaritan’s Purse are essential. They lack the red tape of governmental organizations, which can slow things down, and they have no shortage of funds or volunteers to provide resources and labor. Where so many politicians and faith leaders tend to casually offer a “thoughts and prayers” disaster response in the wake of serious tragedies, the volunteers of Samaritan’s Purse roll up their sleeves and resolve problems practically.

And even in their time of crisis, Samaritan’s Purse is also sending workers to Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida to aid the restoration efforts in these states. While the storm had mostly resided on Friday. By Saturday, their semi-trucks adorned with the phrase “helping in Jesus’ name” were already headed south.

Cuándo Religión desconectada requested an interview with someone in the organization, Samaritan’s Purse initially agreed. However, in a matter of hours, a spokesperson said that due to the multi-site response, they just “do not have the capacity right now.”

As for the rest of their relief efforts, it remains unclear whether or not Samaritan’s Purse will be equipped to respond in the same capacity as they have historically. In their statement on U.S. Disaster Relief in general, the organization says, “We often stay behind after our initial response to rebuild or restore houses for needy families.”

With not just homes, but businesses being hit and cars being destroyed, the tragedy is not just an uncomfortable one, but also expensive. It seems likely that the damage done will have consequences well beyond this year.

Many Christians know Samaritan’s Purse for it’s yearly initiative known as “Operation Christmas Child,” which enables Americans to pack shoeboxes full of gifts. The organization takes those donations to poor children all over the world.

The network of churches created by this accessible charity has been cited by the organization as an important method of understanding who and where has needed help after the storm.

The processing centers for “Operation Christmas Child” were supposed to open volunteer registration this week, but that has been indefinitely postponed due to Helene’s destruction.

Esta historia fue publicada originalmente por Religión desconectada.

Matthew Peterson, a student at Baruch College in New York City, is a contributor to Religion Unplugged.



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