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EXCLUSIVE: Suzy Lamb Says She Was Pressured to Hide Her Sexual Assault

Por Julie Roys
suzy lamb joni
In 2022, Suzy Lamb (left) and Joni Lamb appear on Daystar TV, at the network's studios in Bedford, Texas (Photo: Facebook)

In January 2017, Suzy Lamb, then-Daystar TV co-host and daughter-in-law of Daystar founders Marcus and Joni Lamb, claims she was sexually assaulted at Daystar by an unlicensed chiropractor her in-laws had hired.

But when her husband, then-Director of Operations Jonathan Lamb, told his parents about it, they buried the assault, both Jonathan and Suzy told El Informe Roys (TRR) in an exclusive interview.

According to the couple, Marcus and Joni maintained a culture of secrecy and protection at the large Christian broadcasting network with more than 100 stations worldwide and an annual revenue of around $100 million.

The couple say they submitted to this culture for more than a decade. But as TRR reported yesterday, Jonathan and Suzy have gone public with their experience at Daystar, specifically Marcus and Joni’s alleged cover-up of their daughter’s sexual assault by a male family member.

Suzy did not talk about her own sexual assault in our first interview. But over the weekend, she told TRR she wanted to stand with her daughter as a sexual assault victim and talk about her assault, too, which remains traumatizing.

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jonathan suzy lamb
Jonathan and Suzy Lamb speak at a Daystar TV event in March 2023. (Courtesy Photo)

According to Jonathan and Suzy, the chiropractor had lost his license because of an alleged assault on a minor. TRR is not revealing the chiropractor’s identity because he was never charged with a crime.

But Marcus and Joni believed the chiropractor had come to Christ and was a changed man. So, they invited him to Daystar to work on the family in the family green room, Jonathan and Suzy said. (The green room is a lounge for on-air performers, where they go when they’re not in studio.)

suzy lamb chiropractor
On Dec. 12, 2015, the chiropractor who allegedly assaulted Suzy Lamb poses with his daughter at the Daystar TV Christmas party. (Photo: Instagram)

For a couple years, everything went fine, Suzy said, and the man worked on her in the green room without incident.

But then, he started becoming more belligerent. And one day, she said he seemed drunk as he was working on her.

Joni’s assistant was normally in the room with the chiropractor when he was seeing patients. But Suzy said that for about five minutes, the assistant left because she had to use the bathroom.

During the time she was gone, Suzy said the man violently sexually assaulted her. The assault was not rape, Suzy said, but left her reeling in pain.

As soon as the chiropractor left the building, Suzy called Jonathan and told him what had happened.

Jonathan said his “blood was boiling” and he immediately called Marcus and Joni, who were out of town, to report what happened. Jonathan said Marcus told Jonathan he’d “handle it” and instructed Jonathan not to talk about it.

Marcus Lamb and Jonathan Lamb (Courtesy Photo: Suzy Lamb)

In the meantime, Suzy said it was all she could do to hold herself together, knowing that the chiropractor knew where she lived and used to joke that he knew how to snap someone’s neck in seconds.

The next day, as Suzy prepared to fill in for Marcus and Joni on their show, her body revolted and she threw up in the bathroom. But Suzy said she also knew what was expected of her, so she soldiered on and hosted her show anyway.

Several days later, when Joni was back in town, Suzy said Joni told her that Marcus had paid off the chiropractor, and he wasn’t a threat anymore.

“We need to protect Daystar,” Suzy recalled Joni telling her. “And I want to protect you. So, don’t say a word about it to anyone.”

Suzy said she dutifully obeyed what her mother-in-law told her and eventually “got over it, and I forgot it happened.”

In 2021, the chiropractor passed away.

But in January of this year, Suzy said the trauma of the assault returned and she “started to wake up panicking and sweating.” What especially scared her, she said, was the way Joni had gotten her to bury the assault.

Suzy said she couldn’t help wondering if that was what Joni had done to her 5-year-old daughter when Joni had met with the girl to talk about her assault.

joni lamb suzy
Joni Lamb and her daughter-in-law, Suzy Lamb, in a photo posted Oct. 2020 (Photo: Facebook)

As we reported earlier, in November 2020, Suzy’s daughter disclosed to her that she had been inappropriately touched. The girl then used her hands to indicate she’d been finger raped vaginally and anally.

But when Suzy called Joni to tell her about the alleged abuse, Joni reportedly urged her not to go to police, but instead, to bring the girl to Joni. After the girl met one-on-one with Joni, she stopped talking about the alleged abuse and hasn’t spoken of it to this day, both Suzy and Jonathan told TRR.

en un declaración, Daystar denied the allegations that Joni or Marcus covered up her granddaughter’s sexual assault. 

“Over three years ago, in a thoroughly investigated and since resolved matter, it was confirmed that any allegations referencing sexual misconduct involving any Lamb family members were not credible and unfounded,” Daystar said. “Marcus and Joni never covered up any type of sexual abuse perpetrated by anyone, nor would they ever tolerate any abuse against their granddaughter or any child.”

Daystar also responded to the allegations concerning Suzy Lamb’s 2017 alleged sexual assault:

Joni Lamb is aware of an incident in 2017 that Suzy Lamb raised involving a chiropractor.  Suzy had a long history of requesting the chiropractor at issue to work on her, both at Daystar and at her home.  When Suzy was treated at Daystar, a witness was always present, as required by Marcus.

In 2017, Suzy Lamb reported to Marcus and Joni that the chiropractor inappropriately touched her.  The word “rape” was never used, and nothing that would constitute rape was mentioned by Suzy.  The witness in the room at the time of the alleged incident denied that anything inappropriate occurred.  Nonetheless, Marcus immediately released the chiropractor.  No one “paid off” the chiropractor, as alleged in your email.  

There was never any discussion about whether or not to contact the police, and neither Marcus nor Joni would have ever discouraged Suzy from reporting this incident to the police.

‘Did not recognize that she had been sexually assaulted’

Ex-Dallas Cowboy Kenyon Coleman and his wife, Katie Coleman, own the Redefined Coffee House in Grapevine, Texas. And since 2019, when they met Suzy, the Christian couple and Suzy have grown close.

The Colemans told TRR they remember Suzy bringing up the story of her sexual assault a few years ago.

“There was shame around the story,” Kenyon said, adding that Suzy didn’t even have a category for what had happened to her.

“When Suzy brought this up to me, I was shocked that she did not recognize that she had been sexually assaulted,” he said. “And she was led to believe that because maybe she was flirty, which I know Suzy and I have never seen Suzy act out like that.

“And I was like, ‘Suzy, if someone at the coffee shop did that to one of my employees, I would immediately call the authorities. And I just remember, she started crying.”

suzy lamb
On Mar. 13, 2020, Kenyon Coleman (right) appears on Daystar TV alongside then-hosts Jonathan and Suzy Lamb. (Video screengrab)

Both of them said they urged Suzy for months to get into counseling because it was clear that she had trauma.

Kenyon noted that they have private rooms at the coffee house, and Suzy would go to a room “and weep and just talk about the things that were going on,” he said.

They said Suzy was very resistant to going to counseling and scared that Joni would find out and she’d get in trouble.

The couple said Joni had a lot of control over Suzy, even telling her who she could and couldn’t be friends with.

TRR spoke with Suzy about her relationship with Joni at the time. Suzy said Joni was secretly grooming her to take over as the “matriarch” of the Lamb TV dynasty.

The two would meet privately, Suzy said, so other members of the family wouldn’t get jealous. And when people would ask Joni about their meetings, she’d lie to conceal them, Suzy said, “saying she was getting her nails done but she was with me.”

A major part of the grooming was training Suzy to control the family dynamics to keep warring family members in line, Suzy said.

“For years, I would sit on the phone with Joni for hours in the evening or coffee shops and have these conversations of how to manage all these relationships, how to keep them all under control,” Suzy said. “And I essentially thought I was learning . . . a wealth of information.”

Kenyon and Katie Coleman (Photo: Facebook)

Katie said Joni would often call while Suzy was at the coffeehouse, and Suzy always felt like she had to take her call. Katie said the few times Suzy didn’t take the call, Joni would call back.

“It was easy for me to see how manipulated she was by Joni,” Katie said. “And then also how Joni would just gaslight her and then also really confuse her. And I really believe it was a lot of spiritual abuse.”

Kenyon added that Suzy has a very sensitive conscience and was always agonizing over whether she was doing the right thing. “I feel like Joni really took advantage of the fact that Suzy has the fear of the Lord,” Kenyon added.

In 2024, Suzy said she began seeing Cassie Reid, founder of Cassie Reid Counseling, which helped her accept the truth of what had happened to her. She said when Kenyon called what happened to her “sexual assault,” she didn’t accept it.

“But when I started talking to Cassie, she broke it down for me, to call it what it is,” Suzy said. “And that doesn’t make me inferior to that man who made himself superior. It didn’t change my identity at all. Not a victim, just Suzy.”

Mentoring ends

According to Suzy, Joni’s mentoring came to an abrupt end in August 2021, when Joni sided with the man Suzy and Jonathan suspected of molesting their daughter.

The couples’ relationship with Joni became even more strained, they say, after Marcus died in November 2021, and within months, Joni began texting Doug Weiss, a recently divorced sex therapist.

Jonathan and Suzy do not believe Weiss had biblical grounds for divorce. But they say, when they tried to hold to their convictions, it led to major conflict with Joni. And eventually, it prompted Joni to fire Suzy in July 2023, the couple say.

Full details of that story and the saga of the couples’ last three years at Daystar will be revealed in our next article.

Julie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.



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78 Respuestas

  1. I pray that those things done in secret will be revealed and that the whole truth will come out. I pray that Jonathan’s and Suzy’s daughter will experience total emotional healing, along with Suzy. I cannot imagine a grandfather and grandmother betraying a granddaughter like Marcus & Joni have done– or sweeping the actions of the chiropractor under the carpet. And for what gain? Their dynasty? I pray for justice. I pray for total exposure. God is not mocked.

  2. Not a fun reality to deal with, but the truth has to come out. The days of using “Ministry” clout to control the narrative are long gone! … If there’s anyone you can trust, it’s The Coleman’s. So glad Suzy and Jonathan have had them in their lives💕

    1. Although I don’t know the Coleman’s We Thank GOD for Susy and Jonathan have been through the dark to see a great LIGHT.
      As to the Joni Lamb W part of it. She has made her grave 🪦 We decree Ps 109:8 for the Unjust leaders: Let their days be few now Let their positions be taken away given to the Just leaders pp I add in JESUS name. The Susy and Jonathan Lamb family Critics are wrong
      They are seeking Their daughter’s Vindication and have her mental health in mind as they shared their own hearts. If Pete is family or not Get him away where no one can hurt anyone else.
      I myself though I will be praying 🙏 PUSH Pray Until Something Happens usually PEACE that passes All understanding for Y’all… This reminds of my own emotional journey over 30 yrs ago. Therefore HOLY SPIRIT Come Refill Renew Rejuvenate revelate.

      1. I am so disappointed by all of this… I began to question a lot of things about this ministry. Although I am aware that we are not perfect only God is however I’m amazed that people of this magnitude extort there power and there attitudes in there own thoughts as if they are pulling the Wool over Gods eyes. Luke 17 speaks so clearly of this. Jonathan and Suzy the Lord has you in his hands… has this whole thing worked out. Vindication will be His. Deception is being exposed just like God said it would be. I Love You and I’m praying for you and your family. God use this for Your Glory🙌🏼♥️

    2. My heart goes out to Suzy and Johnathan, but I saw when Jimmy Evans came on Joni’s show to do the bidding for the donors and basically say that Doug had the OK to leave his wife and this union with Joni is from God. I wasn’t interested as to why Doug left his wife but I thought it weird that he was trying to convince people, at that point he looked like Joni’s errand boy, ( so fishy). People like Jimmy Evans and their prophetic friends profit by upholding Joni by getting their books endorsed and getting known. It is a real dysfunctional God club but without the real heart of God.

      1. Just like Robert Morris from gateway church had this big revealing and he stepped down and is gone . .. I feel maybe the same should be happening at daystar. Time for change over at daystar but it’s all in Gods hands . God is a God of Justice and truth 🙏❤️🙏

  3. As a victim of abuse, I am disgusted! This child is Joni’s granddaughter! I will no longer watch Daystar and as a nurse, I watched it every morning as I got ready for work. No more!! I just pray healing for Jonathan and Suzy’s family.

  4. As a victim of sexual abuse by a neighbor when I was 5 years, I find it appalling that Marcus and Joni didn’t stand by their granddaughter when they were told what happened. I carried my secret for 35 years because the predator told me that my dad would beat me to death and as a child you blame yourself. This child needs a lot of counseling and support from relatives and the predator need to be locked up and the key thrown away. Shame on Daystar. I won’t be watching anymore.

  5. I believe every word you said, Suzy. I pray that it all comes out and you receive vindication and healing. Joni is phony. She will protect her power at any cost. We knew in the Spirit you didn’t agree with the divorce and marriage, and you are not alone. We were grieved just looking at Joni’s sexy, not holy & modest, wedding dress. We no longer watch Daystar. We have no respect for those people. Stay strong and protect yourself and your children from them. I pray the truth will be uncovered and come to light. Thank you Julie Roys for being a source of healing for them!

    1. Susy and Jonathan and daughter and Son Lamb: We Decree ENOUGH In JESUS name. I have had attempted rape as a Naive 18 yr old. It took years to get over it Esp My own Biological Mother and Bonus Dad and Aunt Uncle and Grandma and Grandpa determined to never talk about it. But GOD is ABSOLUTELY GOOD regardless and HE let me talk about it until One day HOLY SPIRIT delivered me of that picture in my mind.
      I also have been Spiritually Abused at some of the churches I went to growing up. But GOD has kept me safe and got me away from some very manipulative Pastors. Because of my own experience . I have a inkling of what You are going Through. We release all Trauma uproot dis-ease esp mental health anguish abuse dissipate now in JESUS name. We know Jonathan and Suzy You’re first Priority is Your daughter’s Vindication. We Speak PEACE that passes All understanding over US esp Y’all in JESUS name.

  6. I believe every word you said, Suzy. I pray that it all comes out and you receive vindication and healing. Joni is phony. She will protect her power at any cost. We knew in the Spirit you didn’t agree with the divorce and marriage, and you are not alone. We were grieved just looking at Joni’s sexy, not holy & modest, wedding dress. We no longer watch Daystar. We have no respect for those people. Stay strong and protect yourself and your children from them. I pray ALL the truth will be uncovered and come to light. Thank you Julie Roys for being a source of help and healing for them!

  7. Here is the moral of this awful story….ALWAYS REPORT ABUSE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. If possible, prior to reporting, consult with a law firm that specifically represents clients following abuse, or with a related advocacy organization. (A survivor of abuse may need an experienced advocate present during questioning by police to mitigate re-traumatization). Do NOT contact the church, organization, the abuser or anyone affiliated with the situation. You don’t owe them a ‘heads up’ or an explanation, nor do you need anyone’s permission to protect yourself or loved ones. God Himself has given you that power! Let the police inform whoever needs to be! If necessary and true, warn law enforcement that others may be at risk.

  8. “I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”
    ‭‭Luke‬ ‭12‬:‭49‬-‭53‬ ‭KJV‬‬
    Gods Holy Spirit lives in a repentant hearted sinner, don’t think because your related that your automatically family because our families are those that do the will of the Lord. It is what it is, but it needs to be said, Jesus is not your God if that fire is not Him loving you despite of your sin. Fire has its purpose, to burn away the impurities, Suzy has flaws also but what makes her most beautiful and pure is her relationship with Jesus.

  9. This story seems like a couple that is hurt after the father passed away and they are not in the ministry anymore. I am actually surprised that the Roys report actually published this salacious articles accusing dead people who can’t defend themselves of sexual assault and then blaming the parent who it is very clear these kids are attacking. The scripture says to honor your father and your mother. This article is extremely disrespectful to these kids parents

    1. The Lambs, (Marcus & Joni) have scandals since 2010 stacked up like cordwood. Illicit affairs. Sexual harrassment. Vacations and dating junkets on a company private jet paid for by their ministry. Joni’s relationship with Doug Weiss reeks so bad I can smell it from here. It’s like something out of a Harold Robbins novel. Joni should be under investigation, right now, for failing to report the molestation reports of her granddaughter. She broke the law by not reporting that. You honor your father and mother up to the point they blatantly sin or break the law. Or tell you to cover up sexual assault. Honor your Father and Mother is not a free pass for your parents to sin and break the law. Would Jesus or the Apostle counsel someone to cover up sexual assault? In case you are unsure, the answer is “No.” Your post above aptly illustrates the most prominent problem with megachurch organizations like Daystar. That problem is the rational of “Cover everything up.” They want to keep wrong-doing a secret so the brand isn’t damaged when Jesus says expose wrong-doing to the light. If they are so dedicated to serving God, then why is this stuff going on in their “ministry?”

      1. Nicely said. I couldn’t agree with you more. These churches and Christian platforms LOVE to cover up things meanwhile deceiving the people. I’m not surprised about Joni Lamb. I used to pick up haughtiness, pride and control in her when I would watch her and Marcus on their evening show. My spirit never took to her. I haven’t watched Daystar in multiple years.

      1. Agreed Jonathan and Suzy are Mission minded They are not ‘in it to win it.’ They Love Our LORD and are being obedient to God’s Counsel. It says in the WORD: Those things that are hidden in the darkness Will be brought in to The LIGHT 💥 🪃 boomerangDivineReversalnowwealthtransferinJESUSnamewoohoo

    2. Hey Matt Baldwin, I’d like to let you in on a little secret – what you labeled here as being a salacious article by Julie Roys is only touching the tip of a huge iceberg of church based corruption that must be exposed. It’s because of a backlog of high profile cases like this one that the Roys Report lacks the bandwidth to take on a serious iceberg in my own backyard: Sexual Immorality Reportedly Committed and Covered Up Throughout History of Lords Recovery –

    3. I would hope and pray that you never go through what Jonathan and Suzy have to. May GOD be merciful and gracious to you…that’s all I’ll say!

    4. When a grandmother cares more about the reputation of her empire than protecting her little granddaughter something is very very rotten in Corporate Christianity. May Jesus, who loves children, heal and comfort the unnamed child. And, thanks to those who have mentioned their own abuse in this article. You have courage.

    5. We are to fear God, not man, and definitely not a mega corporation !
      We are to abstain from partaking in sinful deeds, as well as expose the sinful deeds we know about.
      To NOT protect this innocent child, or her mom is sinfully abominable !
      We are to protect, defend, and nurture the innocent, elderly, weak, and vulnerable at all costs.

    6. Julie Roy’s brought the receipts to back up the facts reported to her. We are to honor God above man, Jonathon has not dishonored his parents, he has been very respectful in the face of tremendous pain and opposition by his own parents.

      Ever read about Terra, Abraham’s father? Pretty interesting, not a very honorable man. Interesting how Abraham handled it.

    1. I sought and included comment from both sides. That said, I asked repeatedly for an interview with Joni Lamb, rather than written statements, but she has declined. That’s her prerogative. But when someone chooses to issue only written statements instead of speaking with a reporter and answering specific questions, I think it’s okay for people to use discernment and draw conclusions based on that.

      1. I knew something was wrong. Thank you for exposing the truth. I grieve this. I thought I loved this family, but I just loved their presentation it appears. Oh, Lord heal the broken hearted, both perpetrators and victims, in Jesus Name.

  10. Please know you have another Christian praying for you Suzy, Jonathon and your precious daughter… I’m so disgusted by Jonis behaviour!! I will not ever watch again! I just know God will turn this evil…..
    I’m so happy you have suzys family and other supports….keep close to them…. I’m praying Rebecca and Jonathon will do the right thing as well!! I’m sorry to say I was able to discern that things were not right with Joni….. Stay true…. God has his children….💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏 please know so so many are with you!!!

  11. We know everything we need to know about Joni… and Julie hasn’t even gotten to the financial and Doug part of this Daystar train wreck. I hope Daystar employees are looking for new jobs and partners who have been conned by this “ministry” will stop their payments. The Lord is exposing it all and restoring His church. Rebecca needs to speak out against what Daystar has become, she’s the only one in the bunch over there I have the least bit of hope for. Joni, Rachel, “Dr” Doug, and Josh have clearly been corrupted by platform building and greed. Bye Bye cover up culture

  12. ** “Over three years ago, in a thoroughly investigated and since resolved matter, it was confirmed that any allegations referencing sexual misconduct involving any Lamb family members were not credible and unfounded,” Daystar said. **

    When I read this, I asked myself, “How?” How did they “confirm” that the accusations were “not credible and unfounded”? Did they ask the alleged perpetrator, and that person said, “I didn’t do it?” Or what?

    1. Joni asks God if an allegation is true. That’s what she did for Suzy’s daughter. (According to the previous article.) He said it wasn’t, she claimed.

      Spiritual abuse allegations are starting to stack up against Joni Lamb. Prophetic manipulation and gaslighting (lies) are two.

      Now she’s acting like she’s superior. Look at her latest X post.

      joni cordero
      ”The one who conceals His sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them will find mercy.” – Proverbs 28:13
      5:14 PM · Nov 20, 2024

      What moral authority does she have to preach against sin? And what wisdom does she have citing that verse at a time like this?

      Is she going to confess her sins of lying about what God said and lying to Suzy? If not she should resign. Spiritual abusers should not be in leadership.

      1. “Joni asks God if an allegation is true.”

        That doesn’t sound like “investigation.”

        “Spiritual abusers should not be in leadership.”

        Estoy de acuerdo.

  13. The whole thing is disgusting and evil. I can only imagine the shock and horror that Jonathan and Rebecca are going through finding out the hard way what kind of people their parents really were. It has to be extremely heartbreaking.
    I can’t believe joni is stupid enough to ignore the obvious sign of God’s anger when her husband died 3 months after threatening to fire the truth speakers instead of firing the pedophile. If she doesn’t repent TODAY, I predict she too will be in Hell with marcus within a year.

  14. Root: something that is an origin or source

    They wanted to talk about “not” taking the covid vaccine – a lot.

    However, when he died at 64, they didn’t want to talk about his death being “from covid.”

    “The love of money is a root of all evil.” Timothy 6:10

    1. “The love of money is a root of all evil.” Timothy 6:10″

      Jesus disagrees, and points to the heart for evil, not money:

      Mateo 15:19
      “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:”

      Mark 7:21
      21 “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
      22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:
      23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.”

      1. Andrew: I like some of what you have written. To add to your point, it actually says “the love of money is the root of various kinds of evil. But the book of James tells us what the root of all evil is. Where there is strife, there is envy, confusion and every evil work.” James 3:16 Having said that, right this minute i support Johnathan and Suzy.

  15. I find the implication that Zionism and corrupt ministries are inherently linked a very troubling assertion. Zionists by definition are those who support the right of Jews to Israel, the land which God gave them starting in Genesis 12:1. He reiterated the same unconditional covenantal promise as he gave Abram to Isaac in Genesis 26:1-6 and to Jacob and Genesis 28:10-15. It is wise to take heed of the additional part of the covenant which says in Genesis 12:3, “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.”

  16. I may be one of the few people who has never heard of Daystar before this story broke. Most “Christian” television like this (think “The 700 Club,” the Trinity Broadcasting Network) is propaganda designed to get well-meaning people to part with their cash to support the luxurious prosperity-gospel lifestyles these televangelists live. Folks at Daystar and others like them have caused great harm to American Christianity. Is it any wonder that our congregations are emptying out? Don’t send money to these folks. And don’t watch them either. They may be amusing and entertaining, but they bring death to your very soul.

    1. I also had never watched Daystar, only recognized it as another “Christian”cable channel. That kind of programming doesn’t appeal to me even though there’s nothing more important than my faith.
      I had hopes that God redeems even this kind of thing for his glory and that there are people who come to know him in spite of everything that’s wrong about it.. I’m not sure that can be true anymore or not

      1. It’s like with a home renovation. If you discover the rot underneath is just too bad, the whole structure must be demolished. It sounds like that will be happening here.

  17. I went to an IG page based on the comments here and found post upon post upon post of MAGA trumpeting. I did not recognize anything let aligns with my faith, could not see any evidence of following the example of the life and teachings of Jesus.
    It is a cultural anti-gospel furer that has taken over the church.
    Seeking after wealth, power and influence is incompatible with representing Jesus. Once you have lost the true gospel it’s easy to promote other false teaching such as Zionism.

      1. I would say Zionism is believing that God’s promises to the Israelites regarding their land we’re not limited to the old covenant, but they apply to the modern state of Israel and are distinct from His promises to the Church.

        1. Tricia: God’s covenants are eternal. They do not change and they do not go unfullfilled. There are promises to Israel as both a people and a land that have not yet been fullfilled. There are promises made to the church that have yet to be fulfilled. If you are saying that God’s covenant with Israel was limited to the OT period you are actually saying that God will not keep His promises to His people. If He is not going to keep His promises to Israel, then how can you believe that He would keep His promises to us, His Church? We are grafted into Israel. It is not the other way around. For the Church to be grafted into Israel, there still has to be a seperate and distinct Israel to be grafted into, in this time frame, whether they have a specified land to occupy or not.

  18. The larger the Christian organization, the more they are prone to humanistic failures. The organization becomes more important to protect than the worship of Jesus. Smaller churches are one answer.

  19. Dear Suzy, You have been targeted because you have a prophetic gifting and calling on your life. You are a prayer warrior and deeply ingrained in knowing God’s Word. Your love for Jesus is deep and sincere. This has been an assignment against you like Job, and praise God Jonathan is loyal to you through all this and trusts and believes you! Thank you Jonathan! You are a strong man of Faith and you will find a wonderful job someplace else where you can use your skills to help others. Suzy, God’s not done with you and your prophetic ministry will blossom like the sunflowers once the storm is over. You both keep your chins up and pray God works on Ms. Joni. She has been under a power of deception. But she is not your God, our Lord Jesus Christ is, and at least we can thank her for her part in raising a son like Jonathan to take care of you and the children, and may you grow in the Great Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ day by day!

  20. Troy, “Pray for the peace of Israel. May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. For the sake of my brothers and friends I will say peace be within you. For the sake of the house of the Lord I will seek your prosperity.”

  21. Explain to all of us here exactly what you mean by “Zionist.” It’s an easy term to toss around when blaming someone for something when you haven’t defined what it is. The people that toss that word around but not defining what it means are the people who are usually trying to sell Replacement Theology, that the church they are a part of replaces Israel. And that theology is rotten to the core. Of course there are other people who like to drop “Zionists” into a sentence like you did above, and they are another horse of a decidedly different color.

  22. Another ministry going down in flames.
    If you value your ministry or your money or your reputation more than you love Jesus, or truth, or people, then you will end up with none of them.

  23. Thank you Ms. Roys, for your excellent (and impartial) reporting!

    As a Christian outsider looking in (and like the millions who have their opinions), my opinion is based solely on the reported information—so here goes!

    When I read the previous story about the Lamb’s little girl, my heart was incredibly grieved! I was stunned by Jonathan’s and Suzy’s accusations—and the silence offered from the Joni side (which spoke volumes).

    So obviously, we have to PRAY— for God’s divine intervention, His healing, and His justice. That said, we also should PRIORITIZE our prayers. My suggestions?

    1. Pray first and foremost for the protection and healing for that precious little angel (and for Suzy). Both mother and child are surely traumatized!

    2. Pray fervently for Jonathan and Suzy—that they may clearly hear from Holy Spirit, stand strong, and act as He directs!

    3. Pray for the entire Lamb family (even the alleged culprit). The body of Christ must consider (and be concerned about) Joni Lamb and her actions prior to and during this situation since this information has “come to light” (no pun intended)!

    4. Lastly, (and this might sting many believers), pray that the Lambs remove themselves AND that their board of directors be replaced from this ministry. Sell that unneeded (and expensive jet) purchased by Christian donations! God will surely provide!

    Finally Christian family, I am suggesting that you no longer donate to DayStar Ministries, simply because one innocent has been harmed! Remember what Jesus said about the “millstone” to those who harm the innocent? Jesus has got this! He will expose the evil and He will provide the much needed healing and justice for this family and ministry!

    Again, my opinions, and a bit harsh, but they had to be said. May God bless you!

    1. If you give to ANY organization – religious or secular – know how to turn your donations OFF in the event that you determine you can no longer donate to it in good conscience. If the organization refuses to do so, tell your financial institution to no longer process any donations from it.

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