(Opinion) – Four days after our exposición inicial of alleged sex abuse and cover-up at Daystar TV, El Informe Roys (TRR) received a letter from Daystar’s attorney, accusing TRR and me of furthering a “smear campaign” and demanding retractions.
Ambas cosas TRR and our attorney, christine n jones, who also serves on TRR’s board, have examined Daystar’s demand letter. As documented in Jones’ response letter, Daystar failed to show that any of TRR’s reporting was inaccurate. As a result, TRR will not submit to Daystar’s demand for retractions.
The 10-page letter from Daystar claimed that our first article, published Nov. 20, 2024, contained “false allegations of sexual assault concerning Jonathan and Suzy Lamb’s daughter.”
"El entire premise (emphasis in original letter) for the article is a total fabrication built on baseless accusations of sexual abuse and a supposed cover-up,” the letter from Attorney Michael D. Anderson states. “To that extent, every statement published by you and The Roys Report should be retracted immediately.”
The letter then lists 28 statements in the article it claims are false.
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For example, the letter takes issue with the title of the article, “Former Daystar Executive & Wife Accuse Joni Lamb of Covering Up Daughter’s Sexual Abuse.” In rebuttal, the letter simply states, “This statement expressly and falsely accuses Joni Lamb of covering up sexual abuse of Jonathan and Suzy Lamb’s daughter. She did not do so.”
The letter also takes issue with a follow-up artículo TRR published on Nov. 21, 2024, entitled, “Suzy Lamb Says She Was Pressured to Hide Her Sexual Assault.”
“This headline is preposterous,” the letter states. “No one at Daystar ever pressured Suzy to ‘hide her sexual assault.’ Like the November 20el article, the entire premise (emphasis in original letter) for the November 21S t article is a total fabrication built on baseless accusations of sexual abuse and a supposed cover-up. To that extent, every statement published by you and The Roys Report should be retracted immediately.”
The problem with Daystar’s letter is that it fails to provide any evidence supporting its bold assertion that what TRR published is false. And as Jones states in our response letter, truth is “an absolute defense to a claim of defamation.”
“Merely describing the statement as ‘false’ is not enough,” Jones writes. “‘Every plaintiff in every libel case will testify that he or she believes the published statements are false. If this were the only requirement . . . anyone could overcome it merely by filing a libel suit and expressing the opinion that the defendant’s statements were false.’ Dallas Morning news Co. v. Garcia . . .”
Jones adds that in actions against news organizations, “‘the defense [of truth] . . . applies to an accurate reporting of allegations made by a third party regarding a matter of public concern.’”
In other words, if the alleged false statements were made by a third party and then reported by TRR, Daystar needs to meet two standards. One, it needs to prove the statements were false. And two, it needs to prove that TRR inaccurately reported the allegations as they were told to TRR by the third party.
So, in response to Daystar’s allegation that the title of our first article, “Former Daystar Executive & Wife Accuse Joni Lamb of Covering Up Daughter’s Sexual Abuse,” is false, Jones writes: “This is not false.
“Jonathan Lamb, former (D)aystar executive, and his wife, Suzy Lamb, tener accused Joni Lamb of covering up their daughter’s sexual abuse. Contrary to your assertion, this statement does not, in itself, ‘expressly and falsely accuse’ Joni Lamb of covering up sexual abuse of Jonathan and Suzy Lamb’s daughter.’ Rather, the inclusion of this language constitutes TRR’s accurate reporting of an allegation by a third party regarding a matter of public concern.”
Daystar makes other similar blunders in its letter. For example, the letter claims that the following statement by TRR is false: “[W]hen her husband, then-Director of Operations Jonathan Lamb, told his parents about it, they buried the assault, . . .”
However, Jones writes: “The full quote from Article II here reads, ‘But when her husband, then-Director of Operations Jonathan Lamb, told his parents about it, they buried the assault, both Jonathan and Suzy told The Roys Report (TRR) in an exclusive interview.” (Emphasis added).
“Statement 2 of Article II constitutes TRR’s accurate reporting of Jonathan and Suzy Lamb’s allegations regarding a matter of public concern,” states Jones’ response letter.
In the interest of transparency, we are publishing Daystar’s complete demand letter and our response below.
Daystar’s Demand Letter – Nov. 24, 2024
Daystar_Demand_Letter_RedactedEl Informe Roys’s Response Letter – Nov. 27, 2024
11.27.2024_TRR_Response_to_DaystarJulie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.
59 Respuestas
Is this attempt to get Julie and team to recolor their news, rooted in right vs wrong, or anger and pride that blinds one to their own short comings? If Joni indeed used intimidation and manipulation on her own son and daughter in law to subvert truth towards a desired narrative, then this demand letter is in keeping with one who uses such tactics. Hard to believe Joni’s attorney agreed to send that letter. I guess he figured it was worth a shot and couldn’t hurt.
I think it’s called the kitchen sink case. Joni’s lawyer is throwing everything at you they can, hoping some if it will stick. Shameful. So disappointed in Daystar. It didn’t take them long to destroy everything. Prayers for Jonathan and his family.
And they’ve apparently been sending threats to every Christian YouTuber who has covered the story as well. Attempts at damage control that only increase the damage to their own reputation.
It was likely intended more for the benefit of Daystar’s supporters: it allows Joni to say that the network is a “victim of spiritual warfare” but is taking action to counter “Satan’s works”.
Good for you, Julie, keep standing strong for truth and righteousness. Tragic that Joni and Daystar doesn’t yet recognize their need to humble themselves and repent, but let us all keep praying that they will soon do so, for their own sake as well as everyone else’s. The most important person in all of this is that precious little daughter of Jonathan’s, that’s why it’s so necessary that no one bows to Daystar’s bullying. Repentance must come.
Rather than merely demanding retraction, it seems that the Daystar attorney letter–point by point–outlines a radically different telling of this story. In the interest of factual reporting, it seems worth reporting the version of events as told by “both sides.” For example, the Daystar description of what transpired (point 3 and following) seems plausible and differs entirely from what we have read up to this point. Without any idea as to whose version of the truth is accurate, the info contained in the Daystar attorney letter seems newsworthy to this reader.
The Roys Report reached out to Daystar and Joni Lamb with specific questions about the allegations before publishing any articles. Daystar responded with a statement that did not mention the alternative narrative mentioned in #3 of the demand letter. Had Daystar done that, we would have reported it then. That said, we are reporting this alternative narrative now by publishing Daystar’s letter.
Thank you for responding. Yes, I do remember that you had reached out to Daystar. It seems unfortunate that they chose not to provide their version of events. Without both sides and a full telling of any story it’s hard to accurately assess what may have actually occurred, or whether there were just differing perceptions of a given event.
Seems like this article, along with previous articles, offers a fair and balanced (at least IMO) articulation of the various sides to this story. That is, if people are willing to do the necessary due diligence and read the Daystar attorney’s letter AND the response by TRR’s attorney.
Exactly what I wrote in previous articles in other sites. In order for it to be classified as “untrue”, it must first be proven untrue or proven it was misrepresented from the original source. Joni Lamb saying “I’m right and Jonathan and Suzy are wrong” is not the legal standard of proof. That’s her version – not the truth. What is being reported in these articles are allegations against a public figure, exactly what every other newspaper does. Take it to court first and prove it’s a lie and then go after the ones who are making the allegations, not the media sources reporting on it truthfully. In my humble opinion (and I could be wrong), Joni Lamb appears to be attempting to control the narrative by silencing the media. Leave the media alone and let them do their job.
Hang in there. God will handle this His way. Anyone with an ounce of a brain and any desernment will know what is truth and not truth. God is our great Judge. It’s a shame that Daystar got too big for them to handle and depended on $$$$ instead of Father God. SELF got in the way and it had a terrible ripple effect, hurting many others along the way. Keep the TRUTH IN FRONT. God says, “Vengeance is Mine,, I will repay.”
Blessings to all His children.
I get very uncomfortable when someone says that “anyone with half a brain” can see the truth of a matter and even tie it into spiritual discernment, as if any of us who are spiritual enough can determine the truth based on articles we read.
I trust TRR to report fairly and with high integrity. We can be persuaded and form opinions on these matters, but I am well aware that we are far from being able to know without a doubt when someone is telling the truth, a lie, or is deceived or even simply has a misperception of something that happened.
That’s why I think it is so important that Daystar submit to a third party investigation to determine what happened. A little girl’s life is worth every effort to find out the truth. If what Daystar says in their response has any truth to it, they will be able to back up those claims. If Jonathan and Suzy are truthful in all their claims, justice needs to be served.
According to Jonathan and Suzy, none of Joni’s kids or their spouses agreed with Joni’s marriage to Weiss. They all believed Weiss lacked biblical grounds for divorcing his wife, and that by marrying him, Joni was committing adultery.
Just two months before the wedding, a longtime friend of Daystar, Denise Boggs of Living Waters Ministry, wrote an impassioned letter to Joni’s family, urging them to intervene. Boggs not only knew Joni well but had also counseled Doug Weiss and Lisa Weiss just prior to their divorce.
Boggs wrote that she had voiced concerns about Weiss to Joni “but she refused to hear me.” Now, Boggs said Joni was “under a spirit of deception” due to Weiss’ influence.
“He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” Boggs wrote. “(H)e is of no caliber for such a high platform.”
She added, “Joni didn’t endorse divorce until she came under his deception. Using the Daystar platform, the enemy has successfully mocked the marriage covenant using one of the strongest Christian TV (n)etwork’s (sic) in the nation.”
denise boggs
On Jun. 16, 2021, Pastor Denise Boggs appears on Daystar TV. (Video screengrab)
Jonathan told TRR that he gathered his family to confront Joni two days after receiving the letter. But Joni allowed “each person no more than 60 seconds to share their heart . . . says all she sees from us is fear and rushes out the door to go fly off to New York with Doug,” Jonathan sai
I don’t know how much they depended on money , there was enough there to go on a $100,000 honeymoon , I was a faithful financial giver , esp for heart for the world , Israel , now I’m wondering if my money actually went to Israel ,
They said they don’t keep a dime , with all the lies that have been going on , I really wonder if that’s a lie too , feeling traumatized over this ,
They are in too deep to repent
They will lose more supporters , such a shame ,
Supporters deserve a public apology and accountability
As stated previously on this site, ALWAYS GO TO THE POLICE FIRST. Who goes to their mother-in-law when they believe their child has been molested, particularly when they believe the molester is a family member?
THE POLICE, people. That’s what they’re there for. It is law enforcement that should handle all potential child abuse investigations, not some church matron with a financial stake in the outcome.
And, Julie, thanks for trying to do the right thing. I sincerely hope you have covered all bases and crossed all your “ts” because this could get very ugly.
They did call the police! But the police closed the case due to insufficient evidence. At first they thought it happened at school… It was later they suspected a family member.
The child should never of spoke to Joni alone
A child does not lie & Peter needs to be charged children do not lie about this
It’s a cover up to protect Pete,
A person who molested children to not do it in public they are sneaky,
This really needs to be investigated,
Question? Why does Joni go by Lamb ,that not her married name anymore,
I pray this is blown wide open to get to the bottom of this,
The bible says clean your own house hold up before telling others about the Lord,
Their household needs to do that
Yes, when a child discloses sexual abuse, go to the police first. But let’s not criticise Suzy for going to her mother-in-law Joni first.
Suzy had been trained and conditioned to trust Joni and to submit to her parents-in-law, Joni and Marcus Lamb. That kind of conditioning amounts to spiritual brainwashing. Don’t blame the victims of brainwashing!
Let’s praise Suzy and Jonathan for escaping that cultish control and for going to the police when they did!
Any person who takes another’s spouse as their own (the breaking of Covenant which YHWH has established and joined together and He implicitly warns to let no man tear apart what He has joined) while the spouse is yet living is capable of any other twisted act in this life: especially the resolute refusal to exact justice in the criminal act of paedophelia.
This is serious. YHWH is watching, and He will act, soon, when His Son Yahshua our Righteous King returns to rule and to reign from Yerushalayim.
Julie Julie Julie! Why don’t you tell all? What about the letter you received from Daystar’s Attorney dated November 18, 2024 that states, “Curiously, at one point, Jonathan offered to resolve all differences if he would simply be appointed future President of Daystar.”? You are controlling the narrative if you don’t reveal everything.
We linked to a PDF of the complete letter you reference in our first article. Here’s the link: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:dec575f7-6dfc-47f2-85dc-041a34ca60e3
Very rarely does any news organization publish entire statements. Instead, they pull the most relevant portions and link to the full document for people to review. That’s what we did in keeping with standard journalistic practices.
Stop drinking the Daystar Kool-Aid!! It should have been obvious to anyone with a modicum of discernment that Daystar was a corrupt organization even before this latest scandal. If you still can’t see it I really question which “god” you’re serving.
Cliff, if you think my comment infers that I am taking sides, you’ve made a ridiculous assumption and your judgment toward me is way-off base. I am a person who happens to believe in the truth being told on all sides and reserving my opinions because I still believe in the US judicial system rather than arm-chair judges and juries like yourself to adjudicate allegations.
Gee, I don’t know how I could have read your comment and assumed you were taking sides (sarcasm)
Pete’s attorney, Mark Daniel, says Pete emphatically denies the allegations he “engaged in some form of improper contact with a child.” What constitutes “contact”?
I think what the world wants to know, at this point, is what was he doing in a little girl’s 3rd floor bedroom while she’s naked? When he had already made it a point to tell Suzy he was in a bathroom stark naked with the girl, when she accidentally walked in on him, allegedly. This is what stinks to high heaven. Not to mention his reaction with Jonathan.
And to say well, look at all the times the parents allowed their child around Pete after the bedroom incident, that must throw out all these allegations of wrong doing, especially because he went to that counselor they all loved and trusted. You are missing the FACT that S&J had been told Pete had been investigated by her and was cleared of wrongdoing. When Suzy found out that wasn’t true and they’d been lied to, that is what made everything turn around in a 180° for mama bear Suzy and Jonathan. That is why Jonathan was MAD he had lost his legacy, over a lie. I wonder if Marcus knew the truth. And Jonathan was ready to do battle with some negotiations to get back what was rightfully his. That’s my take, as a part of the “Daystar Family” which I was invited into about 20 years ago.
Preach Mr. Charmon
Daystar is a business with a facade; a studio, band, singers with a “prosperity gospel ” tone and a social Christian platform that interviews some “Questionable” christian guests who have been elevated as some Special Godly clan. The ministry has thrived off of donations of christians and non-christian t.v. entertainment watchers, many whom have been misled by the message of genuine Christianity. One can not buy their “salvation as it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.” Ephisians 8:9] Joni Lamb, Doug Weiss and all the other fallible human beings are just as sinful in nature as the next. You can not sing your faith or pretend to have all the answers when you have a Messiah complex that wants everyone else to to bow the knee to you because your ministry has been a success over the years under false sinful pretenses.
From the recorded meeting of Joni & Jimmy Evans with Jonathan (& Suzy), it seems Jonathan’s concession was about a new contract that would give security & protection to his future legacy as Daystar President. In return, he would agree not to publicly speak negatively about Doug or Joni’s marriage.
This suggestion had NOTHING to do with the alleged SA of his daughter by a family member. (And at that time, Jonathan and Suzy thought this family member had been exonerated. They later found out they had been lied to about that investigation.) Then they no longer cared about his job legacy. They are pursuing justice for their daughter & the truth.
Also, in Oct 2023, Jonathan & Suzie thought the family member had been cleared by the 2021 counselor investigation.
It wasn’t until November that they found out that was Not true. At that point, they only cared about justice for their daughter, regardless of Jonathan’s rightful legacy.
Is Daystar attempting to shut down the First Amendment which includes Freedom of Speech and more importantly, Freedom of the Press? Did Daystar send a similar letter to Jonathan and Suzy? Why has Daystar taken this matter into the legal arena now? Seems to be a further attempt to justify what is being done and Daystar is digging a deeper and deeper hole, one of which the ministry may never recover. This is a blight on the ministry GOD led Marcus Lamb to establish and also a blight on Marcus Lamb’s good name. GOD brings evil and sin to light in ways that can never be imagined. GOD bless Jonathan and Suzi for being that vehicle. Thank you Roys Report for reporting this story.
Marcus Lamb’s good name!? 😂He committed adultery. He used he used government covid bail out money to buy a private jet. That “christians” can’t discern when a “ministry” is a fraud, that is really troubling.
Daystar is a business with a facade; a studio, band, singers with a “prosperity gospel ” tone and a social Christian platform that interviews some “Questionable” christian guests who have been elevated as some Special Godly clan. The ministry has thrived off of donations of christians and non-christian t.v. entertainment watchers, many whom have been misled by the message of genuine Christianity. One can not buy their “salvation as it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.” Joni Lamb, Doug Weiss and all the other fallible human beings are just as sinful in nature as the next. You can not sing your faith or pretend to have all the answers when you have a Messiah complex that wants everyone else to to bow the knee to you because your ministry has been a success over the years under false sinful pretenses.
This is so extremely upsetting. I’m so bothered at the fact Joni told her own son he’d be under a curse and not only him but his whole family. And so pressured him to submit to her and With Jimmy Evans by her side steadily encouraging her to not accept anything less than their total submission because she was the voice of God(?) A Godly mother speaks Blessings over her children not that her son and his family will be under a curse. I can’t get over how wrong that is. God bless and raise up Jonathan and Susie to be used mightily of God. I’ll speak blessings over them even if I’m not his mother. Pray change comes speedily in Jesus name.
I’ve never followed Daystar (or Jimmy Evans) but I’m following this story, watching to see if it’s God’s sovereign will for Daystar to continue or end.
The legal threats administered to many, the strong arm tactic to shut down reporting and discussion…comply or else…mimics the deliberate tactic used against Jonathan and Suzy. Joni seemed to purposefully target them, when she could’ve requested any staff member to read a viewer’s nice comment (if indeed that wasn’t fabricated) about Doug. Why must it come from Jonathan’s lips? Could not Joni have read the compliment to Doug herself and avoided all confrontation with her son and daughter-in-law? Yes. That’s what makes it disturbingly intentional to demand blind submission or leave.
(And Jimmy Evans’ comments were dumbfoundedly outrageous.)
Then Joni attempted to squash the alleged story of her granddaughter’s SA that she and Marcus wanted kept secret by declaring God told her “Pete” was innocent. Well, God doesn’t lie. Now, due to mishandling the circumstances at the time, she’s finally being confronted with the effects of the alleged truth coming out. Now the tables have turned…submit to telling the truth or Daystar may be in danger of leaving television. If that’s God’s will, no amount of lawyer’s threats can thwart it from happening.
I might add that apparently Doug’s blasphemous comment that “Christ died so we could have great sex” had no lasting negative effect on Joni. That unbiblical mindset didn’t disqualify him from becoming her husband?! nor kicked off the show forever?! Unbelievable!
He’s got another gem on this sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzIChwkxzcI&ab_channel=UnashamedTruthteller
Roger, I can hardly believe somebody could make statements like that. That video is just sickening .Do the supporters of Daystar think that garbage would ever be spoken by Jesus,Moses, the prophets, or apostles? People supporting Daystar can’t be reading Bibles or they would never fall for this garbage.
Roger – Thank you for the link to Doug Weiss’ very own teachings.
Disgusting. Also, a sad reflection on how he remained in ‘ministry’ for so long. Why would anyone want to listen to this?
Vulgar. How is he behind any pulpit pretending to be teaching scripture? Who would invite him to stand in front of their congregation and teach such vulgarity? Why wasn’t he stopped instantly and thrown off the stage? or at least, why did not those listening promptly exit the building, leaving him standing there all alone? Sadly, it appears he’s been enabled to carry on with his ashamedly vulgar message within the church, disguised as some sort of Christianity. And Joni fell in love with it. Wow!
Exactly very offensive 2 me as well 😒 what Doug said. Very blasphemous in my opinion also ! Very sick 😷
Pathetic attempts at damage control by Daystar. They’re sending these same type of cease and desist type letters to many YouTube channels as well, all for merely reporting that accusations have been made. Reporting on an accusation is of course not an accusation in of itself, so I’m not sure what Daystar and their lawyers are thinking. If the accusations are not true, there should be no issue with anyone reporting on them, and much more importantly there should be no objection to law enforcement conducting a proper investigation.
Sure sounds like all the bluster that came out of Morningstar & ihopkc. Thankfully, Daystar is almost finished.
Even worse than IHOPKC and Morningstar at least they didn’t send cease and desist letters to Youtubers! If anybody is rebellious and not submitted to God it is JL and her daughters and sons in law and her hubby DW and JE very ungodly behavior and words from all of them ugh!
Joni’s purported constant assertions to her son that his convictions regarding her marriage and her unwillingness to appropriately investigate their claims regarding their daughter constitutes the influence of various evil spirits is a very common manipulative tactic with no agenda other than to maintain control. Doctrinally, the position is a form of superstition common in certain Pentecostal circles, and has no place in a true believer’s paradigm. Her “voice of God” claim borders on blasphemy, intended or not. Her son and DIL have some hard days ahead, but have right and truth on their side, I believe, while this dubious network and its leadership do not.
I sense the Streisand effect coming into play. . . . .
From what I saw, Charisma published only Joni Lamb’s statement, and did not balance it with any other facts or voices. Thank you for reporting the truth. Luke 12:2 says There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. Cover-ups don’t last.
Jimmy Evans or so , is big big time also into Bible Prophesy – he said in 2022 or 2023 – the Rapture has to happen that year on the Feast Of Trumpets – was spell bound by him and always wondered if the Rapture was round the corner why he still needed his wig …for a guy like me – now it all adds up , the guy and his Madame Boss all about money .Only now, I also realized Benny Hinn who shows up on Daystar during money collection only mostlly – he is another con man – but had donated to all these folks in the past and my family was feeling sorry for me .
Which parent would make up a lie to say their baby daughter was touched inappropriately ? but shocking were the words made by Madam Mama – that suzy had her son by his Balls ! was such a big follower of this Madam mama too – looks like she was sex starved by her late hubby and wanted the new sex therapist so badly .
Sad that Joni is a very different person in private than she displayes in her public persona and profile. The truth rises to the top eventually.
Hi Julie. Thank you for all you do. You do an excellent job. It is much needed. In the second paragraph of your report above you say ‘Both TRR and our attorney, Christine N. Jones, who also serves on TRR’s board, have examined Daystar’s demand letter. As documented in Jones’ response letter, Daystar failed to show that any of TRR’s reporting was inaccurate. As a result, TRR will not submit to Daystar’s demand for retractions.‘
I strongly support your journalism, even from distant Brisbane, Australia. For this reason I respectfully express my concern that there may be a conflict of interest disclosed in the quoted sentence above. Ms Jones is a director on your Board (of the company that is TRR) and has the legal duties to the company mandated by that role. At the same time she occupies (at least on this occasion) a professional relationship with the Board (that is, the company) with associated duties as a lawyer to a client, and has provided advice to the Board which the Board has acted upon. Furthermore, as a lawyer she is also an officer of the relevant Court.
Surely there is a perceived conflict of interest, if not an actual conflict between her role as a director on the Board, and as a lawyer giving professional advice to the Board of which she is a member. They involve different legal duties. How can each role be guaranteed to be fearlessly and objectively fulfilled. Wouldn’t the objectivity of any legal advice the Board acts upon be far more transparent if the legal advice being provided was by a lawyer NOT on your Board.
Hey Geoff, TRR appreciates your support and thoughtful comment. We can assure you that there is no conflict of interest here, even with Ms. Jones serving on TRR’s board and operating as its counsel. Ms. Jones takes the separation of her roles seriously and approaches each with the utmost integrity. In addition, TRR is fully aware of the dynamics involved in a board member serving as the organization’s attorney, and knows when it would become necessary to seek other counsel. In the present circumstances, where all interests are aligned, Ms. Jones’ representation of TRR is permissible under applicable ethical rules here in the States. We thank you again for your support and your concern for TRR’s best interests, all the way from Brisbane.
Only Joni and Jonathan and Suzy can resolve this. Don’t get caught in the whirlwind. This should have been dealt with correctly from the very beginning when the child sex abuse occurred. It’s none of anyone’s business who Joni married. That’s her own thing. The main issue with me is the innocent little girl. Why didn’t her parents take care of this correctly from the start? That’s my real question. Why did they allow Marcus and Joni to control them? What triggerred Jonathan and Suzy to reopen the case? It’s unwise of Jonathan to have written that email regarding his demand to be President. Not a wise move. Now there is a question of an underlying motive. The solution, dissolve Daystar. Suzy and Jonathan focus on getting the justice for the little one and move on with their own lives and create their own media ministry. As for Joni and Doug? For some reason, i feel like they both have narcissistic issues…my opinion. These two elderlies have some growing up to do, spiritually. Just let these family be. Let the legal system take care of this. There is such a thing as a discovery phase, so let the legal authorities find the truth. Pray for the child.
The excerpt of Jonathan’s email that Joni shared is manipulative, to put him in a bad light. His entire email is at the end of the Nov 25 Roy’s Report, and is about a new contract proposal that would protect his legacy as Marcus’s son.
The trigger to reopen the case was finding out they were lied to about the family member being cleared by the counselors. (I think in the first RR, Nov 20.)
Clarification: The info about Jonathan’s proposed new contract is in his email of Oct 3,2023, shown at the end of TRR, Nov 25,2024.
Joni shared only an Excerpt of this email in her first statement, in which she claimed blackmail.
In reality, it was Jonathan’s response to her list of 13 demands if he & Suzie were to be reinstated at Daystar, in their original positions.
(This list is also linked in the article; it’s all about protecting Doug.)
I agree with much of what you say; unfortunately, the question of the marriage becomes the rest of the family’s business when in the context of their professional roles they are being forced to read statements of support for that marriage on the air, ones that don’t reflect the truth.
Also, there is little the police can do at this point. They attempted to open a case against this family member but the child refused to make any statements. This may change in the future, but they are in legal limbo until then.
A cease and desist (or demand) letter works much better if you have an actual bite to follow the bark. If they know TRR, they’d simply give a rebuttal interview that I’m quite confident TRR would publish.
These stories are just another example – symptom – of the hideous, divisive, greedy, opportunistic and cunning nature of American capitalism.
It make people think they can aspire to it, others believe its unpatriotic to question and challenge it, while others assume its completely ok for it to be hand in glove with Christianity.
I listen to the interview with Jimmy Evans comments were made for the extent that Joni was Jonathan’s spiritual leader that he should submit to everything she wants as the president of Daystar and not question what he has asked to do and if he does he’s considered in Rebellion my question to Joni is was she in complete submission to everything that her husband asked her to do regarding the show when they had it together or did she question some of his ideas and decide something else but she always in complete submission to what he thought should be done with Daystar I’m sure the answer is no so it was good for her as a wife to be nonsubmissive should be okay for Jonathan to question things he isn’t in agreement with
Something interesting I’ve noticed regarding the situation with Daystar vs. other televangelism and megachurch scandals over the years, and that is that in addition to most of the Christian media being as quiet as a church mouse on this story (possibly due to intimidation if what happened with Charisma pulling their original story and then running what amounted to a repeat of Joni’s press release), the part that strikes me as odd is that (at least on a national level) there doesn’t seem to be much of any traditional media coverage on this story given the severity of both the sexual abuse by “Pete” and the elder Lambs’ subsequent cover-up.
All that comes to mind now is…VERY weird people!
Daystar and Joni are like wounded animals right now. And there is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal, especially if it is cornered. The only solution to put it down as quickly and as aggressively as possible.
I am reminded of the wise words of Francis Chan, “We’ve got to stop giving people reasons not to believe in God.”