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Tracked, Followed, Fired: Jonathan & Suzy Lamb Recount Daystar’s Alleged Intimidation Tactics

Por Julie Roys
jonathan lamb tracker tracking device
In a video released on Dec. 7, 2024, Jonathan Lamb (right) shows the tracking device that was attached to his car, as seen in footage he later obtained, inset image. (Video screengrab / Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson)

On Nov. 7, 2023, Jonathan Lamb said he felt a nudge in his spirit to check the security feeds at Daystar TV.

As vice president of the worldwide Christian TV network, Lamb had access to all the cameras on Daystar’s property. On one feed, he saw Daystar’s head of security, Shannon Kelly, open the trunk of Jonathan’s company car and reach around inside.

(Video Source: Jonathan Lamb)

At the time, Jonathan’s relationship with his mother, Daystar TV President Joni Lamb, had grown adversarial. So, he immediately suspected Kelly had put a tracker in his car.

Jonathan told El Informe Roys (TRR) he called and confronted Kelly, who denied the notion.

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But the next day, a mechanic found a tracker in the trunk.

jonathan lamb
Jonathan Lamb shows a tracking device to journalist and broadcaster, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, on her broadcast Dec. 7, 2024. (Video screengrab)

That was the first time in Daystar’s nearly 30-year history that the ministry had put a tracker in a company vehicle, Jonathan told TRR. But beginning in July 2023, when Jonathan and his wife, Suzy, refused to read a viewer comment praising Joni’s marriage to Doug Weiss, the couple became targets of Joni’s bullying, intimidation, and spying, they say.

After he found the tracker, Jonathan said Joni’s assistant called him and claimed Daystar had put trackers in all company vehicles shortly after the death of Jonathan’s father, Daystar co-founder Marcus Lamb, in November 2021.

Pero Shannon Kelly’s expense report, which Jonathan shared with TRR, shows trackers were purchased almost two years after that, in October 2023.

TRR reached out twice to Daystar, asking when the ministry put the tracker in Jonathan’s car and why, but Daystar did not respond.

On Nov. 16, 2023, Daystar demanded that Jonathan sign an NDA or be stripped of his role as a Daystar executive and board member.

Several months later, Daystar demoted Jonathan and reduced his salary 40%. The ministry also fired both of Suzy’s parents, who were also Daystar employees.

Then, at 5:38 p.m.  on Sept. 6, 2024, Jonathan and Suzy discovered they were being followed by a private investigator. The couple released video to TRR showing a purple car following the couple as they drove with their children on local streets.

Jonathan also gave TRR video of him confronting the man driving the purple car at 6:27 p.m. on Sept. 9, 2024. On the video, Jonathan asks the man who he is, and he responds, “an investigator.” The man also says he can’t disclose who hired him.

The car’s license plate is registered to Jameson Bradley Parker, a private investigator. TRR reached out to Daystar twice, specifically asking if the ministry or Joni had hired Parker, but Daystar did not respond.

Jonathan and Suzy say they can’t imagine anyone else who might hire an investigator to tail them.

Yet, Daystar’s heavy-handed tactics have only strengthened the couple’s resolve, they say. And Jonathan said the incident with tracker has convinced him that God is helping him and Suzy expose Daystar.

“The chances of me to feel in my spirit to pull up the cameras at the exact moment—and there’s like over 30 cameras—to have that camera pulled up of the security guard, opening up my trunk, reaching his hand in, and fiddling around the trunk area for a good 30 seconds, I was just like, ‘He put something in my car!’” Lamb told broadcaster Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson la semana pasada.

More demands

Como reported previously by TRR, the relationship between Joni, Jonathan, and Suzy became especially contentious after a meeting in July 2023 when Joni and her ally, jimmy evans, told the couple more than 100 times to submit.

Joni was offended that the couple would not read a viewer comment praising her marriage to Doug Weiss, and told them they could not say no. But the couple believed Weiss lacked biblical grounds to divorce his first wife and refused to back down.

So, Joni fired Suzy.

suzy joni lamb
In 2022, Suzy Lamb (left) and Joni Lamb appear on Daystar TV, at the network’s studios in Bedford, Texas (Photo: Facebook)

Two days after the contentious meeting, Jonathan envió un correo electrónico to his mother, confronting her behavior.

“You both (Joni and Evans) emasculated me by saying my wife has ‘my balls in her hands’ (emphasis in original) and you both laughed and mocked us,” Jonathan wrote. “. . . You told me I’m not a good leader and that my wife has no ministry and would have nothing without you and Daystar.”

Jonathan told his mother he would not return to her program, Ministry Now, without his wife. He also asked for a meeting to clarify “where I stand with my choice.”

Joni replied that Jonathan’s email was “a mischaracterization” of the meeting and that she would take some time to pray and seek counsel before scheduling a follow-up meeting.

Jonathan responded that things were “completely out of hand” and “(w)e urgently need to meet about this matter.” However, Joni remained resolute.

About a month later, Jonathan and Suzy met with Daystar board member Tom Calender to express their concerns about Joni’s marriage to Weiss and the way she and Evans had treated the couple, they told TRR.

Initially, Calender shared their concerns about Joni’s marriage, Jonathan told TRR. But Calender completely changed his position after speaking to Joni, Jonathan said.

TRR reached out to Calender for comment, but he did not reply.

Jonathan, Joni, and Calender met several times over the next month without resolving the impasse. Meanwhile, Daystar viewers were asking why Jonathan and Suzy were no longer on TV.

On Sept. 20, 2023, Jonathan and Suzy confirmed on social media that they were not leaving Daystar, but also said they “don’t have a timeline” for when they would be back on air.

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Instagram post from Sept. 20, 2023 (Screengrab)

Eight days later, Daystar gave Jonathan and Suzy Joni’s 13 requirements for them to return to on-air roles.

This included keeping their opinions about Joni’s marriage and Jimmy Evans to themselves. The list required the couple to get approval from Joni, Calender, and Daystar’s CFO before posting on social media about Daystar.

Joni also demanded that the couple “destroy all recordings of meetings with Jimmy Evans and Joni,” as well as “any recordings of private comments Joni shared with Suzy about sex and marriage involving Doug.”

In return, Joni stated she would not require the couple to endorse her marriage. The couple would also be allowed to return to Ministry Now.

en un Oct. 3 reply, Jonathan called the demands “overreaching . . . and missing essential terms.”

Jonathan then asked that Suzy be reinstated, calling Joni’s abrupt firing of her “petty, harmful, and disappointing.”

He also asked for a contract “that clearly spells out my future role as President of Daystar” with limits on Joni’s ability to fire him without cause.

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Joni Lamb and Jonathan Lamb pictured on the Daystar TV set, in Oct. 2022. (Photo: Facebook)

In return, Jonathan wrote that he and Suzy would not publish audio “that could be harmful or embarrassing to Daystar, Joni or our family.” He also stated that Suzy did not have “recordings of private conversations with Joni.”

The matter was tabled until the board meeting the next month. But in the meantime, two upsetting events happened.

One, Jonathan found the tracker in his company car.

And two, Jonathan said his friend, a local businessman, told him that Joni had disparaged Suzy repeatedly during a lunch with him.

TRR spoke with the friend, who wished to remain anonymous, and he confirmed Jonathan’s account. He said that during the two-hour lunch, Joni told him that Suzy “has a Jezebel spirit” and “has Jonathan by the balls.”

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Joni Lamb and her husband, Dr. Doug Weiss, pictured in April 2024. (Photo: Facebook)

The businessman said Joni also spent about 30 minutes making it clear that she and Weiss had not connected before Marcus’ untimely death.

“The whole purpose of that lunch was to flush me out and see what I knew and see if I could be an ally to get Jonathan in line,” the man told TRR. The man said he did not cooperate.

Before these two events, Jonathan said he felt he and Suzy were making progress with his mother. But these set the stage for a contentious board meeting.

Sign NDA or else

On Nov. 16, 2023, Daystar’s board—Joni, Jonathan, and Calender—met to discuss the issues between Jonathan and Joni. CFO Arnold Torres was there too, and was voted onto the board during the meeting.

Calender firmly rejected Jonathan’s earlier request for a contract. Calender also stated he had not signed a previous succession plan naming Jonathan as Joni’s successor as president, so “that’s not in effect at all.”

For the rest of the meeting, which Jonathan recorded and gave to TRR, Calender, Joni, and Torres tried to compel Jonathan to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). When Jonathan refused, they excused him from the meeting for about 45 minutes.

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The board members of Daystar TV Network, as of Nov. 2023. (TRR Graphic)

By the time the board called Jonathan back into the meeting, Daystar attorney John Lynch had joined. For nearly two hours, the board and Lynch badgered Jonathan to sign the NDA.

“If you do not do that (sign the NDA), then you are removing yourself from the board and removing yourself from your vice president position,” Calender states emphatically on the recording.

Lynch adds, “But the real issue is here—everything you’ve said in this room is insubordination. That is an independent ground for . . . you to be fired from your employment.”

Jonathan objects, “But all I’ve said is I won’t sign an NDA.”

“What you just said to the CEO in this room, in my presence—that would be grounds for termination of your employment,” Lynch replies. “You don’t have the right to go challenge the authority of your organization.”

The meeting ended without resolution, other than Calender specifying that Jonathan had 24 hours to decide whether to sign the NDA. Jonathan never signed the NDA. But the board took several months before stripping him of his board and executive status, likely because it was revising Daystar’s bylaws and covering its legal bases before doing so, Jonathan said.

Jonathan learns truth about investigation

Two days after the board meeting, Jonathan and Suzy received news that shocked them and deepened the family rift.

On Nov. 18, 2023, Denise Boggs told the couple that an earlier investigation had not cleared a family member they suspected of abusing their daughter, as Jonathan’s late father Marcus Lamb had told him.

denise boggs
On Jun. 16, 2021, Denise Boggs appears on Daystar TV. (Video screengrab)

Como TRR reportado, Boggs, a close friend of the Lambs, brought in a forensic counselor to conduct the investigation in August 2021. But before the counselor could interview the suspected family member properly, Marcus and Joni shut down the investigation, Boggs said.

Jonathan said the news that his own father and mother had lied to him was devastating. And from that point on, Jonathan and Suzy said, their battle with Daystar became more about justice for their daughter than saving their jobs.

As previously reported, the couple subsequently took their daughter to a counselor who reported the alleged abuse to Child Protective Services (CPS). CPS then contacted police, who reopened their investigation into the alleged abuse.

On Nov. 30, 2023, Daystar told Suzy’s mother, Tanuja Sagar, that the ministry had eliminated her position, effective immediately, according to Jonathan. Daystar reassigned Suzy’s father, Jai Sagar, to be a purchasing assistant shortly before Christmas, reducing his salary by $20,000. He was fired from his new role in mid-April.

Daystar notified Suzy on Jan. 30, 2024, that her previous full-time salary would be reduced to a $1,000-a-month retainer.

lamb daystar
Jonathan and Suzy Lamb appear on Daystar TV in 2023. (Courtesy Photo)

On April 4, Torres told Jonathan he had been removed from the board and demoted to a manager job, reducing his salary from $250,000 to $150,000. Daystar also put Jonathan on a performance improvement plan and took away his company car and other perks.

For much of the summer, the couple fled Texas with their children, feeling like they weren’t safe in their own home. In late August, Jonathan and Suzy returned home and decided to interview with TRR, providing hours of audio and reams of documentation concerning Daystar.

However, it wasn’t until Friday, Nov. 15, that TRR reached out to Joni for comment about the allegations against her.

The next day, Shannon Kelly showed up at Jonathan and Suzy’s house, carrying a gun and wearing a bulletproof vest. It was the same Daystar security chief that Jonathan believes planted a tracker in his car.

This time, though, Kelly was there to deliver a letter, telling Jonathan he was fired and no longer would have access to his email or Daystar’s property and facilities.

Though Nov. 15 was the deadline for Jonathan to respond to the performance improvement plan Daystar had given him, Jonathan said Daystar had never fired someone on a Saturday. If the decision to terminate was made on a Friday, the ministry would wait until at least Monday to deliver the news, he said.

Like the other tactics Daystar allegedly used against the couple, Jonathan said he believes the intent was to scare and intimidate. But he said he’s not backing down, and neither is Suzy.

“My hope and my trust (is) that justice is from the Lord—Psalm 37,” Suzy said on a recent interview. “And I know He will bring that to completion.”

Audio of Daystar Board Meeting Nov. 16, 2023, Part 1:

Julie Roys es una reportera de investigación veterana y fundadora de The Roys Report. Anteriormente, también presentó un programa de entrevistas nacional en Moody Radio Network, llamado Up for Debate, y ha trabajado como reportera de televisión para una filial de CBS. Sus artículos han aparecido en numerosas publicaciones periódicas.



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54 Respuestas

  1. So, Jonathan Lamb was getting paid 250K??? For doing what? I worked hard for 60 hours per week for decades as a public school teacher for not even 1/3rd of that. These “ministries” have more $$ than they know what to do with. I cannot relate to this. I have always believed that these types of people don’t understand what real work entails because they’ve never had to experience it.

    1. Stewardship of God’s word is a great responsibility. What price would you put on it? The notion that ministers and believers should live on peanuts is complete and utter nonsense, with ZERO scripture to back it. The slander of anyone who preaches or teaches what scripture says, that God wants you to have provision and to prosper, is rooted in Marxism and is just that: Baseless slander. You’d have to be severely lacking in reading comprehension to go through the Bible and not see that God wants his people to thrive, and yes, stewardship of his word is an important position.

      1. ZERO!? Just offhand, Paul preached AND worked a marketplace job so he wouldn’t be a burden to the local churches. Not sure if Paul got wealthy off of his marketplace job, but he sure didn’t get wealthy off of preaching.

      2. Sure, you’re wrong. You are insulting someone who has made a valid point. G-D wants his people to thrive? Who said “in this world you will have tribulation” it is G-D’s work to turn us into someone like his Son, who knew suffering yet obeyed his Father’s will.

        1. No words can express the damage that happens to the soul and spirit when man functions as their own god. Choose this day whom you will serve. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. Deception is rampant even with professing believers as Leaders. There will be a great falling away. Lies and deception. Depart from me, I never knew you, this is a reality that is a destination for many that are choosing the path of hidden Sin. Praise Yeshua HaMashiach Maranatha! King of Glory!

      3. “The notion that ministers and believers should live on peanuts is complete and utter nonsense, with ZERO scripture to back it.”

        Well, Elijah, how about some scripture that says it should be OK for a minister to make 6 figures and get perks like a company car? Daystar preaches a false and damaging prosperity doctrine, not the actual Gospel. God NEVER promises us we will “prosper.” He promises we will have what we need, not necessarily what we desire. Daystar bilks people out of money teaching bogus Word of Faith tripe and then they live lavishly off of the moeny that gets sent in. And you are here defending that. You might want to clean out your own house before you rail at others. The entire organization is rife with control, false teaching and avarice.

      4. Unless Jesus, who is to be our example if we are Christ followers, is who we are trying to be more like. Sharing God’s word does not, should not, cost that kind of money. Be serious. Be for real. Im so stunned at things like what you’re saying. That’s straight up hypocrisy and grifting of people. Their tactics for getting people to give generously is often through guilt tactics and cloaks of things like clean water for poor children who currently get their water from a trash heap, or poor, desperate and starving, forgotten elderly jews, etc. We’ve all seen their reasons for begging for your money but follow Ministry Watch and Charity Watch and see what ministries and charities ACTUALLY do with your donations. Most are literally just living like royalty and NOTHING like Jesus. Elijah, the Bible may not specifically say you have to be poor to preach the word (The inspired Word probably thought we were smart enough to figure that out as it clearly teaches against that lifestyle and leaves Jesus and his disciples as our example but ok) but I find no examples of the Kenneth Copeland, Steven Furtick Benny Hinn’s and the like in the Bible. It’s so un- Christlike.

      5. Elijah, Jesus said, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven”
        With that truth I cannot believe that it is God’s intention to bless his people with material wealth, as that makes them less likely to recognize their spiritual poverty and to humble themselves before God.
        That is not to say that it is wrong for a Christian to be wealthy. It’s not impossible to have material wealth and humbly follow Christ, but as Jesus said it is far more difficult.

        What does it mean to “Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus?” Does it mean using “church” funds that were given to further the kingdom, minister to the poor – to drive a Porsche, live in a luxurious home, travel and vacation using company jets…?

        This lifestyle is incompatible with the life we are called to live as disciples of Jesus, which is a life of sacrifice and even suffering.

        The prosperity teaching you allude to is a false gospel, subtracting from the Kingdom rather than adding to it.

      6. When there’s ZERO justification for something, people always resort to exaggeration: as if there’s no middle point between an annual salary of a quarter of a million dollars and “peanuts”. Smh.

        But it makes me nauseous when people make money from Christianity. Period. (Julie et al investigating “churches” is different).
        Read the first few chapters of the book of Acts to see the template.
        We live under the New Covenant.
        We don’t need “teachers of the law” or “high priests” as they did under the Old Covenant because we have a high priest and a teacher (John 14:26 & 16:14, 1st John 2:27, Hebrews 2, 3, 4, 5, 9).
        As previously stated, Paul supported HIMSELF by being a tent maker. He “worked with his hands”, just as he exhorted the believers in Thessaloniki to do: 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 2 Thessalonians 3:8-12.
        And Paul said: “Imitate me, as I imitate Christ” (1st Corinthians 11:1).
        Or as another apostle said: “I have no silver or gold” (Peter in Acts 3:6).

  2. “CPS then contacted police, who reopened their investigation into the alleged abuse.”

    It will be extremely difficult for Daystar to survive this. Even if they somehow manage to make it through the reopened investigation, the revelation from Boggs that the accused was NOT cleared and that Marcus and Joni lied about it is damning enough.

    God’s word lives on…

    1. In Texas, CPS is a law unto itself. If they can find someone who would adopt the daughter, they would “find” something on Jonathan and Suzy and use it as “grounds” for removal. Never mind if it is true or not. I knew someone who did EVERYTHING CPS demanded; she still lost her child.

    2. Yes, it was a real shocker to find the “investigation” of child abuse had been cancelled & that Marcus & Joni, at the least, allowed Jonathan & Suzy to believe the accused had been cleared. That must be very painful for them. Otherwise, I feel Jonathan & Suzy were in error regarding the continued strife over the marriage. Prior to the marriage, they had every right to present their belief that it was unbiblical & to try to convince Joni she was stepping outside of biblical teaching. But once the wedding took place & vows were made before God & the marriage was consummated, there is no reversing it & Jonathan should have then kept silent, except to God in prayer. What a mess. None of it, on either side, honors God, or pleases King Jesus. It has been interesting to read & watch, but I have continually needed to remind myself that we should not “judge another man’s servant, for to his own master he will rise or fall.”(Romans 14:4) I pray for reconciliation & forgiveness for all involved. Life is just so messy!

  3. Truly amazing ! You two grown adults, who participated in helping spread, promote, endorse, condone, and platform, the most heretical Ministers of Satan preaching and teaching demonic false doctrine; and that the snake gas bitten them, they want cry foul.

    Johnathan and Suzy are not victims they are part of this evil and has been for years. No sympathy here!

    1. In this particular instance, that is not the main problem. The main problem is a child was alledgedly sexually abused and the organization REFUSED to report it to the police. And they broke the law when they did not do that. If Joni Lamb were just some regular stiff on the street, she would be sitting in jail, right now for that. I’m sure that Jonathan and Suzy do not have completely clean hands in this, as this site would have us believe, but they didn’t cave to the bullying tactics, and they gave up their cushy lifestyle, at least for the time being. Joni is still in damage control mode and as we’ve seen with people like Mike Bickle, it’s too late for that. Daystar is on borrowed time.

  4. These people ALL should be ashamed! They are prosperity charlatans interested only in power. This guy was driving a Porsche as a ministry vehicle?! How absurd!! 250,000 salary?! How ridiculous!! These flock fleecers have been around through all ages! People are so gullible and foolish to follow ANY of these individuals. I encourage their followers to find a scriptural,Christ centered church with a surrendered,humble pastor and support that ministry.

    1. If Jonathan had bought a Porsche out of his own salary, it would be conspicuous consumption, but his own choice of how to use his money.
      For the “ministry” to buy or lease a Porsche as a “company car” directly with donor funds is beyond the pale.

  5. All these people are really something. They all speak with such certainty about what God thinks, what God wants, whether God is happy. “Spirits” this and “demonic” that … good gravy!

    The older ones are so arrogant about their years of experience. The younger ones seem surprised at what has happened, and yet, they have spent their lives deep in the system. Can they really be so amazed that it has turned on them?

    I hope all of them, and especially the people who have funded their lifestyles, come to their senses.

  6. Daystar could change its name to Mammon. Grifters fill the schedule.

    As poorly as Joni and her minions have treated Jonathan and Suzy, and her parents, I don’t see how this couple could have continued at the network.

    Even if there had been no tracking drama, no child SA, and no cover-up—and they treated each other with respect—their values are so different. The younger are pro-Bible and pro–Holy Spirit; the Boomers are pro-money and pro-control.

    Let’s say Jonathan had stayed and became the president as planned by Marcus. What happens then? He asks God which grifters to cancel from Daystar. God says: “All of them.”

    What’s left? Not much. Would there even been enough biblical ministers who aren’t grifters to fill a schedule and keep Daystar viable? They lean so heavily into high-pressure donations, according to former employees.

    I’d be curious to hear what Jonathan’s vision for Daystar was, and if he thinks he can fulfill it independently, i.e., start a new network.

    Can he follow his father’s footsteps and create a network, but this time, where nobody loves money—neither the leaders nor ministers are grifters?

  7. I’m with Craig Richmond. Jonathan, as Jimmy Evans said, has been living in a bubble.
    I do not see this entire situation as most of the responders do. Jonathan was given the whole world on a silver platter and blew it over insubordination. His (and Suzy’s) subsequent behavior is beyond the pale and unbecoming of a future president of any company.
    NDAs are routine at large corporations and multiple chances, like these two were given, is unheard of. They will not make it in the real world without major attitude adjustments.
    Once their applecart was turned upside down, they determined to get even – in the name of righteousness. Seriously? This is not at all what God’s word means about the light uncovering the dark. They’ve done nothing but malign Christianity.
    As to their daughter, to bring this issue to the public shows how far they are willing to go to get even. This is only exposing her to public fodder. Let the proper authorities take care of this sensitive issue quietly. As to date, absolutely nothing has been proven against the so-called perpetrator, and yet, your disclosures have hurt him and his family, as well. You have declared him guilty without any charges brought against him and garnered others to join you as jury, judge and executioner. Despicable behavior.
    You are relishing in the accolades of people who don’t know you and, it appears to me, are not even believers.
    Please stop your foolishness. Candor should be used judiciously.

    1. “NDAs are routine at large corporations and multiple chances, like these two were given,”

      Being routine doesn’t make them right. In “A Church Called Tov,” McKnight and Barringer make a good case why ministries should never employ such legal tactics.

      1. This is one of many problems with big religious orgs calling themselves churches while acting like businesses. They get to play at being corporations-with 6 figure salaries, company cars and NDA’s-but they don’t have even the limited guardrails that would be in effect at a for-profit company. Such as, a functioning HR department to tell the CEO, “Hey, you can’t make publicly expressing a positive opinion of your marriage a condition of somebody’s employment.”

    2. NDA’s should not exist within any organization. But they should especially not exist within the Church structure at all. The very fact that they are asking a person to sign an NDA means they have something hidden that they don’t wish to have made public. Everything inside a church should be open to scrutiny by the whole church. No ifs, ands, or buts. The people who run Daystar feel they have no accountabilty to anyone. Big Wrong Answer. They are accountable to the rest of the staff, and the people who are sending them the money they operate off of. If there is no accountability, something rotten and dirty is going on. Funny that you gloss over the entire molestation issue and defend the perp. And say nothing about Joni’s Hot Mess of a marriage. The way Doug Weiss talks about his “counseling” makes him sound much less like a counselor and more like a pimp or a gigolo.

    3. No it is not routine in corporations to have NDA’s that punish employees for speaking up about sexual misconduct or financial corruption.

      In fact, corporations with credible values will have a whistleblowing policy in place to protect employees.

      Do Daystar have a whistleblowing policy?

  8. I am shocked at the financial abuse of this Corporation!

    I no longer support this or watch the program. Shame on all of you. Shut it down. Be done with it.

    I pray for Suzy and Jonathan. Joni Lamb is sickening.

    1. Ditto. The ‘money grab’ Prosperity Gospel Facade is now coming to light and the truth it seems is not pretty. UGH It appears Joni Lamb is the Jezebel not Suzy Lamb as Joni has told several other people at Daystar. The mere fact that they associate with Prosperity Gospel Grifters Paula White and Joel Olsteen is very telling about their Deceptive entertainment ministry for starters.. Sad really. Do not be fooled.

  9. So per Joni, it’s a “Jezebel spirit” in his wife, and the wife “has [his] balls in her hands”? all because he sticks with his wife? Convenient these religious entertainers talk about “one flesh” only when it suits them, and pull lwgal rank only because it suits them.

  10. I really hope you folks that have been deceived by DayStar and the Lambs will consider giving your tithing to an organization that helps the homeless, veterans, charity for needy families, food, clothing and so many good Godly organizations instead of giving it to these GOATS. If Johnathan was giving a salary of $250.000, what is Joni’s salary, 500.000? No wonder she can afford all these mansions, expensive cars, and so much more. And Rachael and Rebecca, how much are they racking in of your hard earned money? These GOATS DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU NOR IF YOU GO TO HEAVEN, ONLY THEIR OWN POCKETS. People, you can do the Lords work on so many levels, don’t be fooled into giving it to these MEGA churches and DAYSTAR. They are all living the good life while you are still just making it in this world. PLEASE LET THIS SINK IN…THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU, ONLY YOUR MONEY.

    1. Yes, and salaries are only one line item of such compensation. I’d like to know what their housing allowances are. Because “housing allowance” is tax exempt money, when paid by a church… Daystar is incorporated as one.

  11. Does anyone these days ever wonder why there were created Protestant Denominations, eg the original Presbyterians , has this wonderful rule, that if FOR ANY REASON the head Pastor were to leave, the ASST Minister, CANNOT become the new HEAD Minister. Ohh my people call it silly, but IF THE ELDERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND our fallenness, and the reason for said rule, the fruit of this rule, they should not be elders. But now look at the CRAP, thrown around in this independent, “let us start our own business, the worldly wokeism of:” On April 4, Torres told Jonathan he had been removed from the board and demoted to a manager job, reducing his salary from $250,000 to $150,000. Daystar also put Jonathan on a performance improvement plan and took away his company car and other perks.” I would love to be demoted to $150,000 and with such a cringeful worldly ” PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN” as part of the deal. Every organization that “suddenly are created like a business model should take on the discipline wisdom of the Westminster Church Rules and Disciplines within the “ministry” operating with no real “Laws of the Corporpation” THey have the wisdom of the test of time, Scriptural.. based, and written in a time before “every ministry did what was right in is own eyes”

  12. A little Child was assaulted (five years of age).
    May ALL of us stay germane to this heinous crime of paedophilia. Everything else is pure distraction and deflection.

  13. Now the accusers are capitalizing on Jonathan saying at the meeting when asked by Joni whether the meeting was being recorded, that it wasn’t. I know he was between the rock and the hard place and probably, because of my own safety, I would have said the same thing.
    I know that in those circumstances you are under such stress, pressure, fear and intimidation that on the moment you choose to secure your evidences although at the same time you are feeling really bad for lying.

  14. Tracking devices, stalking, etc.? REALLY ?
    Sounds like Joni Lamb and her partners in crime would get along great with David Miscavaige, the leader of Scientology.
    This isn’t a ministry. It’s a crime syndicate!
    GODSPEED to Daystar’s demise and the incarceration of it’s leaders!

  15. Thank you for the evidence provided. Even if you take God out of it all, and just use common sense, the evidence is clear. Put God back into the picture and Christians need to speak up! If we don’t we are just as bad as the abuser, the Jezebel mother, the false prophets (Jimmy & the co-board members) and staff who remains silence. Please speak up and lift your Voice for Christ. It’s time.

  16. I don’t get it…I checked this site several times yesterday (Dec 11) looking for updates, and this story did not show up for me. Yet it says it was posted at 10:21 am yesterday. Puzzling.

  17. I don’t understand WHY there would have been any genuine need to track his every move, outside of a suspicion that he was taking a bunch of unused/obsolete TV equipment and moving it to a location to start his own network. (And how would all of it fit in a Porsche, anyhow?)

    Clearly this was intimidation and nothing more.

  18. Non-profit. Car belongs to Daystar. Car is a Porsche. It takes a high level of unapologetic arrogance and untouchable entitlement to capitalize on non-profit status and have a fleet with a high-end luxury car.

  19. Assuming that “connected “ implies Joni and Doug being intimate before marriage, to spend 30 minutes with this businessman to convince him that she didn’t “connect” with Doug before her husband’s death is suspicious. To force Jonathan and Suzy to read a comment praising the new marriage is suspicious. IMO, with the way Joni is coming at people about this leads me to think she had something going with Doug on before her husband died.

  20. What kind of goofy investigator is driving around in a bright purple car? Might as well drive around and follow people in the Mystery Machine. This whole story is getting more unhinged every time I see an update.

  21. It recently occurred to me that Doug uses a “sex contract” in his practice – telling people that IF there isn’t enough sex in the marriage then the husband will go elsewhere and find sex. Who believes Doug hasn’t been finding sex elsewhere if he’s not getting it in his marriage? Jimmy Evans in his “Marriage on the Rock” book says the same thing – the husband will go elsewhere for sex if there isn’t enough in the marriage. But Joni, Jimmy and others believe this abandoned, deprived Doug has been faithful in the face of 30 years of abandonment? Sorry, but I would never believe a recovering sex addict who tells me he’s been faithful for 30 years of deprived abandonment. Hello? And I don’t care what his “lie detector test” says.

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