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Trump Bible Gets New ‘Inauguration Day Edition’ Just in Time for Jan. 6

Por Bob Smietana
trump bible christian nationalism
Former President Donald Trump endorses the "God Bless the USA" Bible in a recent YouTube video. (Video screen grab)

The makers of the God Bless the USA Bible, endorsed by President-elect Donald Trump, have issued a new edition just in time for Trump’s second inauguration.

Launched on Monday, the limited-run “Inauguration Day Bible” costs $69.99 — or four copies for $59.49 each — and features an embossed cover with Trump’s name and the date of his upcoming inauguration. The Bible includes the King James translation along with the text of the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance and the lyrics to the chorus of “God Bless the USA,” the 1984 Lee Greenwood hit. It also comes with a DVD of a concert honoring Greenwood’s career.

Trump fans can still order the original God Bless the USA Bible for $59.99. There’s also “The Day God Intervened” edition, embossed with the date of the failed assassination attempt in July. Some of Trump’s supporters have claimed God spared Trump’s life. The website also offers a signed Trump Bible for $1,000, Trump-related apparel and links to Trump-themed guitars and God Bless the USA coins.

First announced in 2021 by a marketing company with ties to Greenwood, the God Bless the USA Bible has been a source of controversy ever since. An initial version featuring the New International Version translation was canceled after a number of authors published by Zondervan, which also publishes the NIV, objected. The Bible was then resurrected when the marketing company switched to the King James Version, which is in the public domain.

It was largely forgotten until this past spring, when Trump began hocking the God Bless the USA Bible in video ads, tying it to the need to reverse the decline of Christianity in America. A video ad claims Trump is bringing faith back to the “forefront of American life.”

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oklahoma bible
Former President Donald Trump, left, and musician Lee Greenwood on the website for the “God Bless the USA” Bible. (Screen grab)

“Christianity has been experiencing a recent surge, and now more than ever, every home needs to have Bibles readily available,” the ad claims, urging Trump fans to buy the edition before Jan. 19. A press release for the new edition says Trump has not yet decided which Bible to use during his swearing in on Jan. 20.

Trump has a complicated history with the Bible. As a candidate in 2016, he referido a the Apostle Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians as “Two Corinthians” during a speech at Liberty University. In 2019, he created more uproar by signing Bibles during a visit to an Alabama church, while in 2020, police expelled a priest from an Episcopal church near Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., so then-President Trump could have his photo taken with a Bible during the protests that followed the death of George Floyd.

This past fall the state of Oklahoma put out a request to buy 55,000 Bibles that had to include the Constitution and other patriotic documents — a description that seemed tailor-made for the God Bless the USA Bible. That request was later modificado

The God Bless the USA Bible, like almost all other Bibles sold in the United States, was printed in China, a nation Trump has loudly criticized. In 2019, Bible publishers in the U.S. worried proposed tariffs during the first Trump administration would raise the cost of Bibles, but Bibles were later exempted from the tariffs.

His paid Bible endorsement, in which Trump said “we must make America pray again,” debuted during Holy Week and came about a month after he promised during a speech to the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville to return political power to Christians.

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at the National Religious Broadcasters convention at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

“If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before,” Trump told the annual gathering in February.

America’s Christians fueled Trump’s return to the White House, with almost two-thirds of Protestants (63%) and 58% of Catholics voting for him, according to election polls. That included 72% of White Protestants, 61% of White Catholics, 64% of Hispanic Protestants and 53% of Hispanic Catholics.

Black Protestants (85%) were the only major Christian group to support Harris, along with 78% of Jews, 58% of other non Christians and 71% of religiously unaffiliated voters.

While claiming the God Bless the USA Bible is the only Bible Trump has officially endorsed, the site also makes it clear Trump does not own or have any control over the God Bless the USA Bible but instead was a paid endorser. 

The new ad for the God Bless the USA Bible comes at a time when sales of the Christian Scriptures are booming, de acuerdo a El periodico de Wall Street.

Bob SmietanaBob Smietana es reportero nacional de Religion News Service.



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16 Respuestas

    1. You don’t have to buy it. The temple grift was by Ciaphas and his minions not allowing Jews to sacrifice perfectly good lambs. The Jews had no choice if they wanted to sacrifice. They had to buy the Temple lambs.

  1. Please note that the Trump bible, which includes the US constitution and the first ten amendments, has omitted the 11th-27th amendments, which includes the women’s right to vote and other civil rights amendments. I have the Bible and know this first hand.

      1. Marin and Amy,

        The Bible apparently includes just the Bill of Rights (first 10 amendments), rather than all of the amendments, so no mystery and nothing cunning or telling.

        1. This is literally what Amy said, that she has a copy and only the first 10 amendments are included. And yes, the fact that not all the amendments are included – you know, the ones that extend equal rights to ALL people – IS telling. Especially given its in a Bible that confirms we are ALL equal in His sight and ALL have access to His salvation through Christ.

          This underscores why I don’t think ANY nation’s documents should be included in a Bible, as if they are somehow on par with the Word of God. The Bible is infallible. Man-made documents establishing man-made countries and man-made laws are NOT.

          1. Marín Heiskell,

            Perhaps, when answering you, I sound like a broken record, but here it is again:

            COMPREHENSION skills are important. Only the Bill of Rights was included in the Bible being discussed. That is all. No mystery, no cunning, no “leaving out of important amendments,” just the decision to only include the Bill of Rights.

            Is there something about this you do not understand?

          2. cinthia-

            Please stop speaking down to me. It’s both unhelpful to the discussion and disrespectful. I’ve been respectful to you, and I ask for the same in kind.

            I believe the decision to only include the Bill of Rights was intentional. You say that’s “no leaving out important amendments”; yet given those additional amendments extend full citizenship and its rights to people like you and me, I believe they ARE important. And remember, Trump has expressed interest in dumping the 14th Amendment, which is alarming – or, it SHOULD be – for many reasons, one of them being section 3 of that amendment secured citizenship rights for Black people. This “interest” confirms it’s an intentional omission. And after watching some of the commercials for this “God Bless the USA” Bible, I find the intentional omission to be cunning.

            But again, I find the entire concept to be blasphemous to the Word of God for reasons I stated above (and a few others I did not get into).

            That’s my perspective; you can disagree without speaking down to me.

        2. There are well known men in the MAGA/reconstructionist camp who are on the record as wanting to end the 19th amendment, and rolling other rights back. They want to end the constitution and institute biblical old testament laws. There are some elected to federal offices and high levels of influence. Please feel free to research it for yourself. ;)

        3. Cynthia is there absolutely anything Trump associated you would not defend? I guess David has sex with concubines, he’s a man after Gods own heart, therefore trumps infedelitoes are okay?

          1. Bob C Kile,

            Seriously, you need to get some help. You seem incredibly preoccupied with President Trump.

  2. Are there any theological and ethical lines that some of these people are not prepared to cross, or do they simply believe there are no absolutes? 🤔

    1. but this one has the imprimatur of their real god and the text they worship more than the Bible (ie: the deist enlightement ideals of the founders) so it’s totally legit :\

  3. Whenever I see Trump carrying a Bible, I’m reminded of a lucky rabbit’s foot I carried as a child. It’s a talisman to him.

  4. President Donald John Trump is the first leader in the whole world in 2000 years to declare Yerushalayim as the Capital of Israel on 12/06/2017.
    The world can never nor will it ever be the same. This is prophetic and indicative of Yahshua’s soon return to this earth to rule and to reign as King of all kings and YHWH of all lords. He does not go back on His promise to “bless them that bless you” in Genesis 12:6 and also the promise of Psalm 122:6: “Pray for the Shalom of Yerushalayim: they will prosper who love you.”
    Also, if one has not had the opportunity prior to today, check out ” The Story of Donald’s Bible and the Hebrides Revival” on youtube. You’ll be glad you did.

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