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Evangelist Billy Graham Honored with Statue in U.S. Capitol

By Sylvia St. Cyr
billy graham statue BGEA
American evangelist Billy Graham (1918-2018) will be honored with a statue in the U.S. Capitol. (Photo Courtesy of BGEA)

An upcoming ceremony will be honoring the late evangelist Billy Graham with a statue in Washington, D.C.

This week, Graham’s statue will be unveiled as part of the National Statuary Hall Collection in the United States Capitol in Washington. According to U.S. law, each state provides statues of two deceased figures of “historic renown” to be displayed in the Capitol.

North Carolina lawmakers have provided Graham as a replacement for a long-displayed statue of former state governor Charles Aycock, a key figure in the post-Civil War white supremacy movement. 

On Thursday, May 16, Graham’s statue will be revealed alongside the ninety-nine other statues in the collection. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) announced that Michael W. Smith as well as House Speaker Mike Johnson will attend the ceremony. 

The statue was designed by Chas Fagan, an artist from Graham’s home state of North Carolina. The bronze figure will stand seven feet tall with Graham holding a Bible in one hand. 

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Across the bottom of the statue read ‘Preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ’ along with two Bible verses: John 3:16 and John 14:6.

“There have been many great North Carolinians, but few have impacted the world more than Billy Graham,” says Pat McCrory, the former governor of NC. 

Graham passed away at the age of 99 on February 21, 2018. During his eight decades of ministry, Graham counseled 12 U.S. presidents and shared the gospel with over 215 million people in 185 countries.

“The legacy of Rev. Billy Graham is based on his simple message of forgiveness based on John 3:16,” says Senator Ted Budd. “His lifelong commitment to preaching the Gospel, his fight for civil rights, his opposition to communism, and his spiritual guidance provided hope to hundreds of millions.”

Graham’s son, Franklin Graham, who runs BGEA, talked about the meaning of this statue being erected in Washington. 

“This is a great honor and my father would be humbled and grateful,” Franklin said. “At the same time, he would not want the attention on himself but on God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Josh Shepherd contributed to this article, which was originally published at CHVN Radio

Sylvia St. Cyr is an on-air radio host at CHVN, a Christian outlet in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.



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8 Responses

  1. I don’t get it…. Billy Graham fully supported the Nixon Administration…. I remember watching a documentary clip where press reporters were asking Billy Graham about Watergate at a golf tournament… It was just so embarrassing…

    Also a quote today from Peter Wehner :

    Franklin Graham concedes Trump uses “locker room” talk but defended him, saying Trump “doesn’t hide it.” Graham ignores the sexual assault, adultery, fraud, pathological lies, lawlessness, cruelty/calls to violence, etc. Graham embodies the morally deformed MAGA/evangelical mind. 1:32 AM · May 13, 2024

    1. Gordon, I am thankful I am not being judged by my perceived weakest moments.

      Do not worry I am sure someone is coming up a Margaret Sanger or Louis Farrakhan statue soon.

      1. Dustin,

        The Grahams have a penchant for supporting Republican Administrations for many YEARS.

        So people should not get upset when others criticize them for showing a lack of proper political insight for years… e.g. (NIXON/TRUMP) it is not a momentary fleeting weakness…….. and then to have a statue…????

        Makes no sense….

      2. Dustin –
        Calling out sin is not judgment. Yes, we have all had our weak moments. But even in our weakest moments, our brothers and sisters in Christ are not to let our sin slide by calling it something cute (like “locker room talk”), but rather confront us and support us in repentence.
        Given the spiritual role and influence of the Grahams, it’s not too much to ask that of them. As a matter of fact, it is Biblical.

    2. Gordon,
      1) Despite his imperfections, Billy Graham is a far more honorable soul to represent his home state than is a former governor who ardently and unapologetically promoted white supremacy.
      2) The statue is of Billy Graham, not of his son Franklin Graham.

  2. Gordon, all of our heroes of the faith, prophets and kings have clay feet, Billy Graham was no exception. Like many evangelicals, he got sucked in by the office and power of the presidency. After the Nixon tapes were released my understanding was that he was shocked. He thought he knew Nixon. Billy Graham flawed as he was did much good. I know several people who are devoted servants of God because of Dr Graham.

    1. He was given an honorary doctorate because he was rich and famous. He is not a Doctor in how the term is standardly used. This use perhaps highlights the problem of idolatry. Did not Jesus Christ, the real one and not the one most talk about, did He not say something about the first and last be swapped places in heaven?

  3. And the idolatry of men continue. To do what is right while getting no fame is commendable. What men like Graham did is a travesty and the opposite of actual Christian discipleship. Following the real Jesus will not make you rich or famous. Promoting a lifestyle otherwise is nothing to be honored.

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