In January, Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC) Naples kicked its founding pastor, John Secrest, out of its church. Now, some eight months later, HBC Naples is getting kicked out of its virtually rent-free building. And the building owners are declaring their loyalty for disgraced former HBC Chicago pastor, James MacDonald.
For the past 10 months, Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC) Naples has rented its 500-seat church building from Doug and Joyce Bartholemew, a couple in the church, for a mere $10 per month.
But on Sunday, HBC Naples Senior Pastor Jeff Donaldson announced that this sweetheart deal is coming to an end. The owners, he said, had decided to leave the church, and had told HBC Naples to vacate the building in six months.
“I would say, um, that was pretty hard news for me to hear on Tuesday morning,” said Donaldson, who took the Naples position in May—two months after resigning from his position as lead pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago. “Like your stomach’s in a knot,” he said, “and I just moved here and now, what are we gonna do?”
Joyce Bartholemew declined to comment on why the couple had left the church and rescinded the rental agreement with church. Bartholemew said the couple doesn’t have any plans for the building right now.
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However, she volunteered that she and her husband are “huge James (MacDonald) supporters—very pro-James.”
MacDonald—the former senior pastor of HBC in Chicago—was fired from the Harvest in February amid accusations of financial misconduct, bullying, and lying.
“We don’t believe all the news that’s gone out,” Bartholemew said.
In the spring, Russell Taylor, the former interim pastor at HBC Naples, told me that there was no way MacDonald would be invited to pastor HBC Naples. I asked Bartholemew if she and her husband were talking with MacDonald about using the building to start a new church, but she did not answer the question.
I called Donaldson for comment, but he did not respond. I also contacted MacDonald for more information, but he did not respond either.
The Saga Continues
This recent news is just the latest development in a long saga involving HBC Naples.
The church was planted in 2016 by John Secrest as an independent Harvest-affiliated church. However, in 2018, MacDonald reportedly approached Secrest about merging with Harvest in Chicago. Secrest later would say that he had reservations about this merger. But in September 2018, Secrest signed an agreement making HBC Naples an eighth campus of HBC in Chicago.
In November, HBC Naples began meeting in the building the Bartholemews own at 3855 The Lord’s Way in Naples.
In December, WORLD published my exposé about James MacDonald and Harvest. And in January, the elders of HBC in Chicago announced that MacDonald would take an indefinite sabbatical from leading and preaching in Chicago, but “may continue preaching” in Naples, where MacDonald was spending the winter months.
Secrest strongly objected to this plan. And after days of failed negotiations with leaders in Chicago, Secrest sent an email to the elders in Chicago requesting that HBC Naples be allowed to return to “self-governed autonomy.” The elders denied the request and then fired Secrest after he told his church about his objections.
Reports about Secrest’s firing sparked major controversy in Naples and Chicago. But even after firing MacDonald a month later, and then returning HBC Naples to self-governance, the elders in Chicago remained resolute that HBC Naples should continue without Secrest.
In March, Secrest planted a new church in Naples with a core of former HBC Naples members who had left over Harvest’s handling of the matter. This church, called Compass Church Naples, began meeting at a local YMCA.
Meanwhile, HBC Naples hired Russell Taylor as an interim pastor, who was replaced in May by Donaldson—someone who for decades had been a very close associate of MacDonald and integral to the Harvest system. HBC Naples continues to be led by Elder Scott Stonebreaker, who also was close to MacDonald. Just last month, Kathy MacDonald, James MacDonald’s wife, posted pictures of James and her socializing with Scott Stonebreaker and his wife.
Major Turnover at HBC Naples
However, over the past few months, HBC Naples has experienced major turnover among leadership. Travis Doucette, the original worship pastor at HBC Naples who was hired by Secrest, is no longer listed on the church website and has put his house on the market. Also, HBC Naples apparently has a new elder, Michael Kennell, the owner of a broadcast video company, whom Donaldson referenced in his family chat on Sunday. (The building at 3855 The Lord’s Way is equipped with a studio, as well as radio and cell towers.)
But in just the past couple of weeks, some potentially open discord between the Bartholemews and the church has begun to surface through somewhat cryptic posts to Joyce Bartholemew’s Instagram account.
One post states, “A false witness will not go unpunished and whoever pours out lies will perish.” Another reads, “The first to state his case seems right, until the other comes to examine him” and “Do something bc God is convicting you and not out of pressure or coercion . . .”
Despite these difficulties, Donaldson says he’s confident that “what God’s gonna do in the life of our church is gonna be pretty amazing in the next six months.” He added, “I have found myself praying more this week than I’ve prayed in a long time. I have found myself flat on my face seeking the Lord this week in ways I haven’t in quite a while. I, um, I’m not fearful about our future in any way.”
Donaldson also announced that Meredith Andrews, who used to serve as a worship leader at HBC in Chicago, will be performing a concert at HBC Naples on November 8. Donaldson, who’s gone on numerous hunting trips with James MacDonald, noted that “(Andrews’ husband) Jacob and I have gone hunting together.”
Donaldson also announced that Amanda Jenkins—the wife of former HBC executive leadership team member, Dallas Jenkins—will be speaking at a women’s ministry Christmas event at HBC Naples. And on the evening of December 7, Dallas Jenkins will be visiting HBC Naples for a Southwest Florida Regional Event for his new movie, The Chosen.
Below is a transcript of Donaldson’s “family chat” on Sunday:
I have some news here that I need to share with you. Some of the news is gonna be hard for you to hear. And some of the news is gonna be AMAZING NEWS FOR YOU TO HEAR! If you’re visiting, there’s some good things in here for you. If you’re a regular, uh, you’re gonna get this. Um, okay, a couple little, family chat.
I always like to start with the hard news first. Cause, you know, work hard, play hard. I want to end on the fun. Uh, here’s the hard news: uh, we, um, um…I really want to say this right. We moved into this building—what Scott, October/November last year? October/November last year we moved into this building. And, um…so we haven’t even been in this building for a year. Frankly, we got this facility, um, uh—it isn’t isn’t owned by us. We have a landlord. Um, they gave us an insanely great deal. They were super, super generous to our church, and basically we’re here for nothing, is basically the reality of it all. And that’s, um, pretty amazing and everybody’s been super thankful. And the people who own the building have come to our church, and they’ve made the decision they’re not going to come to our church anymore. And with that decision to not come to our church anymore, they have invoked their right—according to the lease we have signed with them—that they’ve, um, on Tuesday, they gave us notice that we have, uh, six months to find a new place to meet. I’m just gonna let that set with ya for a sec. (Pause.) Good, now, um, there’s your sec. That’s what ya get.
Now, I would say, um, that was pretty hard news for me to hear on Tuesday morning. That was pretty hard. I had a pretty bad day on Tuesday cause we’re just gettin’ to this like, “What are we gonna do?” like your stomach’s in a knot, and I just moved here and now what are we gonna do?” And I woke up Wednesday morning with like…I am so fired up. Because I think what God’s gonna do in the life of our church is gonna be pretty amazing in the next six months. I am like…I have found myself praying more this week than I’ve prayed in a long time. I have found myself flat on my face seeking the Lord this week in ways I haven’t in quite awhile. I, um, I’m not fearful about our future in any way. I’m reminded in 2 Timothy that he says, “For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control.” And, um, honestly I’m very hope-filled about our future. We’ve already been to work this week. Like, already been looking at properties and thinking about like what could possibly be next, uh, for our church. I, um, am exicted to see what that is.
And so here’s what I’m asking for you all to do: I’m asking for you to you to just pray for us. I’m asking for you to pray for your leaders—that we would have tons of wisdom and discernment, of course. Um, when you are in a building that doesn’t cost you anything, um, that will be a change in our budget, as we think through a building that does cost us something. So we have to make some really really wise decisions about that, and then a location and a place to meet. And in six months from now, we have nothing, um, you can come to our house, and we can have great Sunday services at our house. It’ll be wonderful. Ugh. We’ll make you breakfast, come on in, it’ll be fun. Uh, no, but I really believe that the Lord will really lead us to something, [til] there. It doesn’t matter where we meet; it matters that we’re together.
But I gotta say this: I am just so confident that the Lord is gonna provide for us. I don’t know what, I don’t know where, I don’t know anything. But I know He’s good, and I know He loves us and He is for us, and I just know He’s going to provide for us. I’m not concerned about that in the least bit. But here’s the thing that I’m excited about: Because I know that what God wants to accomplish in us is far greater than what He wants to accomplish for us. And I think what He’s going to do IN us as we find our dependence on Him in the days ahead, and our trust in Him and our hope on Him, to see what’s He’s gonna do, is gonna be pretty amazing.
So, um, I’d love for you to pray about this in your small group each week when you meet. Love for you to commit to pray about this in your home. We’re gonna have some prayer meetings set up at the church. We’re gonna just come and pray that God would give us wisdom and discernment, and what and where and how. I promise we’re gonna keep you posted in the days ahead, like as this whole thing unfolds, where are we going, what do we need to get there, and we will just keep you posted.
But our, um, goal by the way is to, as the Lord would allow, to find something that’s very close to here. If you’re curious, our goal is to find something very close to this location, as close as we can get. And something that can—whether we lease or buy or whatever—we don’t know yet, you know. This happened on Tuesday and we don’t have all the answers. I like to give you everything when I have all the answers. I just don’t have all the answers. And that’s what’s making me more and more dependent on the Lord. So, okay? So there that is. If you have any questions, you can ask me at anytime. Any questions about any of it—or Scott Stonebreaker is here, he’s one of our Elders. And, uh, I think Mike’s back—oh hi Mike, right there. This is Mike Kennell, one of our Elders. You can ask one of us anytime. We’d be happy to tell you.
Other Announcements:
- Trunk or Treat
- Free Meredith Andrews Concert, November 8th. (Jeff: “Her husband Jacob and I have gone hunting together.”)
- Women’s Ministry Christmas Event, December 7: Amanda Jenkins (Dallas Jenkins’ wife)
Evening of December 7: Dallas Jenkins Southwest Florida Regional Event for The Chosen
50 Responses
You call yourself “pro-James” ? Wow. Simply unbelievable. Many of us are NOT pro-______ ( insert anyone’s name )………we are Not Pro-anyone, but just amazed at how mega-church pastors have no fear of God in them. Remove transparency, remove Accountability, remove checks and balances, and anyone ( me included ) can perform the terrible stuff that happened in Rolling Meadows.
I just read for the first time Doug Bartholomew’s comments to a Julie Roys post back on February 10, 2019 on this same website: “Doesn’t the fact that the people who live here ( Naples) and know the details best support the current leadership suggest the “Everything Harvest has ever done is wrong” narrative has gotten carried away? ”
Wow. Unbelievable. First, the narrative is NOT “everything Harvest has ever done is wrong”. I was at Rolling Meadows for many years and loved it !! The ONLY reason why people like me and others speak out about the un-biblical character qualifications of mega-maniac King James is because we have heard and experienced the stories. We know about the negative results that flow from the lack of Transparency, the lack of Accountability at the HBC culture fueled by King James. Me personally, I have seen many powerful good stories at Rolling Meadows. But at the same time… I and many others have seen a lot of bad. So, please understand the Narrative. The correct Narrative is NOT “everything Harvest has ever done is wrong.” The Facts are: there is an alarming, terrible lack of accountability and lack of transparency over many years at HBC ….starting in year 2005 ……that has grown and caused many to seriously question whether or not James MacDonald is BIBLICALLY fit to be called a “Christian”……….let alone ….occupy the role of an Elder. A strong case over many years has been made that James MacDonald lacks the characteristics and temperament of being a faithful Elder. That is the correct Narrative: James MacDonald should not be an Elder.
Oh Bobby. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume you are a 9/11 conspiracy theorist as well. Don’t get me wrong dear, I agree with many of your points, but some of your points are OUT THERE! And the ridiculous homophones are just annoying to read.
MAGA much?
haha. some of these posts are just OUT there.
it’s bonkers.
Joyce is shamelessly exploiting the opioid crisis? What is actually true is that Joyce and I have been partnering with one of the most successful addiction treatment programs since you were in middle school, and the after-tax dollars we spent on the music video amounted to less than 1% of our contributions to the addiction ministry. It seems to me that when you attack her for vulnerably admitting the same desire for attention that is common in many performers, you reveal your own need to be the center of attention.
Comment immediately above is reply to Amy Moore – posted as a reply but did not show up immediately below hers as I had expected
Doug: I hope my earlier comment ( in reference to my posting on 09-24-19 at 9:44 pm ) directed at your Feb 10, 2019 post did Not come across the wrong way or…….was viewed as hurtful. In hindsight, I wish I would have written that in a better and more positive way. The heart of my comment was Not directed at you or your wife. Rather, my comment was directed at my unbelief at the almost universal, pervasive tendency in “Christendom” to lower the Biblical qualifications of Eldership. Wretched Radio with Todd Friel podcast had a commentary on this same topic recently, and they spoke about the serious, documented facts involving the correct Narrative that James MacDonald lacks these Biblical qualifications. Previously, I did not mean to come across as attacking you or your wife.
1 last thought of mine……I was re-reading the book, “THE STAIN THAT STAYS” by John Armstrong…..….and while that book deals with the limited topic of the “Church’s response to Sexual Misconduct of Christian Leaders”…….the author makes some excellent Biblical points about how serious it is to safeguard and uphold the important and vital Biblical characteristics of Eldership. And the author notes that many in so-called “Christendom” ….via their actions and behavior……are lowering the office of the Eldership. I was thinking today that IF the public, documented facts and multiple witnesses over many years about James MacDonald’s behavior had occurred at my secular employment job, then there would be NO discussion. There would be NO debate. There would be NO “negotiation” …. Instead, your keys to your computer passwords would be removed, and you would be escorted to Human Resources, and sign some paperwork, and out the door you go. And you would Not be hired in the same industry as my secular job is in because of the Internet Age that we live in. So the question is: why IF this is true of “Secular” employment, do we in so-called Christendom have far , LESS expectations for “Elder/Teacher/Pastor” in the Church? Why have we lowered the expectations for the high office of an Elder in Christendom? And I wonder out loud IF the answer is because so-called “Christendom” has now been replaced by “Christendom Incorporated” and the current Focus is no longer on Biblical teaching…….but rather the focus is on your “BRAND”, and talk of “online community presence”, and talk of “Followers”………etc…etc…etc….. 1 Corinthians 3:4 warns against this. I do Not wish to speak negatively of any of the commentators here who have posted……….but I wonder sometimes ……..if the another reason why God ordained the High Office of Eldership ( and its many Ethical qualifications …”above reproach” ) is to guide and lead the Fallen pastor to a season of genuine repentance. If sin has occurred, then Leave ministry !! God can use you in Secular employment !! God can use anyone in Secular employment !! But why persist in violating 1 Timothy and Titus about the high responsibilities of Eldership/Deacon/Pastor? Why? Why do fallen pastors think that God can only use them in Ministry? Why? Obey God and be faithful in this season, and take up a secular job !! Obey God and ignore the Foolishness of “BRANDING” and counting how many people you have following you……..
It was painful reading this website below. But until the Church cleans up her act and stops putting “celebrity pastors” like James MacDonald on full blast with No accountability, then we will continue to hear and read more of these same stories below. Why do unbelievers seem to have higher ethical standards than “Christians”………
Slow news week? Really… this is news? Tenants and renters part ways everyday. Jeff is a big boy, he’ll figure it out and all will be fine. How about some quality journalism next time?
*landlords and tenants
It is a twisted scenario to have a landlord and church member to have power over a church. No church should ever sign up for such arrangement. It is also twisted to have JMac constantly sniffing out real estate and wealth with a promise of friendship and favor in return for access. If this guy shows up, run and run fast in the opposite direction. If the Lord prevails, time will tell.
I respectfully disagree……personally, I do consider this to be a fine example of “quality journalism”. Maybe it is no longer considered “quality journalism” to report when a disgraced pastor with a terrible track record of disillusioned spiritual lives decides that “God is calling me to return to ministry”. But it is indeed a Biblical command for the Church of Jesus Christ to warn unsuspecting sheep that there are indeed wolves in our very midst. Thank you Julie and others for reporting this.
What is going on with churches in SW Florida? You have this, and then you have the drama at First Baptist Naples, where apparently they didn’t get enough votes to hire a pastor (as there was a bloc who was either racist to the core, or had issues with the prospective pastor’s theology, depending on which side is telling it), and now they appear to be kicking people off the rolls who didn’t vote for the prospective pastor (even though the vote was supposedly “secret ballot”). If I were not a Christian and I was living there, I’m not sure I’d convert based on what I would be seeing in my area.