The company owned by Christian financial guru and radio show host Dave Ramsey has lost one of its best known personalities.
Chris Hogan, once viewed as a successor to Ramsey, announced in a video today that he was no longer with the company.
“Recently, it’s come to light that I’ve done some things personally that are not in line with Ramsey Solutions and as a result, I’m no longer a team member at Ramsey,” Hogan said in the brief video. “I’m sorry for the harm that this has caused.”
Hogan, author of “Everyday Millionaire,” hosted his own popular radio show on Ramsey’s platform as well as appearing as a frequent guest host on Dave Ramsey’s program. A familiar presence at Ramsey Solutions events, Hogan was featured in a “Reset” event that Ramsey Solutions livestreamed from Life.Church, one of the largest congregations in the United States.
The company’s website described him as “America’s leading voice on retirement, investing and building wealth.”
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He had also been a source of controversy at Ramsey’s company, which employs about 1,000 people at its headquarters just south of Nashville. Ramsey solutions prides itself on being “the best place to work in America” and requires employees to adhere to a strict “righteous living” code that bans gossip and sex outside of marriage. The company currently is being sued for firing a pregnant employee who was unmarried.
Ramsey himself has been outspoken in defending the company’s culture, which he has described as “godly.”
“Don’t talk to me about how you love your pastor and your church. And I just moved in with my boyfriend,” he told employees in 2018, after news of the lawsuit broke. “That’s so freaking inconsistent and stupid. Anyone who disagreed with company policies should leave, he said, because the company would not sanction “misbehavior.”
“And if you don’t like that, this is your cue,” he said in a recording obtained by Religion News Service. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”
Hogan, however, had admitted to having several affairs, including one with a fellow Ramsey employee, during his divorce proceedings without apparent discipline from company leadership.
Instead, after company officials became aware of Hogan’s infidelity in 2018, just before the launch of “Everyday Millionaires,” the company put together a ‘restoration plan” that would allow Hogan’s book tour to go forward. Parts of that plan included mandatory counseling for Hogan and then-spouse, Melissa, and a request that the counselor and the couple’s pastor send regular reports to Ramsey and other company leaders.
After Melissa Hogan objected to that plan and the couple separated, Ramsey told employees that the couple was going through a “really nasty divorce” and accused Melissa Hogan of making angry and untrue allegations about her then-husband.
When media outlets reported on concerns about Hogan and about the culture at Ramsey Solutions, the company ridiculed any allegations against Hogan.
Neither Hogan nor Ramsey Solutions responded to requests for comment.
Bob Smietana is a national reporter for Religion News Service.
10 Responses
The “righteous living” requirement applies when it’s beneficial to the company.
Clearly their bottom line was impacted.
I will be praying for Chris Hogan. Hoping that he experiences repentance and restoration in his relationship with Jesus Christ.
What, but you don’t intend to pray for Melissa Hogan too?
Maybe you should go and work for Ramsey Solutions.
I hope this has come about because Dave Ramsey read the valid criticism of how a female employee at Ramsay’s organization was fired for having a child out of wedlock, while Chris Hogan’s multiple infidelities were overlooked because he earned the company a lot of money. A principle is in place for a purpose, and should be applied equitably. Not just to who they deem disposable.
RNS is NOT a reliable source of “news”. Getting that out of the way, this guy comes across as another “businessman” masquerading as some “sort” of ministry, using “congregational” overtones to “convince” others to follow him.
Lawsuits might be on the horizon.
(Jude 3)
Post Tenebras Lux
Meanwhile Ramsey, who promotes himself as a beacon of virtue, does not confess his shameful, abusive hypocrisy for how he dealt with Hogan and his wife.
Surprised no one has posted this:
Where is Sargent Schultz by the way?
“Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.”
How many genuine disciples do you know who use language like that?
I am happy to say that I don’t know any.
“A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it.” (Mat 15:11)
Praying for Melissa and her family. To the adulterer in this marriage and the idolatry of worshipping DR and his mammon empire, “Don’t let the door hit your ass as you are kicked out of Heaven.”
What a farce D. Ramsey’s religious system is and the abuse control he exerts over people. Worship the big “D” and you are in, worship Jesus Christ, and you are out.