A MAGA youth and music pastor with ties to Liberty University has been charged with soliciting inappropriate photos from teenagers at his father’s church for over a decade.
Zachary Radcliff, 29, of Ypsilanti, Michigan, was charged in Washtenaw County District Court with 11 counts of sexual abuse crimes.
Charges include criminal sexual conduct in the first degree; two counts of aggravated child sexually abusive activity; two counts of child sexually abusive activity; five counts of using a computer/internet to commit a crime; and using a computer to commit a crime with a maximum punishment greater than 20 years or life, the Michigan State Police posted on the social media site X.
Radcliff served as the youth pastor at Oakwood Church in Ypsilanti, Michigan, until Oct. 12, when he was fired from the church. He is the son of Oakwood Church Pastor Frank Radcliff.
Zachary Radcliff also is a graduate of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. In 2019, he performed a song he wrote entitled, “I’ll Stand,” during the Conservative Political Action Conference at Liberty.
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He also performed at Liberty’s Convocation in 2019, which was attended by Donald Trump, Jr., and his fiancée Kimberly Guilfoyle.
Radcliff is being held on a $3 million bond, the Detroit News reported.
An investigation was launched on Oct. 2, after law enforcement received a tip Radcliff allegedly solicited child sexually abusive material from a minor. The investigation has identified multiple victims, between 12 and 17 years old, according to the state agency.
The offenses allegedly occurred as early as 2011, police said.
The church released a statement saying, “This information has ripped our hearts apart.”
It adds, “We were told that Zachary had been soliciting inappropriate photos and possibly videos from teens.”
The church assured that all staff members and individuals working with children, teens, and adults go through background checks.
“We do our level best to make sure all are protected,” the statement said.
The church is offering counseling for any youth or adults impacted by the younger Radcliff.
Radcliff describes himself as “a professional Country and Christian recording artist” on his Facebook page.
Radcliff’s Instagram account shows several photographs of him with Donald Trump, Jr.
Radcliff is set to appear in court on Oct. 31.
Correction: Kimberly Guilfoyle is Donald Trump, Jr.’s fiancée, not his wife as originally stated.
Sheila Stogsdill is a freelance print journalist and digital reporter, primarily covering crime issues for KSN/KODE.
45 Responses
I attended Restore last year and have financially supported The Roys Report, but this story was disappointing and feels divisive and like an attack. I’m sure there are liberal pastors who commit crimes but I’m not seeing them being connected to Joe Biden who goes around sniffing and inappropriately cuddling and touching women and children. I wouldn’t think it was right or appropriate to connect that as well. Call out the alleged crime and criminal but leave the rest of us out of it. I was excited to see my conservative friends “like” on Julie’s page. This is not the way to bring about change and unity in the church. The church is global – not just in America.
Greetings Bonnie,
You are pretty much ignoring the political leanings Evangelical Leaders and their flocks.
You are pretty much reacting in a way that allows this type of behavior to continue: Nothing bad can happen here, because we look and act like you. The real problem is _____ fill in the blank.
The underlying tone is that ‘we’ are being unfairly picked on. Don’t look at what we knew was wrong, but did anyway.
Is it a problem of unacceptable behavior by a person? Or do you view it as only a political issue?
This blog and news reporting is about a specific group that does a lot of unacceptable behavior and really doesn’t want it examined. A large % of that group fits certain demographics. You look under the same type of rocks, you are going to find the same bugs. Why are you surprised?
What ever happened to Christian Leaders being beyond reproach? Why shouldn’t a few other Leaders at this Church fall on their swords and resign? They can’t have it both ways of telling others about ungodly behavior and not police their own.
Best regards
Thank you Bonnie. Well said. We never hear when these perverts support Biden/Harris, only if they support Trump. RR has gone liberal and is not representative of evangelicalism. I don’t support RR financially.
Maybe ask yourself why you don’t hear about that? Maybe because it doesn’t happen as often?
George. You’re going to be in for a big surprise. Plenty of stuff out there, but people ignore it, call it fake news, conspiracy theories, misinformation, disinformation, etc. Pretty soon it will be impossible to ignore. No more heads in the sand.
You talk about “plenty of stuff” yet offer no actual evidence and speculate about future revelations. Do you have anything based in reality to suggest that religious figures supporting Harris are “perverts”?
It’s unfortunate that any criticism or calling out of anything done by Trump or anyone who supports Trump is viewed as “going liberal”. Not only is that NOT the definition of “going liberal”, but it deflects from any true reflection or accountability and promotes divisiveness – all ways that I expect the world to respond to being called out for sin, NOT the church.
I understand your concerns, but I would apply the same standard if some pastor best known for his leftist politicking at a well-known Christian school were accused of a crime. To not report what this man is best known for would not be doing my job.
I don’t dispute that you should call this guy out, but I think you should hold space for those of us who feel attacked with the MAGA headline. I honestly don’t agree you should even label a Leftist if they were a sexual predator who took a picture with Biden’s son or his family. I think both of those instances would be wrong. We’re trying to restore the church — and the church is worldwide, not just in America. I actually think any kind of labeling of a political party in a headline or news story is making Christian Nationalism worse.
This article written in a very small corner of the internet is making Christian nationalism worse? Again, if you get upset every time some is critical,of trump, you’ve made an idol of him. So please repent
No we haven’t, Christians realize that government is Caesar and render unto government what is government. You seem to think we’re fools, which makes you, a bearer of false witness.
If someone just happens to support a political candidate, that’s one thing — and I assume it wouldn’t show up here. But when a person builds his identity or platform on support for a particular candidate, then it’s part of the news story that you can’t ignore unless you want to deliberately NOT tell the whole story.
“I actually think any kind of labeling of a political party in a headline or news story is making Christian Nationalism worse.”
How so?
Julie, to be honest, the only politician who is defamed regularly in the articles you publish is Donald Trump.
Maybe, just maybe it’s because he’s doing things deserving of it? Maybe just maybe 80%+ Christians are giving their full support for trump. The fact that you get so upset about it is telling. Trump truly is the antichrist
Nonsense. Trump has done more to stop the trafficking and abuse of children than all other president’s combined. And there are plenty of indictments to go around on all sides, tho I don’t believe this is fundamentally a political problem but a spiritual one. So I agree that the MAGA tag/headline is not called for. Evil is evil. Call it our as you will. But especially in this politically charged environment, this is NOT a politics card to play.
So let me get this correctly Bonnie: The way to “bring about change and unity in the church” is for Julie to be silent and not point out when our church leadership fails through abusing children and women, lying, stealing from congregants and taxpayers, or bullying? Pray tell, how should she should change the focus of her ministry?
I would think seeking the truth in all things would be paramount for someone who is a follower of The Way, The Truth and The Life.
Barney – that’s exactly the opposite of what I stated. Trump and MAGA are NOT the church. The headline detracted from the victims of this man and what I *thought* we were trying to restore the church to be – more like Jesus; less like the world. The world is divided and this article/opinion piece made it worse. Look at us. I am a supporter of Julie Roys and The Roys Report and the Restore conferences – and will continue to be – but I also believe that Julie should hold space for those of us who are her supporters who haven’t totally traded one religion (Conservatism) for another religion (Progressivism). I have come SO far from my rigid, judgemental, Complementarian belief system but canNOT go so far as to support Kamala and abortion and homosexuality and transgenderism, etc. That does not make me any less of a Christian than those who have totally gone from Right to Left.
Bonnie, even though it may feel like TRR could be somewhat anti-MAGA in this report, and it’s true that the people you mentioned seem to always get a free pass (see tinyurl.com/thewhistleisblown), however this platform is about restoring the Church. And in the Church today there are many wolves who wear all kinds of hats. As a Vietnam Veteran and father of children who were sexually abused in a church setting, I fully support the work being done here, and it’s not friendly fire!
If any of these pastors who abuse children had pictures of themselves with Joe Biden or Hunter Biden, I guarantee you it’d be reported, here and everywhere. It’s not being reported because it doesn’t exists in the same level as abusive pastors who support trump.
There have been reports of egalitarian, progressive, Black and any other identity of “liberal” pastors here, the difference being none of them have pictures of them with their favorite politicians on their social media. It’s not the Roy’s Report or reporters connecting them to trump and the MAGA world- they connect themselves with their words and pictures.
Unfortunately you are engaging in a form of ‘Whataboutism’. We are sure that sexual perversion occurs across the entire political and ideological spectrum however many conservatives esp. those tied to Trump have a high moral standard and should be held to that.
Not to mention many conservative conspiracists who support Trump and MAGA ideology promote the idea that the ‘liberal elite’ and ‘Deep State’ are exploiting children.
So what are we to do when one of their own are guilty of the same things they claim their opponents are doing?
“… with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” Matthew 7:1-5
“Maga” has immersed the Church into politics like never before. And Bonnie, come on, it is in support of a person controversial in any respect, but especially as a representative of Christianity. Please admit that.
You can’t have it both ways. Anyone condemning others, should make sure they are living above board themselves. The level of phoneyness is jarring.
I would not spend a minute on this blog if I found it to be biased, or manipulative in any way. I am “unaware” of the political persuasion of the subjects of most of the reports.
“Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” Galatians 5:9
I will give more often because I believe the work of “The Roys Report” is CRUCIAL to the authenticity of the Church.
‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks’
With the current wave of convictions of ministers for crimes of moral turpitude, I wonder if the biblical concept of sanctification is still taught in churches? So many misguided, yet well intended fathers wrongly put their sons in leadership positions. I have seen this fact play out since my days as a student in bible college in the 80s. If these allegations stand true, and have been occurring over a decade, it is apparent that the 29-year-old was never grounded in the fundamentals of right and wrong. The father must be shattered over this allegation. How does one reconcile preaching the gospel, placing a son in leadership only to find out the son may have been victimizing youth for over 10 years while leading youth. It must take a seared conscience, to separate the criminal deviancy in the mind and stand before a congregation at church or a political campaign and perform music.
Background checks, ONLY SHOW THE ONES WHO HAVE ALREADY BEEN EXPOSED, ARRESTED. They DO NOT SHOW, ALL OF THE ONES WHO ARE STILL LURKING AROUND, AND HAVE NOT BEEN EXPOSED YET. That IS how they CONTINUE TO GET ACCESS TO MORE VICTIMS. They ALSO USE “FAKE NAMES” on social media, dating sites, and so on. That way the employers/potential employers will not know what groups that they are part of, the types of “friends” that they have, and what ALL is posted.
I share the thoughts of those who find an issue with the title of this article. Is he the pastor at MAGA church? His ties to Liberty University and the political right get more attention than the church he actually works at. I’ve read every Roy’s Report article for years and I feel like this is an aberration from what I perceive, at least, is normal practice.
Wow, people actually care more about their favorite politician and political party, then the fact that a youth pastor has been doing crimes against children for 10 years! I am so impressed by your morality! It is so superior to those who do not think defending someone who has been convicted in a court in our land of rape, lying and numerous other crimes is something King Jesus Christ would do. Just what kind of Jesus do you claim to worship? One that looks and acts like the Devil in every way? Who exactly is using a conscience here and who is not?
Defensiveness is a sign that Julie Roy’s reporting is hitting right where it should–at those who defend credible, evidence-based bad behavior–and do not want it revealed. The question is WHY?
An organization that has set itself up as the arbiter of morality (the Church), stretching its ecclesiastical influence from pre-birth to post-death should demand that its leaders, of all people, be held accountable for the bad behavior of those who represent it and claim its covering.
But not in the MAGA evangelical movement.
Let us ask directly: When will you end this sycophancy, Trump believers?
After all, every disciple will some day be like his master, isn’t that your truth–if you follow the scriptures?
Should the law allow your perpetrators to get away with what you allow your dear leader?
You chose him. You claim him. You forgive him. You enable him. You continue to support him.
That you now demand no accountability does not surprise. He can do anything–isn’t that what he said?–but you cannot.
May the Law, and Justice prevail.
(And thank you, Julie Roys, for holding truth to power.)
Julie Roys and her staff do an outstanding job in reporting on some of the fools and their foolishness in the Church. Christians SHOULD welcome this!
Yes, and MAGA isn’t church, however, Trump does identify as a Presbyterian, which last I checked, is Christian.
And Rachel Dolezal “identified” as a Black woman, yet is not. When will we remember that sitting in a church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than sitting in a garage makes you a car? Or that being a Republican is NOT synonymous with being a Christian? (Nor is being a Republican synonymous with being a MAGA supporter, but that’s a whole other topic on basic civics that we seem to have forgotten.)
Trump has openly said he’s never asked God for forgiveness because he hasn’t needed it.
His own words in a video taped interview. Not only is this the antithesis of the gospel, it is a statement of pride that explains why his words and actions do not reflect the conviction or guidance of the Holy Spirit.
How does someone get qualified to be called a MAGA youth pastor? By espousing conservative principles? By being pictured with DJT Jr and claiming they are friends? What difference does it make? He could just as well be referred to as BEARDED youth pastor, or GUITAR-PLAYING youth pastor, or WHITE MALE youth pastor, as none of these modifiers, including MAGA, has anything to do with his evil behavior. Of course, if it were pointed out he’s a white male, there would be great protests that the article implies white males are sexual predators, or that he’s a sec abuser because he is a white male. So it is understandable that Trump supporters, and fair-minded people in general, take offense at the unnecessary use of MAGA to describe this predator. And Julie’s justification for using MAGA, “To not report what this man is best known for would not be doing my job” does not hold up, as the article gives no evidence that that is what he is best known for, but does state “Radcliff describes himself as ‘a professional Country and Christian recording artist’”. Also, the crimes supposedly began in 2011, 5 years before Donald Trump began using the term MAGA. Finally, both major presidential candidates are morally objectionable. But we are voting for the chief executive of the USA, not the chief spiritual leader.
“we are voting for the chief executive of the USA, not the chief spiritual leader.”
I am EXHAUSTED by this logic being used to overlook the flawed character of Trump (after singing a completely different tune when it was Clinton). If you support Trump, then so be it. Don’t try to spiritually justify it with this.
Scripture repeatedly shows us a God who strikes down kings for poor character and idolatry. Scripture repeatedly tells us the importance of character in leaders.
And why would anyone trust someone to be the “chief executive of the USA” who can’t be a successful chief executive of his own family (3 wives) or his own companies (4 bankruptcies)?
Make it make sense.
They say that, but then they go off on all of Kamala Harris supposed misdeeds. I was around (not voting age) for when character was soooooo important when Clinton was president. Hypocritical don’t you think?
I said BOTH candidates are morally objectionable, yet you say I want to “overlook the flawed character of Trump”. Are you not overlooking Harris’s refusal to limit abortion at any point in the baby’s development, and her fierce opposition to God’s plan of 2 genders? Face it, everyone running for office is a sinner, just as you and I are. In choices from the top to the bottom of the ballot, we often are choosing the ones we consider the lesser of 2 evils, because the candidates are all sinners, often unrepentant, godless sinners. The Harris/Trump race is probably the most extreme example ever of that. The next president will be elected by a majority who simply disliked the other candidate more. That’s sad. It would be wonderful to have Godly, highly principled people throughout government, but we don’t see many such people on the ballot. These are the choices we’ve been given, and we have to deal with it.
Yes and the option is then not to vote for either. But Christians voted for Trump over honorable people like Mike pence (all the policies, none of the baggage).
I agree with you that these are the choices we’ve been given and we have to deal with it.
Candidate #1 is pro-abortion. No limits. Supports gender fluidity.
Candidate#2 does not support conservative limits on abortion. He vigorously supported trans rights (trans men participating in pageants/female sports)
But at some point he learned what a powerful political tool it could be among a large voting block of evangelicals.
So NEITHER candidate is morally opposed to abortion or transgender rights.
Candidate #2 also makes promises to his people to uproot millions, destroying lives of people who have been living and working among us. Fellow humans, made in the image of God. He lies about them and uses dehumanizing language – a precursor to justifying inhumane treatment.
Candidate #2 also spent years very effectively convincing his followers that no established media can be trusted, and then uses that broken trust to lie to them continuously about anything and everything.
In the OT, Do not Murder comes alongside of Do not Bear False witness. It seems his supporters do not take that second one seriously.
In the NT Jesus condenses the laws down to 2 most important: Love the Lord your God with all your heart strength and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.
It seems his supporters have placed conditions on who their neighbors are that Jesus did not.
Marin Heiskell:
We trust President Trump because he has already served for four years and, despite daily detractors, did an incredible job.
Does that explain it for you?
1000000+ dead from covid
Slow to respond to global pandemic
Allowed churches to close during said pandemic
Largest increase in national debt under any 4 year president
PPP initiated without any checks and balances, untold billions stolen by grifters
Letting 5000 Taliban terrorists free
Set us up for high inflation with his poor management of the country
“Incredible job!”
Depends on your definition of an “incredible” job.
If you mean racked us with an “incredible” rise in national debt to levels never seen before? Sure. I mean, it’s the same thing he did to cripple FOUR of his businesses. I’ll say this: Trump is nothing if not consistent.
But then again, many think Trump’s an “incredible” businessman too. It’s “incredible” that few of the buildings that bear the name “Trump” are actually his; he trademarks the use of his name to appear to own more than he does. Furthermore, it’s “incredible” how the Trump portfolio is so HIGHLY leveraged – at higher debt to equity ratios than many of us “commoners” would ever be allowed. This is how Trump’s interest payments get so out of control, to the point he “creatively defaults” either on the loan and/or on paying his contractors (see the “incredible” lawsuits brought against the Trump organization on this).
Who knew studying the Trump organization in business school would ever come in handy when it comes to politics?
“Incredible” is definitely the right word.
Yes Marin, character counts. I agree that President Trump has some less-than-admirable traits, but he has also demonstrated strength, boldness, compassion, a sense of humor, the ability to grasp the big picture, and a quick mind, all traits that are essential for someone to be a successful chief executive. Vice President Harris has none of these qualities. She can’t even handle Anderson Cooper. How would she do against Putin, or the Iranians? She is so lacking in presidential skills that her entire campaign has degenerated to “Trump is bad, abortion is good”. In fact, that’s the same for the Trump detractors in this discussion. Hardly anyone here is touting any of Harris’s qualifications to be the next chief executive of the US because, as she and her party obviously realize, there aren’t any.
If a pastor or other fallen individual had Democrat or communist ties to say democrats do you post that? Or just MAGA? So are you of the child killing side then or what is that?
Pat –
“Child killing”? This is a hyperbolic straw man argument.
And both candidates are pro-choice, so I’m not sure at whom this argument is aimed.
Marin Heiskell:
Your words: “And both candidates are pro-choice…”
Seriously? That’s what you honestly believe?
Wow. Are you aware that Walz believes it’s okay to have abortions right up through the 9th month of pregnancy?
That doesn’t even remotely match President Trump’s position. Moreover, he has consistently said it is up to the states, not him or his views.
Again, please stop the lies and propaganda. The word “CONTEXT” comes to mind. Try using it.
When the MAGA people present themselves as unco guid, it’s no wonder their fallen angels draw media attention.