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Methodist Pastor Quietly Retires from Texas Megachurch After Being Arrested for Solicitation of Prostitution

By Liz Lykins
Mugshot of Dr. John Fiedler following his arrest on October 31, 2024 for solicitation of prostitution. Photo courtesy of Carrollton, TX police.

A pastor at the largest United Methodist Church in the country was arrested for solicitation of prostitution this past October, according to legal records obtained by The Roys Report (TRR). The church then quietly retired the pastor.

Dr. John Fiedler, previously the executive minister Highland Park United Methodist Church (HPUMC) in Dallas, Texas, was caught following a prostitution bust at a massage parlor, according to an incident report.

The incident occurred in Carrollton, which is located about 20 miles north of Dallas, after local police inspected the business on Oct. 2, 2024, the report said.

No alcohol or drug use was suspected to be involved in the incident, Carrollton Police Department noted in the report.

TRR reached out to Carrollton Police Department repeatedly for further comment but did not hear back.

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Early in the morning on Oct. 31, Fiedler turned himself into police after a warrant had been put out for his arrest, according to court records. Fiedler was then put in the town’s municipal jail.

However, the police did not have “sufficient manpower” to transport Fiedler to the county jail, the records said.

Fiedler’s attorney, Mark Lassiter, then asked the courts to release Fiedler on a personal recognize bond, according to the records.

The court then set Fiedler’s bond at $1,000 and granted him a writ of habeas corpus, which prevented the case from going any further.

Lassiter contended for the writ because Fielder, 72, had no prior criminal history and had been diagnosed with dementia, the records state.

TRR reached out to Lassiter for further comment but did not hear back prior to publication.

View of Highland Park United Methodist Church in Dallas, TX. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

Fiedler’s Quiet Retirement

Following this, Fiedler then quietly retired from his role at HPUMC on Dec. 31, 2024, several months after his arrest, according to UMData. Fiedler had worked at the church since 2013.

TRR repeatedly reached out to HPUMC’s main office and senior minister’s office for comment to clarify what led to Fiedler’s retirement and the timeline regarding it and his arrest. TRR did not receive a response.

Facebook livestreams of the church’s services show Fiedler was regularly involved in Sunday services until his arrest. He would sit on stage through the service and either lead prayers, preach, or give announcements up until Oct. 6.

After this, Fiedler is no longer on stage, according to the livestreams.

Additionally, Fiedler’s presence on HPUMC’s website has been fully removed, including any of his previous sermons. An archived version of the site shows that Fiedler’s profile was on the site on Oct. 5.

Fiedler’s profile shares that when he first started working at HPUMC he preached at the 11:00 a.m. services. He later took over leadership of the church’s Mark Craig Leadership Network.

Prior to HPUMC, Fiedler worked as the senior minister at First UMC Dallas for 16 years.

Fiedler earned his Master in Divinity degree from Brite Divinity School and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Perkins School of Theology

HPUMC is the Methodist largest church by denomination size, according to 2023 statistics from UMData. The church has nearly 15,000 members.

HPUMC was started in 1916 as the University Church as it held it met on Southern Methodist University’s campus. The church then moved to its present, gothic-inspired building in 1927.

Rev. Paul Rasmussen currently leads the church as its senior minister.

Liz Lykins is a correspondent covering religion news for The Roys Report, WORLD Magazine, and other publications.



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13 Responses

  1. Wow. Unfortunately this is what happens in churches and denominations that depart from biblical teachings. The UMC is lost I’m afraid.

    1. Me thinks this is not a UMC issue.

      This is an individual issue with a longer term UM pastor whom many still might have fond memories of during this time of “ you can’t make this up.”

      There will always be specs and logs and individual failures throughout the church and society.

      Some will be harsh, some will become detached, some like me will say what was he thinking? And some like me pray for his repentance and and enough forgiveness that John will still have a golfing buddy or two in the future.

      John has much territory or ground to cover to make amends for this “hiccup” having had a long “successful” life in many respects.

      Note: the article did not mention ton of this was a “one-off” incident or a recurring problem. From what I read more of a one-off incident.

      If John was to call me to talk or get together for breakfast or lunch to catch up, I would schedule any such get together at his earliest convenience.

      My dad always should me the most grace when I made the worst mistakes. Dad knew I was not a.leaper. Just someone that needed an alignment in some way shape or form to travel straight again down the road of life.

      Grace and Peace, chuck
      And to John, his wife, family, and friends.


    2. that is not what’s going on! He’s been diagnosed with signs of dementia for quite a while now.
      long before that incident. I’m sure this is all directly related to that.

    3. Well the last time I checked the church was a home for sinners. Jesus is the only perfect person I know of. Thank you God! Let’s not blame this situation on the church, denomination or the UMC please!

      1. Amen! My prayers are with Dr, Fielder and his family. Additionally, I see no reason for the writer to include the booking picture, I have not seen that in other articles.

      2. What chapter and verse for “the church is a home for sinners”?

        It says the OPPOSITE in the NT. The Greek word translated as “church” is “ekklesia”, which literally means “called-out people”.
        Called-out from what?
        The WORLD and its ways and everything that’s acceptable to the lost world!

        Christians are “partakers in the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4) and NEW CREATURES by definition with the HOLY Spirit indwelling (John 14:16-17, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17 etc etc) and are referred to as “saints” (holy, called-out ones) over 40 times in the New Testament and not once as “sinners”.

        I tremble for people who justify sin (especially gross sin) in churches. I hope such people read their New Testament before it’s too late…

        “Be ye perfect” (Matthew 5:48).
        He was NOT joking!
        The Holy Spirit indwelling enables it and the Holy Spirit indwelling is what defines a Christian!

    4. With just a little bit of Googling, you can find accounts of Southern Baptist, independent non-denominational, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Episcopalian, and a variety of fundamentalist Bible church pastors, ministers, volunteers, and members who patronize “special” massage parlors and get arrested. All over the United States. Recently and for many years prior. If this is evidence of a particular church and denomination being “lost,” then the entire Christian religion is as lost as a goose in a snowstorm.

    5. Let me make sure I understand your assertion: sexual misconduct from a clergy member is a reliable indication that the denomination has lost its way. Do I have that right?

    6. Former United Methodist, now Global Methodist for other reasons, for any to indict the United Methodist denomination for the error of any Individual pastor (or other employee or lay person) their indictment must be against each and every denomination, individual church, and other religious sect as well as for all secular institutions and individuals.

      None are innocent of failures, nor will they be. That is in no way to excuse John Fielder’s error. It is his personal responsibility as it was by his choice. His restoration is fully attainable by his repententance and the correction of his behavior and is earned by Jesus sacrifice on the cross, redeeming us from our sins when we believe and turn away from our past and current errors.

      “Forgive us our trespasses AS WE FORGIVE OTHERS.”

      Failure to follow these admonitions while pointing an accusing finger based on others renders us guilty of hypocrisy.

      Prayers for John Fielder, his family, HPUMC, the United Methodist denomination and, less we forget, for the owner and employees of the “massage parlor” and its other patrons.


  2. A monumentto rigid, ignorant intolerance still afoot in Dallas. Shame on the DPD–have they no important work to do, or actual criminals to chase?

  3. A dementia diagnosis, how convenient… Show me one of your “christian” leaders that is not merely a heretic in disguise. Will always be this way. Fundamentalists, your dirty laundry and harmful ideals are plastered in the media every day. When will you wake up? Ignorant enabling women and their perverted husbands, nothing new if anybody read a history book.

  4. What is amazing is how someone for world magazine, or someone who writes for world magazine, did not get the story straight.

    Grace, and peace, Chucke

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