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Mica Miller’s Family Reaches Legal Settlement with Her Husband After Her Controversial Death

By Liz Lykins
mica miller
John-Paul Miller and Mica Miller in an undated photo. (Photo: Facebook)

South Carolina Pastor John-Paul Miller and the family of his late wife, Mica Miller, reached a legal settlement Monday, they announced in a press conference outside of Horry County Court House. The settlement ends any legal jockeying over Mica’s death.

“Mica’s family, Pastor Miller and the church have set their differences aside to allow Mica’s memory to live on without the encumbrance of contentious litigation,” said Russell Long, John-Paul Miller’s lawyer.

Long and Regina Ward, Mica’s family lawyer, gave statements together at the conference, explaining that they want to end Mica’s case.

Her suicide in April captured national attention, after family alleged her husband abused her, and Mica feared for her life.

Mica, 30, died at Lumber River State Park in North Carolina and local authorities ruled her death a suicide, The Roys Report (TRR) previously reported. She and her husband, who serves as pastor at Solid Rock Church at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, had initiated divorce proceedings shortly before her death.

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Pastor John-Paul Miller speaks during the memorial service for his late wife, Mica Miller, at Solid Rock at Market Common church in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Video screen grab)

John-Paul Miller remains the pastor but was released from all ministerial functions shortly after Mica’s death for “a time of healing, counsel, and guidance,” TRR previously reported.

The pastor had blamed Mica’s family for withholding medication that kept her mentally stable, while the family claimed his abusive behavior drove the 30-year-old to suicide, TRR reported.

At the press conference, John-Paul Miller, Mica’s relatives—the Francis family—and their lawyers met for what was anticipated to be an estate hearing. Instead, the parties announced that an agreement was made to stop any legal filings.

That includes the previous petition by Sierra Francis, Mica’s sister, to become special administrator of her estate. Sierra Francis withdrew her petition, and John-Paul Miller will now be the personal representative of the estate, attorneys said.

Additionally, the agreement bars Mica’s family pursuing any civil wrongful death lawsuits against 44-year-old John-Paul Miller, which Attorney Ward had previously said the family was considering.

Ward noted that some people may be “disappointed” by this conclusion, but without this agreement, the litigation could take years to “go through a court system.”

“We do not want the Francis family or anyone to be dragged through litigation for years,” Ward said. “We want to put this behind us and move on to the next chapter that matters. When we say that we’ve gotten justice for Mica as a result of this settlement, it is true.”

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Mica Miller (Photo via social media)

Mica’s family doesn’t “want to talk about Mr. Miller anymore,” Ward added.

Instead, they want to work to pass a law in Mica’s memory that bans coercive control abuse. Coercive control is behavior or actions used by a preparator to frighten, threaten, and oppress, a victim, according to the Domestic Violence Network.

Ward, who has previously pushed for a bill on this, explained this law could bar “psychological warfare” that damages “the very soul of a person.”

“The next chapter is to go and convince our general assembly to take a look at the coercive control law bill. We need that on the agenda ASAP,” Ward said. “We want to focus on the memory and beauty of Mica and everything she has represented for herself and every single person that has ever been in her situation.”

Lawyers urge a stop to protests

Both lawyers called on protesters to stop demonstrations outside of Solid Rock Church.

“Those that are spending every Sunday morning protesting outside of Solid Rock Church chanting, ‘Justice for Mica,’ should recognize this time of healing and move on with their lives,” Attorney Long said. “We don’t know every piece of information that led to the death of Mica. We do know that her life did serve a purpose. Her life mattered.”

Long’s remarks reference months of protests outside the church urging “Justice for Mica,” TRR reported. Earlier in July, one church member faced assault charges after using a sprinkler to spray protestors outside the building.

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Robert Wayne Lochel was arrested on July 1, 2024, after disrupting protestors outside Solid Rock at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (Photo: MBPD / Video screengrab)

Long encouraged protesters to leave Solid Rock churchgoers alone.

 “These poor people are just trying to go to church on Sunday, and they’re being harassed, and they’re being put in fear. And they’re being made not to feel comfortable trying to go to church,” Long said. “The Francis family just asked them, through their attorney, to focus their energy on something else. She asked them to focus their energy toward the passing of this coercive control act.”

Ward, who has a “Justice for Mica” banner outside her office, echoed Long’s remarks.

Long also noted that he doesn’t believe John-Paul Miller is under a criminal investigation. “We’ve asked for definitive answers on that, and the answers and/or lack of answers that we received can only lead to that answer,” Long said.

Later that month, local law enforcement investigating Mica Miller’s death reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in South Carolina and the United States Attorney’s Office for help with the case, TRR reported.

The contention surrounding Mica Miller’s death

Mica Miller’s death began garnering attention when the day after her death, John-Paul Miller preached a normal sermon at Solid Rock. He didn’t mention her death until the end of service. He then claimed Mica had repeatedly struggled with suicide.

Shortly after this, Mica Miller’s family members alleged that John-Paul had been abusive to his wife in court documents.

In early May, local authorities ruled Mica’s much-disputed death a suicide based on surveillance footage, interviews, physical evidence, and the examination of the N.C. Medical Examiner’s Office.

A number of details about John-Paul Miller raised concerns on social media and online.

Mica Miller, left, pictured with her husband, John-Paul Miller, pastor of Solid Rock at Market Common in Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Photos: social media)

In an email apology acquired by NewsNation, Miller admitted to posting a topless photo of Mica weeks before she died.

Additionally, the pastor’s first wife, Alison, alleges that John-Paul was caught in an affair with Mica in 2015, while Mica worked as the couple’s babysitter, according to a 2017 affidavit obtained by the Daily Mail.

Mica Miller also accused the pastor of grooming her for years and stealing her car in several court documents, TRR reported. Miller said John-Paul “groomed” her since she was 10 years old.

In a previous statement, Long, the pastor’s attorney, rejected these claims.

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications. 



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10 Responses

  1. so sad. another wealthy white evangelical male pastor buys his way out of justice. I understand why the family doesn’t want a protracted legal battle, which would be heart wrenching, but the result of that is that JP Miller again evades any accountability for what he did to Mica.

    I hope the protestors don’t stop. I hope they haunt his church, and never let them forget just who they are choosing to follow.

    1. John-Paul Miller may end up getting bugged and hounded like OJ Simpson after his acquittal. Not that would be a bad thing mind you.

    2. He won’t “evade any accountability”. If he doesn’t feel guilty (also about allegedly betraying his covenant wife, Alison) then he has a seared conscience and that’s close to being “reprobate”.
      If he DOES feel guilty, then Satan, the enemy of ALL souls (even those who seem to be “working for him”) will torture him day and night with flashbacks and guilt.
      At that point, if his pride stops him from repenting in a Godly way (2 Corinthians 7) and surrendering to Christ then his psychological and then ETERNAL future will be VERY dark (literally).

      Christians fully TRUST our God of JUSTICE.
      Therefore we do not take revenge of any kind because trusting HIS justice puts us at peace: Romans 12:17-20.

      By definition we follow (IMITATE) Christ i.e we do as he did: 1 Peter 2:21-23.

    3. No, he doesn’t evade accountability. All of us will stand before God one day who knows everything to know about us, holy and righteous and will give an account before God of the things that we have done while on earth, “whether good or bad.” (2 Cor. 5:10).

      Jen, you said he “buys his way out of justice.” What is it that he should be charged with in your judgment? The evidence shows he didn’t murder her. It certainly appears that he was abusive and controlling and probably a narcissist. But those things in and of themselves aren’t illegal.

      1. He should lose his freedom and be jailed, since he took hers. He did not directly kill her, but he definitely abused her and created the circumstances for her taking her own life. He is the reason she died. I understand why the family is not continuing to pursue it, because that’s a fairly unlikely outcome for abusive white men in our criminal justice system, but you asked what “should” have happened.

        Also, he should at the VERY least lose any position of leadership or authority in his church- which is why I encourage the protestors to stay. If it becomes financially uncomfortable for the church to continue with him n power, they might make changes. That man has a long pattern of abusing his power. If the institution of the church won’t make this right, the Body of Christ can try.

  2. I hope he is prosecuted in some way. This is rampant with abusive pastors. Also…please don’t post the photo of them together. It sickens me to see her with him. A photo of each of them separate is just fine. Thanks for following and writing on this church and domestic violence:

  3. What is also tragic is how her desperation led to suicide. With help and intervention it could well have been prevented. I have coined an expression; ” the trouble with suicide, is you can’t live to regret it”. Meaning, that it is preventable. Was Mica on appropriate medication? Was she being medically monitored? Was she receiving help at all? Counselling?
    As for abuse, I am well aware that professing Christ doesn’t exempt, (tho it should ) all forms of abuse to occur even in the church. There are too many women (and men) who are subject to “mental cruelty”. These abusive partners may well have a personality disorder such as Narcissitic, Sociopathic and Borderline Personality Disorder. It is something pastoral staff and elders, deacons should be aware of.

  4. It’s not over yet, my friends. Father God has the last word in this matter. He has said , “VENGENCE is Mine, I will repay.” NO one is going to get by with anything concerning Mica. Father will UNCOVER AND EXPOSE EVERYTHING DONE AGAINST HER. IT WILL BE NO QUESTION ABOUT IT. KEEP THE FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS.

  5. Is he still the pastor at the church?! After posting a topless picture of his wife? While those in troubled marriages should attempt a reconciliation, someone who does what he did simply cannot be the spiritual leader of a congregation.

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