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Michael Brown Faces Sexual Misconduct Allegations; Ministry Hires Third-Party Investigator

By Rebecca Hopkins
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Michael L. Brown speaks at St. Paul's Hammersmith in London, England, during a conference in 2018. (Video screengrab)

“Erin” was one of millions of believers whose faith in God was so transformed by the Brownsville Revival of the mid-1990s that she accepted a secretarial job at the revival’s ministry school in Pensacola, Florida. But in 2002, the 21-year-old suddenly cleared her desk, quietly left the state, and has struggled with her faith ever since.

Erin told The Roys Report (TRR) she left because she felt trapped when revival leader and FIRE School of Ministry founder Michael Brown—a man she called “Dad”—would frequently cross physical boundaries. He’d hold her hand, kiss her on the lips, and slap her bottom, she said.

“He was supposed to be a spiritual father,” Erin said. “He was supposed to look after me.”

TRR keeps alleged victims of sexual harassment and clergy sexual abuse anonymous, so Erin is a pseudonym. However, we confirmed her identity with former FIRE staff Kris Bennett and former FIRE missionary Katherine Marialke.

Michael Brown, 69, is founder of the Concord, North Carolina-based ministry, The Line of Fire (formerly AskDrBrown). He’s also a prolific author, radio host, revivalist, and Messianic Jewish leader.

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On Nov. 5, 2023, Michael Brown preaches at Forerunner Church in Grandview, Mo. (Video screengrab)

In recent years, he’s sought reforms in the prophetic movement, following abuses committed by so-called “Trump prophets.” He also has provided accountability for high-profile Christian leaders, like Todd Bentley and Mike Bickle, who’ve been accused of sexual misconduct.

In 2017, at the beginning of the MeToo movement, Brown publicly called abusers to repent.

Last month, as TRR began reaching out to Brown for comment on this story, Brown told board members for The Line of Fire about Erin’s allegations, board member Cindy Panepinto told TRR.

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Cindy Panepinto (Photo: Upward Calling Ministry)

Panepinto said Brown also revealed an emotional connection he had with a second woman more than 20 years ago,

“There was no physical aspect of that, but it was a soul tie,” Panepinto said of the second woman. “It was something he repented of to his wife and they both took care of it with their spouses.”

Two weeks ago, The Line of Fire Board hired the law firm Mitchell, Stein, Carey, and Chapman to conduct a third-party investigation. Lee Stein is a former U.S. attorney and former Arizona assistant attorney general.

Line of Fire board member Jonathan Bernis said the ministry will make the firm’s final report public when the investigation is complete.

In a written statement to TRR, Brown said he’s in agreement with the investigation because he’s “shocked and horrified” by the accusations, some of which he said are “false statements” and “mischaracterizations.” Brown denied ever committing adultery and said all interactions with Erin were “nonsexual” but lacked judgment.

“(A)spects of my interaction with her, although totally non-sexual in every way, reflected a lack of judgment on my part,” Brown wrote. “(I)f it’s true that for 23 years she has carried this pain and I am responsible for it, I am beyond mortified and would plead forgiveness and the opportunity to bring healing and restoration.”

‘I couldn’t understand what I saw’

In 1999, at age 18, Erin attended the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry.

Then in 2000, John Kilpatrick, former pastor of Brownsville Assembly of God where the revival originated, clashed with Brown over the direction of the ministry and fired Brown from his position as president of the Brownsville school.

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Michael Brown (left) and Pastor John Kilpatrick lead prayer at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, circa 1997. (Photo via social media)

In response, Brown started the FIRE School of Ministry. It would remain in Pensacola until 2003, when Brown relocated it to North Carolina.  

Erin followed Brown to FIRE, which is about the time when she says Brown asked her to call him, “Dad.” Since her home life was difficult, she initially enjoyed his attention and the notes they’d write to each other.

(Courtesy Photo)

Erin’s sister told TRR Erin had special access to Brown.

“I looked at it as a blessing because of the respect that we all have for him,” the sister said.

Erin said she hadn’t been at FIRE even a year before Brown initiated physical touching. Once, she said Brown made a big deal of the handholding to other people while together in a vehicle. 

“He lifted it up in the truck . . . and he’s like, ‘You all know that I think of (Erin) as my daughter,’ and said, ‘That’s why we’re holding hands because she’s like a daughter to me,’” Erin said.

Then one day when they were alone in his office, she said he asked for a kiss on the lips. She didn’t want to do it, so she gave him a chaste peck. But she said kisses on the lips became a pattern of their goodbyes when they’d been alone.

“It was no longer (Brown) was asking for a kiss,” she said. “It was (Brown) leaning down to get a kiss. . . . I knew I couldn’t stop it or I felt I couldn’t stop it.”

Erin said Brown also began smacking her rear end with his hand, which made her uncomfortable.

Others noticed the intimate dynamic and physical interactions: 

  • Former FIRE staff Londa Parker says she saw a note that Erin wrote to Brown. “It had his name on it,” Parker said. “It had hearts drawn all over it. . . . I got this sick feeling.”
  • Gregg Montella, who assisted Brown on ministry trips, once walked in on Erin and Brown in his office. Montella said Erin was sitting on Brown’s lap. “I couldn’t understand what I saw,” he said. “I spun around really fast and just walked right out. . . . I thought, that’s odd. That’s gross. But this was in a time where people were talking so much about sonship and family and fatherhood of God.”
  • Katherine Marialke, a former FIRE missionary, told TRR she saw Erin snuggling with Brown and sitting on Brown’s lap. She said she didn’t see Brown’s own daughters doing the same.
  • Kris Bennett, Brown’s former assistant, told TRR he saw Brown holding Erin’s hand in a van late at night on a ministry trip.
  • Keith Collins, former FIRE school director, told TRR that he saw Brown driving alone with Erin in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

Meanwhile, Brown’s school had strict modesty dress codes and rules about dancing, even at weddings, and restrictions on unchaperoned dating, with “very little grace” for those who didn’t meet standards, said Amber Rhodes, a former student of the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry.

“It was just like, ‘Purify, purify, revival fire, be holy as God is, live this perfect, blameless, stainless life,’” said Rhodes.

School leaders asked students to confess sexual sins at services in front of the student body, for offenses as small as swimming in a pool with someone of the opposite sex, said Carolyn Barry, another former FIRE staffer and long-time former friend of the Browns. (They are no longer speaking due to a separate matter.)

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Michael Brown interviews a young woman about her testimony at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, circa 1998. (Photo via social media)

The confrontations

In 2002, Bennett said he told former FIRE Director Keith Collins, who was his boss, about the handholding.

So, Collins told TRR he and another leader confronted Brown. Collins said Brown admitted to poor judgment but explained it away as a father-daughter relationship with Erin. Collins said Brown also denied any sexual relationship and didn’t disclose the butt-smacking and kisses.

Bennett said Brown then rebuked Bennett for telling leaders rather than coming directly to Brown.

“Basically, it wasn’t a big deal. He hadn’t done anything wrong. And Kris had done the wrong thing,” Bennett recalled.

In Brown’s statement to TRR, he said that if he chastised anyone, it was because they accused him of having an affair.

However, Bennett told TRR he never accused Brown of having an affair.

Robert Gladstone, one of the former FIRE leaders, told TRR he also learned about the handholding. So, he confronted Brown in a series of emails, which Gladstone said were on an old computer and no longer accessible. But Gladstone said he wasn’t included in any meetings and Brown didn’t mention the butt-smacking and kissing.

“I trusted what I was told that they were non-romantic incidents, though unwise,” Gladstone said. “Now looking back, I realize I was really left on the periphery.”

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Students at FIRE School of Ministry pray over a guest speaker, in April 2014. (Photo: Facebook)

A disturbing incident happened when Erin was housesitting for the Browns while they were away, she told TRR. The Browns told her she could sleep in their bedroom in their newly-built house, since the other bedrooms weren’t finished.  

Erin said she would often leave short encouraging notes in Brown’s Bible, desk drawers, or coat pocket, and sometimes he’d write a note for her in return. So, she opened the drawer of his nightstand to hide a note for him when his handwriting on a yellow legal pad caught her eye. But she said Brown’s words described an inappropriate situation Brown had with a married woman associated with the Brownsville school.

“The letter basically stated that they were having a talking relationship and how they would dream about having sexual relations with each other and what they wanted to do with each other, how she wanted to wrap her legs around him, how he played into it,” Erin said.

Previously, she said she assumed the interactions she’d had with Brown, which sometimes felt off, were what a healthy father-daughter relationship should be. But reading that note made her see the interactions in a new light.

“It was the realization that what was happening between us was wrong, even though, when it would happen, I would know it was wrong, I didn’t know it was wrong,” Erin said. “When I found the note, I was like, ‘This is wrong. Everything’s wrong.’”

In 13 states, plus the District of Columbia, adult clergy sexual abuse (ACSA), in which clergy engage in sexual interactions with people in their care, is against the law and is not considered consensual. ACSA expert David Pooler says offenders will often create a culture where physical touching is accepted and break down physical boundaries gradually during a “grooming” period. He said they’ll also exploit human needs for connection so that victims will try to protect the offender out of love.

Florida does not criminalize ACSA. However, the federal Civil Rights Act protects workers against sexual harassment in the workplace.

Erin was conflicted about what to do. She said she thought about reporting this to someone at FIRE, but she didn’t think others would believe her word against Brown’s. Also, she said she didn’t want to leave her job, and she still cared for Brown as a father figure.

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In Dec. 2013, Michael Brown speaks at a graduation ceremony for the FIRE School of Ministry in Raleigh, North Carolina. (Photo: Facebook)

Soon after, Erin said Brown chastised her for frequently sitting at church with a young man and going to lunch with him, telling her the one-on-one time didn’t look good.  She assumed Brown was trying to keep the school’s strict expectations about unchaperoned time spent with someone from the opposite sex, but the young man was just a friend. 

In response, Erin said she confronted Brown about the letter. She said Brown told her that his wife was aware of the letter, and the matter between him and the other woman was over. Erin said he then apologized to her and said she could represent the student body by receiving the apology for everyone.

“(He) and (Brown’s wife) Nancy basically told me that I represented the student body of FIRE. And they asked for my forgiveness and that was good enough—that they didn’t have to go public,” Erin said.

Soon after, Erin, while at work, said she saw the woman referenced in the note she found, who didn’t work at FIRE, accompanying Brown into an empty room nearby. Brown had previously told Erin his friendship with the woman was over, Erin said.  

TRR could not contact the woman, and her family declined to comment.

Meanwhile, Erin’s sister overheard Erin telling Brown over the phone that the butt-smacking made her uncomfortable. The sister told the women’s parents. Their parents then confronted Brown but never talked about Brown again , both Erin and her sister said.

The week that Erin was scheduled to attend the wedding of one of Brown’s daughters, she suddenly quit her job to escape the situation with Brown. Brown later told her that people were speculating about their relationship and her departure and that John Cava, FIRE’s director of missions, was going to call her, Erin said.

“The gist of what I remember getting from our conversation was, ‘Hey, I’m just calling to warn you, so make sure you say it right,’” Erin said. “And then Mr. Cava called me, and of course, I was like, ‘Oh, no, nothing ever happened.’”

TRR reached out to Cava multiple times, but he didn’t respond.

In Brown’s written statement, he wrote that he believed he’d properly resolved and apologized to Erin in 2002.

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Michael Brown with his wife, Nancy. (Photo: Facebook)

“Before she relocated to another state in August 2002, she informed me that our interaction months earlier had made her uncomfortable,” Brown wrote. “And so Nancy and I met with her immediately in the spirit of Matthew 18, I apologized to her from the heart, we talked things through together, after which, to our knowledge, everything was good between us.”

Former FIRE staff Londa Parker said she knew some friends had confronted Brown for the handholding and lap-sitting. After Erin’s departure, Parker said Brown left for several weeks, a break that Gladstone also said he remembers. When Brown returned, Parker said Brown told the church Brown had been under “heavy discipline” from God.

Parker said Brown didn’t say anything about sexual misconduct. Instead, he told the church that he’d choked on a hamburger, which was his wake-up call from God for his poor eating habits.

Parker and her husband left FIRE that year.

Soon after, Parker said Brown met with Parker and told her the accusations of handholding and lap-sitting were an attack from Satan. She said Brown rebuked Parker for gossiping and trying to harm his ministry.

Erin said she initially kept in touch with Brown by email because she struggled to let go of their father-daughter attachment. She eventually got married, had children, and tried to move on with life and from Brown. Yet, she continued to struggle to trust God and faith leaders after that.

More confrontations, calls for repentance

Fifteen years passed. As Brown became more public about calling out abuse, former FIRE staff and missionaries redoubled their efforts to confront Brown.

In 2017, Katherine Marialke, a former missionary, wrote to Brown to confront the lap-sitting and “inappropriate” relationship with Erin.

She also questioned FIRE’s hiring of Brown’s son-in-law, Ryan Bruss, to work at FIRE shortly after Bruss was removed from Heartland Family Church in Dallas.

Bruss was fired from Heartland for misconduct with a young adult student while Bruss was president of Heartland’s school of ministry, according to Jeff Baldwin, former Heartland college pastor.

Brown texted Marialke to say that Bruss went through a “full and thorough restoration” for “many months” before FIRE hired him.

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Ryan Bruss (Video screengrab)

Josh Peters, president of FIRE international, told TRR in an email that FIRE leaders decided to hire Bruss—not at Brown’s “behest”— to work in administration a year later after Bruss’s departure from Heartland. Peters added that FIRE leaders didn’t tell staff or students about Bruss’s past, saying such disclosure isn’t biblical.

“We would not use the term sexual misconduct but rather marital unfaithfulness,” Peters wrote. “He came with his family to make a new start in a new state, fully repentant and going through carefully supervised restoration. It would not be our policy with anyone in that situation to inform all the staff about a pastor marital failure, nor do we see that as biblical.”

Bruss also sometimes filled in for Brown as a teacher at FIRE, Brown wrote in the foreword of Bruss’s book, “Carrying the Presence.”

Meanwhile, Baldwin said the effect of Bruss’s misconduct on the Heartland ministry school was devastating.

“It really did ruin the school,” Baldwin said. “It was never the same after that, because these students put their trust in their leader.”

Bruss now pastors Antioch Community Fellowship in Charlotte, North Carolina. TRR reached out to Bruss for comment, but he didn’t respond.

In 2020, Kris Bennett, Brown’s former assistant, saw a social media post Brown made condemning Todd Bentley’s sexual misconduct. Bennett said his memory of Brown holding Erin’s hand in a van late at night in 2002 had been eating at him for the past couple of years.

So, Bennett contacted Erin to ask for more details about her relationship with Brown. Erin decided to trust Bennett and told Bennett about kisses, butt-slapping, and Brown’s letter to the other woman.

“At that point in time was the first time I went, ‘You know what? . . . I’m done hiding it,’” Erin told TRR.

Keith Collins, former FIRE director, said Bennett told him about the butt-slapping, which Collins said was “shocking.” Collins and Bennett confronted Brown together. Collins said Brown admitted to it, said it was poor judgment, but said nothing sexual happened.

Bennett told TRR Brown explained the note Erin found in his nightstand about the other woman, who was a friend. Brown reportedly claimed that she had said something inappropriate that caught him off guard, so he wrote it down.

Bennett said Brown told him the Browns stopped being friends with the woman and her husband after that, but when he pressed Brown further details, Brown said he couldn’t remember.

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Dr. Michael L. Brown, in a photo from Nov. 2019. (Courtesy Photo)

Bennett also urged Brown to publicly confess the physical interactions with Erin, which Brown didn’t do.

Last November as Brown was involved in talks about a third-party investigation of International House of Prayer founder Mike Bickle, Londa Parker texted Brown. She wrote that Brown also should have been subjected to a third-party investigation for the “inappropriate” interactions with Erin.

Brown disagreed, texting back, “(T)he reason for a third-party investigation is because of charges of adultery or criminal behavior, obviously none of which apply to me, thank God.”

Parker wrote back, “I think my point is that isn’t Mike Bickle denying the accusations? The need for an investigation is to find out the truth.”

Brown told Parker the difference is that Erin had told a FIRE leader at the time that nothing sexual happened between them. Brown added: “And of course, I will keep our interaction private, as I know you will.” However, Parker instead shared the texts with TRR.

A couple months ago, Gladstone heard about the butt-smacking and kissing allegations and confronted Brown for the second time.

“I addressed him for never telling us, the four main leaders,” Gladstone told TRR. “He apologized for that, and then he assured me that all was well. He said that he took care of it, whatever it was that was going wrong in him.”

But Gladstone said he’s not satisfied with Brown’s response.

“I would never treat my daughter that way,” Gladstone said. “So, I say that as a dad. I say that as a reader of Scripture and as a leader that would require for me a long way away from ministry and complete transparency and a long road of healing.”

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Scott Volk (right) poses with Michael Brown, in April 2019. (Photo: Facebook)

Scott Volk, one of the current board members for Brown’s current personal ministry, The Line of Fire, told TRR Brown told him about the handholding and butt-smacking years ago and previously believed Brown had “taken ownership” for it. But Volk said he didn’t know about the kissing allegation until recently and affirms the board’s third-party investigation.

Erin said she initially decided to speak up now for the sake of the FIRE community, some who recently reached out to her saying they were still struggling with confusion.

“At first, it was to help those who needed healing,” she said. “Then speaking with leaders and those who have been my support, I realize it was for my healing I needed to speak about it.”

Click here to read Brown’s full statement.

Rebecca Hopkins is a journalist based in Colorado.



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90 Responses

  1. Can you image Jesus in Acts 1, telling Peter: “you have sinned against me before I died. You should be ashamed of yourself.” Oh wow, that would be horrible. Then if Jesus didn’t do it than why are we doing it now??

    Can you imagine someone calls you out for a sin you have committed 20 some years ago, which by the way you have repented from and are now walking in obedience? Can you imagine how you would feel? I think this is crazy. I do not see it biblically. Again, I will definitely understand if he is doing it now, but come one. Thus happened 20 some years ago!! And he repented! And his wife forgave him! And according to one article he asked for forgiveness to this woman!

    So quick to attack instead of protect and defend each other. I can’t even believe this, honestly. I can’t understand it!

    1. I get your point… to an extent, yes.
      But, I think what upsets a lot of people, or especially regular-joes in the pews; is that these guys continue on in high positions of power, influence and often money-making… for years and years, sometimes till they pass.
      While your average, not-in-high-positions, or not-celebrity people would, if exposed doing the same kinds of things, would be treated differently, ie punished/suffer in some real ways more (often their victims experience that!)
      Maybe you’re right – more grace should be extended; but the context, ie males in power with influence and high $s ‘skill/talent’ makes for more emotional reactions, on a bigger scale… If you get to these public prominent spaces and you’re exposed or fall… you should expect to reap blowback, etc; I would even say, necessary, maybe even appropriate, consequences of sin… (See Bible for multiple examples).

      1. We also need to ask ourselves: does Michael Brown come across as genuinely repentant? Typically when abusers are caught, they only admit to the parts that people already know about. He keeps going on about how nothing sexual happened, but isn’t there a sexual component to kissing someone on the lips and smacking them on the butt? And what about this other woman with whom Brown is to have had an emotional affair? Brown is awfully quiet about this too. When you read the texts from Brown’s friends/co-workers confronting Brown, it seems he’s more concerned with keeping things quiet than completely admitting to everything he did. So again I ask: Does Michael Brown come across as genuinely repentant?

        1. Exactly! The actions were obviously sexual in nature but he’s trying to spin it as not? We aren’t stupid. And that woman has to deal with the ever increasing awareness of what actually happened to her as a 20 year old who came from a bad home. He knew he could take advantage of her longing for a father figure. He needs to admit what he was really doing!

    2. No, actually, imagine if Peter denied Jesus, and then 40-80 years later, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John decided to write about it, and in response Peter said “why are you bringing this up 40-80 years later?? This was dealt with between me and Jesus on the beach. Everyone involved was ok as far as I knew, so why are you exposing this now?” That would be a more accurate representation of what’s actually going on here.

      1. *Peter did not sin against a vulnerable young woman.

        *Scripture records
        1. The deep remorse of Peter. (He wept bitterly)

        2. Jesus’ restoration – which cannot be questioned because He knew Peter’s heart.

        3. Jesus’ call of Peter to public ministry.

      2. Trevor and Roxanne,

        While I am sure you are extending a branch of hope and forgiveness toward Michael Brown, Peter did not commit a crime, a horrible, evil crime against another human being. To insinuate such is to make blasphemy of the Truth stated in the Holy Word of God. At this point, we have to protect the Truth. By protecting the Truth of Christ, we must protect the innocent, the victims, the children. Jesus said to the adults around Him a parable of justice for the wicked in Matthew 24: 45-51. No human being is being cruel in their judgement of Michael Brown. They are simply stating what Jesus stated over and over. Justice is the Father God’s right against sin. Even when we fully repent we must pay the consequences of our deeds. The problem with new age religion is the rewriting of the Word to suit ones personal feelings and desires. A person can do that, but in reality it is futile. God is. He has been. He always will be the Law.

      3. I have to agree. What I don’t understand is that scripture teaches that All sin is forgiveable, even Yeshua used murders to preach and teach, so where does this eventually end ?
        Yes I agree that there should be rightful accountability but for matters that have already been repented off out loud and asked for forgiveness for and resolved over such matters, why dig it all back up again, to in effect destroy those lives that were involved, that are now in truth doing good work for God and not bad? Also even for someone like myself who has been in such a position, when you forgive someone of wrong doing towards yourself, you then don’t re-live it all over again and use it as a retribution against the person who did you wrong as some form of pay back or vengeance, instead you hand it all over to God and move forward in what God has for you for yourself. Isn’t that what true forgiveness is really supposed to be about? Otherwise we might as well write everyone of us off for service in the Kingdom of God. It kind of brings to mind, he who is without any sin throw the first stone. Not one of us is perfect and not one of us will be perfected until we reach heaven.

    3. What are you talking about? “You have sinned against me before I died?” Dr Brown is being asked to publicly face sins he committed against a young girl. She would have been 18-21 years old when he did this. He has not answered for this. Her life has been derailed because of his sexual sins against her. I also worked for Dr Brown and interned under him. He needs to publicly come clean with this. My heart breaks for this woman who was emotionally abused by my former mentor.

    4. The point is and should be that single women of all ages are also called to engage in the church and men have been on the wrong track believing that single women appreciate the little sexual gestures. The comments and little physical gestures containing sexual tones are in fact inappropriate and create an awkward environment that is not conducive to worshipping the Lord God Jesus Christ in spirit and truth. Men should not do those things especially in the church. And people defending those actions may not have been on the receiving side of such things and may not be considering how awkward such actions can make a single woman feel.

  2. Spiritually mature leaders guard against their own infallibility by adhering to appropriate boundaries and having genuine accountable with their spouses. Years ago, my pastor shared from the pulpit that he called his wife whenever he checked into a hotel room because he needed accountability to withstand the temptation of watching ungodly content on TV. The fear of the LORD brings humility and understanding of how weak our human flesh is. The limelight can be intoxicating, and we can quickly be deceived by self-importance and justify wrong behavior. Unfortunately, in our brokenness we can conflate an authentic relationship with the God of the Bible with obtaining the favor of someone we view as being close to God. “For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal?” 1 Cor. 3:4. I’m reminded that we are to “pray without ceasing” for one another.

  3. This is very discouraging – the number of pastors who have been credibly accused of misconduct. Maybe the era of that “old time religion” of following a man or woman who claims to represent Jesus is over. Time for the next Reformation? Protestants left priest intermediaries behind. Maybe we need to leave pastors behind now, along with their ambitions of building big church buildings and campuses and huge homes and dynasties. Maybe Bible Studies held in homes are the way to go. Donate to/ help the poor and evangelize as moved by the Spirit.

    1. “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” 1Peter 4:17

  4. Steven Lawson and now Michael Brown. There they are talking about sin and how to be moral, how to pray, about demons, about experiences with God, and they are all charlatans. If it isn’t enough to break your faith it should be. Charismatics, Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Calvinists – all a bunch of nonsense. Walk away from the nonsense. live a good life between you are reality, whatever that is, and be done with other people. They will always let you down. Always.

  5. Two things.

    1) I found it quite interesting the ambivalence Michael Brown exhibited towards Mike Bickle and IHOPKC. Now I understand why certain leaders may be motivated to go easy on others who were involved in clergy abuse. found it quite interesting the ambivalence Michael Brown exhibited towards Mike Bickle and IHOPKC. Now I understand why certain leaders may be motivated to go easy on others who were involved in clergy abuse.

    2) is it just me or am I seeing a pattern of various MAGA Christian leaders and ministries being exposed. Robert Morris/Gateway, Robert Jeffress/FBC Dallas, who else am I missing? And who’s next? Of course, the cliche response is that this is the devil’s is attack. It is tempting to confuse God’s exposure and cleanup with the devil’s attack.

    1. It’s just you seeing a pattern of various MAGA Christian leaders being exposed. MAGA has nothing to do with this article. Michael Brown is not a MAGA CL.
      And why is supporting a President who supports the lives of the unborn, who supports a country with borders, who supports freedom of speech and freedom to attend church and worship, who supports integrity in government, supports a thriving economy and jobs for the many and has the experience to bring that back, and a Pres who exposes the lies we have been told and the false narratives repeatedly rendered, why is that an implied negative. Why would you even bring MAGA into the picture here?
      Men fall because of the love of money and sexual temptation primarily. It is an active tool that Satan uses that ruins families, whom he hates. Men who are ministry leaders are held to a higher standard because of their relationship with God. They have a responsibility, through adhering to, trusting in, and relying on Him, to represent Him to others. Boundaries have to be set, which were not shown in this article. MAGA has nothing to do with this failure.
      John 8:31-32
      31 Jesus said to those who believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
      David said, I hide Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. People know the counterfeit by being extremely familiar with the true.

  6. I’m sure that Dr Brown is fully aware of this scripture. I hope he truly repents for the sake of the body of Christ.
    3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? 4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. 5 And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

    The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Ac 5:2–5.

  7. @JulieRoys I just noticed that Michael Brown’s daily call-in radio show has been discontinued? “In the line of Fire”. Perhaps you should update the article.

  8. Wow Dr. Brown is indeed human. Amazing!!! He should be following the Holy Spirit 24/7 (as we all should btw). There is actually a time he got in flesh and followed it more than the Holy Spirt? Unbelievable!!! He should be put to death and cancelled!! lol. He should thank God that she left and maybe woke him up before it progressed too far. I’d say “Erin” was listening to Holy Spirit way more than Dr. Brown at that time. (Yes even Abigail heard Holy Spirit over David and saved him much misery). Kudos and respect for you “Erin”. God will and I’m sure has blessed you for listening and DOING the right thing. Not all of us were fortunate enough for that Grace. Including David later on. I wish the stain Dr. Brown has on his record is all that was on mine. But yea this is the time to look in mirror and get closer to God and check our own hearts! First of all – praying for the victims and their faith in Jesus! Also Praying for Dr Brown and his family and that this can do the opposite of what he’s thinking – Help the Body of Christ!!!

  9. 2nd part-
    This can be an honest teaching lesson to help Christian men if he will go there, unlike those before him in recent years/decades. Let’s not justify it but break it down to help us all, and ultimately what benefits everyone is walking uprightly before God. And honesty and truthfulness helps victims as well – who is so confused by what you say versus what you do. Can you KNOW the truth and teach others, but still walk in the flesh for a season? Not God”s will and what’s best for us, but unfortunately it’s probably happened to us all. Thankfully this should not disqualify Dr. Brown for rest of time. But how he handles it will determine his effectiveness on helping The Body of Christ. Praying he does better than most and better than myself!

  10. “There was no physical aspect of that, but it was a soul tie”

    Yeah no. That’s worse than Clintonian wriggling around what constitutes intercourse.

  11. I don’t know this man but I do know God and God knows the truth about all of us. God will definitely expose ANY snakes hiding in the church, so if he’s innocent, no problem, if he’s guilty, God will deal with him.

  12. King David was an adulterer and a murderer. Just curious – do you all still read the Psalms? Do you believe he was a man after God’s own heart? Do you read his biography in Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, and admire his faith, courage, and accomplishments? Regarding Dr. Brown, do you still plan to read his books, listen to his radio show, and recommend his Jewish apologetics resources and video debates to your unsaved Jewish friends and acquaintances? His accomplishments in the field of Messianic Jewish apologetics are without parallel by anyone – there’s no one even close to being in his league. He has thorough knowledge of Judaism and has provided thorough answers to every conceivable Jewish objection to Jesus. If you cut him out of your life, will that help or hurt the Kingdom of God and Jewish evangelism? If you cut him out of your life, isn’t that a bit like cutting the book of Psalms out of your life? The Psalms are obviously the inspired Word of God and Brown’s works are not, so the comparison breaks down, but isn’t the reaction at least somewhat similar in kind if not in degree? David’s sins were worse, right?

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