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Pastor Alistair Begg to Retire from Parkside Church

By Liz Lykins
alistair begg parkside
Senior pastor Alistair Begg preaches at Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. (Video screengrab)

Pastor and radio host Alistair Begg announced he will be retiring as the senior pastor of Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio, on September 14, 2025, according to the church’s website.

Begg has been serving as senior pastor of Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, since 1983.

The 72-year-old pastor is known for his radio ministry, Truth for Life. The program has more than 6 million episodes downloaded each month and is carried by more than 1,900 radio stations worldwide, according to the ministry’s website.   

Begg will continue to work at Truth for Life after his retirement from the pastorate at Parkside next year, the church’s website stated. Begg’s teachings at Truth for Life have regularly stemmed from the “week by week Bible teaching” at Parkside Church, his ministry’s website said.

At Truth for Life, Begg earns around $380,000 annually for an average of 20 hours of work per week, according to the organization’s 990 forms.

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begg parkside
Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. (Photo via social media)

Begg informed the church elders last month about his retirement plans and then shared the news with his church’s congregation on Sunday.

He explained that he and his wife came to this decision together and wanted to make the announcement a year in advance to give the church time to adjust and to prepare for the transition to the next pastor.

Elders will nominate a candidate for the next senior pastor in the year ahead and then church members will vote on the person, according to Parkside’s website.

Begg added that the year buffer “also gives me time to prepare for a future that doesn’t involve coming to this pulpit. That will be a strange future.”

Begg said his decision to retire was not motivated by anything “other than my ambition to pass the baton safely into the hands of my successor.” He added that “God willing,” this retirement does not mean he is retiring from all Christian ministry.

“I will have opportunities as time and interest and health enables me to be involved in various places and things, certainly to be more committed and more involved at Truth For Life when I don’t have the responsibilities and privileges here,” Begg said.

Outside of his radio ministry, Begg also authored and edited around a dozen books, according to his ministry’s website.

Begg also noted that his retirement date is significant. It marks 50 years since he first started working in ministry at Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh, Scottland. Begg, a Scottish native, has been in pastoral ministry since 1975, according to his ministry’s website

Begg said he hopes to retire successfully

Begg explained that over the years he’s watched numerous pastors transition out of ministry and few have done it well.

“A lot of guys have stayed much longer than they should. A few fellas have gone sooner than they ought. And very, very few have been able to be successful in doing what we hope to do,” he said. “I want to go when I don’t want to go.”

Begg said he is not jaded or frustrated by his time in ministry, but he is jealous of the opportunities that the next generation of leaders have. “If it were possible to rewind, if I could have it all over again. . . if I could restart and do a better job under God and enjoy the privileges that I’ve known, I would,” he said.

The pastor asked the congregation to join the elders in praying for “clarity and unity” as the church seeks his successor.

“It is a great privilege to be involved together at this time in this church,” he said. “To realize that God has plans that far extend our ability to even conceive.”

alistair begg
Senior pastor Alistair Begg preaches at Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, on Jan. 30, 2024. (Video screen grab)

On its website, Parkside confirmed Begg is in “excellent health” and “will continue to preach at Parkside throughout this year as well as fulfill his speaking commitments elsewhere.”

Parkside Church runs five different locations in Ohio.

Begg made controversial remarks earlier this year

Earlier this year, Begg sparked controversy after advising a grandmother to attend her grandson’s LGBTQ wedding, The Roys Report (TRR) previously reported. Begg’s controversial advice stemmed from a podcast episode.

Begg said that as long as the grandson knew his grandmother was not “affirming” of his life choices, then she should go to the ceremony and buy the pair a gift. By attending, the grandmother would build a bridge to continue sharing the Gospel with her grandson, Begg explained.

begg truth for life
Promotional image for Truth For Life (Photo: social media)

However, the advice ultimately caused the American Family Radio (AFR), the radio ministry of the American Family Association, to no longer air Begg’s radio program. AFR called Begg’s remarks “unbiblical.”

Despite this, Begg later affirmed his remarks, urging Christians to “love your enemies.”

Liz Lykins is a correspondent covering religion news for The Roys Report, WORLD Magazine, and other publications.



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34 Responses

  1. Gifted speaker and for full disclosure I have donated to Truth for Life but just wondering if he works 20 hours a week at Truth for Life is he also paid to be full time at Park side not to mention the speaking circuit and time spent writing books? I saw an article that estimates his net worth at $15 million. Not bad for a pastor. Like the Joe Walsh song goes, Life’s been good to me so far.

  2. Great preacher. Has always seemed like a decent man. I agree with him about the difficulties of retiring well as a pastor. I hope he can do it. I will certainly be rooting for him.

    The real unexplored issue (and potential controversy) is how a man of 72 years of age has hair that colour. TRR needs to get to the bottom of it! Does Begg dye his hair?!?

  3. Alistair Begg’s ministry is a wonderfully transparent organization. His Biblically teaching is clear and based on truth. Listen to him regularly and have learned so much.

  4. Have profound appreciation and gratitude for Alistair Begg and his ministry. God bless him and keep him as Begg starts this new chapter.

  5. The fact no one seems even remotely concerned that a pastor could make this much money from the gospel pretty much describes why the modern church is in such decay.

    When I read the scriptures I see the tell-tale sign of a true pasture or prophet being the persecution they inevitably endured for preaching the truth. Well, not so for us. Our pastors are identified by their seats in Business Class! Ugh.


    1. Amen, Troy. They must read Acts 3:6 as “Silver and gold I have PLENTY OF” instead of “Silver and gold I have NONE”.

      No wonder these organizations called “churches” are spiritually powerless.

      So much for following (imitating) Christ…

      “Imitate [copy, do/act the same as] me just as I imitate [copy, do/act the same as] Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1)

  6. I’m glad I got to the Cleveland area to hear this powerful shepherd speak, on two occasions as well as at a funeral once.

    I don’t understand the reason for including his salary and work hours. I feel like the Julie Roys Report has become so negative that even when there is a godly man to expresss gratitude to, some totally irrelevant remark is thrown in to muddy the waters. I am sorely disappointed that was included.

    1. It is not irrelevant at all. The point is not so much to point out that “Alistair Begg makes a lot of (and probably too much) money, but to continue to raise the questions Troy Stevens raised: is it seemly for someone who is a preacher of the gospel to earn enough money to be in the 1%. The Bible is full of warnings about the perils of riches. These warnings apply to all of us, but certainly at least as much to preachers as to the rest of us. I sometimes question my $65k (plus benefits, including housing) yearly salary which allows me and my family to live quite comfortably. I say that not to pat myself on the back (after al, I have not once ever requested a decrease in pay), but to ask the general question of whether we have we gone too far in moving beyond the woefully inadequate pay that pastors in previous times earned.

      1. It’s true that in the past many pastors salaries were woefully inadequate, but if you look at those who had large followings because of the spirit of God in their ministry ,had large salaries I just because of the sheer numbers , also many many many souls will be in heaven because of their ministries, how can you measure that against the salary. I’ll bet if you looked at Billy Graham and David Jeremiah, who both preached straight gospel and did not pull any punches, large large, followings and won many many souls. Alistair Begg is one of them How many souls do you think are in heaven because of his preaching? How many because of Billy Graham? How many so far because of David Jeremiah . God has blessed them all immensely and I for one I’m not going to find fault with it. I wish I would’ve had the money to support him, but I am one of those who benefited Without contributing because I couldn’t.He has helped my family and me immensely !

    2. It’s relevant because people donate to ministries as if they are charitable organizations. It’s not a charitable organization if it’s making someone rich.

      1. Exactly. It’s wrong in so many ways but sadly, some just do not see it and refuse to look at it through a Scriptural (New Testament, Christ-following) lens.

    3. I agree, Beth. I would guess the ones most critical, or who only focus on the $$, probably have never heard his preaching, let alone gone through an entire series of his sermons. So throwing in the $$ stats just gives fodder to the uninformed. And income is just 1 aspect. A full report would include his annual giving, if he chooses to report it. Another subject that could have been covered is that, unlike virtually every other pastor that appears in TRR, Allister Begg is totally devoted to his wife Susan, and expresses his love and appreciation for her often in his sermons.

      1. We don’t actually know this man; he’s a voice on the radio. Do you actually have a relationship with Alistair and Susan and have observed first-hand his love and devotion to her? For example, I used to regularly listen to James MacDonald on the radio. Based on his radio presence, I never would have suspected that James MacDonald has the type of character he’s been show to have. If you enjoy and have benefitted from listening to Alistair Begg or any other radio preacher’s sermons, that’s fine; however you have to remember that it’s a mass-marketed performance.

        BTW – the use of “radio preacher” is intentional. These men are not “pastoring” anyone over the radio. Pastoring requires a relationship. These guys are in the business of delivering lectures.

        1. You make some good points. I benefited greatly from the teaching of Ravi Zacharias, and was shocked when I learned what a fraud he was. On the other hand, Alistair Begg’s radio/internet ministry consists entirely of recordings of his sermons either at Parkside or at conferences, so we get to “listen in” on one of his functions as Parkside’s pastor. Unlike other head pastors of large churches, it seems he continues to engage in pastoral responsibilities like marriage counseling, funerals, and visiting the sick. Others in his position typically leave those mundane chores to the underling staff members. Do I know him? No. However, the fact he has been at the same church for so long without controversy speaks well of him. Macdonald has a long tenure, too, and while his faults have been well known for decades, he has built a wall of protection that insulated him from criticism up until just recently. I would hope some Parkside members would give us some background on these controversies.

        2. I have been a member of Parkside Church since 1987. We used to meet in Solon High School.

          We bought a nice piece of property in Solon, but because the church was growing so fast, the town council refused to approve the necessary parking spaces. We ended up selling the lot and buying something else near the railroad tracks where we are now.

          There were a lot of growing pains but week after week Alistair kept on preaching the Word of God, and finally his sermons were recorded and the congregation could receive a copy of the tapes for a small fee. Soon Alistair’s sermons hit the radio.

          It didn’t start out to be Truth for Life, but the members wanted to share the teaching there with others. Alistair is a good man. We are already missing Alistair Begg. ✝️

    4. His ministry has helped so many other struggling ministries and people. He’s also done things like supplied lunch from Chick-fil-A for all the pastors conferences that have been held there. There are many things that his church has accomplished that we will never know. Should he live like a pauper just because he’s a Christian ?None of you know what he has done personally with his money either. It’s amazing to me that he can be such a straight shooter and really preach the gospel of Christ and retain such a large following. It is because of the spirit of God coming through his messages. But I know there will be people like you will always could as size, someone who successful especially with the Pastor. How many souls will be in heaven because of you?

    5. Hey there Beth I would like to make the trip to Parkside to see him preach —do you know if he is at a certain church —I can’t tell if parkside has several locations? Please email me : [email protected]

  7. Wow! maybe should be called “Truth For Profit”! That is just the skeptic in me asking why some of these big name preachers make very big money.

    1. I look at the size of the organizations these men are running and it seems about right as far as pay goes. Now there is a danger in being this successful. I have been the pastor of smaller churches and so my pay is accordingly.

    2. Because they have large following contribute to their ministry because of the spiritual benefit they have received. It’s a pity that there are many who have gotten large following and then fell to Satan’s wiles .that does not mean the rest have also done the same. Let God be the judge, I feel God has blessed him tremendously, not you or I or anybody else

  8. We listen to Allister Begg every day. We are always blessed and built up by his unfailing commitment to the entire Word of God. He helps us see “the main thing and the plain thing” with honesty, directness, and much humor. His thorough grasp of the entire Bible helps the listeners to understand difficult passages and issues. As for the advice given the grandmother, he demonstrated grace and wisdom that is hard to find among many Christian leaders today. Regarding his income, “For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬. Allister Begg is one hard working ox, and is deserving of all he has earned. God bless him and Susan as they enter this next phase of ministry.

    1. From what I have forced myself to listen to for research purposes, he sounds like an erudite professor (the polar opposite of the apostles but exactly like the Scribes: Acts 4:13), the kind I listened to and looked up to when I was a student of literature i.e studying books written by DEAD MEN.
      Now, however, I am taught by the Holy Spirit of the LIVING God, as Jesus commands me to be in John 14:26 & 16:13.
      (No mention of being taught and guided by despotic men like Calvin in these verses either…)

      1. Moira, regarding “Dead men” and current teachers,

        “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:1-2. Were the things Timothy heard from Paul invalidated when Paul died? Consider when Jesus met the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus: “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”
        Luke 24:27. Wasn’t Jesus quoting all dead men?? The value of a person’s teaching does not disappear when they die.

        While we know from other verses that the Holy Spirit is promised to all believers, in the verses you refer to, when viewed in context, Jesus is addressing His contemporary followers, including Peter, John, and His half-brothers James and Jude, not future believers. It’s meant to give us confidence in what became the New Testament.

        “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” John 14:26

        “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” John 16:13

        The end of each of these sentences cannot possibly apply to us today in the way you suggest. As Alistair Begg would say, “the plain thing is the main thing”, but that is probably why you did not care for the sample of his teaching you heard.

  9. He is a class act as far as preachers go. Yes, he makes really good money. But he is an author. His books and media sell well. He isn’t building 20,000 sq ft homes on beachfront, or flying a private Gulfstream $200m jet like a few others out there. He’s not David Hogan, Terry Bennett or Rolland & Heidi Baker kind of modest as far as income-to-fire ratios go; but, hey he hasn’t committed adultery like many other pastors out there have. Give the man props for making it 50 years with no scandals. That seems a huge challenge these days! Lol.

  10. Alistair Begg: Having heard Dr. Christopher Yuan speak recently at Woodstock, Virginia and Chesterfield, Virginia (April and June of this year) we would highly recommend his two books for you: “Holy Sexuality” and “Out of a Far Country” (which is co-authored with his mother, Angela). It was with heavy hearts that we heard and then read this TRR account that you encouraged a grandmother of a sodomite grandchild to attend her grandson’s sodomite celebration with another sodomite male, complete with gifts. This is anathema to YHWH. He does NOT tolerate sodomite (homosexual) relationships, at all. Blessings to The American Family Association for supporting morality and purity in this eternally grave matter, as the whole world is watching, as well as our Creator and Sustainer of Life and Love: YHWH.

  11. Having been a member at Parkside for amost 15 years I can tell you there is no harder working pastor to give the gospel message to the world. His speaking and preaching schedule is above what most people could endure. His sermons show the study he puts into every one as well as his walk with God. There are many things that Parkside does as a church that people outside of it have no idea of so don’t be quick to judge.
    My husband and I have given cheerfully to both Parkside and Truth for Life and I know God has blessed it. I don’t know what Alistair makes and I don’t care because I know the truth of the gospel is being preached worldwide more than we could ever do. He is the first to tell you he is not perfect but I am the first to say he is a man after Gods own heart. We have a godly group of pastors and elders and trust they will lead us to continue the work of God.

    1. Thank you for your post! I have listened to Alistair Begg since the mid 1990s, and have every trust in his teaching. Some people might be interested in what his salary is, but I would guess these are people who have not followed his ministry.
      God blessed many people throughout the Bible with great wealth. There is nothing wrong with that. Pastor Begg has been greatly used of God, and greatly blessed by God. I would guess the pastor has used his wealth to the glory of God, also.

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