In addition to serving as a spiritual adviser for former President Donald Trump, televangelist Paula White-Cain is married to Journey keyboardist and contemporary Christian musician Jonathan Cain. According to Neal Schon, the other remaining original member of Journey, the couple has been inappropriately “accessing the band’s financial resources.”
Last month, Schon’s attorney sent a cease-and-desist letter to White-Cain, demanding she “refrain…from inserting yourself in any business of the band and any legal entities used by the band.” Her involvement, it adds, “contradicts the existing agreement between Mr. Schon and Mr. Cain.”
Schon, Journey’s guitarist, has had a contentious relationship with Cain, who married White in 2016. (It was the third marriage for both.) Attorneys for the couple call Schon’s claim “nonsensical,” saying he’s the one who’s hurting the band and its reputation.
Journey’s Neal Schon Calls Televangelist a ‘National-Level Con Artist’
A letter from Schon’s lawyer dated December 12, 2022, takes issue with White-Cain being “an authorized signatory” on Journey’s bank accounts, co-owned by Schon and Cain. According to Schon’s spokesperson, the Cains also have been “obscuring information, even to the point of blocking Schon’s legitimate access to those accounts.”
The letter demanded that Paula White-Cain remove her name from the band’s bank account by Dec. 27. The Schon’s spokesperson told The Roys Report that White-Cain’s attorney responded by the deadline, saying that White-Cain’s name on the account was a mistake and would be removed. But her name hasn’t yet been removed, the spokesperson added.
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Schon’s spokesperson paints White-Cain in an unflattering light, calling her “a national-level con artist” who prioritizes money. “As with all aspects of her life, Paula’s marriage to Cain is easily tied to access to wealth and the trappings thereof,” read the statement. “Beyond the Christian cover for Paula’s twisted aspirations for wealth and power…Paula’s outrageously exorbitant lifestyle has been showcased across the ‘faith leader’s’ social media, including extravagant gifts attributed to Cain.”
White-Cain, 56, is senior pastor of City of Destiny Church in Apopka, Florida. A teacher of the prosperity gospel, she also serves as president of Paula White Ministries and hosts the TV show Paula Today.
Paula White-Cain’s Attorney Calls Accusations ‘Nonsensical’
Attorney Alan Gutman, who represents White-Cain, says Schon’s “entire claim” is “nonsensical.” Both Schon and Cain, he says, have “50% interests in the band’s operating entities through their personal trusts.” And because “Paula is a co-trustee of Jonathan’s personal trust,” both Paula and Jonathan “signed as the co-trustees of Jonathan’s personal trust.”
All of that has been aboveboard and “clearly described,” says Gutman, and Schon “never complained for two years.” When he did complain, Gutman adds, it “had nothing to do” with Paula’s involvement, and Schon “refuses to cooperate in any resolution.”
A spokesperson for Cain says, “Schon is just frustrated that he keeps losing in court” and “should look in the mirror when he accuses [Cain] of causing harm to the Journey brand.” Cain has characterized the behavior of Schon and his reality-TV-star wife as “bizarre.” According to the rep, “Neal and [Michaele Salahi Schon] recklessly spend Journey’s money until there is none left for operating costs.”
Cain and Schon have previously clashed over credit-card spending and the use of Journey’s songs at political events. After Cain performed the band’s hit song “Don’t Stop Believin’” at a Trump event last November, Schon sent Cain a cease-and-desist letter. The order said, in part: “Although Mr. Cain is free to express his personal beliefs and associations, when he does that on behalf of Journey or for the band, such conduct is extremely deleterious to the Journey brand as it polarizes the band’s fans and outreach.”
It added, “Mr. Cain has no right to use Journey for politics. His politics should be his own personal business. He should not be capitalizing on Journey’s brand to promote his personal political or religious agenda to the detriment of the band.”
Rebecca Hopkins contributed to this report. A version of this article was originally published at
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, is a contributor to ChurchLeaders.
9 Responses
White and Cain are both on their third marriages.
The Apostle Paul says that church leaders should be the “husband of one wife” (1 Timothy 3.2)
This is because Christian leaders are supposed to be examples for the rest of the church to follow (1 Peter 5.3).
Regardless of the situation with the band Journey, both of them need to obey God and step down from ministry permanently.
Well, crud. There’s an old cliche, “Evil is the root of all money.” I certainly don’t want to seem judgemental but for Pete’s sake, she must have plenty of money already. Why does she give the appearance that she is up to something?
When I was in Indonesia for a few weeks in 2019, some Protestants at the seminary run by St. Demetrios Orthodox Church in Medan told us of their concern about the so-called “Prosperity (for me, maybe not for you) Gospel” and how it and what I call “Let the good times roll” church behavior are having a pernicious influence on Protestant churches there and what believers expect should happen in church. Maybe Paula White-whatever should tone down her work for a while, for the sake of Christians in those parts of the world where Christianity is a minority faith and non-sensational pastors are trying their best to teach the truth.
You ever notice how some people are just shady. I think of Paul’s comment in 2 Corinthians 4:2 Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God.
Does this story surprise me? No but I find that pull up this web site less and less often as it appears to be well on its way to being a tabloid rag designed to attract eyeballs that can be monetized.
Some Christians should read 1 Timothy 6:9-10 to get the full picture of the danger of “desiring” to be rich and once you get it.
That said, those two love money and the power it has. Just the desire to be rich can take you away from the faith.
Contrary to the article, Neal Schob is the only original member of Journey left. Jonathan Cain is their second keyboardist. I used to idolize the guy but now anybody that associates themselves with the Cheeto Benito I just got no time for
All the comments reflect a nasty tone. Do your duty and delete.
If you could reason with religious people….there would be no religious people……”Spiritual Advisor”…file alongside other Oxymorons like Airline Food/Military Intelligence.
Well… If they are legally married and he doesn’t mind her being in his accounts she can be there if I understand the marriage or not… I’m writing this off as, “none of my business.” For me to condemn the marriage I would have to hear it from God Himself and it still wouldn’t be my business really.