Sign an NDA — or else!
That’s the message the board of Daystar Television Network and its lawyer sent Jonathan Lamb in a board meeting last November.
In this special edition of The Roys Report, you’ll hear part two of a contentious board meeting in which Daystar TV Vice President Jonathan Lamb refuses to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). It’s an important flashpoint in the larger Daystar TV scandal, first reported by The Roys Report (TRR).
Part one featured the first hour of that meeting on Nov. 16, 2023, in which the board and Jonathan haggle about the NDA for nearly an hour. No one budges, and board member Tom Callender dismissed Jonathan. After about 45 minutes, the board calls Jonathan back in. Only now, Daystar attorney John Lynch has joined the meeting.
As TRR reported this week, the context for this meeting is that Jonathan had just discovered that Daystar secretly put a tracker on his car. And Jonathan found out that his mom disparaged his wife, Suzy Lamb, to a mutual friend, allegedly saying that Suzy “has the spirit of Jezebel.”
Jonathan refers to these events in the board meeting. He and his mother, Daystar TV President Joni Lamb, also spar over Jonathan’s opposition to Joni’s recent marriage to Doug Weiss.
This board meeting offers a window into the inner workings of Daystar TV Network—which has classified itself as a “church” with the IRS. This is supposed to be a ministry. But is this how ministry leaders should behave? We’ll let you decide.
The audio has been only lightly edited, to remove the name of a person who has been accused of child sex abuse but not formally charged with any crime.

30 Responses
A car tracker? Sheesh this is the kind of shenanigans that was going on on HP’s board some years back (multiple board members had hired private investigators to investigate other board members.)
Outside of a suspicion that Jonathan was stealing equipment to start a competing network (and how would all that stuff fit inside a Porsche, anyhow?), there’s NO reason to track his personal car.
Intimidation and just like the NDA that didn’t start until Doug came around.
Remember: This is ALL about the exploitation of a small Child (a little girl of five years of age). Everything else is morbid deflection from this matter at hand.
Apart from God’s divine intervention to change “Pete’s” heart – people know how the pattern goes – he will most likely exploit another child. Those with perverted behavior do not stop on their own and another innocent child will be victimized. Perverted behavior won’t be able to control itself just because of the current situation. Then what are they going to do? I do not speak as a professional, but as an ordinary person, and we ordinary people have common knowledge of a pervert’s continued pattern of behavior until they’re caught. I just hope and pray whenever the likely next act occurs, he gets caught in the act, resulting in arrest and conviction.
@Sheryl Ford, sadly so true. I would highly recommend Jonathan and Suzy’s attorney doing a deep dive in Pete’s hometown of Australia, because as they saying goes, “where’s there’s smoke there’s fire. Praying for J&S’s sweet child that justice will prevail.
Sheryl, I agee with you 100%. “Pete” on a Daystar broadcast was asked by Joni Lamb how he met Rachel. What he said was a huge red flag..”who is this HOT little girl?” Rachel is an adult woman and he husband refers to her as a “Hot little girl?” Huge Red flag!
100% agreed. I dont get why any of that is relevant. The police should be investigating child abuse only.
I cannot believe this whole ridiculous argument started over their refusal to read some silly comment about the marriage of Joni. It makes me wonder if she is actually that secure that her marriage was actually biblical.
Good grief this is tough to listen to. Those men in the room are absolutely losing it on Johnathan. This is why you don’t do business with family.
Doug knew what he was doing,(he wanted Joni)
Especially when he hollered I tried a 1000 times with Lisa,
Let’s hear what Lisa has to say,
It’s about child abuse & they need to shine a super bright light into this & his wife needs not to speak for him.(Pete )
Pete has a tongue & voice,,he needs to be charged iIF found guilty & put out of ministry so he does not DO it to another child.
Joni needs to tell the truth,it’s all about money
They live to the fullest & live in the best,
People don’t want to come forward because it’s a paycheque for them & would be in the same spot as Johnathan is,
They need to be shut down,
Non-profit “church” business with a Porsche in their fleet. They seem to have no problem flaunting such behavior as non-profit. They should feel embarrassed and ashamed, but no, such arrogance and godless pride blinds them to their own foolish greed, causing them to discard a basic sense of right and wrong.
Despicable, ungodly and deeply warped. That is Tom. A python with blood on his skin. Will it come out that Arnold is a cobra in this great Christian church?
John Lynch clearly exerted effort not to mention the elephant in the room, that Daystar, that great Christian church, is not owned by Joni Weiss; and she herself could be removed if circumstances were ever applied by those truly in charge. Joni cooperates with and directly benefits company interests. The family dynasty is a mirage.
It’s pretty obvious that Joni has no problem lying. She keeps getting caught in them by Johnathan.
“You’re not a theologian. You don’t have 40 years experience in the ministry.”
“God, open Jonathan’s eyes to the spirit that is causing him to do this to himself.”
When things aren’t going their way, starting to pray out loud in the board meeting that this spirit would be broken in Jesus’ name.
Textbook examples of spiritual manipulation and abuse.
I’m only about 15 to 20 minutes in and they have already been caught in a major lie. The decision to have Jonathan sign an NDA was directly related to the “lawyerly” language Lynch discerned in Jonathan’s latest email. They’re not signing them because “the world has changed” and this is now standard business practice, even in many churches. They’re making him sign in it because Lynch is anticipating a civil lawsuit and his job is to “protect the company.” Also notice how many board issues seem to have been discussed beforehand that Jonathan was obviously not a part of. These are evil, scheming, and abusive people who are in for a big surprise if they don’t repent.
Of course, all of these statements are only my expressed opinions… in case John Lynch is reading.
Good gravy. “Ah wuz follerin’ the leadership o’ the Lord!” And he’s just absolutely sure that God wants everyone running Daystar to sign a NDA. “Protect Daystar!” he says, over and over.
It sounds as though the invisible elephant in the room is the late Marcus and his adultery. Arnold and Tom are all about protecting their business interest, but Joni and Jonathan obviously have years of hurt and resentment.
What always strikes me about the mega churches/prosperity preachers is their basic inconsistency on Scripture and how they always conveniently use or avoid using the term “legalism”.
Jonathan seeking to abide by scripture instructions on marriage? They call that “legalism”. Daystar seeking tithes and donations and citing scripture to support that “ask”? They call that “obedience” to scripture.
Asking Jonathan to “submit” to reading one specific card he and his wife didn’t want to read is required submission. Having Doug Weiss honor his marriage vows? For him that submission is not required. It’s truly such a transparent inconsistency it’s a joke.
And Joni’s saying she was lonely for “a whole year”? I bet there are more than one of us who have been lonely much much longer. And didn’t seek an other persons spouse in the face of that loneliness.
The self serving inconsistency by Daystar and Joni is nauseating. Wonder why the Lord is allowing this to occur to Joni and Daystar 🤔
Joni and her disciples claim to be more spiritually astute compared to Jonathan, yet they keep saying the issues of the family are a separate issue. But the qualifications of an Elder or Pastor includes their relationship with his family. Granted, Joni is not a Pastor – but the principle of her family relationships should absolutely play a role in all of this – especially since Jonathan works there also. Secondly, they keep comparing Daystar to other organizations and businesses, but first and foremost- it is supposed to be a ministry (and that is questionable). An additional sad note in all of this is… the few Biblical ministries that are on Daystar, are still on Daystar. They should quit being unequally yoked.
The “lonely for a whole year” stood out to me, too. And the statement that she’s been “married five months without one red flag.” Oh, and is very happy!
I’ve listened to all the recordings. I believe God still works through the spiritual gifts like prophecy, and that the Holy Spirit anoints individuals for ministry. And yet, not all statements given in the name of the Lord are authentic, and even individuals who have been used by the Lord are not infallible. The church is charged with exercising discernment (another spiritual gift).
Interesting that the death of Marcus is not described. He was an anti-vaxer who promoted alternative treatments for Covid and hosted guests who advocated alternative medicine. FACT: he died from complications from Covid. At the time, Jonathan said that his father’s disease was clearly a Satanic attack. The situation at Daystar requires discernment.
** And the statement that she’s been “married five months without one red flag.” Oh, and is very happy! **
She said she had a great marriage the first time, even though he was cheating for years. And Doug said he had a great marriage, until he wanted to dump his wife and remarry immediately. Now he says his first marriage was always terrible.
In summary, these people lie a lot.
Daystar defines itself as a family, a church or a business when it suits them. After listening to the podcast I think the term Cabal might be more accurate.
I listened to all of part 1 and part 2 of this story. While my stomach churned through all of it (because I lived through something similar with my former church) I was constantly impressed by Jonathan’s calm responses! In my church situation, I did stay outwardly calm for 5 years, while addressing my church’s abuse. The minister was finally let go. But the culture that allowed the dysfunction was kept firmly in place. I was told to drop it. That’s when I lost my patience. I was furious. My “church” had been my family. For 40+ years. But I finally walked away. Bless you and your family, Jonathan 🙏🏼
Realistically, Jonathan was probably able to keep his cool because he was the one recording the meeting. You don’t want your own recording used against you.
Even so, the other people in that meeting are out of control.
Mr. roden God was recording,Truth will set you through,all the money they spent on lavish lifestyle jets, million dollars cars and condo,while little old women on fix income was told to give, promise them thousands would come there way, Marcus ask for the deeds of family ,that would go to their children be giving to Daystar ,yes it is being recorded
I am appalled by the behavior of the Christian men and of Joni concerning how Jonathan was treated. I heard no attempt to try and handle this from a Christ-like perspective or glorifying Christ. This was all about protecting Daystar. And the other two male board members kept saying Jonathan needs to keep family affairs out of this. Yet Joni and the other two men kept making it about Joni and Doug! This was absolutely horrible.
What stood out to me is how immature Jonathan is. He is a vice-president/board member of a multi million dollars corp. and in a meeting with fellow board members and the CEO, all he could do is whine that his mommy wasn’t treating him right and he didn’t like her new husband. It was actually pretty pitiful. And his “company car” is a Porsche ??? I wonder if the people who give money (usually sacrifically) to this bunch would be ok with how they spend this money on themselves and all their kids to live like millionaires . I think it’s sickening.
To his credit, he stays consistent throughout. I think he knows that releasing the audio may not paint him in the best light, but it is clear that the inner workings of a dysfunctional non-profit that runs off of donations should be made public. It was absolutely clear that he is not respected at all by the other members of the board, and I think the back-story of Joni dismissing what happened to his daughter is what separates someone like Jonathan who might be immature and Joni who is clearly acting in an evil manner.
If they are sure that they are so clearly hearing the voice of God, why would they be so concerned about what might be shared with outsiders without an NDA? What would need to be kept hidden?
Good thing Jesus didn’t have the disciples sign an NDA. Otherwise, there’d be no Gospels and no book of Acts! And no calling out of Peter in Galatians.
If the choice is clear and Jonathan has acknowledge he understands the ramifications of not signing the NDA, why does this meeting take hours and hours? Because they care about him and want to change his mind or because they want control him and make sure nothing he knows goes public?
This meeting was so vile, ungodly, and evil. May God either bring repentance or bring Daystar down… it sickens me that this organization calls itself Christian.