For the past several months, Daystar TV network has been embroiled in controversy. And many are wondering, what’s really going on at this supposed Christian network? On this edition of The Roys Report, a former assistant to Marcus and Joni Lamb gives a revealing, inside account.
Joining host Julie Roys is Lisa Anderson, who served as an executive assistant to Daystar TV founders Marcus and Joni Lamb from 2007 to 2011. As an eyewitness to what went on behind the scenes, Lisa tells of rampant hypocrisy at the network and how fortune and fame changed Daystar Co-founder Joni Lamb from humble to haughty.
Anderson also was at the network when what was characterized as Marcus Lamb’s 7-year “affair” became public. And she tells how Marcus threatened the staff that if anyone was thinking of suing Daystar, they’d face his wrath and the legal power of a team of expert lawyers.
Anderson also describes questionable financial practices at the network—and double-standards that were rampant between Marcus and Joni and the rest of the staff.
Together, with our other reports on Daystar TV, Anderson’s account paints a picture of a network that acted Christian in front of the camera; but behind the camera, acted as carnal as any secular broadcast outlet.

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Lisa Anderson
Lisa Anderson served as executive assistant to both Marcus and Joni Lamb, founders of Daystar TV, from 2007 to 2011. In that role, she worked directly with the Lambs and their immediate family and the invited celebrities to the daily shows. She also traveled the world with the ministry, including to the Holy Land. Prior to that, she worked as a manager in for Pan American World Airways. She’s written two children’s books—“The Mud Cake” and “Baked with Love, Made with Care.” Lisa currently works as a senior administrative assistant for an independent oncology practice.
Coming soon
5 Responses
So sad to see this. I remember meeting Marcus and Joni back in the early 1990s. At the time, I was working as a sound engineer, and they were speaking and singing at a conference being broadcast with other TV evangelists. I believe this was before Daystar, possibly during their time on Channel 29 in the Dallas area. Joni brought her tracks for the songs she was performing, and I remember her being so sweet and down-to-earth. It’s heartbreaking to see what their family is going through now.
Money,Pride, and Power could shipwreck any of us when it goes not check by the Holy Spirit. Years ago I talk to them and warn them of going into the so called prosperity gospel, they rejected God’s Wisdom, THen I talk to them about Joseph Prince Demonic Grace Message, He said A woman could be in a sex act and still proclaim that she was the righteous daughter of God, without repented. He preaches that you do not have to repent, when I fronted them with this they ask me what time slot these statements was made,I gave them the time and day, they decide to link up with the Devil to keep the money flowing.
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This podcast helps against Joni remaining head of Daystar, but Lisa’s story reminded me too much of my time at Marilyn Hickey Ministries in the 1990s, when Marilyn had hundreds of employees.
It wasn’t as much what Marilyn did, but how staff handled situations that may affect her image or their own position. After years in the executive office area I was ousted in a way that greatly traumatized me.
Marilyn even said once in a sermon that God had gotten on to her about using staff to do her dirty work. But the day before I was fired she came to my desk and told me she loved me and was so glad I was there. She had never done that before.
I was the “group tour manager” in the department handling her global events, and towards my end I counted 46 people had come and gone as I remained for six years. At the end I was brought before the vice president, who had hired me, and dared to mention that count.
She pounded on her desk several times and yelled, “I will not be the bad guy! I will not be the bad guy here!” As with Lisa, I too was replaced by three people to do the job only I had done before that.
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I tried to convince the VP I was overworked. I was salaried, working many hours of overtime as a standard. At one point the VP forced me to create a form in which I could show every single thing I did, everything, in five-minute increments for MONTHS, only to be told I exaggerated my load. Once I even blacked out from stress AT WORK and completely forgot where I was. It took me a minute or two to figure out where I was sitting.
I remember Marilyn’s personal secretary telling me she had no idea how I survived so long. It was because God never released me from my commitment. In that ministry I spoke with and often prayed for thousands of people who traveled with Marilyn over the years. But when the horrible day came of my ousting, and employees in my area were sent home to not be a witness, my immediate, internal reaction was, “Thank You, God.” I had seen or experienced countless things behind the scenes that damaged my soul and weighed on my faith.
So, I relate to some of Lisa’s experiences.
This is why God says, Be ye HOLY as I am HOLY