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Full Audio of Daystar Meeting

The Roys Report
The Roys Report
Full Audio of Daystar Meeting

During their time at Daystar TV Network, former Vice President Jonathan Lamb and his wife, Suzy Lamb, say they were spiritually abused by Jonathan’s mother, Daystar President Joni Lamb, and her close ally, Jimmy Evans.

In this special edition of The Roys Report, we’re releasing full audio of Joni and Jimmy Evans’ meeting with Jonathan and Suzy Lamb in which Evans claims Joni is “the voice of God” to Jonathan and Suzy.

Joni is the co-founder, with her late husband, Marcus, of Daystar TV—which has become consumed in a scandal involving the alleged cover-up the sexual abuse of Jonathan and Suzy’s daughter.

But Jonathan and Suzy also objected to Joni’s marriage to sex therapist Doug Weiss. And when the couple refused to read a viewer comment on-air, praising Joni’s marriage, Joni called them into a meeting. And to reinforce her authority over her son and employee, Joni brought in Jimmy Evans, the founder of XO Marriage and Turning Point Ministries.

During this meeting, recently reported on by The Roys Report, the two well-known Christian personalities provide blatant examples of spiritual abuse.

According to author Remy Diederich: “Spiritual abuse happens when people use God, or their supposed relationship with God, to control behavior for their benefit.”

For nearly 90 minutes, Joni and Evans claim the mantle of “representatives of God.” And when Jonathan and Suzy resist, Joni says they’re living in rebellion, and they’ll bring a curse on themselves and their kids.

In the interest of transparency, we’re releasing the full audio, which was recorded on July 11, 2023. It has been only lightly edited, to remove the name of a person who has been accused of child sex abuse but not formally charged with any crime.

Show Transcript

Transcript for this edition available on YouTube.

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93 Responses

  1. I am concerned with the handling of this release by the Roys Report releasing a recording that was done in secret by Jonathan and not with the knowledge and consent of all present in the meeting. This is illegal in many states and should be regarded as unethical no matter the law in the state. If Jonathan believed he was to be CEO it means he has motives here that should not be overlooked. Roys Report should have issued a statement saying this recording was done without the knowledge and consent of Joni Lamb and Jimmy Evans. I don’t automatically trust investigative journalism and take it at face value. I also don’t think Jimmy Evans was abusive. He was firm but fair. This young couple were employees who broke trust with their employer by failing to perform the duties of their job. They were asked to read a comment by a viewer which was their job. They refused and trust was broken.
    In my office should an employee refuse to wait on a customer and offer them service because they don’t like the customer the employee will have to answer to me. This was an employer and an employee conversation that was unfortunate but I saw a lot of immaturity in the son. Joni changed hats and went from employer to mom at the end and she lost control and now it’s gone viral.
    There needs to be some standards regarding investigative reporting.

    1. Texas is a one-party consent state, meaning that anyone who is a party to a conversation may record it. So, this was legally and ethically recorded by Jonathan Lamb.

      1. May I then suggest that you edit your intro above, to state that Texas is a one-party consent state, and therefore Jonathan Lamb did not need the consent of any other person present in the meeting to record it? I was not aware of Texas law on this.

      2. Legal, but not ethical. In fact it’s unscrupulous to clandestinely record a private meeting. It’s illegal in about a dozen states and it should be illegal in all of them.

  2. We need to pray and fast for all those innocent men, woman, & children who came to the Love & Salvation of God through DayStar Ministry and now see the Body of Christ no different than the world …returning to the world! I ask all spreading these allegations seek & trust God for resolution. PLEASE!

    1. Marilyn Haynes – Although it’s true that we all need to be praying, you must realize that when a child has been violated (and Jonathan has provided more than enough evidence of this), we must all arise to protect and defend that child. None of this would have ever needed to go public if Joni and Marcus and Daystar had not mishandled the whole situation. God does not want the Body of Christ to remain silent when innocent children are being abused. We would all stand guilty before the Lord if we only prayed but did not speak out.

    2. Vengeance is the Lord’s. Allowed to go on as it was, put other children in harm’s way. For Suzy & Jonathan Lamb to continue, status quo; ie: submit, would have done just that. Joni Lamb’s decision & priority process was not only already circumspect. Neither was it God Honoring. Bravo Suzy & Jonathan Lamb. Abba Father, I ask now that you put a cloak of protection around all of your children who have chosen you, that this scandal might influence. Abba Daddy, put an even extra layer of protection around any who have not come to you yet. We are all human and prone to sin. That’s why that we who are “sick”, need you. Our Great & Holy Physician. I pray for and ask these things in The Name, above all, Jesus Christ.

      1. This was tough to get through. I would love to see/hear an interview with Doug’s ex-wife. She’s been completely thrown under the bus as a terrible wife that Doug stuck with, until he didn’t. I can’t say I’ve ever listened to any of these people but I’m familiar with their names. If anyone questions “deconstructing” one’s faith to get to a personal relationship with Jesus, this interview is Exhibit A.

  3. I listened to the entire audio. It was disturbing on more than one level:

    1. By insisting that Suzy read the statement from the viewer, Joni had made it a litmus test of loyalty and, what’s worse, a demand for affirmation of a possibly unscriptural marriage. I find it telling that her family doesn’t seem to know what the circumstances of his divorce were. If he had biblical grounds, why not state them and avoid the appearance of evil? Leaders are held to a higher standard even if it is a para-church organization (although such “churches” rarely have accountability). The inference is that he did not have biblical grounds, so Joni attempts to demand affirmation.

    2. It completely baffles me that Joni would not take seriously Jonathan’s confrontation with the abuser of his daughter. It wasn’t speculation on Jonathan’s part. Something else is going on here.

    3. If there is going to be a mediator, Jonathan and Suzy should’ve had a say in the choice. Jimmy Evans was not neutral. He also carried his own baggage into that meeting.

    4. Frankly, I was disappointed in Jonathan’s failure to defend his wife. Had Susie been Joni’s daughter rather than her daughter-in-law, that may have been a different story. Instead, he subjected her to Joni’s accusation about being grabbed by the b**** and could lend credence to this slander.

    1. BJ, you have some good points. I think that it is true the story has been told from Jonathan and Suzi’s side, but TRR gave opportunity for response and those details were not offered.

      This can’t become a “He said she said”. Such a serious accusation should be responded to with appropriate investigation. Not an “internal investigation” -who knows what that means? Rather than sending lawyers after TRR, Daystar needs to respond appropriately with a fully transparent 3rd party investigation.

      Your last point about Jonathan was not lost on me either. Classic caught between wife and mother-in-law, very reluctant to go against his mother in order to stand firm with his wife. That may be a weakness that Joni is using to her advantage.

      If Joni and Jimmy are claiming that she is “speaks for God”, I wonder which god – I don’t recognize Him in their words and actions.

    2. BJ – following up to say part of my reply was intended for a comment on another article. So if it seems disconnected that is why. This forum can be hard to navigate.

  4. The principal issue is the controversy of the “doctrine of marriage permanency” or some call it “the indissolubility of marriage”. According to scripture Doug Weiss is an adulterer. Mark 10:11-12‬ “So Jesus said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.””
    Luke 16:18 “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.”
    Romans 7:2-3 For a married woman is bound by law to her husband while he lives… Accordingly, she will be called an adulteress if she lives with another man while her husband is alive.
    I Corinthians 6:9,10 Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men… will inherit the kingdom of God.
    Matthew 19:9 “whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.”

  5. Hey there.

    I’m just a stranger in the abyss of listening to this audio.

    I’m disgusted while equally angry at the resounding gong of spiritual abuse covered in “you know we love you”

    ” Submit” To those begging for submission, why don’t you take a seat and learn submission and the teaching of Jesus! You are not God. You dont even show up as a mother.

    The mediator is beyond toxic.

    Both the mother and the mediator are not looking after the “least of these”.

    You want full compliance; that is the hallmark of abuse! And that is who you both are; abusers.

    To the son and daughter ; you deserve so much better love and the witnessing of Jesus.
    Run away from this toxic perversion of Christianty. You both are brave. Follow what you know is the truth.

    The truth shall set you free even in the middle of the chaos.

    Trust you mind body and soul.


  6. Part of exposing the deeds of darkness is shinning a light in the dark not nessissarily creating what is in the darkness. The prophets of old exposed darkness, hidden things. They tried to stone the messenger instead of focusing on the message.
    Jesus went into Gods house and turned over tables and carried a whip!!! Shall we critique Jesus and the prophets methods? I believe Jesus is in His house turning over tables and slashing a whip in unapologetic anger!!!!
    Go God!!!!!!
    I support His messengers! It’s called courage! It’s called being a hero!! There’s a reason people don’t stand up to evil. It’s because other people don’t like it.

  7. As a Christian Mediator, I grew angrier and angrier listening to this. First, I don’t know the background of Jonathan and his parents but it’s super hard to lose a parent and watch a parent date and remarry as they are older. They do it differently in their 60’s and the kids in the 30’s need some time to process that and grieve and learn to be ok with it. So why can’t a “you know how much I love you” mom give some grace and understanding to that?

    Second, Jimmy Evan’s clearly came in with an agenda for Joni. As much as he continued to say Jonathan or Suzy were trying to spiritualize it, he never corrected Joni when she made things religious or spiritual as she did numerous times.

    Lastly, although there are so many more comments to truly make, Joni nor Jimmy really listened to Jonathan or Suzy. They accused them constantly of being disrespectful and yet never once let them finish thoughts with time and graciousness and mutual respect and edification. Jimmy is not employed by Daystar so he didn’t have to do that. He chose to force an agenda for his friend Joni bc he had heard and agreed with her position. So as someone said earlier…they should have all had a representative there…and especially from an employer or employer perspective. It was made to to hear that and kudos to them for recording it and putting it out there.

  8. Good heavens…. This is all so twisted and manipulative and so not God. “Joni is God’s voice….” …”I have been in ministry for 40 years…:” – And they keep putting it on them to quite, versus them firing them…. Love bombing…. Demanding submission so that this problem can go away….. How can this different view of the marriage create such a havok?!? There are so many things I could pull out of this and address – it is sickening!

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