Daystar TV President Joni Lamb contends the allegations that she covered up sexual abuse are nothing but lies concocted by her son, who’s aiming for her job atop the global Christian network.
But Jonathan and Suzy Lamb say they’re not the ones lying. And on this edition of The Roys Report (TRR), they join host Julie Roys to set the record straight.
This scandal at the Daystar TV Network has shocked the evangelical world and dominated headlines at TRR for the last month. It’s an absolutely heartbreaking story, involving the alleged sexual abuse of Jonathan and Suzy Lamb’s 5-year-old daughter by a family member, whom we’ll call “Pete.”
According to the Lambs, in 2020, their daughter graphicly described her abuse. A few months later, Jonathan Lamb found Pete in a room with their naked daughter.
But when they reported Pete to Joni Lamb and her late husband, Marcus Lamb, the couple wouldn’t hear it, Jonathan and Suzy say. They add that, without any investigation, Marcus and Joni declared Pete was innocent.
But, in two recent interviews, Joni Lamb says none of that is true. She says the alleged abuse never happened and it was all a misunderstanding that was resolved four years ago. And Joni claims that Jonathan and Suzy resurrected the issue because they wanted a bigger role at Daystar.
Clearly, someone is lying. But is it Jonathan and Suzy—or, is it Joni, the matriarch of the Daystar TV billion-dollar empire?
On this podcast, Julie plays recent clips of interviews with Joni and then give Jonathan and Suzy a chance to respond. Julie also cross-examines and asks clarifying questions to get at the truth.
In this much-anticipated podcast, you’ll hear directly from the couple at the center of this scandal that’s generating headlines worldwide.

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Suzy Lamb
Suzy Lamb worked on staff for over a decade at Daystar Television Network, based in Bedford, Texas. A graduate of Christ For The Nations Institute and Dallas Baptist University, Suzy often hosted Daystar programs and served as an executive producer of ‘The Green Room’ with her husband, Jonathan. They are raising their two children in Texas.

Jonathan Lamb
Jonathan Lamb worked on staff at Daystar Television Network for over 15 years, spending six years as director of operations and, most recently, vice president of the global Christian TV network. A graduate of Oral Roberts University, Jonathan was an executive producer and frequent host of Daystar programs alongside his wife, Suzy.
Coming soon
34 Responses
I haven’t even listened to the Podcast yet, but I believe Jonathan and Suzy. They’ve always seemed genuine and thoughtful when I’ve seen them on Daystar.
@49:50 “…you’ve just got to have family Unity above everything else” – The family enterprise that Marcus & Joni Lamb built seems to share a dangerous characteristic with my former cult – “Oneness is the most important matter, even more important than right or wrong!” When my former guru’s son was finally excommunicated for repeat sexual misconduct, those brave church leaders who stood up and did the right thing found themselves in very hot water. Outnumbered by guru loyalists, those godly men eventually left the organization. Their replacements then penned an apology letter to the unrepentant sexual predator. Read it here:
What little 5 year old girl knows about finger rape and is able to describe it to her mother? The child is being truthful. This evil is so horrendous ! G-d will not permit this and justice will prevail. Pray against any subconscious damage to this traumatized girl.
I agree with what you and Justin Page Wood says below your post. There are much bigger problems here, on both sides. If the abuse described in detail was believed by Jon and Suzy, then why was Pete allowed to be around their daughter at all months later? If this was a situation that happened with one of my children, this person would never be around that child in any form or capacity after I found out AND I would report him to the police immediately if I felt the abuse happened. Both Jon and Suzy, and the elder Lambs showed a complete lack of responsibility, and they all broke the law when they did not report this incident to the police. It’s a Hot Mess with poor judgement and a lack of sufficent action in every single corner. All of them are bad actors in one way or another except the child.
Julie has reported in prior articles that Suzy and Jonathan did go to the police, but the investigation was dropped because the child wouldn’t talk about what happened. Her parents believe Joni frightened her into not speaking. Also, the child did not tell her parents who harmed her. They came to suspect “Pete” because of his own and their daughter’s behavior.
I agree some aspects of this are strange or murky. I wouldn’t accept my in laws (and bosses) “investigating” my child’s abuse allegations, for example. But what I’ve read here about Suzy and Jonathan’s actions sounds like people operating in a family/organizational system they haven’t yet realized is enmeshed and controlling, not criminally irresponsible parents. I may be wrong, and I’m trusting that Julie and colleagues have vetted the story as best they can. But Suzy and Jonathan shouldn’t have to prove they are “perfect victims” in order to be taken seriously.
You’re right a 5 year old would in NO way know this
Joni wants it coved to protect Pete & her daughter.
why are the police not involved if it has been only 4 years since the abuse? report the pedophile to the police, not Joni Lamb!
The crime was reported to the police in 2020, Suzy said. The police say they need an “outcry” from the child. That means the child needs to cry out or identify the perpetrator. The child is believed to be too scared to do this, and/or has repressed memories (said to be common in this type of scenario).
So the parents said they are waiting on the child to say who did it. It could happen tomorrow or in 10 years. Nobody knows. Someone said, probably the father, that when the person gets married, or has her first intimacy experience, the bad memories surface.
It could be sooner, though. It could surface during therapy. The child was receiving therapy but it was too stressful, her mother said, so they paused. Suzy said her therapy may restart soon.
The bottom line is currently there’s only so much the police can do and only so much the child can do.
I have listened to all the allegations that included lying, adultery, covering up sexual sin. My biggest concern, however is for the child who was sexually abused. Nothing has been said about a police report. Please clarify if a report was completed if not, Jonathon and Suzy need to make a report asap. There are no excuses for failure to report sexual allegatons agsinst a child. Julie, please clarify.
I 100% agree. If there is CREDIBLE evidence that a child was abused, and she is only FIVE YEARS OLD, why would the police not pursue? A child under 18 is not an adult! If the parents report the abuse, the police should take it seriously on behalf BOTH the parents and the child collectively. A child’s behavior is the responsibility of the parents if under 18, whether they understand their actions or not. It should be the SAME if a child under 18 is abused and CANNOT articulate things. The POLCE SHOULD DO THEIR JOB. TEXAS IS WEAK.
If Joni’s telling the truth, then why refuse to be interviewed by a “low-level” reporter to answer direct questions? Jonathan and Suzy have spoken to multiple outlets to tell their story. Is Joni not risking her Daystar empire by refusing to do so? Can’t she describe details to any reporter who may suspect she’s (allegedly) making up stories to clear her name and protect her “business”?…and I do mean an experienced reporter, unlike that fame-seeking (my opinion) Marcus Rogers lame so-called interview. No, she can’t take such a risk that has the potential to expose her. She has to maintain the control that she’s accustomed to. She must approve of the line of questioning, we suppose. But the control is starting to slip through her fingers. And she can’t reel it back in. And she’s sinking neck deep into waves that keep breaking. It’d be interesting to see how she’d respond if she were somehow put into the position of being required to testify in a court of law, having to place her hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth. Would a fear of God surface then? I personally believe she’s made some decisions that she’ll live to regret…one of the major ones being sacrificing her family to marry the perverted (my opinion) Doug. May it please the Lord to bring justice to “Pete” and bring down Daystar.
This Marcus Rogers proved himself to be a clown. I had never heard of him before and the interview with the Daystar woman showed he’s not a serious person. He’s just a youtube money maker. I hope Daystar goes out of business. They should lose their tax-exempt status at the very least
In the process, I hope this “clown” – a kind definition of his behavior – has detrimentally exposed himself to his enormous viewership to be a fake (imo). I don’t understand how anyone can take this guy seriously. I was disappointed that Jonathan and Suzy considered him reliable enough to sit down with him…where Marcus had to interject his MANY lengthy own comments – so annoying, I just had to skip over all his blabbering, taking advantage of a serious situation to be a grand show off. It made me angry. I didn’t even want to watch the show he dressed up for with Joni.
I don’t believe the fear of God would scare Joni Lamb into telling the truth in a court of law. She was audio taped saying she swore on the Holy Spirit that she never said something J&S put to her even though J said to her that she was lying. Joni repeatedly said she swore on the Holy Spirit. There is another audio where Joni is heard saying that very phrase she denied saying.
I have never heard anyone swear on the Holy Spirit. This doesn’t sound like someone who has the fear of the Lord. I personally would never say that even in telling the truth. Joni is either lying or has a bad memory. (And this is not lying as there are audios of this, thanks to Jonathan.)
Richard and Karen Carpenter knew of this Scriptural mandate to stand for the Right of Children, everywhere, as they produced in 1971 the memorable “Bless The Beasts And Children” song: “Bless the beasts and the children For in this world they have no choice They have no voice Bless the beasts and the children For the world can never be The world they see Light their way When the darkness surrounds them Give them love Let it shine all around them Bless the beasts and the children Give them shelter from the storm Keep them safe Keep them warm Light their way when the darkness surrounds them Give them love Let it shine all round them Give them shelter from the storm Keep them safe Keep them warm The children, the children, the children”
One thing that makes it less difficult to believe that Joni Lamb is lying now is that she and her husband lied about his affair, even after it ended. It’s an organization where appearance matters, not reality.
I am thankful for these reports and this particular type of authenticity. What helps me process all of this in peace is the statement of the family counselor Boggs, who worked for years with the Lambs, when she told the children that their mother was operating under a “spirit of deceit”. Joni is actually blinded by that spirit & her strong need to protect her ministry & marriage at ALL costs. Until God opens her eyes to see, she will not change her stance & DayStar will no longer prosper. I pray for all involved & that Rebecca & her husband will step forward.
Joni Lamb and her late husband as well as her current husband seem to be very familiar with deceit.
I agree with Johnathan and Suzy, but I have some serious issues with the timing of this whole mess. Johnathan and Suzy kept quiet until he got fired. I understand that they were conditioned to act like that, but that does not excuse their silence.
That’s not accurate. They went on the record with me three months before he was fired. It just took a while to research and report.
That’s what I don’t understand. Why wasn’t this made public then ? I believe it happened but I also believe that Jonathan and Susie Lamb used this to try to threaten to get what they wanted. So they also used their daughter.
Something I’ve noticed in these recordings (e.g., the board meetings) is Joni & Co.’s heavy use of logical fallacies. That typically indicates a weak argument but sometimes, hints at deception.
Ad hominem: “low-level blogger”
Appeal to Authority: “I’ve been doing ministry for 40 years.” “I was doing this befor you were born.”
Hasty Generalization: “You’ve disagreed with everything I’ve said.”
Red Herring: “He was holding a baby.”
Exigency: “Sign this NDA now.”
I could go on. While boths side of an argument may use these, consider which side is consistent with basic statements and which side is using misdirection.
Pay attention to Joni and her body language with Marcus Rogers interview as she explains her side of the Beach incident! When she is struggling with truth her hands go across or near her face! Also she clears her voice or coughs. Worth paying attention to!.
Someone please go back into “Pete’s” past life and investigate his family connections, relatives, others that he may have abused in the country, state, and city where he came from. I think there’s more to his background you could investigate. You know who we all suspect as THE “family member.” I feel bad that Joni has learned to cover and lie over the years, but she learned it from Marcus, her previous husband. She has EVERYTHING to lose.
Has the church forgotten how confession leads to healing? Why is it so hard for people in the church to repent these days? John the Baptist came crying out “repent, repent!” Not “forgive, forgive!” I know Jesus taught forgiveness and I believe in it but why don’t we know how to own our sin in the church anymore?
Jd Greear says that calling one to repent is not inviting them to a trip behind the woodshed but an invitation to take a bath. I guess to take a bath you’ve got to get naked first tho. Shame will keep you from that and so will a hard heart. Jesus deliver us from pride we need a bath!!!!!!
I’m sorry. This is insane. There is enough evidence for police to be involved even though the child can’t “CLEARLY ARTICULATE WHAT HAPPENED.” Duh, of course they can’t. No wonder sexual abuse is rampant in the United States. This is TOTALLY CORRUPT. POLICE – DO YOUR JOB.
When I compare what I learned about Dietrich Bonhoffer and churches in American from Erick Metaxas I am discouraged by what I know about Christian churches in the USA. Curiously as a 75 year-old Jew who wrestles with his connection to G-d, I have a 37 year-old mentor and friend who has a relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe him because he spoke passionately from his own experience rather lecture me. This man who I first met to take Krav Maga lessons from him has helped me get closer to G-d. My understanding from the Christian bible is that Jesus was angry at the Pharisees because they put business before G-d. To me my friend and mentor is the opposite of those who rule over Daystar and many televangicals who are rich. I might add as a Jew that I am disheartened by the similarities between many American churches and those German churches that did not oppose the rise of the Nazis in 1930’s.
American Christianity is more a culture than a faith. Jesus is so much more than we often portray. Please seek Jesus. The TV preachers are caricatures of caricatures. Be blessed in Jesus sir.
Anyone who watched the “interview” of Joni Lamb by Marcus Rogers can tell that he was amateur, unprepared and out of his depth.
A real question to Joni Lamb. In the board meeting (which Jonathan recorded) where Jonathan was given 24 hours to sign an NDA, did you and Tom Callender each sign the NDA within 24 hours?
If Joni did sign the NDA is she in breach of the NDA by showing Marcus Roger’s (as he claims) paperwork and possibly financials and polygraph information that may very well violate her own NDA?
Very good question! I would love to hear the answer to this as well
I agree with Jonathan and Suzy. Too many red flags to say this is all coincidence. Outsiders demand proof and then when we get proof such as: audios, J&S are called liars for recording when they said they weren’t; receipts on honeymoons paid by Daystar but we believe Joni Lamb paid it back with no proof (after the outing I might add); Denise Boggs saying “Pete” repeatedly demanded to be cleared from the SA when he wasn’t; a hasty marriage with mind boggling confusing time frames; and tracking a family member and having PI’s follow them with confusing reasons as to why Daystar did this. We also have other family members who say this behaviour of “Pete” and reported it to J&S to begin with. Too bad they won’t talk.
I don’t know how much more evidence people need to see to understand that something is going on. Isn’t that enough to at least pause and start thinking for yourselves? Is the Christian body really that blinded they can no longer see the truth for themselves? And this is just the tip of the iceberg as I can only say so much here.
Kristi Kerby
Johnathan and Suzy!!, Stand Strong , Stand Faithfully, in God, and in your Beautiful Daughter. We can’t let anything come between God and man, but as parents, no one, nothing, should come before our children and their protective rights. You will be a voice for those who have been silenced by spiritual abuse. God Bless, You, Johnathan, Suzy, your son and your daughter. (former Daystar viewer.) Love in Christ…….. Thus, saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s …2 Chronicles 20:15 (KJV)
Does anyone know why “Pete” was let go by Gateway church… parents complained apparently. Was wondering if it was bf these allegations were made and/or for what reason?
Thanks to TRR, I’ve been following this story and it’s definitely muddy waters. Many people have been calling the Daystar organization wolves, goats, grifters, a cult, so on. As I was originally unfamiliar with Daystar, I researched some of the other past questionable issues, and in general I’m trying to understand- if these previous unethical practices or controversies were happening, why did J&S stay with this organization over the years, take a salary, drive the cars, et cetera? Why did others?
Regarding the more recent revelations brought to light: some have suggested that there was a shift to a culture of secrecy/control/deception when Doug Weiss joined the scene. Some of the other organizations who were previously connected to Daystar, and have since withdrawn their programming, seem to be honest, God-fearing people. Were they being deceived in the prior years under the Joni & Marcus leadership? Was Daystar originally a good tree, bearing good fruit, or were they a house built on the sand from the beginning? Now the rain has come and the streams are rising Matthew 7:15-27.
I do believe J&S are being truthful with their allegations against Pete, and the subsequent cover-ups. It’s also appalling and heartbreaking to see the way J&S have been spiritually abused, bullied and disrespected by Joni and company. Prayers for the truth to continue to be revealed, and for strength and healing for J&S and their family.