What motivated Jonathan and Suzy Lamb to come forward with allegations that Daystar TV President Joni Lamb covered up the sexual abuse of their daughter—and to oppose her marriage to Doug Weiss?
According to Joni, the couple was jealous of the place Weiss was occupying at the global Christian TV network. And that’s why they opposed the marriage and “resurrected” the issue of alleged abuse of their daughter.
But Jonathan and Suzy say that’s a lie. They say they opposed Joni’s marriage as a matter of conscience. And they reopened the issue of their daughter’s abuse when they discovered they had been deceived regarding the results of an internal investigation regarding her suspected abuser.
They add that when they refused to fall in line, they were shocked by the lengths their own mother and mother-in-law went to control, manipulate, and intimidate them.
In this edition of The Roys Report, you’ll hear the conclusion of host Julie Roys’ interview with Jonathan and Suzy Lamb—with exclusive insights into the scandal at Daystar TV Network, which has rocked evangelical-charismatic ministries worldwide.
Following from part one, Jonathan and Suzy respond directly to several allegations—including that their dispute with Joni Lamb was part of a “power grab.”
According to Jonathan and Suzy, they simply wanted to live according to their convictions. But when they tried to do that, they became victims of Joni’s gaslighting, spiritual abuse, intimidation, and even spying.

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Suzy Lamb
Suzy Lamb worked on staff for over a decade at Daystar Television Network, based in Bedford, Texas. A graduate of Christ For The Nations Institute and Dallas Baptist University, Suzy often hosted Daystar programs and served as an executive producer of ‘The Green Room’ with her husband, Jonathan. They are raising their two children in Texas.

Jonathan Lamb
Jonathan Lamb worked on staff at Daystar Television Network for over 15 years, spending six years as director of operations and, most recently, vice president of the global Christian TV network. A graduate of Oral Roberts University, Jonathan was an executive producer and frequent host of Daystar programs alongside his wife, Suzy.
Coming soon
17 Responses
While I definitely believe in spiritual warfare, I wish in general that certain segments of the church would place less emphasis on these “spirits of _____.” Why not just call it sin? Saying someone is under a spirit of deception (or rebellion or whatever) just makes it sound like the person is a puppet, not someone who is making a conscious sinful choice.
Yes, bring back the Biblical words of sin, repentance, salvation, sanctification, justification, edification, etc.
“Saying someone is under a spirit of deception (or rebellion or whatever) just makes it sound like the person is a puppet, not someone who is making a conscious sinful choice.”
Very good observation. Julie Roys caught some of this near the end of the podcast, when she mentioned the ridiculousness of everyone’s accusing everyone else of having a “Jezebel spirit.” However, she didn’t catch it earlier in the statement from Denise Boggs about a “spirit of deception” on Joni Lamb.
Maybe that’s just in-group jargon for the observable phenomenon of a skilled manipulator’s sensing a mark’s vulnerability and using it to hook the target and reel her in, but it sounds bizarre to people who aren’t in the bubble – which is most people.
Denise Boggs also undermined herself by writing about Marcus Lamb’s “integrity” and “anointing.” Integrity? Marcus Lamb who had a seven year affair and concealed it from his audience/donors until the second before others were going to reveal it? Marcus Lamb who connived in preventing the report of sexual abuse of his granddaughter from being properly investigated by legally constituted authorities? That Marcus Lamb?
Without getting into issues of “anointing,” one could certainly say that Marcus Lamb’s family is reaping what he sowed: abuse, lies, and utterly dysfunctional corporate governance.
It not only renders the person a puppet, it is also used to absolve a person of any responsibility for their actions. If you can say “the spirit of adultery led me to cheat on my spouse,” it suddenly becomes something you didn’t have any control over, so it is not you fault. So, no harm, no foul. Charismatics love this device because you can use it in virtually any situation when you get caught in some kind of amoral behavior and you need a quick path back to sanctity and moral integrity. It is supposed to bypass any objections to the behavior you engaged in which was obviously biblically wrong. It is used as a universal tool to fix any problem you have.
Julie, as one who grew up in cultish spiritual abuse, I’ve been following your coverage of the Lamb story very closely. Your professionalism is stellar, and I appreciate how your heart is so moved regarding exposing the EXTREME spiritual abuse which has gone on in Daystar. Thank you for being such a strong advocate for Jonathan and Suzy and their little girl over “the machine”. Undoubtedly, multitudes of us are not only being triggered, but are seeing our own stories emerge through this lens. Indeed, your platform is needed and is being utilized by our Maker, to remind us that Jesus loves the little children. Thank you.
I haven’t heard anyone mention Israel and the effect this has had on him. Maybe no one has thought how much he has seen and heard. Check to see if he feels like he didn’t protect his little sister. I know of one little brother that knew things and no one knew until he and his sister was grown.
I daily monitor this story to watch how God is dismantling this mega business that inappropriately identifies as a church. And, God willing, when it collapses, Joni will be pointing her finger of blame directly at Jonathan and Suzy, blinded to the fact that it’s a direct result of her own actions. I’m glad Jonathan and Suzy courageously consistently speak out, which Joni can’t control or shut up. Probably much to her surprise, she’s been unable to convincingly talk, I mean lie, her way out of the web she’s entangled in. Perhaps a third party independent investigation would resolve the issue and get her “ministry” back on track. No, I guess not.
Thank you Julie for being willing to investigate truth from deception. I was wondering if you have been able to interview Suzy’s parents to determine why their employment was terminated at Daystar and also if they support and stand with their daughter and son-in-law? Thank you and God bless.
Thank you Julie for being willing to investigate both truth and deception. I was wondering if you have been able to determine why both Suzy’s parents were terminated from their employment at Daystar? Also if they stand with and support their daughter and son-in-law? Thank you and God bless.
The corporate structure at Daystar needs to be examined and explained. Who replaced Jonathan as Vice-President? He held that position for some years and how could he be replaced in such a haphazard fashion. Nepotism seems to be the rule at Daystar, so what relative of Joni’s was put in that position, Pete? Having family employed allows for an extra level of control for Joni. Someone who holds a position based solely on their merit means less control over them by the President. Having a three member Board, with two of the members employees, as well as closely related, is not appropriate. Joni’s reference to “the Board” agreeing with or endorsing her actions is completely meaningless when she is in effect the Board. The Board is not there to ensure good governance but to rubber stamp Joni’s decisions.
Having an understanding of how Daystar operates would be very helpful in providing context with Joni’s actions. Things like Suzy’s parents being terminated from their employment at Daystar, shortly after Suzy was fired, speaks to the problem.
Thank you July for providing a platform for Jonathan and Suzy to share their story.
Clark Brotzell
Joni had blocked me on YOUTUBE bc i said all this trouble for DOUGIE BOY! when i watched ministry now and i saw how doug was rude and arguing with the special guest and then he was very rude and arrogant. The special guest had said the sinners prayer twice with joni and Doug and doug then said again we have to say the sinners prayer again. i believe the guest was saying repent. Also when Joni was reading viewer comments, doug just read the paper and closed the papers of where the listeners are from. He did not care! I hope he did not do witchcraft on Joni as she seems to be under his spell! i do pray for her and the whole family!
My husband is an unbeliever and through the years has always mocked my watching Christian TV saying they were only out for the money but I never believed him. Now I do. With my small offerings I could never even equal one of Joni’s vacations in my entire lifetime… $100,000 for a honeymoon? $800,000 for gas to go to Colorado? I think Joni has somehow completely lost touch of the reality of most people’s lives.. I’ve never felt so deceived by someone I believed in.. also, Dr Doug has said he was just so “horribly abused” by his former wife. How then did he continue to minister as a marriage counseling service for years with his former wife? Total deception (also, she is a tiny person, so not physical abuse. Was it no sex? Is that it? Are we scripturally allowed to leave someone for that?)
Roy’s Report: I have read your reports on daystar and tend to side with John and Susan Lamb but I’m surprised that you have not asked them any hard questions. His salary is $250,000.00 annually without adding his wife’s salary that was not even addressed. He drives a Porsche and apparently can travel anywhere at anytime because of unlimited income from gullible Christians who think they are truly serving the Lord with their tithes or love offerings. I’m sorry but the only thing I feel sorry for them for is the abuse of their child. They seem to be nothing more than charlatans themselves becoming incredibly rich while supposedly serving the Lord? Come on Roy’s Report, ask these frauds the tough questions!
Billy, I also read a report that Jonathan Lamb’s net worth is $10M. If that is true, even at $250k annual salary, if he spent none of it, it would take him 50 years to accumulate $10M. Where did all that money come from? I also noticed Suzy mentioned in one of the interviews they were in Montana because they had to get away to sort stuff out and she had a nanny. Wish we could all be so fortunate as to get away whenever we had to sort something out and have a nanny to boot. So, I am in agreement these issues need to be addressed and now that these two have been enlightened to Daystar’s business doings, are they willing to donate back the $10M or whatever else they capitalized upon as an act of true repentance? Also, I find it hard to believe Jonathan never heard someone be referred to as “being the voice of God” during his life. Being raised in the Word of Faith doctrine, that is the standard concept for men and women of God to be referred as. Something doesn’t pass the smell test on much of this, except for possibly the SA of their child, if that is even true. Nothing has been proven yet.
God is not mocked. What so ever a men sows, that shall he also reap.
I have a fam member didn’t agree with her mo.s remarriage after the dad passed they all blamed her even saying she is bipolar she stood her ground did not go to wedding now less than 5 yrs that marriage ended because the true man showed out bout destroyed her mom but by the grace of God she was safesuzie stick with that discernment the HolySpirit is giving you
Thank you for all the love you have poured into this Julie🙏
I would so love and appreciate a date timeline that involved all the recorded meetings, when “Pete” first let himself be exposed to little Lamb, when Suzy was SA by chiropractor, lake trips, little Lamb telling Suzy about SA, letter from Denise Boggs, forensic interview, someone called Marcus to tell that they would prosecute the SA of little Lamb (Probably Denise), false exoneration of “Pete”, Letter of requirements to come back from Joni that led up to Johnathon’s lawyer letter, etc.
It would be smoother to see and acknowledge how all the lies are so numerous that it is overwhelming to imagine the evil behind the doors at Daystar!
Something like this….
(Date) “Pete” told Suzy little Lamb saw him unclothed
(Date) Leadership lake trip #1 that ——— happened
(Date) Suzy SA by Chiropractor and Marcus pd them off (investigate that!)
(Date) Johnathon demoted and put on a ———(whatever they called it) by (their name)
(Date) etc, etc, etc
God bless you Julie and through you and the Holy Spirit may others voices be heard and healed🙏