Her story of alleged clergy sexual abuse by Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC), rocked the Christian community. And it led IHOPKC to permanently separate from Bickle 15 months ago.
Then, she was known simply as the primary “Jane Doe.” But on this edition of The Roys Report, she reveals her identity for the first time—and she tells new, eye-opening details of her story.
We had planned to release this podcast months ago. But then Jane Doe had some health issues, and we weren’t sure if we’d be able to get this podcast recorded.
However, just a couple weeks ago, she had a remarkable turn-around. And now, not only were we able to record this podcast—but this Saturday, February 8th, the woman known as Jane Doe will be appearing on stage at the Restore Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
That is going to be an amazing time. And joining Jane Doe will be Tammy Woods, another survivor of sexual abuse by Mike Bickle—and Elizabeth Herder, a former IHOPKC staff member and a key advocate for Bickle’s victims.
But we decided to record and release this podcast prior to the conference for two reasons. One, there’s so much of Doe’s story to tell and we have limited time on Saturday. And two, Doe wants people to know why she’s revealing her identity before she appears on stage.
So, this is a big reveal, but it’s so much more than that. As you’ll witness, this woman is someone whose passion for Jesus and the Body of Christ radiates from her. And even though hers is a difficult story to tell, she does it with the hopes it will open the eyes of other adult clergy sex abuse victims and set captives free.
Coming soon
12 Responses
Hi Julie, I have a thought about the Isaiah 49 and how Mike got that.
Can you ask the lady if she prayed that out loud?
I’m thinking that demons might have heard that and somehow communicated that to Mike.
Thank you.
Hi Lilian. I agree that demonic information is within the scope of possibilities. Many, including William Branham, had ‘angel’ beside him, that he acknowledged was necessary to be there, in order to see people supposed healed. Familiar spirits, I believe were involved with Mike Bickle.
Bravery! Deborah is brave and clean and free in Jesus, with a voice prepared.
As for Isaiah 49, if she spoke that prayer audibly, a demon in the midst at that moment could have heard what she said and used it through her ample assailant.
Deborah is an amazing woman who appears to have come triumphantly through a terrible situation. Her strength in Jesus is phenomenal. Parts of her story have moved me deeply.
And Yes to Liliana and Shawn in regard to how the prophetic confirmation she sought would have been conveyed to the enemy. However, because they also watch and know us quite well, she had probably given that passage a lot of attention over the years and so it’s a relatively simple matter for them to pop that passage into Bickle’s head.
My heart hearts listening to this. It is crazy that think this man had clearly answered her prayer to God about the passage in Isaiah. But remember God can prophesy through a donkey, and even the high priest in Jesus day (John 11:49-51). Thank God that He can take even horrible abuse and use it to shape us. I pray she goes on to impact the world for Christ, I don’t think God is done with her, not by a long shot.
When he mentioned she’ll be like 1000 Esthers I couldn’t help but think that I hope she sees that, even though it seems late, she is doing a beautiful thing by exposing this monster, like an Esther.
Thank you for this podcast
Tammy, your strength and deep love for God are truly inspiring. Your testimony is impactful and has the power to transform lives.
Hi Jeff, If I’m not mistaken this interview was with Deborah who revealed her name publicly for the first time. Tammy Woods is going to be joining Deborah at the upcoming Restore Conference this weekend!
Thank you for your courage Deborah. You are truly a Deborah.
Thank you again and I’m so sorry for what you endured. <3 I honor your courage, love of truth and your boldness. May God restore it ALL!
Re: Isaiah 49…God’s gifts are irrevocable, so Mike could have a gift of words of knowledge or prophecy or any of them, which would explain his success in ministry. He did not have the character to match, unfortunately.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Sadly it’s the kind of fruit that false movements and people like Bob Jones, Mike Bickle and IHOP produce. Know them by their fruit. They have left the perimeters of the Word of God, so anything is possible and they use the Name if God to make things happen. I used to be in Ywam and charismatic churches, however I have returned to my fully Biblical roots, reformed, because they all have deviated into saying things that God never spoke. I repent of giving false words of knowledge while in these movements. I confess now that those words never originated with God, but with me. I will never assume that what I dream or say is of God, when I know it wasn’t. That is blasphemy. I regret listening to the false teachers who taught me. I’m so glad I’m out, the burden has rolled away.
This interview helped me so much..
I have been so angry o destroyed all mikes books.
Her voice, her tones, her phrases ( like saying stunning) were all a common language in our IHOPKC community. We all lived the PS. 17 lifestyle . “ONE THING”
The teaochings deepened us and increased our love foe Him!!! We served ea. other. I can now emvbace those pre ious truths again.