Disgraced pastor and former dean at The Master’s Seminary, Steve Lawson, had a “5-year relationship” with a woman in her “late 20s,” Phil Johnson, an elder and pastor at John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church, stated in an X post today, which has since been deleted.
“He is 73. She is in her late 20s,” Johnson wrote.
Johnson also stated that the woman is not a member of Lawson’s church, Trinity Bible Church of Dallas, and “lives in a different state nowhere close to any of the ministries Steve served.”
However, Johnson did not immediately respond to our comment on X and an email, asking whether the woman had ever attended The Master’s Seminary (TMS) or The Master’s University (TMU), but instead deleted his post.* The Roys Report (TRR) also emailed TMS President Abner Chou and TMS Executive Vice President Nathan Busenitz with the same question, but did not hear back.
According to abuse experts, “any sexualized behavior by a church leader/spiritual leader toward someone under their spiritual care, who by nature is in a position of less power and authority” is clergy sexual abuse. Texas has a law criminalizing clergy sexual abuse, but California does not.
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In his X post, Johnson also stated that Lawson informed the elders at his church, Trinity Bible Church of Dallas, about his “inappropriate” relationship, “but only after the girl’s father had confronted Steve and threatened exposure.”
“This was not a noble confession of sin,” Johnson added.
Johnson also expressed his view that calling the relationship “inappropriate” is “too ambiguous—as if someone merely caught them holding hands. This was a 5-year relationship with strong romantic overtones. Both parties insist no literal fornication was involved, but their tie to one another was adulterous in spirit, if not in fact.”
In Trinity Bible Church’s statement released last Thursday, the church referred to Lawson’s sin as an “inappropriate relationship” and said he had been “removed indefinitely from all ministry activities” at the church. The statement also said Lawson had informed the elders at Trinity Bible Church of the relationship. It didn’t say anything about the father threatening to expose Lawson.
At a service last Sunday, Trinity Elder Mark Becker addressed the scandal briefly but didn’t offer any details about Lawson’s misconduct and discouraged questions, stating: “The only questions that are important at this point concern us as a church, as a local body, and how we will move together forward from this.”
A Trinity congregant said in a comment on X that he “fully expected Mark to be forthcoming with the flock. . . . Instead, we were left in the dark. Heartbroken by it all. Not sure if we will stay.”
Johnson responded, “Do stay. If they were trying to cover or minimize the sin, you’d have grounds to leave. But that’s not their aim. They’re doing the best they can in an impossible situation. Speak to them privately & individually before leaving over what they did or didn’t say publicly.”
TRR has reached out to Trinity Bible repeatedly since Thursday, asking for clarification about Lawson’s misconduct and the woman involved, but Trinity has not responded.
TMS has not made any public statements about Lawson. However, in an email to TMS students last week, Busenitz said Lawson had been “removed from pastoral ministry,” had failed “to be a one-woman man,” and was “permanently disqualified” from ministry. But the email didn’t give any details about Lawson’s misconduct or whether the woman was ever associated with TMS or TMU.
The ministry Lawson founded, OnePassion Ministries, released a statement saying that Lawson had “confessed to the board that he has had an inappropriate relationship with a woman, a sin that has disqualified him from ministry.” The statement gave no details about Lawson’s relationship with the woman or whether Lawson was in a position of authority over her.
Lawson also served as a teaching fellow and board member of Ligonier Ministries. Ligonier has not made any public statement about Lawson but has removed him as a fellow at the ministry’s website. Lawson’s messages and videos continue to be posted at Ligonier’s website.
*This article was updated to include that Johnson had deleted his post. After we posted that update, Johnson posted an explanation on X, saying he deleted the post out of deference to the elders of Trinity Bible Church and directed “those who think they still have legitimate questions” to ask Trinity Bible Church or Lawson. Johnson still did not address whether the woman was ever a student at The Master’s Seminary or The Master’s University.
Julie Roys is a veteran investigative reporter and founder of The Roys Report. She also previously hosted a national talk show on the Moody Radio Network, called Up for Debate, and has worked as a TV reporter for a CBS affiliate. Her articles have appeared in numerous periodicals.
123 Responses
As a Bible teacher myself for now 35 years, it is heart breaking for me to read what I see as vitriol being spewed by so many arm-chair commentators. Though he was forced to admit it, Steve L. is now out of ministry. In God’s way and God’s time.
Please stop casting more stones.
Can we set aside the carnal cravings to want to know more gory details?
May we all fall on our knees – nay faces, and cry out to God in real repentance for ourselves. We all need to earnestly desire to be more like Christ. Oh Lord Jesus, make me more like You 😭 Make me HOLY, Lord Jesus. A sacrifice acceptable in Your sight 🙏
If you’ve read this and must know, then I’m a self-described Conservative Charismatic, with 3 established Bible Colleges, and ministered in 35 countries. Still, I grieve for every minister that has fallen – Reformed or Charismatic. You may check me out via my You Tube Channel at:
Blessings in Christ dear friends 😢
No. we’re not looking for “gory details”. We want to know if what he did was illegal. If there are more victims. Losing all of his ministries is the bare minimum, if he used those ministries to abuse people.
And this was NOT God’s plan- God does not plan for his representatives to abuse their power and authority and lie about it for 5 years. There’s no “God’s way and God’s time” about it- God’s way would be for him NOT to have a 5 year affair and only come clean when he get’s caught and confronted. God’s time for pastors having affairs is NEVER.
Please stop defending and protecting men who abuse the body of Christ. It’s a terrible look and why the church has no credibility- and makes me wonder what YOU are hiding, and hoping for “grace” when it comes to light.
“If you’ve read this and must know, then I’m a self-described Conservative Charismatic, with 3 established Bible Colleges, and ministered in 35 countries.”
No, I did not know.
I too wonder why you seem harsher in your condemnation of those who find Steve’s duplicity appalling, than you do of his appalling duplicity?
With all respect, globetrotters, such as yourself, and immense travelers, are more susceptible to behavior that can be easily hidden – for a time.
Hate to tell you, but gone are the days that merely saying you’re a man of God, a teacher of his word, automatically means you are considered worthy of that calling.
The “Church” will continue to grow wide but not deep, as long as being “known” seems more desirous than serving – without being well known.
Another question, Sir. “If can you teach someone how to “hear the voice of God,” then what can you say, if say, Steve, heard God say, he’s only human, or something like that? Dangerous. Another question for another day.
Blessings to you as well.
Thank you, Debra. There may be many things wrong with social media, but there are a few good things happening. Seems like God is using social media to put the ugliness of the church on blast. Shaking and collapsing everything that is man-made, double-standards, and hypocritical. Here’s a clip from 6 years ago on Joe Kirby’s (Off The Kirb) channel:
Listen carefully, and judge for yourself if you detect the prophetic irony in every word Lawson speaks. I wonder how Joe and others who (justifiably) looked up to Lawson must feel now. I have no doubt that Lawson has been instrumental in touching more people and bring them closer to Jesus in a single week than I would in my whole lifetime. The gifting snd callings of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). Yet…
“What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” ~Jesus
“Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you…: ~Jesus
FYI: You and many others are misinterpreting Romans here. The passage you have quoted is referencing not people gifts, which are definitely revocable, but the nation of Israel and God’s calling on it. Google it and see for yourself. It is right there. To bad that so many have been taught so wrongly and have not been like the Bereans who actually checked things out to make sure they were correct. The man who discipled me used to be a very gifted bible teacher. He had 2 “mini-strokes” at 60. Now he is a very confused man who once tried to rebuke me for doing some things exactly as he once taught me. This interpretation does not even make sense. People get too old, too sick, and suffer dementia all the time and lose the gifts they once had. If you do not believe me, go visit some believers in a nursing home. All the gifts do expire with time.
Many of us have made the error of “fawning” over people that we don’t truly know. Unlike the days of living in a village or hamlet, a person’s full character, motives and subsequent behavior can easily be concealed. Perhaps the best spiritual insight for urban life, which also entails the life of the church today, would be to be mindful that…
“Ill-ordered affection for creatures is deceitful and inconstant, but the love of Jesus is true and enduring. Those people who cling to a creature will fall with its frailty, but the people who give themselves to Jesus will ever be strengthened.”
Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ.
I appreciate the general sentiments, Mr. Taylor. Yes, there but for the grace of God, go I.
That said, I’m not sure the “casting stones” (John 8:7) metaphor is applicable. I don’t think Jesus was referring to the general sinfulness of the men there. If that were the case, no one should punish anyone for adultery, foe who among us is sinless. Jesus was calling them out on their shared culpability in violating the Mosaic Law, and possible favoritism. The adulterer AND adulteress were to be put to death (Leviticus 20:10). If the woman was caught “in the very act” (John 8:4), then where was the man?
Steve Lawson had no problem condemning other ministers, by name, from the pulpit. Maybe, he should have been more circumspect about “casting stones”. While we sympathize with Steve Lawson’s plight, let’s not forget what the young lady and her father may be facing. And no, I’m not condoning the young lady’s part in it either.
“However, because by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme…” (2 Samuel 12:14)
“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” ~Jesus
“While we sympathize with Steve Lawson’s plight, let’s not forget what the young lady and her father may be facing. And no, I’m not condoning the young lady’s part in it either.”
Count me out. I do not sympathize with Steve Lawson at all. His situation is not a “plight”, it is self-created. He has had too many advantages in life, especially in terms of having been thoroughly taught the Scriptures, for my “sympathy” to be extended to him. The Bible teaches that if we suffer because we are identified with Christ we should glorify God and take it patiently. On the other hand, if we’re suffering because we’ve got caught playing the fool, well, we should not be at all surprised that we have reaped what we have sown.
Amen, Jennifer Eason.
That’s a very relevant Scripture verse that you refer to:
1 Peter 2:20:
“For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently?
But if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God”.
And yes, totally. He has been immensely privileged as far as Christian background goes. Even growing up in the US is itself a privilege, I can tell you, having myself lived in countries with little or no Christian heritage.
“To whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48 and the context shows it’s referring to BEHAVIOR and ACTIONS, not head knowledge!)
When Jesus said who among will cast the first stone…they all left but the rest is Go and sin nomore.
Until men in leadership positions start standing up and holding these men accountable for the atrocities they are committing against young girls and women, this will continue and be a blight on religion and the church will continue to hemorrhage members.
I hold no sympathy for a man who claims to speak the word of God, condemns others at the pulpit, while in the middle of a 5yr adulterous affair and important questions regarding signs of underage grooming, age of young lady when affair began, did he hold a position of power over her, and are there other victims.
As of now, there have already been verified lies told by church leaders to the congregation regarding this entire incident, and it seems church leadership is once again downplaying a situation and wanting to sweep it under the rug without being completely transparent with the members and the public.
You really hate Jesus Christ do you not? He really did throw those stones at the religious, rich, successful hypocrites like this jerk. If Jesus saw what you have been doing, and he sure has, what will He say? How will such as these avoid hell? These are Jesus words. Instead you are here self promoting yourself while telling others to shut up. How righteous you are? (In your own eyes.) You are the problem.
A Conservative Charismatic? That statement is an oxymoron.
What you are actually saying is “Don’t be a Watchman.” “Don’t defend the flock.” Yes, we should all earnestly desire to be more like Christ. But how can you admonish that, but not at the same time realize that the Prophets, Jesus, and all the Apostles instruct us very clearly what to do when someone continually teaches falsehoods, and/or does not live their life in a Christian manner? Especially when it comes to the leaders in the church? Paul was pretty direct in his methodology in 1 Corinthians 5:13. Surely, with all your Bible Colleges and years of experience you know this passage? Wolves in the flock need to be rebuked, others need to be warned about them and when they engage in willful and repetitive carnal sins they need to be expelled from the Church.
A conservative/charismatic is not an oxymoron. I grew up as a cessationist and freewill baptist. Now I’m no longer a cessationist because of my exegetical rigor. However, my views are engulfed with a conservative biblical exegesis. I do not believe the office of an apostle. But all the gifts are still working out within the context of the church. I believe that all the gifts are operational today. But it’s not an “oxymoron” to have a convergence of conservative theology and still believe that all the gifts are for today.
Well said Jason. That is where I am now as well.
I cannot imagine how this young woman’s dad if feeling right now for what this diabolic religious hypocrite did to his daughter!
There is no allegation the young woman was underage or unable to consent to the relationship. As such, she is also culpable, not an innocent victim. We should also call for and pray for her own repentance.
I have four words for you, adult clergy sexual abuse.
Yes Jane, and to go with that: “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (James 3:1)
“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” ~Jesus
You are too quick. We may not know for some time how it was.
The church has not been forthcoming on did they investigate for signs of underage grooming, what was her age when it began, and was he in a position of authority over her. When the church lies and gets caught lying it gives an appearance of downplaying and covering up some important facts about this situation.
The age gap alone points to grooming and using his authority over her.
Why do you think she was abused or coerced? According to a report from one of Lawson’s ministries, she is now 29 years old. A five year relationship would have put her at 24 when it began. Twenty-four year old women are usually post-college, have some kind of a career started, and, unless they are intellectually challenged, know how birds and bees get other bees and birds.
It is quite likely she thought he was a cat-on-wheels as much as he considered her to be a walk on the Appalachian Trail.
We all agree that her father did the right thing in threatening to expose Lawson. We wonder if this relationship will continue? Will Steve divorce Anne? Will he start another church? Stay tuned.
Because, as you mentioned, she would’ve been a young woman of roughly 24 years. And likewise, he was “ a barefoot boy with cheek of tan,” at the tender age of 68. Meaning he could have gone to high school with not her father but her grandfather. Yep, he and grandpa could’ve double dated to the prom. This is not an affair, but a case of adult clergy, sexual abuse. And I hope more than anything that is young woman finds healing.
So, at what age does a woman become accountable for her moral choices? You say not 24. You make her sound like a mindless robot who succumbed to the older man’s advances against her will.
In the state of Texas if a member of clergy is in a position of authority when the relationship begins it is against the law and considered sexual assault no matter the victims age.
When there is an age gap of over 45 years and the church has not been forthcoming on when/where the relationship began, it appears they are trying to hide important information and protect him from Texas law.
He split one church to start another, taking the entire pastoral staff of his former church with him. It would not surprise me if he did so again. The only thing which may stop him is his age.
You make it sound like the woman is without fault here; that she had no mind of her own.
There are two sides to every story. Her silence is her right. Women who run to the tabloids or other media to divulge are seldom put in a favorable or credible light. The world needs more men willing to see their NEED for the “Billy Graham Rule”
Really great to see Steve punching above his weight class here, dudes a beast for sure, can’t wait for the Netflix Doc.
But we don’t know if the victim was psychologically or spiritually coerced to keep whatever this relationship consisted of going.
Remember how Ravi Zacharias threatened to commit suicide when the woman he had an inappropriate relationship said she wanted to break it off? Other ministers have done the same thing to their victims when the victim wanted to fly right and end the relationship..
Justin Peters is really quick to comment about non calvinist pastor’s moral lapses but is silent on lawson? Ŵhy ?
Great observation. The reason Justin Peters has had nothing at all to say is that Justin Peters is a puppet and worships at the throne of John MacArthur.
Yes. Hard to listen to Justin Peters
Justin Peters posted a response on his Facebook page…
A Facebook post is hardly the two-hour monotone excoriation Peters traditionally gives to those he finds fault with. He has been noticeably absent from YouTube for the past week.
A. R. Please give Justin Peters a bit of grace. Looking at his itinerary from his website, October is a full month for him. Just traveling, we can be certain, is a big challenge with his disabilities.
If I were advising him, a quick, fifteen minute YouTube video as a quick response (from the road) with a more complete video promised in the near future.
This all being said, I too am disappointed at the selective “throwing of stones” by the MacArthur crowd, just because there is a disagreement on theological angles.
This issue became public in the third week of September. Plenty of time of Justin Peters to proffer his take on it. Peter’s October schedule has nothing to do with it.
According to Calvinism, this was ordained by God before time began. Lawson had no free will. So is he one of the elect? Did he persevere to the end? I do not mean these to be sarcastic questions, but genuine.
MacArthur and like his minded tribe were very vocal publicly by Ravi Zacharias decade’s long duplicity…how is this with SL different? They speculated RZ salvation? Will they do likewise w SL. This is the dark corner this tight Lordship theology leads to. Just processing…
To my knowledge, Ravi didn’t espouse Reformed theology. That’s their MO: criticize when one who isn’t in their “camp” is found to be in sin.
But when one of their own sins, they demand “understanding” and “mercy”.
It is abvious to me that Steve Lawson should be protected by the Saints, not distroyed, yes he did commit SIN, and his ministry as a leader and pastor is over, we have not heard the whole story from either one to it fullness. when I was in Bible college many of my close friends went on to be Pastors, youth leaders Missionaries, etc and when I caught up with them later on in life, they told me that to many are spending to many days and expecially nights away from their families, this can be trying on a marriage. one friend that has been in the ministry now for 20+ years told me one night about 8 years ago he was awoken at approx 1:30 Am by a knock on the door, when he answered it was a very attractive young lady in her 20,s that ask him if he needed company, he said he was so groggy he said no, and the next morning his mind cleared to what had happend. he remembered saying “NO thanks” and shut the door, this happen again about 2 years later at a different motel in a different state. But he came to the conclusion that Satan knows how to set up and distroy a pastor. he then shorten his scheduel to where he was not spending so many lonely knights away from home. how these women came to his door he to this day does not know. So Pastors and whoever you are in the ministry, make your nights away from home alot shorter than normal. “Satan is like a Lion prowling in secret waiting for who he will distroy”
Just because the way we do church in the modern day is terribly unhealthy for pastors doesn’t mean that pastors aren’t wholly responsible for not maintaining their own health.
And your friend’s “stories” sound like the embellished sermon illustrations that smack of personal wish fulfillment more than reality. No one believes them. Attractive young women aren’t going around propositioning pastors they don’t know. They’re just not.
Repeating the story is harmful, because it reinforces that women can’t be trusted, and are always trying to destroy righteous men, when it’s WAAAAYYY more common for pastors to manipulate and prey on those very same attractive young women. Please stop.
Don’t forget the frequent “Satan did it!” excuses. As if Satan is omnipresent, tempting poor unfortunate pastors. The evidence of their self-betrayal is obvious: blame shifting, excuse making. I’m so sick of the demands for the female victims of clergy abuse to repent.
Defending someone disobeying Paul and Jesus Christ in the clearest terms. I only have one question: how many affairs have you been in? You speak like someone dismissing someone else’s sin because they have and likely still are doing the same thing and thinking that they will get away with it. Repent and stop being the Devil’s advocate.
Just a thought. How do members of the military do it? Some are away from their families for almost a year. Many are young. Yet many seem to be able to be faithful. Al Mohler said the same thing you did. Poor guy, away from his family because he is a super duper preacher. I disagree. Having a five year reelationship with a woman is a choice. This is not a one night stand. He knows it and yet he did it anyway. I think this goes far deeper into who he is as a person and how he views the application of his theology to him as a person who is a sinner.
Exactly. A 5 year adulterous relationship where he lies, deceives, hides, lies more and hides more, is not a poor guy.
“Both parties insist no literal fornication was involved, but their tie to one another was adulterous in spirit, if not in fact”
This is ridiculous. Apparently they did not have sex, yet everyone is acting as if they did.
This will deceptively and falsely give the impression to a casual reader that there was a real affair going on.
Move on. Find the real affairs.
I hate Churchianity but this “Christian investigative journalism” has turned into witch-hunts.
He is obviously a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That is my short take. My longer take I’ve written at Wartburg watch.
We should stop dancing around the word and simply accept that judgment has come. If your pastor exacts millions in salary and royalties, has multiple mansions he is a false teacher because the apostle Paul denied himself everything for the sake of the gospel. If your pastor demands unquestioning submission, refuses to be accountable, run their boards as mini gods casting out any elder who disagrees, excommunicating members who do not obey them unconditionally, he is a false teacher. God loves His church and will purify it. As believers, while we should grieve for moral failure in the pulpit as it gives the enemy of the church a reason to ridicule Christ and His body. God will deal with sin against his body whom He loves and gave himself for. God is warning His body that He is the head of the church and to expose false teachers/pastors who claims to speak for God and doesn’t walk the talk. Honor and hold in high regard your pastors, but hold them accountable and stop Idolizing them ! Exposing their sin is not casting stones but rather a measure to prevent and help victims of pastoral abuses and bullying, rapes and molestations, violence against wife and child, financial corruption inside the church and bring back true integrity, humility, charity, compassion for the lost, needy, orphans, homeless and widows.
Amen brother! Is this pastor John Greene? If so, I listened to your sermon this week on Elder qualifications. Very good.
Pastors who forget that while they may be above reproach in their own eyes, they are not beyond sin. When a pastor preaches, he is claiming to speak for God which makes him accountable to God’s people wherever, whoever they are. It is this sense of open accountability that may protect them from slipping instead of excusing themselves that their failure was caused by constant traveling or ministry outside of their church. It is the same warning of scripture that not many of you are to presume to be teachers for you will judged more strictly or receive greater condemnation James 3:1.
I trying to think about how this went on for 5 years from a logistical standpoint. They admitted it was a relationship with, “strong romantic overtones.” She lived in a different state, and did not live near any of this ministries. This was a relationship that was kept secret. So how and where did they meet? It had to have been in a secret place. And that means a hotel — or a home rented or owned by Lawson. “Strong romantic overtones,” but no fornication? For five years? Where did Lawson think this was going? He did not volunteer disclosure but was outed by the girl’s father. Draw your own conclusions.
Nathan, your questions are valid, and I sense they are in the minds of everyone who is shocked by this. FI love(d) Steve Lawson and am the same age as he. Since following his ministry, meeting him, and learning his biography, I have thought he was as perfect as a human man can be. So, I am crushed in heart as well as spirit.
It was posted elsewhere that perhaps Dr. Lawson was using funds from his traveling expenses from various ministries to bankroll his rendezvous. This is pure speculation at this point, but it could explain how he was able to provide his side squeeze with perks.
I´m sad, because the pastor Lawson was for me a great pastor. I live in Brazil, and in Brazil he is a great man of God. I’m praying for him.
Marco. I am sorry for your disappointment. Please be wary of the “gospel” that Lawson taught- as judgemental of sin as it was, it didn’t even have the power to keep him from engaging in 5 years of lying and deceit. Please see a fuller, truer way of following Christ- it will likely look more like love, justice, and service, and much less like condemnation and judgement.