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Texas Megachurch Pastor: ‘You’re Not A Christian If You Vote For A Democrat’

By Liz Lykins
landon schott democrats mercy culture
Pastor Landon Schott preaches at Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Photo: Facebook)

A Texas megachurch pastor announced on Instagram Monday that if someone votes for a Democrat, they are not a Christian.

Landon Schott, senior pastor at multi-campus Mercy Culture Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, wrote, “I’ve been asked over and over ‘Pastor Landon are you saying you’re not a Christian if you vote for a Democrat?’ LET ME BE VERY CLEAR… THAT IS CORRECT!!


Schott planted his non-denominational Church congregation in 2019, according to the church’s LinkedIn. He founded it after receiving a blessing from disgraced Gateway Church founder Robert Morris in 2017.

Schott now leads the church’s six campuses and eight services, one of which includes a Spanish-speaking congregation. Pastor Tom Lane, a former executive pastor at Gateway Church who claims he had no knowledge of the child-sex abuse allegations against Morris, currently serves as an apostolic elder at Mercy Church.

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mercy culture church
Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Photo via social media)

In Monday’s post, Schott labeled Democrats as “The Demon Party.” He added that those who support the Democratic party are “simply a Luke-warm ‘pretend Christian.’”

“I’m not a Republican and (there) are evils on both sides,” Schott wrote. “But tell me again how you’re a Christian that Biblically supports the DEMONIC policies of the Democratic Party?!?”

Schott’s remarks come as the Democratic National Convention is currently being held in Chicago. The event kicked off Monday to promote Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s potential presidential candidate.

Schott doubles down on his opinion

On Tuesday, Schott further doubled down on his stance in a video post.

He cited the Democratic party’s views on abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism for the reasoning behind his statement. Democrats support perversion, idol worship, and child sacrifice, he said.

“I know people don’t like this because most people aren’t pastored, most people aren’t confronted spiritually, and most pastors just care if people show up and give,” he said. “I don’t really care if you like me. I don’t care if you go to our church. . . . If you think aligning with a party that is flippantly murdering children and celebrating it . . . friend, you are not on the Lord’s side.”

He addressed concerns that Democrats are the only party that cares about addressing poverty. He claimed that “that’s not true.” He instead said Democrats are destroying their cities with policies that don’t work.

He added, “The most devastated cities in America are Democrat cities because their policies don’t work. It’s mind-boggling.”

mercy culture schott
Pastor Landon Schott preaches at Mercy Culture Church in Ft. Worth, Texas. (Photo: Facebook)

He also reprimanded black Christians who plan to vote for Harris because they are black.

“It’s the same thing that gay Christians do. You try to put an identity before your Christianity,” he said. “A gay Christian? There’s no such thing. There’s no category. I’m a black Christian? I’m sorry, there’s no such category. There’s no such category as a white Christian.”

He noted that he pastors a multicultural, diverse church. But he added that as a pastor, his role is to cut off false thinking and sinful mindsets by calling out the party’s demonic ways.

Schott equated voting for a Democrat with sinning.

“A group of people that pretend they’re Christians, but they vote for polices that is not Christianity or biblical values, it’s literally devil worship,” Schott said. “If you are voting for these policies you are deceived. You are not a true follower of Jesus.”

He emphasized, “This will be the fall of America; this will be the fall of American Christianity.”

Controversial pastor Greg Locke commented on Schott’s post, stating “Amen!! I pray the media is easier on you than when I said it a couple of years ago!! They came out with a vengeance. Press on Man of God!!”

Prominent pastor Dwight McKissic pushes back

Prominent pastor Dwight McKissic, who serves as the senior pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas, pushed back against the idea of bashing someone solely based on the party they vote for.

“It’s impossible to vote for either party, or major parties presidential nominee without engaging in moral compromise,” McKissic wrote in a post on X yesterday. “The Kingdom of God is not on the ballot. Neither is Christ The King.”

dwight mckissic
Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, speaks during services in Arlington, Texas, in June 2020. (File/AP Photo/LM Otero)

McKissic explained that both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of unrighteousness.

“Our voting decision ought not be based on our perception of which party or candidate represents righteousness as we weigh or define righteousness,” he said. “But rather which person that we believe will best govern the country, and fulfill the responsibilities of government as spelled out in our founding governance, and aspirational documents.”

Noting former President Trump’s “34 felony convictions, racial discrimination suits he’s settled with monetary payouts . . . and admission of sexual assaults.” McKissic urged people not question his morality based on his voting decision.

Other pastors condemn voting for Democrats

In recent years, other pastors have made similar statements to Schott about voting for Democrats.

Alton R. Williams, pastor at World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church in Memphis, Tennessee, told congregants he couldn’t vote for a party that is “for all kinds of sexual perversions,” during a July sermon.

“I can’t vote for a party that is going to accept transgenders going into women’s restrooms,” he said. “I can’t do it. I can’t go with a party that wants to cut little girls’ breasts off to make them boys. I can’t go with a party that says you can be a boy today and a girl tomorrow. . . I can’t support a party that wants to remove God from its party platform.” 

Al Mohler
Dr. Albert Mohler

In 2022, Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, claimed Christians are “unfaithful” if they “vote wrongly,” which many interpreted as condemning Christians who vote Democrat.

“We have a responsibility to make certain that Christians understand the stewardship of the vote, which means the discipleship of the vote, which means the urgency of the vote, the treasure of the vote,” Mohler said. “And they need to understand that insofar as they do not vote, or they vote wrongly, they are unfaithful because the vote is a powerful stewardship.”

Earlier this month, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk, who embraces Christian nationalism, encouraged pastors to tell their congregations to vote for Donald Trump.

“There is only one way to save this country,” Kirk said at a political training conference in Dallas, Texas. “Awake the beast that is the American church.”

charlie kirk Turning Point Faith
Charlie Kirk speaks at a Turning Point USA Faith “Freedom Night in America” event at Dream City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, in May 2023. (Video screen grab)

In a recent podcast with The Roys Report (TRR), Phoenix Pastor Caleb Campbell confronted the idea that Christians have to use political power to rescue America.

While noting that Jesus confronted Peter when he resorted to violence in the Garden of Gethsemane, Campbell said:  “What Jesus shows us is that if you really want to transform society, If you really want to shape culture, if you truly want to see a righteous people, you will lay down the sword and pick up the way of the cross. You will, as Philippians 2 says, ‘follow me and take on the form of a servant . . .

“And so my concern with American Christian nationalism is not primarily with the ends that they’re trying to get to—a righteous and just community—it’s the means by which they’re trying to get there, which is domination, power, culture war.”

Freelance journalist Liz Lykins writes for WORLD Magazine, Christianity Today, Ministry Watch, and other publications. 



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200 Responses

  1. Jesus did not exclude anyone! And where is separation of church and state. The view that you are not Christian if voting for a democrat is about as crazy as anything I can think of. Who are you to say I’m not a Christian?

    1. Lynda Smith:

      Jesus excludes sinners from Heaven. And, sorry to have to point this out, but the article explains very clearly why you can’t claim Christ while at the same time voting in anti-Christ policies. It doesn’t even make logical sense.

      1. Hi Lynda, remember that also don’t have to vote Republican either, you can abstain or pick and chose which items or persons to vote so.

        1. Which is the useless vote.
          They’re supposed to vote whatever the biblical principles are of the candidate and what this Pastor was saying is the candidate we had for the 2024 election as the Democrat did not follow any biblical principles at all, especially for life of the unborn!

      2. Both sides are corrupt and godless. They are two wings on the same bird…. the corrupt dirty bird. What’s important is to make Christ the dominant thing in your life. When that happens are view of the political parties will fade away and we’ll realize it’s a useless tool in and for the Kingdom of Heaven.

    2. To Linda Smith: If you align with party that believes all abortion (infanticide) then God is not in agreement with you. An unborn child has no voice in whether he or she should be born…

      1. Hey David I guess that goes for all the underage church gals and young church women your Christian Right Pastors and men have raped and pillaged for decades and covered up. They don’t get a voice and when they did raise their voices you Victim Blammred them. Your Godly guys did it in numbers that rival the Catholic Church. Dallas Seminary taught Counseling and Pastor majors to consider covering for a PEDOE PASTOR if he is repentant enough. Your POPE FALWELL JR IS THE GREATEST CAMPUS RAPIST PROTECTOR IN US HISTORY AND LIBERTY UNIVERSITY WAS FINED 16 mil for CLERY Act violations. The largest fine in US History Buddy. Keep up the good work buddy. I’m voting BLUE.

        1. You rail against other sinners acting like sinners, yet you’ll then virtue signal by informing everyone that you will vote for a party that promotes, and even celebrates, literally ripping helpless babies limbs off and crushing their skulls.

    3. Jesus Christ Himself says you are not a Child of God. ( you will know a tree by it’s fruit). And Jesus in fact does NOT include everyone in His Kingdom. (Depart from me… I never knew you). So much more could be said.

  2. The difference between Right Wing Jesus and Biblical Jesus is this-

    Right Wing Jesus is for political reformation.

    Biblical Jesus is for PERSONAL reformation.

    Christ’s code of conduct is for his followers. Period. Nowhere in the Bible are we instructed to force our code of coduct on society.

    1. Greg,

      Christ’s “code of conduct” is for the World. Everyone. It’s why he came. Are we instructed to force his code of conduct on society? Of course not! We, as believers, are instructed to reflect Him and His grace.

      Since you and I agree that Christians cannot force righteous conduct on society, do you also agree that Democrats cannot/should not force evil conduct on society? You know, like mandating transgender bathrooms in public schools and other places? Like allowing males to compete against females? Like parading an abortion van in front of others who abhor the practice as sinful?

      1. parading an abortion van in front of others who abhor the practice as sinful?


        We live in a sinful world in a free country.

        People are going to sin in front of us.

        And how is the Democrat’s convention any more immoral than the GOP one where they invited an internet pornstar Amber Rose to speak *from stage*?

        1. Greg:

          We are talking about Godless policies here, not whether an individual porn star is saved. As you constantly remind us, God welcomes all people into His Kingdom if they repent and follow Him. Is Amber a believer? I don’t know. I imagine we will find out when her behavior changes.

          In the meantime, I think of Mary Magdalene and how Jesus changed her.

          Again, Greg, POLICY is what we are talking about here, not character. We are talking about immoral POLICIES.

          1. Trump says his policy on abortion is now to protect women’s reproductive rights. JD Vance said this morning that Trump would veto a national abortion ban.

            Trump supporters don’t need to respond. We all know you will find a way to justify this.

          2. Chiming in here on Amber Rose: in various podcasts, she professes to fluctuate between atheism and Satanism. You read that correctly.

            So while conservatives are exacerbating (or outright lying) about the DNC “parading abortion clinics” (there was no “parade”, and it was a stand-alone mobile Planned Parenthood clinic – NOT DNC sponsored – providing a variety of services ranging from birth control to the abortion pill), the RNC featured a professing athiest-Satanist on its stage as a speaker.

            You can’t make this up.

    2. It is always a non-starter to try and infer that a stance like this is trying to force a code on society. It has nothing to do with that. Christians that have pronounced progressive leanings always try to infer that politics are super complicated. They are not. They boil down to basic moral values, just like anything else. Do you vote for what is right and moral? Or do you vote for something amoral? A Christian’s vote is much less about trying to get someone elected and much more about telling the Lord what you support and don’t support. Are you following Christ? Or are you just dropping His name once in a while. This pastor is correct. If you vote for a Democrat you support everything they support with your vote. You support abortion, Critical Race Theory, homosexuality, transgenderism, and a whole host of other amoral ills or you would not vote for someone that supports and endorses amoral behavior. Because amoral behavior is baked into the DNC platform. You support those things with your vote as surely as if you were handing out flyers for them on a street corner. You can’t vote for an amoral candidate and then distance yourself from the choice with the lame codicil that you can’t force your codes on society. Right or Left, if the candidate you are pondering giving your vote to is morally-compromised, or supports things that are amoral, you cannot vote for them. Period. If you do, it doesn’t necessarily say you are not a Christian, but it does say that you certainly don’t take some parts of your Christianity seriously enough.

      1. Eddie,

        Trump has done what every pro choice Republican has wanted to do for decades.

        “Trump has done what no Democrat…could have done. He has…made the Republican Party de facto pro-choice. Having stripped the pro-life plank from the GOP platform, having said that Governor Ron DeSantis’s ban on abortion after six weeks is “too harsh” & a “terrible mistake……and having promised to veto a national abortion ban, Trump has now gone one step further, essentially advocating for greater access to abortion.”

        Since the Dobbs decision, ballot measures restricting abortions have lost everywhere…. the number of abortions increased 8% during Trump’s presidency, after 3 decades of steady decline…So voting for Trump didn’t mean you were voting for fewer abortions. Abortions declined nearly 30% during Obama’s 2 terms, & by the end of his term, the abortion rate & ratio were below what they were in 1973.

        But they went up again on Trump’s watch… “Public opposition to abortion is collapsing. Pro-life initiatives are being beaten even in very conservative states. The GOP has jettisoned its pro-life plank after having it in place for nearly a half century…And Trump himself is now saying he’d be great for “reproductive rights”… Character counts? That’s so passé. Being pro-choice is a moral travesty? Only, it seems, if you’re a Democrat. Moral relativism is a threat to our nation? Not if you’re part of MAGA world; Donald Trump has done incalculable damage to our political and civic culture. But he has also performed, even if inadvertently, a public service. He is a political and moral CAT scan, showing the ethical core of many of his supporters. It has been quite the revelation.”

    3. “Force” our code of conduct? Who is even doing that? What is see is people representing all sorts of ideologies and religions seeking to influence public policy in the public square – hopefully while promoting and protecting freedom of religion. Christians were called by Christ Himself to be salt and light in the world. It should not be terribly controversial to oppose murder, theft and law-breaking and sometimes even to cite the Ten Commandments and the Bible in the course of doing so. I don’t know how many times I need to repeat that Christians can indeed walk and chew gum at the same time. All of what we say and do needs to be an outgrowth of our inward transformation by Christ.

      1. Mark,

        Christians ARE forcing our code of conduct on society when we create laws that prohibit same sex marriage, when we ban alcohol sales on Sunday or like trying to ban hormonal birth control (which is the new thing on the right).

        Christians are forcing our code of conduct on society when we mandate the 10 Commandments be placed on school walls. (How does a democratic society explain “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me” to children of non Christian religions, or who don’t believe in God?)

        Chick Fil A closes their restaurants on Sunday out of religious conviction. But I don’t see them trying to close down ALL restaurants on Sunday.

        See the difference?

  3. Robert Kennedy Jr. says it all:

    “Instead of showing us her (Kamala) substance and character, the DNC and its media organs engineered a surge of popularity of Vice President Harris based on … well, nothing. No policies. No interviews. No debates. Only smoke and mirrors. And balloons. And a highly produced Chicago circus,” he asserted, referring to the Democratic convention that just ended Thursday night.

    “Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?”

    A Party based on hatred is destined to fail.

      1. Bob:

        The RNC is most definitely not based on hatred. At the DNC, Trump was mentioned over 140 times. At the RNC, Harris was mentioned twice.

        You do the math.

        David, in the Old Testament, said the following when speaking of righteous anger:

        “19. Surely you will slay the wicked, Lord! Away, bloodthirsty men! Begone! 20 They blaspheme your name and stand in arrogance against you—how silly can they be? 21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Shouldn’t I be grieved with them? 22 Yes, I hate them, for your enemies are my enemies too.”

        To hate evil is to stand for God. It’s what Trump and others are trying to do through POLICY.
        We are not talking about character here: We are talking about Godless POLICY.

        1. Cynthia, the problem is the majority of these comments are ignorant to the power of 10 (biblically/policies/discernment).You are not coming to this issue from the same gospel. These individuals will protect their narratives over what the Bible. Just like a Marin who denies the DNC supported/promoted abortion pill via Unplanned Parenthood with booths and mobile medics. She stands be her statement that Megan Basham’s tweet are are wrong. When it’s been documented and I went to the DNC. Please do not apologize for getting it wrong for Biden’s comments. He went right back to the same narrative. “Dictator/Hitler/threat to democracy.”- Blah blah blah. It is not true. Because they are the ones doing it. They have controlled the White House for 3 outta the last 4 terms. As a Vet, I would be embarrassed to support the DNC. Which has two main objectives (I didn’t say only) in their messaging-Kill babies and Trump bad! It’s debased thinking. Romans 1-They have been turned over
          to a debased mind by a sovereign God. Let us pray for them. They need God to open their eyes. Not as superiority by as humble servants. Amen?

          1. Jason –

            Not sure how I came up, but ok. Please be honest: I bluntly said Megan left out that it is PP at the DNC providing these services, which leads her followers to land on a FALSE narrative that they are being provided or sponsored by the DNC. I never denied the presence of PP at the DNC, I accurately stated the DNC is not the provider, which is what leaving PP out implies.
            You went on to CONFIRM what I proved about Megan’s tweets by saying, “She left out unplanned Parenthood”, then accuse me of lying or misrepresenting that Megan did this. While I am fine with us disagreeing on if that is acceptable journalism or not, I am NOT ok with being presented as a liar.

            I also ask that you be direct. Rather than accuse me (of being
            a liar, needing to have my eyes opened, or having a different gospel) in responses to Cynthia, you may directly respond to me here.
            That “let’s pray for ‘a’ Marin” (as if I’m an object and not a human) is little more than condescension wrapped in a prayer request; it’s a passive aggressive game that “church people” have mastered, but I’m unwilling to play. But I will respectfully debate.

          2. Rather condescending there isn’t it. I don’t need or want your prayers or Cynthia’s or ANYBODY’s for that matter. The only prayer I suggest is that whatever god you worship has mercy on you, because I will not.

      2. Trump talked about an ‘economic bloodbath”, not an actual one. The Democrats are the party of a real blood bath. They advocate killing the unborn. The should be called the party of Molech whose worshippers practiced child sacrifice.

    1. You’re kind of correct… the Republican Party is leading the way on being based solely on hate. It’s showing many signs of falling apart, internal failing and destructively hung up on one old guy… (doesn’t mean the Dem party will succeed at fixing countries problems either, but it is, on pragmatic terms, a much healthier party… broader coalition of people, young & old, more nimble (was able to change from Biden to Harris), more inclusive of its former prominent figures (not a single former Republican president was at the RNC convention… that says something btw as opposed to the DNC), etc etc (More nimble on policy as well… pivoting to a stronger border policy for ex.)

      The so-called ‘christian’ party you’ve put your faith in is going to self-emulate soon (even if it wins the presidency! – that will probably even hasten its demise). It has a large anti-trump faction which is actively and publicly opposed to its own party platform and standard bearer while still being Republican. It has a mad-hatter crazy wing of morally bankrupt figures like MTG and Gaetz who tearing it apart from the inside out… The only reason it’s even somewhat viable is because of the rural bias in the system and the Electoral College.

      Cynthia, time to move on and put your faith in something else. The RNC is going to let you down.

      1. Andrew Zook,

        You seem confused. The “one old guy” just welcomed RFK on stage. Apparently, Harris wouldn’t even take his calls.

        Further, you seem incredibly fixated on our former President. Why is that?

        You’re aware that Harris wasn’t actually elected, right? She was appointed.

        And, in closing, my faith lies in Christ alone. How about you?

        1. you’re revealing ignorance in how the nominiation process works. I must assume it’s unintentional because deliberate misleading would be – what’s that word again…?

  4. At last count, this article had 61 comments. On the other hand, the article about the selfless retired couple feeding the homeless in Oklahoma had zero comments. I think Jesus would be among those feeding the homeless not those, myself included, arguing about which party is relatively more evil.

  5. “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” said President Biden just last week.

    HATRED: The language of Demons.

      1. George Arthur:

        I stand corrected regarding when Biden’s target remarks occurred. Sorry about that!

        In more recent days, he called our former President a “loser and a liar”:

        “Ripping his 2020 antagonist Donald Trump as a “loser” and “a liar,” Biden went on to lament how “sad” his predecessor is “putting himself first and America last.”

        Do you think Biden will apologize for lying?

        After surviving an attempt on his life, President Trump is still going strong. He could easily stay home and live off of his vast fortune. Instead, he is choosing to run against what can only be described as an evil duo. I’m not sure how that translates into “putting himself first and America last,” particularly when America was doing so much better under his leadership.

    1. And Trump’s comments about Christians need not vote again after he gets elected? What about that? But I guess you are OK with a President-Dictator for life.

      1. Charles Mallet:

        Here is a question for you, based on your “President-Dictator for life” statement:

        Do you think it’s okay for Harris to be the Democrat candidate for President of the USA even though not one American voted for her? “Appointing” a candidate is how dictators are installed.
        President Trump served four years. He is now willing to serve again at the behest of the American people.

        Who’s the “dictator” again?

          1. Tricia:

            The primaries were bypassed in Harris’ case. She was appointed by the powers that be.

            They kicked out Joe and put in her. Not very democratic, don’t you agree? That’s my point. In a sense, the DNC Convention was a joke.

        1. You are misguided and incorrect once again.

          For starters, rules for electing and replacing political party candidates within an organization need not follow general election rules. The DNC, the GOP, a college fraternity, your local Garden Club, churches, etc. are private organizations. The bylaws of the organization determine how officers and candidates are selected and replaced. If you as a member of said organization don’t like it, you either change the bylaws or leave. Perhaps you should read the actual bylaws of the DNC first before opining:

          Under Article 2 of The Bylaws of the Democratic Party, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has the responsibility to fill vacancies in presidential and vice presidential nominations between national conventions.

          In the event of a vacancy on the national ticket, the chairperson would call a special meeting. Under Article 2 § 8(d), questions before the DNC, with some exceptions otherwise outlined in the charter and bylaws, are determined by a majority vote of the DNC members who are present and voting by proxy. The bylaws also state that voting to fill a vacancy on the national ticket must proceed in accordance with procedural rules adopted by the Rules and Bylaws Committee and approved by the DNC.

          The proxy vote was done and Harris was selected. Try better next time.

          1. Charles Mallet,

            I am glad you are happy with the choice made for you by others. If you go back to the primaries for the 2020 Presidential election, you will see that Kamala dropped out, she was that unpopular. Do you think the media has anything to do with her miraculous rise in popularity?

            Somehow, here she is today, the most unpopular candidate ever and the one with the most radical agenda. You can describe all the DNC rules you wish to justify her appointment, but you will never convince Americans that it was done with their best interests in mind.

            “….deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

            Not in this case. Biden was forced out, Kamala was forced in. The Democratic Party has some explaining to do. They apparently love the power.

          2. Charles Mallet:

            More facts for you:

            “When delegates began voting virtually on Aug. 1, Ms. Harris was the only candidate on the ballot, known as a pledge form. She won the nomination shortly after President Biden bowed out of the race, without winning any state primaries or caucuses.

            Her nomination set aside 14 million votes cast for Mr. Biden in the state-by-state Democratic presidential primary, in which he secured 3,905 of the nation’s 3,945 state Democratic delegates. Mr. Biden, who spoke to the convention delegates in a farewell of sorts on Monday, immediately flew off for a vacation in Southern California.”


        2. Cynthia,

          You are aware that primaries and caucuses are relatively new, right? For almost 200 years political parties picked their candidates exactly like the Democrats picked Harris this year. (And exactly how the GOP would have picked a new one if Trump quit or died after the primaries.)

          The tradition of picking a nominee through primaries and caucuses — and not through what is called the “convention system” — is relatively recent. In 1968, after President Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not run for reelection, his vice president, Hubert Humphrey, was able to secure the Democratic nomination despite not entering any primaries or caucuses. Humphrey won because he had the backing of party leaders like Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, and these party leaders controlled the vast majority of the delegates.

          Many Democrats saw this process as fundamentally undemocratic, so the party instituted a series of reforms that opened up the process by requiring delegates to be selected in primaries or caucuses that gave ordinary party members the opportunity to make that choice. The Republican Party quickly followed suit, and since 1972 both parties have nominated candidates in this way.

          1. That is correct. The whole primary/caucus system is a recent invention. Yet somehow both parties were just fine without for most of their history. But then political history is not the Norbot’s speciality.

      2. The irony, (once again) is strong in you. You talk about a dictator, but the DNC bypassed, and delivered a shank, to every single Democrat voter who voted for Biden for their presidiential candidate in the primaries. They threw Biden under the bus and made Kamala the DNC’s pick before they even had their own convention, and they did it AGAINST the votes of the rank-and-file within their own party. In other words, they ganked you. And your fine with it. I would love to have you explain to me how anyone who claims to be a born-again Christian devoted to a life of serving Christ can vote for candidates that fully support every kind of depravity, including murdering unborn children. Exactly how do your sliding scale values work?

        1. Hi Eddie. I have yet to meet a dem who voted for Biden that is mad that Kamala is the candidate. This is, in part, because the ticket we voted for was Biden/Harris. We like Harris. We’re energized that she’s the candidate. We were fine with Biden, but this is better.

          Additionally, in primaries, we don’t vote for “candidates” we vote for delegates- and those delegates vote for the candidate at the convention. Each party can run their primary system however they want, and there isn’t a “candidate” until the delegates vote at the convention, which happened last week. We’re not mad because we understand how the system works. In fact, getting to vote in primaries is even fairly recent- parties used to just pick candidates.

          our entire system is far from perfect, but the only people mad about Kamala being our nominee and the process of her getting there are people who were never going to vote for any dem anyway. Dems are stoked on it.

          1. Jen,

            Thanks for proving so many points with your statement. I will pray for you.

          2. Then there is the bylaws of the DNC which governs the replacement of candidates due to vacancy (as I had mentioned earlier). Interestingly the GOP’s bylaws are very similar. If Trump had not survived the sniper shot, the GOP would be invoking their bylaws to replace him, regardless of the fact that Nikki Haley was #2 in the numbers of delegates.

  6. “This book explains why the Democrat Party platform leads to poverty and destruction as it is entirely not Biblical. The Bible says Satan steals, kills and destroys. To accomplish these goals, Satan lies, twists the word of God, appears as an angel of light to deceive, makes good appear as evil and evil appear as good. It is done with the intent that you oppose the will of God which leads to bondage and destruction. It is the exact tactics and intent of the Democrat Party.” Thomas George

  7. Charlotte Earnhardt:

    Regarding Social Security and your post answering my challenge: Are you aware that Social Security is simply a wealth redistribution system?

    I have never considered it “helping the poor” if it means taking money from those who earned it and giving it to those who did not.

    Poverty, in reality, will always be with us. Most Democrat programs have only exacerbated social problems by trying to destroy the nuclear family structure and making others dependent on the government.

    So, it may look like Social Security lifts people out of poverty, but that always happens until government programs are stopped. Then, people become “poor” again. During COVID, many people were “lifted out of poverty” until they weren’t when the programs stopped.

      1. Charlotte Earnhardt:

        Wrong. I am not moving any goalposts. Poverty, as you apparently view it, is amenable to tweaking through government programs. My point is this: Poverty does not get eliminated by government programs, including Social Security. If a family has to rely on government hand-outs to stay afloat, they are still suffering from poverty. If the program disappears, they suddenly become poor again, right? Stated differently, getting a government payment every month, supplied by others’ taxes, simply masks your poverty. Also, isn’t it the government that actually determines who is above or below the poverty line?

        Do you have any other examples? Social Security has not lowered poverty in our nation, it has simply masked it. Similarly, when COVID funds dried up, suddenly “poverty” went back up.

        1. How does one “mask” poverty?
          So many questions but not enough answers.

          The real question is why won’t you acknowledge that I Corinthians 5:11 tells you to have nothing to do with Christians like trump, and yet you think you should still vote for him?

          1. Bob C. Kile:

            1 Corinthians 5:11:

            “But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.”

            Sigh…I am going to be voting for policies that support the Bible. Are you? For the final time, it is not about personality or character or finding the perfect sinless candidate.

            You never will. This debate is about policy.

          2. Still not answering the question this verse raises Cynthia . I don’t see any exceptions here for policy in the verse!

        2. Wrong.

          ‘Show me one example’

          Example provided with support.

          ‘No, no, no. I reject that because it doesn’t meet definitions I did not provide up front’.

          Translation: I am moving the goalposts on you.

          ‘Now, do you have another example?’

          Again, moving the goalposts.

          By your definition of “masking poverty”, anyone with little savings and living paycheck to paycheck is in masked poverty – just a job loss away.

          Regardless, Jesus taught wealth distribution. The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.

          1. Charlotte Earnhardt:

            Jesus taught that we, as believers, should willingly help the poor among us. He did not teach that the government should take our money to do so.

            There is a difference between willingly helping others and being forced to do so. One involves the heart, the other does not. And the heart is what God is looking at.

            Perhaps your definition of poverty differs from mine. This country is among the wealthiest in the world. While living in Africa, I saw true poverty.

            Do you have any other Democrat “poverty reduction” programs you wish to share with us?

    1. You went down the wrong path there. Social Security is not a wealth redistribution system. Every single person that works pays into that system and has since they were employed. I’ve been paying into that system since 1977. That money belongs to me. I earned it, and the government removed it from my check each week telling me they would pay it back to me in installments when I retired. That isn’t redistribution. I earned that money and the government owes it to me. Welfare, housing, food stamps are examples of actual wealth redistribution. Social Security is not.

      1. Eddie Cremer:

        Regarding Social Security, I have read several articles and have concluded it’s basically a redistribution of wealth system. I agree that the government takes and gives, but often it takes more from some and gives more to others. That was my only point. Those making the most money give the most. The system basically redistributes money to those who made less from those who made more.

        “The Social Security benefit formula explicitly transfers money from people who earned more during their working years to those who earned less. This is why it is commonly seen as a progressive program. And, most economic studies have confirmed that Social Security is redistributive.”

        Can such a program be viewed as “poverty reduction” when it takes from Peter to pay Paul?
        Not in my opinion, but I understand your position.

      2. Eddie, you should be especially mad that Trump plans to get rid of social security with Project 2025, then.

        1. Jen Manlief:

          Haven’t you heard? President Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025, yet the Democrats keep pretending he does. How dishonest!

          1. Cynthia,

            Anyone who claims Trump is not behind Project 2025 is not being honest. His appointees designed the plan and his running mate JD Vance wrote the forward to the book.

            Trump in 2022 speaking to the Heritage Foundation promised the audience that Heritage was “going to lay the groundwork in detail plans for exactly what our movement will do” his first year back in office. They named that plan Project 2025. (Video below)

            Facts do matter.

            Ex-Trump Administration Officials Involved in Project 2025: Full List
            Published Jul 10, 2024 at 3:33 AM EDT

            …In total, 31 contributors served at various levels in and around Trump’s administration. Here is a complete list:


            PolitiFact: JD Vance wrote the foreword for Project 2025’s Kevin Roberts’ upcoming book
            Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu
            August 16, 2024


            April 21, 2022- Trump Speaking to Heritage Foundation, the creators of Project 2025


        2. Jen, you should do some fact checking. This time around, Trump has repeatedly said he would not cut Social Security. Also, Trump is making an effort to distance himself from Project 2025. From PBS: “The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.” These claims are red herrings designed to divert attention from Vp KH who has yet to say anything of substance. It’s pretty amazing to think the last time around KH couldn’t get any significant number of Democrats to support her. She hasn’t changed: “Harris herself had not been an ideal candidate. At times, she struggled to explain her policy stances and her reasons for running for president.” By the way, as I have stated many times, I am not a fan of Trump. He’s living proof of how far downhill the Republican party has gone.

          1. Hi Daniel. Trump lies. A lot.

            Nothing he says or claims can be taken as truthful. So we must look at his actions- he’s deferred his policy actions to the Heritage foundation, and it’s filled with people on his team. His VP pick wrote the forward. This is the policy playbook they plan to enact, and it revokes social security.

  8. A writer for defines legalism as “a term Christians use to describe a doctrinal position emphasizing a system of rules and regulating the achievement of salvation and spiritual growth.”

    This position is blatant legalism. He’s trying to reduce godliness to a simple formula. That’s why Jesus called the Pharisees “whitewashed tombs”. Now that RFK Jr, who is very tolerant of abortion, is aligned with Trump, will the rule have to be adjusted to anyone who votes in the presidential election can’t be a Christian? That’s how the Pharisees kept adding weights, as Jesus put it.

    We must judge candidates by their positions and records. We must not judge our brothers and sisters by their personal decisions.

    1. Dan Weingarten,

      I agree with you: We must judge candidates by their positions and records. Based on that judgment, I find the positions of most Democrats to be Satanic. How about you? Since I find most of their positions to be based on anti-Christian principles, I will not vote for them. See how that works?

      If I choose to vote for Democrats who support policies that stand against God, is it not true that I am voting for those policies and therefore voting against God’s will for all of us? That is not “legalism,” it is the truth.

      1. “Most”. That is the key word that sets you and me apart from Mr. Schott’s legalistic “All”. Because the democrats demand, and get, such complete adherence to all things democrat (most of which are unbiblical), I have not voted for a democrat for decades. But if I ever chose a rogue democrat over a RINO, Mr. Schott would declare me an unbeliever, destined for hell. That makes our standing with God based on works, not on the blood of Christ and His completed work on the cross. His Pharisaism is what is being exposed here, as it should be. Democrat positions are horrible, but the real issue here is Schott’s heresy of basing our salvation, or ability to fall from grace, on a work. In this case, the work is our voting record, but it could just as well be alcohol consumption, watching movies he doesn’t approve of, or the car we drive. On that, he is dead wrong.

    2. Now that RFK Jr, who is very tolerant of abortion, is aligned with Trump, will the rule have to be adjusted to anyone who votes in the presidential election can’t be a Christian?

      Yes Dan, the rules always change with Republicans.

      Norbeck says that Democrats are Satanic for their support of abortion. Then she justifies her support of Trump by quoting RFK Jr who “supports abortion up to birth.” Why doesn’t she describe him as a Satanist?

      The way they have to twist the truth to fit their narrative can only be described as “Pretzel Logic.”

      1. Greg Culross:

        You should probably re-read what I wrote. Where did I say that Democrats are Satanic “for their support of abortion”?

        Their POLICIES are Satanic. Forcing transgenderism on young kids makes Satan smile. Allowing confused adolescents to take puberty blockers and cut off their genitalia makes Satan smile. Throwing our southern border open to illegals makes him laugh hilariously. And, confusing Christians about the difference between loving others and tolerating others’ sin makes him downright joyful.

        There is a reason Satan uses confused individuals for his purposes.

        Isaiah 5:20:
        “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

        1. You didn’t respond to Greg’s main point – Trump is now standing alongside RFK and his “satanic” policies. Who you quoted

          1. Tricia,

            So sorry. You lost me. What are you talking about? I have been calling policies Satanic because they stand opposed to the Bible and Christ’s teachings. Greg accused me of calling Democrats Satanic. You will not find that anywhere in my posts.

      2. Greg, read my comment more carefully and look at the context of my hypothetical question. I’m clearly asking if Schott’s rules on defining who is a Christian would have to change. I’m commenting on the subject of the article, NOT on the merits of political parties, as the rest of the commenters have drifted on to.

    1. Charlotte Earnhardt:

      I am not aware of anyone claiming the Democratic Party has a monopoly on evil. I believe their POLICIES are evil. Only God can judge the hearts of people, not me. All I can do is look at the policies being promoted and the lies being told.

  9. It seems that nearly every comment on Mr. Schott’s is either very supportive or very critical of his position. Yet no one has commented on what I find to be the only biblical, reasonable position offered in the entire article, given by Dwight McKissic:

    “Our voting decision ought not be based on our perception of which party or candidate represents righteousness as we weigh or define righteousness,” he said. “But rather which person that we believe will best govern the country, and fulfill the responsibilities of government as spelled out in our founding governance, and aspirational documents.” Although I believe he is referring to the presidential election here, the same would hold true for all political races. Use biblical principles to choose the best, sometimes least bad, candidate, as you do your duty of being salt and light in this perverse world.

    1. Meaningless. McKissic is an unapologetic Democrat and he is also a purveyor of Critical Race Theory. so he is not exactly an unbiased observer. Never mind that CRT is not a biblically supportable position to take. Neither is supporting a candidate that endorses sin. McKissic also cannot personally weigh or define righteousness. That isn’t open to personal interpretation. God’s word has already done that for us and McKissic is squarely on the wrong side here.

      1. I see. So if Charlie Kirk had made the statement, it would be true. But because McKissic is a democrat, his statement is a lie. Apparently you have a different way of applying “Consider the source”.

  10. “She is the opposite of a law-and-order candidate, and the easiest way to understand her new persona is to realize that every position that came out of her mouth Thursday is the opposite of the truth.

    Her speech was a cynical grab bag of poll-tested keywords designed to allay well-founded fears of conservatives that she is a far-left radical in sheep’s clothing.

    There was barely a peep of complaint from the progressives in the room or the media at Harris’ abrupt U-turn. They know exactly what’s going on.

    In a clip that went viral on social media, a speaker at a DNC “Black Caucus” meeting let the cat out of the bag: “We got 70 days to act right … After 70 days, we can go back to acting crazy.”

  11. I just took a step back and read this thread full of accusations going back and forth between Christians over “who the real Christians are” – and it made me think of Peter versus Paul in Galatians 2.
    Yet in this case, instead of legalistic performatism vs grace-based faith, it’s politics vs grace-based faith. (There could be a case for how this is the same argument – as how one votes can be viewed as legalistic performatism).
    I believe Satan is smiling. Therefore, I believe it is time (for me) to step away and pray.

    1. Paul the hypocrite? He chastises Peter for changing his behavior to suit the situation, then engages the exact same behavior?

      Gal 2:14

      14 But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

      1 Cor 9:19-22
      19For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. 20And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; 21To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law. 22To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

      1. Paul was a Jew by birth, a Roman’s Jew and a “voice” to the Gentile by ” Commandments” by Jesus The Christ. ” What great things, he will suffer, for my namesake!” Paul didn’t run his “race” by choice, however, through the enlightened of the “Holy Ghost” , he learned to cleave to it

        1. Peter was to be the voice to the Gentiles, per God, and witnessed by the Apostles.

          Acts 15:7

          “And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.”

          Matthew 24:26

          “23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25Behold, I have told you before. 26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

    2. Sinful behavior vs sinful foundations. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have both said and demonstrated sinful choices. For example, Kamala Harris slept with Willie Brown to achieve position/power. Which is adultery. Donald Trump spoke inappropriately about women. Which is also adultery. Conclusion-Neither can claim the moral high-ground. We quickly judge. Yet the apostle Paul believed he was the chief of sinners. Recent podcast (Christian Nationalism) w/Caleb Campbell brought up valid points. Having said that, it was not circumspect. It’s a helpful podcast. If one believes the Mega doctrine and the Gospel do-si-do, then heresy is promoted. The gospel is a spiritual kingdom not a political kingdom. Those who deify and dehumanize Trump are both extreme. Meaning-Trump will not save you, nor is he Hitler or a threat to democracy. We are a constitutional republic that functions in a democratic way. Democracy is a function not a description. A constitutional republic that functions in a democratic manner has been reduced to a democracy is ignorant. Harris replacement of Biden is contrary to a constitutional republic and did not function in a democratic way.

      1. -CONTINUED-

        The Democrats uses non sequiturs and people buy it. The Republican Party is no better. Corruption is foundational to the government. Harris has been on the magi carpet of corruption to achieve power/position. The system is corrupt because those running it our corrupt. Politicians lie for a living. In the Old Testament, the Israelites wanted a king. They were warned about the consequences of corruption. The still wanted a king That is our government. Disingenuous Democrats/media claim they hold the moral high ground. They do not look outside their pre-rehearsed narratives. We just had an assassination attempt! the media is already ignoring it, still focused on 1/6/21. The democrats still call Trump and autocrat. While they did the autocrat act, by removing Biden for someone who did not receive a single vote. I will vote-TRUMP! If he loses. God is sovereign. It will be well with my soul. As a vet who fought for this country. Voting for Harris would go against my Biblical Ethics.

    3. Marin- Not calling you a liar. You just contradict yourself. You stated in the Basham feed referring To Megan-“make it seem as if abortions are sponsored by the DNC”-You claim that is misleading… Unplanned Parenthood was sponsored at the convention with booths and having the vehicle close to the convention What do you call sponsoring booths at the convention? As well as having a mobile medical vehicle to provide the Abortion pill. You have misrepresented Basham. She was accurate in her post. I am not doing what you have accused me… I am providing truth that debunks what you claim. You have also debunked yourself.

      1. Jason-
        This is the last I will speak on this: The Illinois Chapter of PP paid for those mobile clinics, with added support from the national office. This information was printed on the brochures and flyers being handed out at the mobile clinics (not sure if that was a requirement); my cousin was at the DNC for a media assignment and snagged a few. Therefore, the DNC did NOT sponsor any mobile clinics; they actually received money from PP (just like they did from all vendors in attendance) for PP to be there.
        I expect a Christian journalist of Megan’s caliber to know this. I expect Christians to hold a professing believer responsible for being fully transparent and honest in her work. Acknowledging that Megan left out PP (while accusing me of lying when I called her out for doing so) – and being ok with it – is being ok with a half truth being presented. Half truths are not true. Half truths can be more dangerous than lies. (We see the devil twist God’s words into half truths several times in the Bible). Megan doubled down on these half truths with tweets like “the DNC is literally killing babies” (cut and paste from her feed), which is a VERY strong implication and accusation that the DNC itself is providing and performing abortion services.
        If Megan had said “the DNC has invited PP to be here, and they are providing abortion services”, I’d have ZERO problem with it. It’s the truth – the FULL truth. Nothing to debunk there.
        Not sure how my expectation makes ME the problem, but I stand on it.

  12. “Rise up, O men of YAH – Have done with lesser things – Give heart and soul and mind and strength – To serve the King of kings. Rise up, O men of YAH – His Kingdom tarries long – Bring in the day of brotherhood – And end the night of wrong. Rise up, O men of YAH – The church for you doth wait – Her strength unequal to her task – Rise up and make her great. Lift high the Cross of Christ – Tread where His feet have trod – As brothers of the Son of man – Rise up O men of YAH.”

  13. Marin,

    I also believe Satan is smiling, but for a very different reason. The arguments here are not “going back and forth between Christians.” And that’s the issue: Those claiming Christ while supporting Satanic practices are truly beyond confused, and that’s what Satan likes. He is the Father of Lies and obfuscation.

    I will also step away, but you need to know I have been praying since this debate began. We cannot compromise our values as believers, even when it comes to politics. We cannot vote for someone who will enforce anti-Biblical policies on our nation. It’s one thing to be an Atheist, it’s another to force others into your mold. The same applies to Christians: We cannot force righteousness on the USA, but neither can Satan be allowed to enforce evil on the USA as he is attempting to do through certain politicians.

    The main question for believers is this: Do we sit back and let Satan infiltrate our country through the actions and beliefs of those who make a mockery of Christ, or do we stand up and voice our concerns?

    You decide. I know where I stand.

    1. The only system of government the Bible explicitly outlines is for ancient Israel. So – unless you want to dust off the urim and thurim, find a spotless lamb and rebuild the temple, you must acknowledge that you are cherry picking certain biblical ideals and meshing them with worldly philosophy that wasn’t based on the Bible at all via the Enlightenment. Where in the Bible is the second amendment? You’ll say “but Jesus said to carry a sword” and I’ll say he also said “turn the other cheek.”

      What of the biblical mandates to *welcome* the outsider? I missed the part that said “but only if they had their papers”. Caring for orphans, widows, the poor, seek justice, etc.. “only if they work” or “but that’s only for the church, not the goverment” – once you cross that Rubicon, you’ve gone beyond biblical interpretation and into political philosophy. Do you live as the Acts church? Sharing ALL goods, your house in common with the other members of your church or do you staunchly defend your property rights? At least be honest – you’re interpreting the Bible through your political and cultural lense. So are others and they find different empahsis. Therefore…maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle?

      1. Nathan Campbell:

        The Bible supports following the law. We can be kind to others without breaking the laws of the United States. This applies to those entering our country illegally, stealing social security numbers, trying to vote illegally, etc.

        Jesus came to uphold the law, yet somehow managed to love one and all, regardless of economic, social, or ethnic status. We should do the same and follow his example.

        1. Excellent. Following the law. Laws like a peaceful transition of power? Following the constitution as it relates to counting electoral votes, not inciting a riot and destruction of property? Those kinds of laws?

        2. Dodged the question. Thanks – you are no longer arguing in geniune good faith. I honestly doubt your sincerity at this point. A wolf in sheeps clothing I fear.

    2. Also – this statement: “Do we sit back and let Satan infiltrate our country” – if, as one assumes you believe the book of Revelation lock, stock and literal barrel….do you think you can stop it when the time comes?
      Voting for the right flawed person or system isn’t going to stop the “end times”. The kingdom is *not of this earth* – the great flaw in much current MAGA / Christian thinking is that a) America was *ever* a Christian nation (hard to say that when we founded and practiced human slavery for hundreds of years, and half the country legally segregated after that) b) that it can be again.

      You want a theocracy. Which is super fun as long as it’s your beliefs 100% in power. Hint: they won’t be.

      1. Nathan Campbell,

        To my knowledge, nobody wants a theocracy. I know I don’t! By the same token, we don’t want a country that worships and promotes and supports anti-Biblical values, either. (We were founded on Judeo-Christian principles, by the way, and we did NOT “found” slavery. It has existed since time began and still continues to rear its ugly head around the world and right here in the USA.)

        Let me ask you a question: During the Holocaust, do you think the Christians who let Jews ride off to the gas chambers did so because they lacked courage or because they felt that God could handle what was going on?

        John Stuart Mill said the following to all of us: “Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

        1. I didn’t say the US invented slavery. I said the country was established (ie: founded) with slavery very much a part of the plan. Also – the US was not founded on Judeo-Christian principles, it was founded on Enlightnement principles. Ever read the Treaty of Tripoli signed by President Jefferson in 1796 – it states:

          “Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”

          – of all the people to know…one would think he would.

          I barely understand your Holocaust question. If the question is meant to beg the first clause, I fail to see how it relates to the argument. If it begs the second….I’m shocked if you are saying it was ok for the Jews to die and I think that reveals much of the fear that clear eyed people have of the neoFascist GOP which bears no relation of the gospel.

          1. Nathan Campbell:

            Your words: … “hard to say that when we founded and practiced human slavery for hundreds of years…”

          2. Nathan Campbell:

            “Almighty God: We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow-citizens of the United States at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

            George Washington

            Just one example. Judeo-Christian principles are the foundation of the USA whether you accept it or not. The Enlightenment mixed in as well.

          3. Nathan Campbell:

            One last point: The Christian religion is not the same thing as Judeo-Christian principles:

            “To love the Creator of heaven and earth, to honor one’s parents, and to love one’s neighbor are just a few ideals that guide adherents to more peaceful and generous lifestyles. The term “Judeo-Christian” refers to something sourced in the common foundations of Judaism and Christianity.”



    3. Cynthia –
      Yes, we are at a point where Satan is smiling when believers are standing up for a professing athiest-Satanist (Amber Rose) because she took the stage at the GOP convention, yet are questioning the very salvation of those who profess Christ as Lord and Savior because they vote blue. It sends a message that what you profess politically is more important than what you profess spiritually.
      There are more posts in this thread about praying for ME – a believer who professed and was baptized into Christ 16 years ago – than Amber Rose, who is going on podcasts professing like, “Satanists are just atheists, but they are just more more political. Its actually a very rational, logical religion. They help a lot of people, women, to get abortions in southern states” (Amber Rose on Jason Lee’s podcast earlier this year). Yet I’M the problem.

      As for me, I have been focused on being more united in love with fellow believers who vote differently than me. Unfortunately, this latest discussion has not helped. I am finding it to be more of a thermometer – reflecting the same polarization and accusations being thrown back and forth in the world – than a thermostat that sets the (better) temperature. It is merely a reminder that believers like me are looked down upon within the church because of how we vote, with ZERO consideration for who we profess and who we belong to. I guess if I profess athiesm-Satanism, but vote the “right” way, I’ll be more welcome.

      1. Marin,

        Actually, Marin, what you profess means absolutely nothing if it does not coincide with your behavior. If by “voting Blue,” you support legislation that mocks Christ, how can you claim to follow Him?

        1. Because I don’t believe the legislation mocks Him. I believe it does a better job of caring for the poor than Republican policies do.

          Because my behavior is focused on spreading and living out the gospel, including helping and advocating for the poor and marginalized – in my case, helping homeless teens find shelter, food, and the gospel.

          Funny that you defend Amber Rose – a professing atheist-Satanist – as a “Mary Magdalene”, yet came for me, a professing Christian, all over how we VOTE.

          Tells me where your priorities are. You measure salvation by political vote rather than professions of faith as stated in scripture. I will continue to pray that you see the priority is choosing Christ, not the Republican Party.

          1. Marin,

            I had hoped to be finished with this site for a while, but I just read your latest post and must respond.

            Your words: “Funny that you defend Amber Rose – a professing atheist-Satanist – as a “Mary Magdalene”, yet came for me, a professing Christian, all over how we VOTE.”

            I did not defend Amber Rose. She has made her choices, for good or evil, and God will be the one who decides, not me. I simply stated she makes me think of Mary Magdalene from the New Testament. I finished an episode of “The Chosen,” and it involved Mary Magdalene, so she was on my mind.

            Second, I did not come after you, Marin. I asked you a question regarding your faith, and you gave me a direct answer. Thank you. You stated you don’t believe legislation supported by Democrats mocks Christ, so it appears we have a very different opinion of what’s right and what’s wrong. Because of that, I don’t think we are on the same Bible-based team at all. I am disappointed, because I thought we were for a long time and really enjoyed our conversations.

            If you support transgenderism, homosexual behavior, genital mutilation, open borders, equal outcomes, and other Democrat priorities, I cannot believe that you actually know Christ and worship Him. The dissonance is too loud in my ears and the harm done to others too egregious. Further, you mistake my position for a political one. It is not. I am a believer and I base my position solely on what the Bible says about sin, salvation, and serving Christ in a fallen world.

  14. Mr. Schott says “You’re Not A Christian If You Vote For A Democrat”. In Jesus’s day, the Roman government was morally worse than what today’s democrats stand for. Roman subjects paid taxes to support that government. Jesus told them to “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s”. So He told them to support the immoral government with their taxes. Jesus did NOT say “You’re Not A Jew If You Pay Taxes to Rome.”

    Looking at it this way, it makes me think that Mr. Schott views being a Christian means merely having a different code of living.

  15. Wow. The lies and hypocrisy from Harris just keep coming, proving the author’s point quite well:

    “Do not trust one word Kamala Harris says. This is a person who hid the mental decline of the Commander in Chief not for his sake, not for the nation’s sake, but for her own sake and her own desire for power. Harris will say or do anything to win, and flip-flopping on major energy policies is effortless for the ambitious.

    Biden’s record is her record: a relentless attack on American energy, begging Saudi Arabia for oil, transferring trillions to communist China and calling it “investing” in green energy, mandating the purchase of electric vehicles, attacking the millions who work in American energy. A Vice President who saw envoys go to the Venezuelan dictator Maduro to lift the ban on their oil has no problem telling the voter, that she does or does not believe anything.”

  16. In the end, I am grateful for this thread. It has challenged where my confidence lies: is it in being loved and accepted as a fellow believer by Cynthia or Jason or whoever else believes I’m condemned to hell for not sharing their political beliefs….or is it in salvation through Jesus Christ, knowing He died for my sins for me to be reconciled to the one true God?
    I choose the latter, yet will always choose to love and embrace those who believe my vote vetoes my salvation. If you have professed Christ, I love you as my brother and sister in Christ, period, whether you choose Trump or Harris or whoever else.

    1. Marin,

      One last time…At least for me, this has nothing to do with political beliefs at all. This has to do with Biblical ones. As a believer, I cannot accept policies that do not uphold Biblical truth. It’s that simple. My life, and whatever I do as a Christian, should reflect Biblical values and the love of Christ, don’t you agree? If you do, that’s what causes the dissonance: To claim to know Christ yet support policies that spit on His word just doesn’t work for me. It causes confusion and concern and disappointment.

      I do not condemn you, though. Only God knows your heart and mine. I’m just very sad about the disconnect between what you profess and what you say you support. Your vote reflects who you are and what you stand for. My allegiance is to Christ, not a political party. And, because of that, I will always attempt to vote for those who reflect Biblical principles and values in the policies they support.

  17. “Our elections continually descend into an unworthy mess as the public learned Biden was unfit only from a debate after a non primary primary and now a whole new team has been installed and the lawfare campaign resumed.

    Like many I believe Trump should have acted faster when the riot broke out but the attempt to turn the election challenges into a criminal conspiracy at this point is Jack Smith and the Justice Department interfering in the election.

    No primaries. Few interviews. No policy papers. And now more lawfare. The world’s most important job affecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people should not be conducted this way.”

    Mark Penn

    He’s right. To hide your true beliefs from the American people is evil. To try to obscure them by switching your stated viewpoints in a public forum is nothing short of disgusting.

    But to reveal to the American public such a lack of discernment, wisdom, intelligence and truthfulness because, by so doing, you think you will retain or receive power, is nothing short of Satanic. Only the gullible will be deceived and only the confused will follow.

  18. Wonder what all these prolifers who insisted that they (and Christians) support Trump because they wanted to stop the murder of babies will say now:

    1) Trump will not enforce the Comstock Act to stop interstate sales of abortion pills (policy)
    2) Trump dwill veto any national abortion ban passed by Congress (policy)
    3) Trump insists (and always has) that abortion should be left up to the states.
    4) Opposed and decried the abortion restrictions in Florida and elsewhere.
    5) Trump’s policy wants the government and/or private insurance to pay for IVF (resulting in more IVF and discarded embryos)
    6) Not mention his social media post that he would great for women and their reproductive rights.

    To all those Christian pro-lifers that made abortion the one big hill they want to die in order to justify their support for Trump I ask this question:

    Now that Trump has no longer need of your services and support, did he at least give each of you two dollars for your trouble?

    1. Charles Mallet:

      Do you seriously believe Christians support President Trump solely because of his abortion stance? There are multiple reasons Christians support him, including but not limited to his appointment of Conservative justices to the Supreme Court, his support of our military, his tax cuts, his anti-GREEN positions, his stance toward China, his ability to keep our country out of wars for four years, his support for Israel, the Abraham Accords, his economic policies, his border wall, his hard stance against criminals and illegal aliens, etc. etc. etc.

      One more point: We have two main choices, Harris or Trump. Which one is considered the most pro-life candidate?

      1. Now Cynthia, this last statement of yours is what Mr Schott SHOULD say regarding voting, and let intelligent believers use their God-given brains to make their own decisions about candidates. His attempt at strong-arming his flock with his heretical threat is totally inappropriate and unscriptural. While democrat candidates are more likely to adhere to party edicts than are republicans, I can see a time in the near future where disenchanted democrats could go rogue and have better positions than their RINO opponents. If this were to become a choice facing voters in his flock the weaker ones should not be faced with the prospect of losing their salvation by voting for the better candidate. You are right, democrat policies are for the most part truly evil, it is terribly wrong of Mr Schott to tie any type of action to whether someone is a Christian. Jesus said that whoever believes in Him will not die but has eternal life. That’s all.

      2. Facts:
        Trump raised the deficit more than any president in history
        Trumps tax cuts only benefited wealthy people
        Trump allowed more than a million people to die due to his mishandling of the Covid pandemic
        Or maybe Trump allowed the creation of a vaccine that killed many people, you decide based on your own conspiracy theories
        Trump allowed the government to shut down churches during the pandemic, not protecting the right to congregate.
        Trump freed 5000 taliban terrorist
        The trump crime family gained billions from unfriendly governments selling americas secrets.
        Prove me wrong

        1. “Trump allowed the government to shut down churches during the pandemic, not protecting the right to congregate.”

          No, that responsibility falls on the leaders of the churches.

          1. No, clearly and indisputably Trump did not protect churches during that time. Ever hear of an executive order? He could’ve protected churches but he allowed them to shut down. Possibly because he’s never attended church (despite being a Christian). Or read the Bible.
            How a Christian can vote for someone who had the authority to keep churches open is beyond me.

      3. No. But for many Christians abortion was the ONE BIG hill to die on. Everything else was secondary in their eyes.

        Trump’s economic and trade policies are not that much different that Harris’s or Biden’s or Obama’s for that matter. Look at how much debt Trump added before COVID. They are hardly conservative.

        Reason is hardly a leftist, progressive publication.

        One snippet: Both candidates have a penchant for industrial policy—the idea that government should actively shape the details of the economy by supporting specific industries or companies. Trump’s efforts to prop up the steel industry and other handpicked companies are mirrored by Harris’ push for green energy subsidies and tax credits.

        Another one: In too many arenas today, we see the government attempting to play economic kingmaker, a role it has historically performed poorly. Yet BOTH Harris and Trump think that’s a good idea.

      4. I notice that you did not mention Ukraine, why is that? Perhaps because Trump is softer in his Ukraine support (and shrugged his shoulders in the Biden debate when Article 5 of the NATO charter came up). And you are OK with that.

  19. I’m a Christian Canadian. (Sadly, almost an oxymoron) And I feel for my American neighbours. You’ve got a tough job ahead. One candidate who is pro choice and another who appears to have serious basic moral challenges. I weigh in here as I’m I’m pro American. Guess why? If it weren’t for the American soldiers in WW2, we’d be clicking our heels and zigheiling. America didn’t win that war single handedly but the beleaguered Commonwealth Allies couldn’t have defeated Hitler and Japan without you. (Think The Battle of the Bulge, the biggest battle America has EVER fought, extant) So I say God Bless America!! (My dad and 5 uncles fought for Canada and one a POW who survived) I’ve walked the beaches of Omaha and Juno in Normandy with tears. Praying for you guys come election time. Tough choice. Best you can do is follow your conscience.

  20. No party is purely evil or the ultimate good. From a distance of about 6500 km, it appears to me that there are two Americas. This may even be true at the political level. Let us not forget that we have a Lord in heaven, and the ballot does not determine eternity nor does it say anything about faith. A president is being elected, not a pastor. I will pray for both parties and for the groups affected by the impact of the campaigns. Kamala Harris would be an excellent president if she listens to the right advisors. The same applies to Donald Trump.

  21. McKissic’s position is correct. Both parties have serious moral issues. To vote for a country’s leadership in the free world is becoming more and more difficult for voters. One commenter has stated one can only vote the best one can according to their conscience. And that is becoming very difficult. It’s also challenging to vote on one moral issue only. All policy and candidate moral issues need to be weighed.

  22. There’s a lot of hot potatoes here folks. Big moral issues are a concern. Eg taking parental rights away from parents. Affirming young children’s gender confusion. Reproductive rights. But there are cases of where transgender concerns are physiologically evident. Look up Klinefelters Syndrome. Remember your high school biology? These persons are XXY, XXXY and rarely XXXY. Look up Caroline Fossey who is (XXXY) A model (until some mean, cruel person outed her) as well as a minor role in a Bond film back when. Drop dead gorgeous. What struggles. However, as Christians we need to show more compassion for people struggling with this. No persin going through this wants it. There’s a lot bigger issues in the world than worrying about transgender toilets. At least one church in my city does it this way; MALE, FEMALE, HANICAPPED and ONE WITH ALL SYMBOLS that ANYONE can use. Problem solved. Not a squeak of protest. Simple, logical.

  23. My goodness, pastors making political statements from the pulpit, be they Democratic or Republican: what a waste. They should be focusing on the pastoral needs of their congregants, no matter what their political affiliation (or lack thereof). Imagine being a person in need who happens to disagree with these pastors and listening to their political rhetoric: the feeling of being alone, disrespected, unseen, unloved, and uncared for would be profound, and perhaps lead to that needy person becoming disillusioned and leaving Christianity altogether. This is not Jesus, whom pastors are called to emulate. Tragic.

  24. You know what’s sad? That a pastor who has a “mega church” believes his own rhetoric, his own self-righteousness and the hate that he spews from his pulpit. Good thing the Kingdom of Heaven isn’t made up of people like him.

    1. Thank you for commenting on the real issue here. It seems that most comments here argue Schott is right or wrong because he’s anti-democrat. The real issue is that he is heretically wrong for redefining the word “Christian”. Few seem concerned at all about the implications of that, as if politics is more important than basic biblical truth.

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